Nice job! I enjoyed the frantic gameplay while trying to "join together" with another ship to gain some weaponry. I also liked how you had multiple types of ships as it introduced variety into the game. Overall this was a solid entry and I had fun playing it! :)
thank you very much for your feedback, I appreciate it.
cool concept, difficult and fun, good job!
Cool concept that felt very well implemented into the gameplay, leading to some pretty difficult but still very fun times! However, I did get a bug twice were every enemy had died but I still didn't proceed to the next level. But overall, great work! :D
thank you very much for your feedback. I appreciate it.
I love this take on joining the controls of the player with the enemy. I think this strikes a natural balance between being easy enough to focus on what's going on and being a good challenge to survive in the chaos. Cute graphics, good visual feedback on just about everything, and the controls feel intuitive + responsive. Great job my friend!
thank you very much for your feedback. I appreciate it. And I'm really glad that you liked it.
Hi EZaki Games!
Great fun! A nice little arcade game with an excellent twist. A little more polish and this could be a really engaging experience!
I got softlocked in the second level because the only enemy remaining was the one that I had control of. Maybe you could change the win condition to enemies <= 1 instead of == 0?
Otherwise lots of fun and a cool take on the theme!
Brandon from TheIndieDream
Thank you very much for your feedback, I really appreciate it. Now I'm working on postjam version, I hope you will try and like it too.
Unique concept I would like to see expanded on in the future. A cool take on the theme well done!
I like the idea, but I had really low FPS, could not get further than the second level because of it.
I noticed this with other unreal games too.
I played and rated everyone's game who (I know that) played mine, but I don't want to judge your game based on this laggy experience, so I skip this one. :)
ok, no problem at all.
I think I got the enemy counter bug at the end of the second level. Still some cool concepts here. It feels clever to have you take damage when the controlled ship dies because you can't just kamikaze everything. But that probably needs a little more cleaning up or tuning. Especially at the start of a level, there's so much going on that I couldn't find a safe ship to grab and ended up dying immediately after taking something.
Also, this game could definitely use WASD/arrow controls. The move-to-mouse works in some games, but when you have to use the same controls to aim and take control of enemies, too, it can be a little unintuitive.
Overall, great job on this. Well done in 48 hours!
Thank you for your feedback, I appreciate that, and I will consider this all for the next version.
The ideas of the game are great. I think the most difficult part of the game is that I should find a way to make the last two enemies eliminate each other at the same time, or otherwise, I would have no way to eliminate the last one enemy (at least I didn't know how to do that...). Anyway, nice job for a 48h work! Had a lot of fun!
thank you for your feedback!
Thanks for letting me to play your game!
What I like:
- I like the concept. Honestly it can be a good candidate to be like one of those .io games. (kinda reminds me of, but here you can control other units)
What I didn't like:
- Art didn't feel cohesive to me. For example the ground has "organic" texture but the units have minimalistic/flat textures.
Overall, good and fun. Keep on improving it!
Thank you for your feedback. I will consider your point about art for the next version. I appreciate it.
- "Your spaceship has no weapons"
- Okay. Then I guess I'll join myself to weapons along the way, right? B)
- "... but you have a system which can control enemy spaceships"
- Wait. WHAT? O_o
That was a really original take on the topic indeed X), and it was really well executed! The controls feel really intuitive. Really easy to pick up! The ships are simple but look great!
When you're on the battlefield and you're surrounded by bullets coming from all directions, MAN it feels GOOD when you win after having overcome hell! X)
That was clean. Good work mate! ;)
thank you very much for your feedback. I'm really happy that liked my game.
This is a great implementation of this type of concept! You pick it up really quickly! You really need sound effects to be able to better tell when you're getting shot. But even without sound effects and music, it was still one of the most fun games I've played from this game jam!
I couldn't seem to be able to mindcontrol the black ship - I think being able to control any ship is important. Also WASD movement and mouse aim would be great.
With a couple of improvement, I could really see myself playing for like half an hour at a time. Really well done!
Thanks for your kind words and feedback. I'm working on improvements right now, including sound/music, and I'm planning to upload the new version after jam, so I hope you will play my postjam version :) By the way, you can't control black ships, it's written on the level beginning hint ;)
Interesting concept! I have seen many games which have combine-with-your-enemies mechanic but this one is the best execution of that mechanic!
I wouls suggest adding sound/music, and making it a little easier to grab enemies.
There seems to be a bug where if the only enemy remaining is connected to the player, the game enters a soft lock mode, the enemy can't hurt and neither can you, so even though you should have won, you are stuck on that level until you close the game and play from the beginning again
Overall an amazing entry to the jam! Great job!
thank you for your feedback, yes "the last ship" is a bug. I'm working on sound/music and on other improvements too, here is my devlog about the next version:
This was an interesting take on the control 2 people mechanic. Havign the aim of the second ship be based on the cursor position relative to the main ship was an interesting choice. Unfortunately there seems to be a bug that prevents moving past the second level.
thank you for your feedback, I appreciate it.
This is a fascinating version of the usual "control 2 characters at once" mechanic. That second level is much harder! I thought I came up with the winning strat of just focusing on dodging and letting the others kill each other, but then I noticed they don't hurt each other. So then I thought I came up with another winning strategy of just controlling a badguy to get them killed one at a time while focusing on just dodging bullets, but forgot that you also take damage when they are hit! Well done thinking ahead and forcing the player to play the way you intended! I finally did beat the level twice but both times the victory screen never shows up. Was there supposed to be another level (is this a bug) or was that the game. Cool idea though! I could see more and more interesting mechanics introduced over time.
unfortunately that was a bug. but I fixed it and now working on the next version, which I will upload after GameJam. Thank you very much for your feedback, I appreciate it.
Really liked the concept. And the fact that you lose life if the other ship get destroyed is a very good idea to force the player to use it as a weapon & not just as a free target.
The controls are a bit quircky. it might be a good idea to transfer the movement on a wasd to keep the mouse free to select ships easily (but that's just my opinion, you might want to bring the gameplay in a whole other direction :) )
Hope to see a more advanced version of this after the jam. I'd love to give it another go :)
Thank you very much for your feedback. I'm glad that you like it. I thought about WASD, but I decided mouse because of smooth turns and a little bit for hardcoreness :D I'm working on postjam version, I hope you will try it after ;)
This was an interesting concept! It's a shame about the bug, I really wish I could've played more, I liked the first two levels and found them both to be compelling challenges. Definitely a game I want to return to post-jam to see any potential improvements! Good job.
Thank you for your feedback, I'm sure you will like the next version of this :)
Really cool Idea. There are a lot of different ways implement controls for this concept and I wonder which is most fun. The way it is now that yellow ship points the same direction as the white ship where originally I thought both would point at the mouse.
I think that method would be easier but definitely not necessarily better. Looking forward to trying the updated version.
Thank you very much for your feedback, I will consider it for my next version.
This was a lot of fun, but after I killed all of the other ships I ran into the same issue it looks like others had about not being able to get rid of the last ship xD I would love to play it again once the bug is fixed! As many of us here know its hard to find every bug in just 48 hours, good work!
Thank you for your feedback. I'm glad that you liked this. That "last ship" bug is making me really angry :D nobody played my boss fight level :D I'm sure you will like my postjam version, I'm making a lot of changes on this.
xD totally understandable! I can't wait to see the next version, Im interested to see how a boss level would be!
Thanks. I hope you will continue your game too, because I really liked it. you need to levels, maybe some new mechanic, for example new kind of mushrooms. And maybe some fighting mechanic, because your character has a sword :D
Oh defiantly! I know the whole team fell in love with this game so we hope to re-work the levels and turn it into a real game in the future!
Great. I will wait for it!
I love this! An absolute blast and a super unique idea for the jam. This is one hell of a Bullet Hell. If I had to give a piece of criticism I would say maybe have the enemy ships you control share your rotation? Had a bit of trouble rotating them, but nothing too serious.
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