This game is looking great! Here's my feedback for the 2024-11-06 build:
- This is slightly similar to the game that I'm in the process of making!
- I like the art style. Kind of reminds me of Nobody Saves the World
- I love that the dash, throw, and magic all create plants, and that enemies become plants when they die!
- Destructible objects are great :D
- I like that the dash has a quick cooldown and that it goes through trees and things
- The ranged attack slowing enemies and destroying corpses before they revive are nice touches
- I like that there's a UI element for the ranged attack cooldown, but I wish it was on my character and not in the upper left. eg, a circle under my feet or something
- I really like the screen where you have to dash quickly over spike traps and pits, and the escalation where an enemy shoots ranged attacks across a gap
- I like that traps can hurt enemies too
- There were a few times where I got a giant yellow circle around me, but I wasn't sure what that was about.
- Depending on the end design of the game, fully restarting on death (As opposed to a checkpoint/same screen) might be a bit much, but if it's intended to be the short experience it is now, that's totally fine
- Bug: The player can queue up an attack while the pause menu is up