I think the thing is that echo and the idea about it is far more interesting than sex - I personally would prefer more of the intense story without all of the salad dressing.
There's tones of sex filled furry VN, but the echo lore is far more interesting. (Just hope they don't remove all of it cause its quite fun)
So Sam isn't a sex worker anymore? How is that going to work in his connections to each of the main characters?
It won't work, luckily George will release the true VN.
I'm luckily not a gooner /coomer and I'm able to enjoy SFW VNs for the plot alone, and TSR's plot is very compelling and basically my favorite, it's just that removing the NSFW, ngl, feels like homophobic censorship.
I really hope that they at least keep the existing and continue developing the romantic elements which, IMHO, feel crucial to the development of the characters, especially William and Murdoch's. Also, Sam and Nik's relationship is beautiful and wholesome and it would suck if they tone it down.
Maybe I'm just a softie who likes watching the MCs being happy before everything goes to shit and most people only enjoy the horror and physchological distress.
excuse me - but saying it would be "homophobic censorship" is a bit of a fucking stretch. Removing sex from a game doesn't make it homophobic and saying that it does watersdown the meaning quite a bit and is honestly just offensive.
Sex isn't the be all and end all of intimate relationships - but guess we'll never know now the games cancelled
That is a very valid point.
I enjoy the sex scenes as much as the next - and I see it's vitality of the story but also wouldn't mind if they where toned back or not.
I'm mainly miffed at the previous commenters insinuation that it's somehow "homophobic" to tone down the sexual aspect
i feel like people call it "goon material" because there's an excessive amount of NSFW and NSFW reference in the early parts of the plot with very little horror until quite late. Honestly barely managed to read through Murdoch's route because for the early parts sam mentions blowing Jim at least 5 times to the point of excess. If the NSFW happened later into routes it would probably be more understood
Quick sidenote, after manually censoring the entire VN upon a friends request (he's only into the horror part) i found out there is about 180 NSFW images with full nudity (including variants)