Cayman RS 2
Cayman RS 2
Cayman RS 2
1 Descrizione Generale
Due circuiti frenanti indipendenti regolabili dal conducente tramite sistema di bilanciamento dei freni.
• Assale anteriore:
。 Pinze di freno in alluminio a sei pistoncini in design monoblocco con molle a pistone
о Disco freno in acciaio ventilato e scanalato di diametro 380 mm con campana disco
in alluminio 。 Pastiglie freno da corsa
• Assale posteriore:
o Pinze di freno in alluminio a quattro pistoncini in design monoblocco con molle a pistone
。 Disco freno in acciaio ventilato e scanalato di diametro 380 mm con campana disco in alluminio
Sono ammessi solo cilindri freno principali standard per i 2 circuiti frenanti sull'
Deve essere installata una molla anti-ritorno sotto ogni pistone freno di tutte le pinze freno.
È vietato il trattamento termico o chimico esterno di queste molle.
4.6.2 Descrizione generale asse posteriore
9 9
4.6.3 Regolazioni consentite
e posteriore è:
1 0 0
2.7.2 Wheels
The use of any other wheels than the originally specified wheels is prohibited . All wheels must be fitted
with original tyre pressure and temperature sensors . Only the use of valve caps mentioned in the
respective spare parts catalogue is permitted and they must be fitted for all sessions at all events . The
rims are permitted to be painted . It is prohibited to paint or treat any functional surfaces ( rim bed ,
contact area of wheel nut , mounting surface of the wheel ) . Wheel rims are not permitted to be repaired .
The friction strips on the inside of the rim must stay functional and must not be treated in any way .
2.7.3 Tyres
Only the version of Michelin tyres approved for the event with the following specification and supplied
by the official supplier is permitted to be used for the duration of the events and the official tests .
Slick tyres
Front : 25 / 64-18 CUP N2
Rear : 27 / 68-18 CUP N2R
Rain tyres
Front : 25 / 64-18 P2L
Rear : 27 / 68-18 P2L
Dr. Ing . h.c. F. Porsche AG suggests that all competitors follow the recommendations and instructions of
Michelin regarding tyre pressures and set - up . Only atmospheric air is permitted to be used to inflate the
tyres . It is not permissible to rotate the tyres on the rims . It is permitted to refit tyres , but the refitting
Should the tyre manufacturer prescribe a rotational direction for its tyres , then any departure from the
manufacturer's recommendation is prohibited .
42.8 Bodywork and dimensions