true, this mechanic is essential in a stealth games, but the last enemy move with kill other enemys in the second part in a DM2
Yes, the game is perfect "Dismember Mind 2" but have a 2 adversaries stood up (upper floor and ground floor) in front of exit door and faced to windows in last barrack room (bedroom) is our trouble. I will record this chapter. I don't know what to do, no distraction-attraction objects to use to "call them" a little few far of these spots. For example, Manhunt 2, Metal Gear Solid: knocking against wall or where ever you (player) are to attract them for you sneak around while them will check out the sound. Thief and Dark Mod could be used as well, take some glowing objects like forks, plates, cups and throw away from you where you want they go at hear that objects fallen, barrow to you the possibility to sneak quickly before they turn for their previous spot (Idle guards). And the guard at least could be so fast as player character, if else we can't evade. They pound us is "hit-kill", no chances to do anything, hide or sneak even run away far from them we can. But is okay, I will record, I felt flaws in it, well I will wait to becomes night without noise and I will record to show how I playing this one. But I liked and Dismember Mind 3, I appreciate but I had a issue in push-button at 25 jail into the prison. The button aside the cell door sometimes stuck and we can reach the number just those two opposite side push-buttons keep working. Well, I love chat here. I am eager to silence time here to do it. I did study both, cool I loved the purpose just some fixes and It will be kisses in our heart. See, if you want, Manhunt and Thief in my channel, have some stealth, there you see what I mean. Thanks for the beautiful game, the story is amazing, pretty cool and sad (a drama). I read that on new at My Eyes Inside Out 2, pretty cool this mix of context. It remind to me Silent Hill 2 and 3, there used to put on game something newspapers would be sense in another franchise game. Nice idea, super approved and recommended !!! <3
Exemple: <
> And we have others to inspire, in "Jogos Incompletos" that will keep going the second replayed (Manhunt2), but I had finished in channel 2 (PS2 - PCSX2) feel free to query there, buddy. <3But is 'F' key? Like Dismember Mind 1? There no show how I can do this, I just thought at sneak, open doors to stay far from them a few times and when they sought I really die. hahahaha
Of course, they are simple mechanics, almost arcades related to stealth, I know manhunts and thiefs very well, I am a big fan of all kinds of stealth in games, even hitman, which is quite a different kind of stealth, my games are more like experiments in The ones that I am telling a story, little by little I implement more complicated mechanics, I am quite an amateur, still do not take it very much into account, in a new necrocage that I am creating I had thought of putting the mechanics of the gem that appears on the screen that warns when You are hidden and when you don't, it comes out in thief and the mechanics of alerting the enemy to another area, thanks for the interest, I will always tell you hahah
Cool. Nice. Okay, just approach sneaking around and f key. Thanks, buddy.Oh, yes this one, Necrocage my "eyes grow up at this one" telling in brazilian portuguese expression. hahahaha Man, this is sci-fi, yeah? Cool, I will try interpretating through the winehq. :D <3 Seems a cyberpunk style, lovely.
yes mister, necrocage is full scifi,i think the main character Vall, is the better from my games, I don't recommend it if you don't like it's scifi or cyverpunk style *___-