This was a very polished experience for a jam game. My nitpick is I wish there was anticipation of the attacks. I had to play really held back due to the attacks just starting out of nowhere. The exchange mechanic was also not very viable during combat but I can see how it can be if there were more weapons. I love the boss variety and their attack patterns. This was one of the best I played so far.
Anil Demir
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Pixel art wasn't the best, sure, but I LOVE the attention to detail and length of this! The character turns to the opponent before the match, the transition screen <3, and dialogue is queued even if you rush... I can imagine a card game with the same spirit and more polished visuals.
A little bit rough around the edges regarding the hit boxes and pixel art animations but it was really fun nevertheless. I really liked the design of the boss patterns and the clone mechanic.
This was definitely an interesting one. I wish there wasn't any AI art, because it was nice to explore the mechanics of the battle and learn on the go. Very good take on the theme as well.
I think this is a very funny idea! xD
I wish you would make it into a full game where you fight all kinds of food in pans/pots etc. Obviously, it's not so polished and mostly doesn't work very well but that's alright, great attempt <3
I love the idea of a movement mechanism. The art looks very nice too, a little bit of pixel density discrepancy but that's fine. I just wish the feedback of hitting things was a bit better, I could enjoy it more. But a great entry nevertheless <3
Wow, this looked really polished and interesting. However, I was stuck off-screen in the second fight so I couldn't see it further. But yeah I love how it looks and plays. A little better hitboxes and hit feedback and it could be made into an actual commercial beat 'em-up game!
It's definitely an interesting take, I really like the originality. It also looks very colorful and nice, almost funny and cheerful on purpose! I think the only downside was the responsiveness of combat. I wish I didn't die so quickly without knowing what was going on xD
Played until 5-2. I must say the base is great, it just needs more content. I enjoyed it quite a bit. Probably you're aware that the grappling hook is not very useful at the moment but I can imagine it seeing good use with different types of bosses added. Clean entry!
It was a little bit difficult to understand for me what was going on. Especially after I killed (?) the first enemy. Something happened there. Then I couldn't move at all and died. The game seemed interesting but I wish there was a Windows build.
The graphics are too simplistic for my taste but the game is very simple and fun. Much more fun than some more polished games in this jam. Music is a banger too. I wished it was longer :)
Very good take on the theme. I had a lot of fun. The controls are a little bit janky but not too much. The tutorial could be shorter. Also, the difficulty ramped up quite a bit in the third boss haha. But yeah I enjoyed it and that's what matters.
Obviously, the visuals were great. The audio was also good. The battle system was quite interesting but I think I would have enjoyed the game more if there was more of it and less of waiting. The battles were very difficult for me but maybe I was doing something wrong. It just seemed like boss attacks were too many at once.
Great entry overall!
I feel like this is one of your first jams/games. The gameplay is not that good with a very monotone rhythm but great try honestly. Art and music can be all improved in time with practice. I wish you all the best in your gamedev adventure!
Can't run, on the web or Windows.
I enjoyed what was there. The best was the boss's attack and spawning of the small guys. I just wish it was a bit more responsive in combat, started to get repetitive very fast with hit-run away-hit-run away, but nice attempt. It can definitely get there in time.
Thank you for playing and the kind words <3
I checked and the build works fine on my side. I have no idea, unfortunately. Could it be a firewall? Maybe try running as administrator?
What is happening?
Thank you for playing! <3
Yes we are aware of this but it is too late now. Only if we didn't lose as much time as we did with LootLocker api. Thanks for playing! <3
We were two people, an artist and a programmer :) Thank you for your nice words <3
This is a discontinued and an incomplete prototype but thank you for letting me know anyway. The build file might simply be outdated.
It's not too much of a game, but thank you! :)
Oh wow this looks great leaf! Congrats! I will play when I got the time and write what I think :)
Thank you very much for the effort you took writing this detailed feedback. Honestly, I'm not working on the game anymore, I have started the mobile version but shelved it due to other work coming up. Hopefully it will be unshelved one day to see the light of day.
This version here was a result of a week long jam, when I was quite a rookie in game dev. I'm still not as advanced as I want to be but if I would do the same game again, it would definitely be better. You are right about most of the things you wrote. I'm always surprised how many downloads it still gets (before the bundle as well) even though it's a quite repetitive and well, boring game. I think there is something about the game that requires attention. In the mobile version my plan was to expand more on the idea of events with much more variety and turn combat into a tad bit more elaborate version of the current one (a combination of war and a regular ccg). You can kind of see the direction in my devlog post I've written long ago.
If I get back to it, it will be for people who still play the game and especially for people like you. Once again, thank you. Your feedback will go into my knowledge database for my future games <3
P.S. Don't worry about not being able to complete the game, end boss is unnecessarily difficult and completely RNG, if not impossible. If you give me contact info (twitter, email etc.) I can send you a gif of the introduction sequence of the end boss.
My top score is Floor 38 and score 201. Please reply if you have beaten that :)
In this jam version of the game (and I doubt if there will be another version ever) there is no end to the game, it's just about getting the highest score :) Please share your score with us!
Have you tried pressing "K" ?
Button A (gameboy) is mapped to K, button B is mapped to L.
Thank you for trying it out. When we developed this little game we had really limited time and didn't have time to balance stuff or think thoroughly. I hope you enjoyed it anyway. By the way no, at this state of the game there is no sense in collecting more than one sword :)
Hey, thanks for your interest.
I can actually build for Linux, let me do this in next few days.
However you should be aware that it's just a prototype at the moment.
Hey, thanks for posting it here! I've seen the video last year when you published it.
Glad you enjoyed the demo. Hope one day I get back and finish it :)
Thank you!
Thanks for trying out! You didn't even mention that it's a prototype, so nice of you :)
Hopefully I will build Plant-a-mole up to be a full-game in future.
First solution came to my mind was to make 4 virtual buttons but shuffle them once in a while. Not sure if it would be too easy but yeah, wanted to share anyway :)
My best is 82!
You should turn this into a mobile game somehow, people would like it :)
Thanks for the interest!
I've been working seriously for a week on it and already have some features in place.
Will definitely share some screens/gifs soon!
Wow that's amazing! I think I haven't reached that high level myself :) Thanks for playing!
Could be better if you'd scale up the game without changing its resolution. Main character felt a little heavy. My favourite was dash and pickup mechanics but I couldn't find much of a motive in the game. Only in the end escaping was a motive but it wasn't challenging. Graphics look overall very nice. Good job :)