I really like the title screen, the way the game logo blew away like sand, well let's just say it *blew me away*. I love the setting/lore of the game, very original idea. The idea of programming the robots for when they are in the caves is in intriguing. I imagine that an awesome amount of work went into the UI, there were so many different screens and menus, it must have been a nightmare to code. I found the game absolutely impenetrable, fortunately I had someone in chat to hold my hand through the tutorial and the first couple of caves. The amount of information to take in as a new player is completely overwhelming. The early levels really weren't all that difficult, but it was a real challenge to create programs because of the awkwardness of the UI. I really hope this doesn't come across as negative because the overall presentation is really good. I loved all the graphical details like the paper items blowing in the wind and the little tyre trails that the rovers left. It looks from your Itch page like this is your first Pico-8 game. Absolute awesome achievement for a first project! Kudos! Big respect for pulling this off, it just a went a little bit over my head! :)