Institut Teknologi Bandung
Teknik Informatika
Recent neural models for response generation show good results in terms of general responses. In real conversations, however, depending on the speaker/responder, similar utterances should require different responses. In this study, we... more
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Efficacy... more
To build good conversation agents, an accurate conversation context is assumed to be required. We argue that a conversation scene that includes speakers can provide more information on the context because using images as conversation... more
The main objective of this study was to investigate whether Kriging is a useful tool to estimate the spatial distribution of ground pollutants in contaminated land. The second objective of this work was a more practical one. It consists... more
Untuk mengerti suatu bahasa, bahasa tersebut dapat dipelajari pada level-level pembelajaran yang berbeda, salah satunya adalah pada level sintaksis. Level sintaksis dalam analisa linguistik difokuskan dengan bagaiamana kumpulan kata-kata... more
A successful communication need the efficiency in delivering the information that is easier to understand for the speaker and the hearer. Sometimes people do not always directly say what they mean. There are times when people say exactly... more
This paper would presents the path control of a dexterous robotic hand finger reaching in a given search space. The proposed system would adopt the advantages of Genetic Algorithm (GA) to optimize the system performance in terms of path... more
ABSTRACT This paper propose an architecture for e-learning application. High demand of e-learning systems leads to the need of development of e-learning architecture. IEEE has defined the Learning Technology Systems Architecture (LTSA) as... more
Cuaca merupakan gejala alami yang sangat penting bagi kehidupan manusia salah satunya yaitu pada bidang pertanian. Sehingga cuaca dapat mempengaruhi kualitas produksi tanaman yang dipanen. Oleh sebab itu prediksi cuaca merupakan kegiatan... more
- by dsdasd sadad
Keywords: Failure, fishpond farmer, exploiting, information technology, fishpond management.
Outpatient service is one of the hospital services that starts on patient enrollment to policlinic services. Long enrollment queue even occurs. This is because of the unbalance between the number of admission staff and patients enrolled.... more
Outpatient service is one of the hospital services with high frequency activities. Outpatient service starts on registration until policlinic services. Some long registration queues even occurred. This is because of unbalance between the... more