I love how unhinged they all are, it is fascinating
I love it and I am looking forward to a full game!
American Robin
Recent community posts
Love the game, but I wonder if there is a way to follow the script that Goetha gives us? I tried everything but I think I am missing something. :(
Вы бы видели мое лицо когда я поняла что в игре есть озвучка :D
Мне очень понравилось! Я как понимаю, от нашего взаимодействия выстраивается характер гг? Типа если мы выбираем "..." то он будет избегать разговоров по дефолту. Приятная деталь!
У чувака который озвучивает Незнакомца голос похож на Ди из Метал Фемили чем то.
Жду обновления, очень классная игра!
find character's playlist here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLN7BSqkuyL4GaUhdQp9yVuRhYjcdNIPts&si=cPu6...
Copy the code, decode from hex to text
I hope creator will not be offended that i explained it
I found the secret ending and gosh it is fantastic!!!!!!! Hint to all players - remove ; and leave only letters. i got some issues with it so i hope it helps
Deniel is son of b that I want to see more and he is so delulu
I love your game and I hope that you will have an inspiration to create something in the future! Whatever I expected from this game - you did better!!!! i am sorry if it does not make sense, english is my second language and i am so happy to play this game that i barely can write coherently
You are amazing!!!!!
А в этой игре есть секретная концовка как в англ версии была? Я прошла все концовки но так и не увидела вариант "начать новую жизнь"
Yes! Now I imagine Spencer having Nathan's voice, shit :D
pls do not hate me, but Spencer looks like an illegitimate son of Skwisgaar Skwigelf and Nathan Explosion, who was raised by Murderface. I am sorry, I had to say that, i can't get it out of my head haha Love this babyboy thou :3 Gavin is super babyboy, i will protect him at all cost <3
I only get 2/3 ending, can we have any guide pls? I really love the game
Still wish for any guide because game is amazing and I want to see ALL endings
Thank you! I need to unlock 'he can't take it' 'solve a murder' 'see all sides' 'fall in love' and 'appreciate life'
I swear, if someone found my notes on this game - they would think I got crazy. I guess they got a point....
Hello can you please help? it is 7 endings + 1 secret route? or 7th ending is already a secret route?
LOVE this game it is brilliant! And I like this guy for some reason, I just like tricky pathetic men ahhahaha
PLS any guide would be appreciated! :( I tried everything I guess now
Any hint would work perfectly! Thank you! <3
It is absolutely amazing! I am crazy about weirdcore/dreamcore, and i am so happy that there is A WHOLE GAME with such style! More dreamcore to a god of dreamcore O3O
As for the game itself, i found it very cute, really. It is sweet and inspiring, but not in a moralizing way. I believe we all have our End of the world, sometimes it happens more often, sometimes less. And we all want to hide from it in a room behind a white door.
But we can't hide forever. And sometimes it is worth facing this End and realizing it is not that scary! And more importantly - with friends and strawberry cupcakes - no apocalypse can be frightening hahaha
As a person who heavily struggles with mental health - such games really affect me.
Good luck in future projects, dear creator <3
Nuh, i am up to ANYTHING, whether is it a yandere game or not. So i am looking forward to a full game or extended demo in any case :)
I liked your project so i will follow updates regardless if Oz is yandere or no
OMG i am sorry if i make mistakes. i am not native + overly excited by this game. I have been playing it all day and still miss some endings - but i am gonna fix it soon.
I have to admit that i was not interested at first in game because superheroes are just not my thing. BUT your game just impressed me and i am so much in love now. This game has strong vibes of The Boys and Rey shares something in common with Homelander. and i love characters with questionable moral- codes. i hope, there is nothing wrong with such a comparison...
This game is really worth playing and Autor is a very talented person
I wish you an even higher level of inspiration and support for your future projects (and you specifically) than you had for this one.