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A member registered Mar 12, 2023

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I have complete the game, and the unique zone that is a lever in a black void is on the 2nd floor. Are the image is in the 2nd floor? The test area don't have a killbox in the bottom, so you can go down hours, i dont remember if there's a floor in there.

me too

How sad that the game died in such a short time, we have to revive it, how high can you go with the high jump glitch?
This version cannot be downloaded, sorry.
thank you so much!
In one of the HiperThermal videos he has the theory that the initials of the models that appear in the tube is the code for the third floor, then he discards it, but maybe it has something to do with it.
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three questions: what type of writings have the tombs in the forest well and under it (the colored ones). Above the lever on the second floor is a chess board with the king moving on specific squares, does it have to do with the teddy bears room? (if the boxes mark another code in the same room). What's on the third floor? (which is entered by the staircase in the mirror room on the second floor) I only need exactly 3 codes to finish the initial board (and with that the credits), if anyone knows, could tell me please

the night hub happens when you are playing between 9:12 p.m. and 9:14 p.m. (at first I didn't believe that but apparently it's true)
That doesn't happen to me, but when I load it on an old computer it does get slow (very slow) but it's not a game problem, it's a device problem.
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is a random effect that happens every time you open the game or, rarely, when you enter or exit an area. It can be controlled and modified in the large computer room by pressing its keys (there is a table that YoshiBush created)

If you are in an area other than the hub, exit world will appear, it is used to exit quickly and takes you to the previous area (the return to title screen is used for a secret)

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I found this code in Base64 when I accidentally downloaded the game image: 0Nnq5m. I tried to decode it but I didn't get anything
Or simply what is that room for?

Does anyone know what's on the computers upstairs in the mirror room? It looks like a red triangle when you pause, but it's not clear.


Could anyone get past the water part of the shovel?

mas o menos, te revisa los archivos pero no es malisioso, es un juego tipo de encuentra el tesoro, y las pistas te los deja hasta en los archivos