Great critique! 1 these were simply the controls I preferred while programming, but your distaste is understandable and I'll endeavor to improve on the code so that players can specify their own inputs. 2 I totally get where you're coming from the artist on my team is fantastic, but sadly I chose to use the Unity tile editor for this project for the first time and am definitely not good with it. XD 3 I didn't have quite enough time to refine the UX at the end there since I had to start the project a bit later than expected due to other time commitments. I'm sure you can understand the complexity of trying to develop a fully realized, albeit miniature, Metroidvania game in only a couple of days. By that same token while we had a plotline intended for the game we didn't have enough time to actually implement it in the game. These are things that my partner on the project and I are currently discussing and are considering improving on in the future so that this game pays proper tribute to its inspirations and better shows off the full range of our talents. Thank you.