By slower and more stable, I'm assuming you mean the aircraft handling? The next update makes further changes to the handling so it might be a good idea to wait for that version to come out, and then let me know how you find it. The landing is probably the same as the airfields will be 5 times the size, and it'll be quite a bit different compared to the current build. That said, for the build you'll be playing now you almost need to glide down the last 50 meters (~50 yards), and try to touch down near the beginning of the airstrip so that you have enough time to stop. The other thing is to make sure you flair just before touch down, i.e. level the nose so there's very little vertical drop, otherwise the undercarriage will collapse on you. One of the complaints about the current airfields is that they're just too short, and they're like trying to land on an aircraft carrier, but without the arrester hook. It should be much easier in the new build.