So it took a bit of work to get going, but I had a pretty enjoyable experience! I played an appropriately snarky criminal doing all sorts of criminalizing (I wish I could have lost all my money to poker early on, but can't have everything right from the get go!), and it was nice to see the other side of the law compared to Police Quest 1. Fun times!
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So it took a bit of work to get going, but I had a pretty enjoyable experience! I played an appropriately snarky criminal doing all sorts of criminalizing (I wish I could have lost all my money to poker early on, but can't have everything right from the get go!), and it was nice to see the other side of the law compared to Police Quest 1. Fun times!
Thanks, I appreciate the comment. Unfortunately it's not super easy to get started but I discovered too late that the Scala Player isn't freely redistributable. However, yesterday I found out that someone (not me) have uploaded copies of this game to TURRAN Search where the player is included (search for "scala angel"). My other scala games are there too. :) And also look at AmigaLives comment below. :)
Anyone having trouble running this game, can try it easily through the AmigaLive desktop app (front end for FS-UAE emulator), download run and you can find the game bundled with all AmiGame Jam entries under the configuration "AmiGameJam 2024"
Couldn't play it, sorry. Wanted to but no scala player and I ran out of time on the stream to sort iut. maybe next time! looks different.