Love the style and atmosphere, the graphics are superb. The compass for navigation is a nice touch as well. I think I might be stuck in a 'spying' section though. Can't figure out what I'm supposed to do.
Thank you! :-)
If you're in the area I think you are, that means you can explore the house and cabin freely. Try looking through the cabin and then the house.
If you can't access the house, try spying on them again.
i'm spying for the second time (or maybe third? can't remember now) but fell and tetrine aren't saying anything. i can explore the house, but i can't leave. i think just previously to this, i was waiting for tetrine so we could leave.
Which version of the game do you have? The latest is 1.2a which should solve the bug. 1.1 was definitely broken here, 1.2 may have shown you a repeat version. If you have 1.2a, try this sequence:
Go to the cabin, look at the boat, then the junk, then go to the house and look at Tetrine's luggage, then go back and look at the boat.
i've got 1.2a. i'll try that out and let you know how i go. cheers!
uh yeah, think i must have found another way to access the bug :(
i'm already in the house and i can't leave to check the cabin again. if i try to leave, rosemary says 'i can explore later, i'm pretty tired'. and checking the luggage just says 'that's tetrine's luggage', and that's it.
i will say i don't remember seeing 'junk' in the cabin. maybe that's triggering it?
i have a save file from a fair bit earlier, i'll try going back to that tomorrow. definitely want to see what happens in the story.
Aw, well. I'll see if I can find that. Wish I knew what triggered it. Thanks for the bug report!
Edit: Make sure if you get to the part where you're waiting for Tetrine, go to the train station and look at the boat several times.
yeah that is so frustrating. how fun is coding? :D
Lots of fun until you spend two days fixing a bug, think it's fixed, only for there to be a loophole. xD
Game is updated, btw. But when I tested it, the 'spy on them' choice was in auto-saves so it might be there and you can just undo that choice if you want. Sorry for the frustration.
no need to apologise at all. making a game this level of complexity in a month is AMAZING :O i'm just sorry to be the bearer of bad news :(
i won't be able to check it out until tonight, but will report back with how i go.
probably entirely redundant now, but i persisted with the old version. during the section where trying to go to the station says 'waiting for tetrine', you can go and spy again which leads to the softlock. but if you look at the boat first it's fine. just thought i report back on that in case it helps. but since you've updated, probably not :D
anyways, i finished! didn't realise how close to the end i was :D great stuff, i really liked it. love the way you composed scenes visually. gave me some inspiration for how i can approach some game design in the future. good luck with the jam!