That I know Maxiess is the B101 creator. Hroft32 is the artist he hired to create the art. That I know no one know what happen to Maxiess si ce two year ago?
I think he is Russian but I have no idea. Once on tv I watched that in some places there family kill gay people in their family or somewhere around there.
I am just imaginating the worse. True I have no idea what happened to him.
Once on tv I watched a report about a movie that for decades in development to be finished. The person run out of money losi g everything bankrupted and had to work. Only decades later be able to finish that. But I forgot who and the movies name.
Can saw Morenatsu is in that way. Abandoned, redone and reabandoned again. So after years someone help it and it get new art. I am just waiting to it be abandoned again. Maybe.