Papers by Jann Hidajat Tjakraatmadja
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Community engagement is crucial to overcome environmental issues, incl... more BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Community engagement is crucial to overcome environmental issues, including waste management. Several education-based initiatives have been employed to improve community engagement in waste management programs, but the effects were not satisfied in changing resident behavior for sustainable engagement. Some studies suggested social learning as the solution to improve community engagement through practice-based and dialogue-based learning activities. Nevertheless, it needed more empirical evidence to show the effect. This study aimed to measure the effect of social learning on improving individual waste management behavior and how social learning influence it.METHODS: Using SmartPLS 3.2.9, this study measured the causal relationship of social learning activities to individual affective and behavioral factors. This study involved 504 residents exposed to social learning activities in Kawasan Bebas Sampah/ Zero Waste Area program in Bandung City, Indonesia as...
Business and Management Research, 2015
This study purpose is to determine the direct effect of strategic HR practices and knowledge mana... more This study purpose is to determine the direct effect of strategic HR practices and knowledge management on organization performance, and to examine whether the strategic planning is a mediating variable. This study is conducted at Mandiri Islamic Bank in Malang, East Java. This is explanatory research type, with questionnaire as a tool for data collection. Analysis unit is employee of Independent Islamic banks in Malang. Data is analyzed by path analysis using SPSS. Analysis results showed that knowledge management affect on strategic planning, while strategic HR practices has no effect. Strategic HR practices directly affect on organization performance. Strategic planning mediates the affect of knowledge management on organizational performance. Knowledge management has indirect effect on organizational performance. It is necessary for good planning strategy. Using innovation, opinions sharing, employee's involvement in decision making process will create better strategic planning, which in turn will affect on organizational performance. Strategic HR practices affect on organization performance because HR become vital resource for companies. Without HR role, automatically organizational performance can not be maximized. Islamic banking leader need to socialize to employees how to apply knowledge management rightly. High SOP allows a leader to motivate and affect subordinates by exchanging rewards with specific performance.
Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan (e-journal), Sep 30, 2022
Bank Bakti Karya Purna was a pseudonym for a real bank in Indonesia. As the bank continued to exp... more Bank Bakti Karya Purna was a pseudonym for a real bank in Indonesia. As the bank continued to expand, the operational function needs to enhance its capability to keep up. Accordingly, the Operations Quality Assurance division (Ops QA) was expected to innovate to redefine its role, whereby, in addition to its traditional role as Inspector, the organization has to assume two other roles of Guardian and Preventive Control Agent. This research was intended to assist Ops QA to meet management expectations. To overcome the knowledge and capability gaps discovered, this research proposed a knowledge management solution that provides actionable items within three knowledge management components of people, process, and technology to enable the innovation to achieve the Ops QA objectives.
International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, 2023
Indonesian Journal of Business Administration, 2013
Journal of Technology Management, 2005
This year, for the first time, Ernst & Young Indonesia and School of Business and Management ... more This year, for the first time, Ernst & Young Indonesia and School of Business and Management (SBM), Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) conducted Indonesian Entrepreneurs' Barometer survey. This first Indonesian Entrepreneur's Barometer, surveyed Indonesian entrepreneur to get the views of entrepreneurs who are qualified as outstanding amongst their peers. Survey respondents were selected by Ernst & Young Indonesia panels. The survey covers motivations, future plans and perceptions about Indonesian business environment. The results are presented in four sub-chapters under the following title: “ Succesful Entrepreneurs and their Business”, “ Funding & Wealth Realization”, “ Entrepreneur's Outlook” and “ Business Environment”. This paper covers the first two chapters. In today's time based competition, high equipment productivity in a manufacturing line is necessary in ensuring a competitive company. Focused Productive Maintenance emphasizes the importance of achieving profitability through equipment effectiveness. This paper demonstrates the logic of Buffer Management and Focused Productive Maintenance to shape competitive advantage in utilizing resources. Some ideas for future are given.
Journal of Technology Management, 2004
Abstract Penelitian Arie de Geus (1997) menemukan bahwa rata-rata hidup perusahaan world class ya... more Abstract Penelitian Arie de Geus (1997) menemukan bahwa rata-rata hidup perusahaan world class yang masuk dalam Fortune 500, hanya 40 sampai dengan 50 tahun. Disamping itu, Arie de Geus juga menemukan perusahaan-perusahaan yang berumur diatas 200 ...
International Research Journal of Business Studies, Apr 1, 2011
To generate creativity, people should possess sufficient knowledge about the reason why creativit... more To generate creativity, people should possess sufficient knowledge about the reason why creativity and knowledge has a very close relationship. Organizations should provide facilities for their people to gain new knowledge and proper structure to make them possible to do creative things. Combination between proper structures with creativity will lead companies to become innovative
To generate creativity, people should possess sufficient knowledge about the reason why creativit... more To generate creativity, people should possess sufficient knowledge about the reason why creativity and knowledge has a very close relationship. Organizations should provide facilities for their people to gain new knowledge and proper structure to make them possible to do creative things. Combination between proper structures with creativity will lead companies to become innovative
International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation, 2016
This study developed a model for alliance strategy activities that will be implemented in researc... more This study developed a model for alliance strategy activities that will be implemented in research and development contractual projects between developed and developing country energy companies. This paper used quantitative research that included a survey of PERTAMINA, an Indonesian energy company. This alliance process model divided its activities into three phases: 1) the pre-project phase: the partner is selected based on knowledge factors, including their competences, capabilities, experience and expertise, in addition to resource factors, including their complementary assets, specific objectives, risk sharing and cost sharing; 2) the project phase: the innovation activities are performed, which involves a knowledge management system as a moderating component with factors, including a technology transfer process, technology support for knowledge management, knowledge sharing and absorptive capacity, and organisation structure factors, including team-building processes, partner roles, open communication, and decision-making processes; 3) the post-project phase: commercialised innovation, which is based on factors including knowledge, intellectual property rights (IPR), and innovativeness as a source of competitive advantage. The theoretical contributions of this study, due to the innovation process has a high uncertainty aspect, alliance in innovation activities are better conducted in contractual project form without entail the share of ownership.
Indonesian Journal of Business Administration, 2012
Knowledge Management nowadays is largely implemented in every organization and often mentioned in... more Knowledge Management nowadays is largely implemented in every organization and often mentioned in publications, but little shows about the relation with the organization performance itself. KM in XYZ has been started in 2008, at least since a global team under HR organization was established. Some KM initiatives were born by the team. But some sample conditions shows otherwise. This study helps to explain the use of KM assessment and the important factors to be improved in relation with the organization performance. This study utilizes APO's approach in assessing the organization KM maturity level through qualitative survey. Analysis of this research shows the different maturity level for each type of gender, age, and position in the organization and taken further to see the relation with the organization performance from its financial reports.
Journal of Technology Management, 2003
Perubahan statius ITB dari Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (PTN) menjadi BHMN menuntut berbagai macam Per... more Perubahan statius ITB dari Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (PTN) menjadi BHMN menuntut berbagai macam Perubahan, dari Perubahan system dan organisasi sampai Perubahan sikap dan perilaku masyarakat ITB, baik karyawan maupun dosen. Perubahan sikap dan perilaku masyarakat ITB sangat menentukan keberhasilan Perubahan menuju yang diharapkan. Kompetensi karyawan dan staf dosen ITB, merupakan salah satu penentu keberhasilan dalam merealisasikan ITB BHMN sebagaimana yang dicita-citakan. Yang dimaksud kompetensi dalam paper ini adalah kompetensi generic untuk kluster pekerjaan Human Services Professionals (teachers) yang dikembangkan oleh Spencer & Spencer (1993). Berdasarkan konsep kompetensi ini diharapkan para pengelola SDM ITB dapat menyusun strategi dan program peningkatan kompetensi staf dosen menuju kompetensi superior. Sistem dan organisasi pengelolaan SDM ITB sebagai PTN melahirkan kategori struktur kepangkatan seperti Asisten Ahli (AA), Lektor (L), Lektor Kepala (LK) dan Guru Besar (GB). Muncul pertanyaan, 1). Kompetensi apa yang membedakan dosen antar kelompok kepangkatan (AA, L, LK, dan GB); 2). Kompetensi apa yang dimiliki oleh kelompok dosen yang berperformansi superior (superior performers) tanpa melihat kelompok kepangkatannya. Penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa kompetensi yang membedakan kategori kelompok kepangkatan AA, L, LK, dan GB adalah Customer Service Orientation (CSO), Initiative (Int), Flexibility (Flx), Team Working (TW), Writing Skills (UC5Writs), Thoroughness (UC9Throg), dan Organizational Commitment (OC). Sedangkan kompetensi yang dimiliki oleh kelompok dosen yang berperformansi superior (merupakan ‘kelebihan' yang mereka miliki dibandingkan dengan kelompok dosen yang berperformansi rata-rata (average performers) adalah Kompetensi Self Control (SCT) dan Concrete Style of Learning (UC7SLea). Katakunci: kompetensi pembeda, dan dosen pengajar
International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, Nov 1, 2017
In new ICT ecosystem, telecom operators need to be adaptive in order to survive in turbulent mark... more In new ICT ecosystem, telecom operators need to be adaptive in order to survive in turbulent market environment. The changes in competition, shifting customer preference and rapid technology development force the operator to be adaptive and learn faster than the competitor. The operator needs to be a learning organization. To established profound change, the learning organization (LO) shall start with pilot of small unit of the organization. This study is exploration research in Network Operation Center Department (NOC) in one of telecom operator in Qatar. The study consider three building blocks of learning organization based on Garvin's framework: supportive learning environment, concrete learning processes & practices and leadership that reinforces learning. A survey was administered to collect staff's perspectives using the Learning Organization Survey (LOS). The research will use mixed methodology. The results from the assessment were used to formulate questions for interviews to NOC top management in semistructural way. Observation was used to analyze and correlate the qualitative and quantitative data and information. The study concludes that NOC still need to develop further to have expected LO and leadership is the key factor on learning organization development at NOC. As implication to organizational development the initiative in people, process and technology expected to fill this gap.
Journal of Technology Management, 2004
Belajar dan pengetahuan telah eksis sejak manusia berada. Namun, manfaat pengetahuan bagi dunia e... more Belajar dan pengetahuan telah eksis sejak manusia berada. Namun, manfaat pengetahuan bagi dunia ekonomi dan social, baru dipahami pada akhir abad 20 ini. Ini terjadi karena fenomena belajar dan karateristik pengetahuan yang bersifat virtual, agak sulit untuk difahami dan dimanfaatkan bagi aktivitas ekonomi, walaupun manfaatnya dapat dirasakan. Era pengetahuan makin memunculkan pentingnya pengetahuan bagi kesejahteraan manusia. Perusahaan-Perusahaan kelas dunia, telah menunjukkan peran dan fungsi pengetahuan sebagai modal fisik yang dimilikinya mampu menciptakan nilai tambah bisnis, kekayaan bagi pemilik serta kesejahteraan bagi karyawan dan masyarakat. Pengetahuan telah menjadi asset utama untuk membangun kesejahteraan ekonomi. Organisasi belajar dan manajemen pengetahuan pada hakekatnya adalah upaya untuk revitalisasi hakekat dan kedudukan manusia (Human Center Design) dalam organisasi, sehingga terjadi proses transformasi seluruh potensi individual menjadi modal maya organisasi, untuk menghasilkan organisasi cerdas. Organisasi cerdas hanya akan tercapai jika kita bisa mendudukan manusia yang memiliki kesadaran akan nilai-nilai kefilsafatan, keindahan dan keilmuan yang merupakan lambing dari moralitas kehidupan. Disamping itu, human akan mampu mengambil jarak antara dirinya dengan dirinya sendiri, serta dirinya dengan sesuatu yang berada diluar dirinya. Kesadaran akan jarak ini membuat manusia mampu melihat dirinya maupun keadaan di luar dirinya, sehingga ia akan mampu berkembang menjadi manusia yang intelek dan bermoral. Manusia seperti ini akan memiliki potensi dirinya, sehingga ia akan mampu berkembang menjadi manusia yang intelek dan bermoral. Manusia seperti ini akan memiliki potensi yang sangat hebat dan tidak terbatas. Mereka akan menjadi bibit unggul, karena memiliki kompetensi intelektual, potensi etika dan potensi social yang sangat dibutuhkan untuk membangun modal maya organisasi.
International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies, 2015
This paper introduces a model for managing, transferring and protecting knowledge in alliance con... more This paper introduces a model for managing, transferring and protecting knowledge in alliance contractual research and in a development project between energy companies in developed and developing countries. This paper uses qualitative research conducted through a literature review, interviews, observations and an archival study. One finding of this research is that Pertamina, an energy company in a developing country, is attempting to increase its added value and competitive advantage by leveraging its resources and its unique knowledge through contractual alliances in research and development projects. The company's activities are divided into three phases. First was the pre-project phase, in which partners were selected based on the following factors: competence, capability, experience and expertise. In the project phase, the following innovation activities were performed: technology transfer, technology support in knowledge management, knowledge sharing and absorptive capacity. The post-project phase commercialised innovation based on knowledge and intellectual property rights and innovativeness.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015
PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) (PTDI) has corporate strategy in 2012 upwards to develop new N-... more PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) (PTDI) has corporate strategy in 2012 upwards to develop new N-219 aircraft. This strategy requires employees to have knowledge to work in accordance with their competences in developing aircraft especially in Direktorat Teknologi dan Pengembangan (Dittekbang) of PTDI, the unit analysis of this study. Currently, no systematic process to maintain employees' knowledge and there will be knowledge loss from going to retire senior employees who have the valuable knowledge because of their experiences. PTDI management need to create Knowledge Management (KM) plan that could be brought effectively into Dittekbang. Questionnaire from Asian Productivity Organization (APO) KM Framework is adopted for this quantitative study. This is to assess current condition of KM and to develop KM plan to improve condition based on the assessment result. The findings, employees don't feel to be valued if they share their knowledge, management does not give rewards and incentives for knowledge sharing, and critical knowledge from leaving employees is not retained. Based on this, KM plan should prioritize to get top management commitment to support KM initiatives, to develop trust in knowledge sharing, and to capture knowledge of leaving employees to avoid loss of company's intellectual capital. Three knowledge sharing techniques emerged: mentoring, subject matter expert interview, and communities of practice. These tactics are assumed to have effective effect in knowledge transfer based on knowledge types, employees' expertise level, and the expected condition to achieve. These options are proposed to be implemented in combination with each other.
International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship, Social Science and Humanities (IJMESH), Dec 30, 2022
PT Snack Sehat is a manufacturing company that produces healthy snacks and beverages in Indonesia... more PT Snack Sehat is a manufacturing company that produces healthy snacks and beverages in Indonesia. Its IT division has a software department that manages all creation and maintenance of information system projects. Although the software department planned and monitored project development thoroughly during their work, 42% of projects were late in 2020. Those late projects' costs led to financial loss and kept rising through 2020-2021. Digitalization is how technologies affect several aspects of life, like social interactions, business operations, and how people work. Digitalization improved and sped up knowledge-sharing processes within the organization. Since knowledge sharing is done more frequently, the absorptive capacity will also be improved. This brings up the question of how to design a KM program with digital tools that will help PT Snack Sehat to increase its efficiency in project development and operation support. The primary data for this research was gathered from KM Assessment using APO KM Framework and focus group discussion with top and middle-level managers from PT Snack Sehat. To develop a KM program, the research will use Six Steps KM Processes, which consist of KM Project, KM Assessment, KM Planning, K-Development, KM Implementation, and KM Evaluation. The development steps will include defining the objectives of the KM program, answering questions related to the knowledge management components (people, process, and technology), determining the knowledge management strategy based on KM objectives, and setting the action plan to get ten commitments from top-level management. The results show several processes and methods that need to be added to the current KM: KM Orientation & Training, Shadowing, Sharing Knowledge Checklist, Lesson Learned Document, Document Validation, and Document Organization. The complete knowledge management process will also be mapped in a Knowledge Stock and Flow Diagram using SECI Matrix.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jul 31, 2023
In the contemporary business landscape, organizations and enterprises harness their knowledge as ... more In the contemporary business landscape, organizations and enterprises harness their knowledge as a distinctive competitive advantage to compete with competitors. The emergence of new technology-based transportation services along with the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic has prompted Limosin Sejahtera, one of the business units of PT. Transportasi Inovatif Indonesia recognizes the importance of knowledge management as a strategic approach to leverage its knowledge assets. Through the APO Knowledge Management Assessment Tool and stakeholder interview, the research identifies several challenges that hinder the organization's ability to leverage its knowledge assets effectively and impede innovation and continuous improvement initiatives. APO KM Assessment shows that KM maturity has already reached the Expansion level. The results then serve as a pivotal reference point, guiding the identification of precise strategies that have the potential to elevate knowledge management (KM) practices and lead the organization to foster continuous improvement and innovation culture.
Papers by Jann Hidajat Tjakraatmadja