Hate to butt-in.
Like we all know: Everyone has their unique perspective and opinions. Our whole life experience gives us a way of looking at the world that is different to all the others. We cannot be arrogant and assume our perspective is truth.
What is true is what is consistent across multiple perspectives.
Hazime makes some valid points. You need to entertain some thoughts which may go against your values/beliefs, but his beliefs are quite common and rooted in evolution and utilitarian morality. Terribly bleak, but nonetheless consistent enough that it has truth to it.
My unique experience, besides learning about evolution and utilitarianism, is also psychoanalysis. This is not the first time the writer has a negative association with "parents". Chase, in the beginning of Echo, has a bad relationship with his parents. So does Leo. So does Jenna. So does Carl. My gut is telling me they associate parents, even the cosmic ones, as something negative. They may have had a bad childhood growing up in order to form such an association. But I caught onto it.
That's why I think Hazime is onto something and shouldn't be dismissed so easily. It is understandable that you have your version of reality, but others have theirs too. No ones is 100% correct. You have to give them just a little credit and also be willing to try on new perspectives to see their points. Its uncomfortable putting down your version of reality, even if it is just for a moment, but I promise you it wont harm you in the least. If anything, it broadens your horizons and you may learn something new.