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UNI EN 13747:2005 - 20-10-2005 - Prodotti prefabbricati di calcestruzzo - Lastre per solai



DATA 20/10/2005

TITOLO Prodotti prefabbricati di calcestruzzo - Lastre per solai

Precast concrete products - Floor plates for floor systems

SOMMARIO La presente norma è la versione ufficiale in lingua inglese della norma europea EN
13747 (edizione luglio 2005). La norma specifica i requisiti, i criteri prestazionali di base
e i metodi di valutazione della conformità delle lastre per solai realizzate con
calcestruzzo armato o precompresso.La norma fornisce inoltre i criteri per la marcatura
CE dei prodotti.








LINGUA Inglese
PREZZO EURO Non Soci 76,50 Euro - Soci 38,25 Euro
Documento contenuto nel prodotto UNIEDIL STRUTTURE edizione 2006.2
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Prodotti prefabbricati di calcestruzzo

NORMA Lastre per solai UNI EN 13747


Precast concrete products

Floor plates for floor systems

La norma specifica i requisiti, i criteri prestazionali di base e i

metodi di valutazione della conformità delle lastre per solai realiz-
zate con calcestruzzo armato o precompresso.
La norma fornisce inoltre i criteri per la marcatura CE dei prodotti.


La presente norma è la versione ufficiale in lingua inglese della

norma europea EN 13747 (edizione luglio 2005).

ICS 91.100.30

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UNI EN 13747:2005 Pagina I

Documento contenuto nel prodotto UNIEDIL STRUTTURE edizione 2006.2
E' vietato l'uso in rete del singolo documento e la sua riproduzione. E' autorizzata la stampa per uso interno.

La presente norma costituisce il recepimento, in lingua inglese, del-
la norma europea EN 13747 (edizione luglio 2005), che assume co-
sì lo status di norma nazionale italiana.

La presente norma è stata elaborata sotto la competenza della

Commissione Tecnica UNI
Ingegneria strutturale

La presente norma è stata ratificata dal Presidente dell’UNI ed è entrata

a far parte del corpo normativo nazionale il 20 ottobre 2005.

Le norme UNI sono elaborate cercando di tenere conto dei punti di vista di tutte le parti
interessate e di conciliare ogni aspetto conflittuale, per rappresentare il reale stato
dell’arte della materia ed il necessario grado di consenso.
Chiunque ritenesse, a seguito dell’applicazione di questa norma, di poter fornire sug-
gerimenti per un suo miglioramento o per un suo adeguamento ad uno stato dell’arte
in evoluzione è pregato di inviare i propri contributi all’UNI, Ente Nazionale Italiano di
Unificazione, che li terrà in considerazione per l’eventuale revisione della norma stessa.

Le norme UNI sono revisionate, quando necessario, con la pubblicazione di nuove edizioni o
di aggiornamenti.
È importante pertanto che gli utilizzatori delle stesse si accertino di essere in possesso
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Si invitano inoltre gli utilizzatori a verificare l’esistenza di norme UNI corrispondenti alle
norme EN o ISO ove citate nei riferimenti normativi.

UNI EN 13747:2005 © UNI Pagina II

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E' vietato l'uso in rete del singolo documento e la sua riproduzione. E' autorizzata la stampa per uso interno.



ICS 91.100.30

English Version

Precast concrete products - Floor plates for floor systems

Produits préfabriqués en béton - Prédalles pour systèmes Betonfertigteile - Plattendecken mit Ortbetonergänzung
de planchers

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 17 February 2005.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.



Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36 B-1050 Brussels

© 2005 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 13747:2005: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
Documento contenuto nel prodotto UNIEDIL STRUTTURE edizione 2006.2
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EN 13747:2005 (E)

Contents Page

The numbering of clauses is strictly related to EN 13369:2004 Common rules for precast concrete products, at
least for the first three digits. When a clause of EN 13369:2004 is not relevant or included in a more general
reference of this standard, its number is omitted and this may result in a gap on numbering.

Foreword ..........................................................................................................................................................5
1 Scope ...................................................................................................................................................8
2 Normative references .........................................................................................................................8
3 Terms and definitions.........................................................................................................................9
4 Requirements ....................................................................................................................................13
4.1 Material requirements.......................................................................................................................13
4.1.1 General ..............................................................................................................................................13
4.1.2 Constituent materials of concrete ...................................................................................................13
4.1.3 Reinforcing steel ...............................................................................................................................13
4.1.4 Prestressing steel .............................................................................................................................13
4.1.5 Inserts and connectors.....................................................................................................................13
4.2 Production requirements..................................................................................................................14
4.2.1 Concrete production.........................................................................................................................14
4.2.2 Hardened concrete............................................................................................................................14
4.2.3 Structural reinforcement ..................................................................................................................14
4.2.4 Positioning of reinforcement ...........................................................................................................16
4.3 Finished product requirements .......................................................................................................22
4.3.1 Geometrical properties.....................................................................................................................22
4.3.2 Surface characteristics.....................................................................................................................23
4.3.3 Mechanical resistance ......................................................................................................................23
4.3.4 Resistance and reaction to fire ........................................................................................................25
4.3.5 Acoustic properties ..........................................................................................................................25
4.3.6 Thermal properties............................................................................................................................26
4.3.7 Durability ...........................................................................................................................................26
4.3.8 Other requirements...........................................................................................................................26
5 Test methods.....................................................................................................................................26
5.1 Tests on concrete .............................................................................................................................26
5.2 Measuring of dimensions and surface characteristics ..................................................................26
5.2.1 Position of reinforcement.................................................................................................................26
5.2.2 Floor plate dimensions.....................................................................................................................27
5.2.3 Straightness of edges.......................................................................................................................27
5.2.4 Flatness of the moulded surface .....................................................................................................27
5.2.5 Surface characteristics.....................................................................................................................27
5.3 Weight of the products .....................................................................................................................28
5.4 Prestressing ......................................................................................................................................28
5.4.1 Initial prestressing force ..................................................................................................................28
5.4.2 Slippage of tendons..........................................................................................................................28
6 Evaluation of conformity ..................................................................................................................28
6.1 General ..............................................................................................................................................28
6.2 Type testing.......................................................................................................................................28
6.3 Factory production control ..............................................................................................................29
7 Marking ..............................................................................................................................................29

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

8 Technical documentation.................................................................................................................29
Annex A (normative) Inspection schemes ...................................................................................................30
A.1 Process inspection ...........................................................................................................................30
A.2 Finished product inspection ............................................................................................................31
Annex B (informative) Types of composite slabs ........................................................................................32
B.1 Scope .................................................................................................................................................32
B.2 Different types of composite slabs..................................................................................................32
B.2.1 Solid composite slabs ......................................................................................................................32
B.2.2 Hollow composite slabs ...................................................................................................................32
B.3 Topping..............................................................................................................................................33
Annex C (informative) Stiffening ribs and void formers..............................................................................34
C.1 Stiffening ribs....................................................................................................................................34
C.1.1 Nominal width of ribs........................................................................................................................34
C.1.2 Nominal height of ribs ......................................................................................................................34
C.1.3 Nominal space between ribs ............................................................................................................34
C.1.4 Distance between the edge of the floor plate and the centre line of the nearest rib ...................35
C.1.5 Specific case of reinforced floor plate with a single rib.................................................................35
C.2 Void formers......................................................................................................................................36
C.3 Additional examples of stiffening ribs and ball void formers .......................................................37
C.3.1 General ..............................................................................................................................................37
C.3.2 Dimensions .......................................................................................................................................38
Annex D (informative) Monolithism of composite slabs .............................................................................40
D.1 General ..............................................................................................................................................40
D.2 Strength of connecting reinforcement ............................................................................................41
D.3 Anchorage of connecting reinforcement ........................................................................................41
Annex E (informative) Detailing of support joints and anchorage of reinforcement of composite
E.1 Scope .................................................................................................................................................44
E.2 General ..............................................................................................................................................44
E.2.1 Effective support length ...................................................................................................................44
E.2.2 Types of connections .......................................................................................................................45
E.3 Anchorage of lower reinforcements of the composite slab ..........................................................47
E.3.1 Anchorage on the end support ........................................................................................................47
E.3.2 Anchorage in special cases .............................................................................................................49
Annex F (informative) Design of composite slab.........................................................................................53
F.1 General ..............................................................................................................................................53
F.2 Connections between adjacent floor plates ...................................................................................53
F.3 Bending ultimate limit state .............................................................................................................55
F.4 Serviceability limit state ...................................................................................................................55
F.4.1 General ..............................................................................................................................................55
F.4.2 Serviceability limit state design of composite slab made of reinforced floor plate.....................56
F.4.3 Serviceability limit states design of composite slabs made of prestressed floor plates ............59
F.5 Transverse bending design of composite slab ..............................................................................59
Annex G (informative) Concrete strength at time of prestressing..............................................................61
G.1 General ..............................................................................................................................................61
G.1.1 Procedure ..........................................................................................................................................61
G.1.2 Interpretation of results....................................................................................................................61
Annex H (informative) Composite slabs with void formers ........................................................................63
H.1 General ..............................................................................................................................................63
H.2 Material properties............................................................................................................................63
H.2.1 Polystyrene/Air voids .......................................................................................................................63
H.2.2 Clay ....................................................................................................................................................63
H.3 Temperature profiles ........................................................................................................................64
H.4 Other items to be considered...........................................................................................................64
Annex J (normative) Testing to determine erection spans (type testing)..................................................65

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

J.1 General ..............................................................................................................................................65

J.2 Determination of erection span .......................................................................................................65
J.2.1 Failure design (condition a) .............................................................................................................66
J.2.2 Checking of the deflection (condition b).........................................................................................67
J.3 Equipment .........................................................................................................................................67
J.4 Preparation of test piece ..................................................................................................................67
J.5 Loading ..............................................................................................................................................69
J.6 Interpretation of results....................................................................................................................69
J.7 Test report .........................................................................................................................................70
Annex K (informative) Anchorage capacity of loops ...................................................................................71
Annex Y (Informative) Choice of CE marking method.................................................................................73
Y.1 General ..............................................................................................................................................73
Y.2 Method 1 ............................................................................................................................................73
Y.3 Method 2 ............................................................................................................................................73
Y.4 Method 3 ............................................................................................................................................73
Annex ZA (informative) Clauses of this European standard addressing essential requirements or
other provisions of the EU Directives .............................................................................................74
ZA.1 Scope and relevant characteristics .................................................................................................74
ZA.2 Procedure for attestation of conformity of floor plates for floor systems....................................76
ZA.2.1 System of attestation of conformity ................................................................................................76
ZA.2.2 EC Certificate and Declaration of conformity .................................................................................77
ZA.3 CE marking and labelling .................................................................................................................77
ZA.3.1 General ..............................................................................................................................................77
ZA.3.2 Declaration of geometrical data and material properties...............................................................79
ZA.3.3 Declaration of product properties....................................................................................................81
ZA.3.4 Declaration of compliance with a given design specification .......................................................83

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

This document (EN 13747:2005) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 229 “Precast concrete
products”, the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR, and was examined by and agreed with a joint working
party appointed by the Liaison Group CEN/TC229-TC250, particularly for its compatibility with structural

This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, at the latest by January 2006, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at
the latest by April 2008.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive 89/106/EEC.

For relationship with EU Directive(s), see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this document.

This standard is one of a series of product standards for precast concrete products.

For common aspects reference is made to EN 13369 : Common rules for precast products, from which also
the relevant requirements of the EN 206-1 : Concrete — Part 1 : Specification, performances, production and
conformity are taken.

The references to EN 13369 by CEN/TC 229 product standards are intended to make them homogeneous
and to avoid repetitions of similar requirements.

Eurocodes are taken as a common reference for design aspects. The installation of some structural precast
concrete products is dealt with by ENV 13670-1: Execution of concrete structures – Part 1: Common rules,
which has at the moment the status of a European prestandard. In all countries it can be accompanied by
alternatives for national application and it shall not be treated as a European standard.

The programme of standards for structural precast concrete products comprises the following standards, in
some cases consisting on several parts:

⎯ EN 1168, Precast concrete products — Hollow core slabs

⎯ EN 12794, Precast concrete products — Foundation piles

⎯ EN 12843, Precast concrete products — Masts and poles

⎯ EN 13747, Precast concrete products — Floor plates for floor systems

⎯ prEN 15037-1, Precast concrete products — Beam-and-block floor systems – Part 1: Beams

⎯ PrEN 15037-2, Precast concrete products — Beam and blocks floor systems – Part 2: Blocks

⎯ EN 13224, Precast concrete products — Ribbed floor elements

⎯ EN 13225, Precast concrete products — Linear structural elements

⎯ prEN 14992, Precast concrete products — Wall elements

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

⎯ EN 13693, Precast concrete products — Special roof elements

⎯ prEN 14844, Precast concrete products — Box culverts

⎯ EN 13978, Precast concrete products — Precast concrete garages

⎯ prEN 14991, Precast concrete products — Foundation elements

⎯ prEN 15050, Precast concrete products bridge elements

⎯ prEN 14843, Precast concrete products — Stairs

This standard defines in Annex ZA the application methods of CE marking to products designed using the
relevant EN Eurocodes (EN 1992-1-1:2004 and EN 1992-1-2:2004). Where, in default of applicability
conditions of EN Eurocodes to the works of destination, design Provisions other than EN Eurocodes are used
for mechanical strength and/or fire resistance, the conditions to affix CE marking to the product are described
in ZA.3.4.

According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland
and the United Kingdom.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

The evaluation of conformity given in this standard refers to the completed precast elements which are
supplied to the market and covers all the production operations carried out in the factory.

For design rules reference is made to EN 1992-1-1:2004. Additional complementary rules are provided where

In clauses 4.3.3 and 4.3.4, the present standard includes specific provisions resulting from the application of
EN 1992-1-1:2004 and EN 1992-1-2:2004 rules made specific for the concerned product. The use of these
provisions is consistent with a design of works made with EN 1992-1-1:2004 and EN 1992-1-2:2004.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

1 Scope
This European standard deals with the requirements, the basic performance criteria and evaluation of
conformity for precast floor plates made of reinforced or prestressed normal weight concrete according to
EN 1992-1-1:2004, used in conjunction with cast-in-situ concrete (topping) for the construction of composite
floor slabs. Annex B gives different types of composite slabs made with floor plates.

These floor plates, with or without void formers, can include lattice girders or stiffening ribs incorporated during
the precasting.

They shall be manufactured in factories by casting, slip forming or extrusion.

The products covered by this standard are intended to be used as part of structural floors in applications such
⎯ floors and roofs of buildings (including industrial and storage buildings, public buildings as schools,
hospitals, etc.);

⎯ parking/circulation areas;

⎯ cover for culverts;

⎯ etc.

The products may be used in seismic areas provided they fulfil the requirements specific to this use.

This standard does not cover:

⎯ reinforced floor plates with a nominal thickness less than 40 mm;

⎯ prestressed floor plates with a nominal thickness less than 50 mm;

⎯ floor plates with a very smooth upper face, such as defined in 6.2.5 of EN 1992-1-1:2004.

2 Normative references

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.

EN 13369:2004, Common rules for precast concrete products.

EN 10080, Steel for the reinforcement of concrete — Weldable reinforcing steel — General.

EN 12390-4, Testing hardened concrete — Part 4: Compressive strength — Specification for testing machines.

EN 12390-6, Testing hardened concrete — Part 6: Tensile splitting strength of test specimens.

EN 1991-1-1:2002, Eurocode 1: Actions on structures — Part 1-1: General actions — Densities, self-weight,
imposed loads for buildings.

EN 1992-1-1:2004, Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures — Part 1-1: General rules and rules for

EN 1992-1-2:2004, Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures — Part 1-2: General rules — Structural fire

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this European Standard, the following terms and definitions apply. For general terms
EN 13369:2004 shall apply.

3.1 Floor plates

floor plate
generally reinforced or prestressed concrete plates are used as permanent formwork for cast-in-situ concrete,
which, when hardened, forms a structurally composite slab with the floor plate

NOTE Some floor plates may be used as formwork for cast-in-situ concrete, with no contribution to the strength of the
finished floor.

reinforced floor plate
floor plate in which reinforcing steel constitutes the main reinforcement of the composite slab

prestressed floor plate
floor plate in which the prestressing steel constitutes all or part of the main reinforcement of the composite

floor plate with lattice girders
floor plate in which continuous lattice girders are incorporated generally in the longitudinal direction (i.e.
parallel to the span) to provide strength and rigidity for transient situations

floor plate with ribs
floor plate in which continuous stiffening ribs are positioned generally in the longitudinal direction (i.e. parallel
to the span) to provide strength and rigidity for transient situations

lattice girders
two dimensional or three dimensional metallic structure comprising an upper chord, one or more lower chords
and continuous or discontinuous diagonals which are welded or mechanically connected to the chords

Figure 1 gives some examples of lattice girders.

a) continuous diagonals

b) continuous diagonals with steel profile unfilled with concrete

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

c) discontinuous diagonals

Figure 1 — Examples of lattice girders

stiffening rib
continuous concrete profile formed on the upper surface of the floor plate during the precasting operation. It
extends generally in the main direction of the floor plate. Figure 2 gives examples of different stiffening rib

a) rectangular ribs b) T-section ribs

Figure 2 — Examples of stiffening ribs

3.4 Dimensions

length, L
dimension of the product in the main mechanical direction (i.e. supporting the most important bending

width, b
dimension perpendicular to the length

thickness, hp
nominal distance between the upper and the lower faces of the floor plate. Where the upper surface is uneven
(see Figure 3) the distance should be measured to the mean plane of the surface

Figure 3 — Thickness hp of a floor plate

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

side of the floor plate. A distinction is made between:

⎯ supported edge: edge intended for connection to the support elements of the structure;

⎯ lateral edge: edge between contiguous floor plates;

⎯ free edge: edge left free after construction of the floor.

upper face
face of the floor plate when in its final position of use. It forms the interface with cast-in-situ topping above the
floor plate

lower face
visible face of the precast element in opposition to the upper face

3.5 Reinforcements

connecting reinforcement
reinforcement anchored on both sides of the interface between the floor plate and the cast-in-situ concrete. It
consists of the diagonals of the lattice girder, individual or continuous reinforcement in the form of loops,
possibly with a longitudinal bar welded at the top and/or bottom (see Figure 4)

a) lattice girder b) loops

Figure 4 — Examples of connecting reinforcement

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

shear reinforcement
reinforcement with angles, α and β, generally between 45° and 90° to the plane of the floor plate and the cast-
in-situ concrete. In practice it consists of pieces of lattice girders, loops or stirrups (see Figure 5)

a) lattice girder b) loops

Figure 5 — Examples of shear reinforcements

3.6 Void formers

void former
element glued, connected or otherwise incorporated into the floor plate during or after precasting
(see Figure 6), but before delivery. These elements are generally intended to decrease the weight of the floor

a) glued or connected b) incorporated

Figure 6 — Void formers

non-structural void former
void former that does not contribute to the mechanical strength of the composite slab

structural void former
void former that, together with the cast-in-situ concrete, contributes to the mechanical strength of the
composite slab

cast in unit
unit incorporated into the floor plate during precasting, e.g. lifting inserts, junction or switch boxes, conduits,
ducts, etc.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

in-situ concrete layer cast over the entire floor plate surface, so that it acts monolithically by bond, with or
without connecting reinforcement

composite slab
slab comprising a floor plate and bonded topping, which together behave as a monolithic slab after the
hardening of the topping

4 Requirements

4.1 Material requirements

4.1.1 General

Clause 4.1.1 of EN 13369:2004 shall apply.

4.1.2 Constituent materials of concrete

Clause 4.1.2 of EN 13369:2004 shall apply.

4.1.3 Reinforcing steel Bars, coils and welded fabric

Clause 4.1.3 of EN 13369:2004 shall apply. Lattice girders

Bars and coils used in production of lattice girder shall comply with EN 10080.

The weld strength or the mechanical strength of joints of lattice girder shall match the anchorage requirements
in the concrete. Connecting reinforcement

Connecting reinforcement, other than lattice girder, shall be ribbed, indented or smooth steel complying with
their relevant standards. Where its suitability can be proven prestressing wires and strands may also be used.

When a welded longitudinal bar is present the steel of connecting reinforcement shall be weldable.

The weld strength or the mechanical strength of joints of connecting reinforcement shall match the anchorage
requirements in the concrete.

4.1.4 Prestressing steel

Clause 4.1.4 of EN 13369:2004 shall apply.

For prestressing steel, the nominal diameter shall be less than or equal to 13 mm. Only indented wire or
strands made of several smooth or indented wires shall be used.

4.1.5 Inserts and connectors

Clause 4.1.5 of EN 13369:2004 shall apply.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

4.2 Production requirements

4.2.1 Concrete production

Clause 4.2.1 of EN 13369:2004 shall apply.

4.2.2 Hardened concrete Strength classes

Clause of EN 13369:2004 shall apply. Compressive strength

Clause of EN 13369:2004 shall apply. In addition, the minimum concrete compressive strength at
delivery shall be specified.

The concrete class shall not be less than C25/30 for reinforced floor plates and C30/37 for prestressed floor

The minimum concrete strength at delivery shall not be less than 15 MPa for reinforced floor plates and
20 MPa for prestressed floor plates. Tensile strength

When a characteristic value or a minimum value for the concrete tensile strength is referred to, it shall be
expressed as axial tensile strength. It should be determined by testing (for example by converting values
obtained according to EN 12390-6 or deduced from the compressive strength at the same age by
applying 3.1.2 of EN 1992-1-1:2004).

4.2.3 Structural reinforcement Processing of reinforcing steel

Clause of EN 13369:2004 shall apply. Tensioning and prestressing Initial tensioning stresses

Clause of EN 13369:2004 shall apply. Accuracy of tensioning

Clause of EN 13369:2004 shall apply. Minimum concrete strength at transfer

At the time of transfer of prestressing, the minimum compressive strength, fcmin,p, measured on cylinder
specimens shall be at least (5/3) σcp where σcp is the compressive stress developed in the bottom fibre of the
floor plate under the final prestressing force, or 20 MPa, whichever is the greater.

Minimum concrete strength at transfer shall be verified in accordance with 5.1.

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EN 13747:2005 (E) Slippage of tendons

For sawn products, Clause of EN 13369:2004 shall apply.

For protruding tendons, 2 classes are given:

⎯ class A: the maximum slippage values are evaluated according to of EN 13369:2004 ;

⎯ class B: the maximum slippage values are deduced from Table 1. If the initial prestressing force, σ0, is
lower than the maximum prestressing force, σ0max, as defined in of EN 13369:2004, the values
of Table 1 shall be reduced by σ0/σ0max ratio.

Table 1 — Maximum slippage values for prestressing tendons, ∆Lo, in mm

Wires Strands

diameter fcmin,p = 20 MPa fcmin,p = 30 MPa diameter fcmin,p = 20 MPa fcmin,p = 30 MPa

∅4 2,0 2,0 ∅ 5,2 2,5 2,5

∅5 2,2 2,0 ∅ 6,85 2,8 2,5

∅6 2,4 2,0 ∅ 9,3 3,0 2,5

∅7 2,6 2,3 ∅ 12,5 3,5 3,0

NOTE “Good” bond conditions may be assumed for extruded, slipformed and cast elements on conditions given in
Figure 8.2 of EN 1992-1-1:2004.

Slippage of tendons shall be verified in accordance with 5.4.2. Limit values for prestressing force

The value of the prestressing force shall be limited by the following two conditions:

a) Minimum prestress

The mean value of compressive stress, σp,m, in the concrete cross section of the floor plate as a result of
the only action of the final prestressing force shall not be less than 1,5 MPa.

b) Maximum prestress

In the absence of reinforcement in upper part of the floor plate, the maximum tensile stress in the upper
fibre of the floor plate shall be limited to 0,30 fcmin,p2/3.

NOTE fcmin,p is the strength of the concrete at the time of prestressing.

The maximum compressive stress in the lower part of the floor plate shall not exceed 0,66 fcmin,p. Losses of prestress

The final prestressing force, Pm,∞, is equal to the initial prestressing force, Po, less the total losses ∆P after an
infinite time.

For the determination of prestressing losses, in the absence of more accurate calculation, the values should
be deduced from Table 2.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

Table 2 — Final losses of prestress

Final losses at infinite time in percentage

Initial stress in the tendons
of initial prestress force
(σ0max) (∆P/P0 %)

min (0,85 fpk; 0,95 fp0,1k) 22 %

0,80 fpk 21 %

0,75 fpk 20 %

0,70 fpk 19 %

0,65 fpk 17 %

4.2.4 Positioning of reinforcement Common requirements for positioning of reinforcement

Reinforcement transverse to the main reinforcement is not required in floor plates with width equal to or less
than 1,2 m when the transverse moment need not to be considered. Correct concreting and compaction of the concrete

Unless it can be justified otherwise, the nominal clear distance between bars constituting the main
reinforcement shall be at least equal to those as shown in Figure 7.

Dimensions in millimetres

dg = maximum aggregate size
Ø = diameter of the bar

NOTE For definition of ∅n see 8.9.1 of EN 1992-1-1:2004.

Figure 7 — Minimum distances for good concreting and compaction

In order to ensure adequate compaction of the topping around connecting reinforcement, the free distance
between the upper surface of the floor plate and the underside of loops or stirrups shall not be less
than 35 mm. If there is a longitudinal bar welded to the top of the loops or stirrups, this distance may be
reduced to 20 mm (see Figure 8).

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

Dimensions in millimetres

a) loops without longitudinal bar b) loops with longitudinal bar

c) lattice girder with welded longitudinal bar

Figure 8 — Protruding connecting reinforcement Positioning of connecting reinforcement in the floor plate

When the connecting reinforcement is made of continuous loops, the nominal distance between two adjacent
reinforcement lines shall be no greater than 4 ht or 835 mm whichever is the lesser (see Figure 9).

The distance between vertical legs of a same loop or of two adjacent loops shall be as follows:

⎯ between the centre axes of two adjacent loops ≤ 300 mm;

⎯ between the adjacent legs of two loops ≥ 30 mm.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

Dimensions in millimetres

1 shear force direction

Figure 9 — Spacing of connecting reinforcement Connection with the supporting structure

Some typical construction details are indicated in Annex E. Connection between adjacent floor plates

Connection details shall be given in project specifications.

Examples of reinforcement details between adjacent floor plates are shown in Annex F. Particular requirements for positioning of lattice girders

The positioning of lattice girders shall comply with the following requirements: Distance between lattice girders

The nominal distance between axis of lattice girders shall be such that (see Figure 10):

a ≤ [835 or (15 hp + 125)] mm whichever is the lesser

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

Figure 10 — Distance between axis of lattice girders Distance between the outer lattice girder and the nearest edge of the floor plate

The nominal distance between the centreline of the edge lattice girder and the nearest edge of the floor plate
shall be such that (see Figure 11):

a2 ≤ 0,5 [835 or (15 hp + 125)] mm whichever is the lesser

Figure 11 — Distance between the axis of the outer lattice girder and the nearest edge Specific case of reinforced floor plate with a single lattice girder

The nominal width of a reinforced floor plate with a single lattice girder shall be such that (see Figure 12):

b ≤ 0,75 (15 hp + 125) mm or b ≤ 630 mm whichever is the lesser

Figure 12 — Case of a floor plate with a single lattice girder

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EN 13747:2005 (E) Minimum embedment of the lower chord into the floor plate

The minimum actual embedment of the lower chord of the lattice girder into the floor plate shall be not less
than 10 mm (see Figure 13).

Dimensions in millimetres

Figure 13 — Minimum embedment of lower chord of the lattice girder into the floor plate Longitudinal positioning of lattice girder

The nominal distance, lg, from the lower joint of the first diagonal to the nearest edge of the floor plate shall
not be greater than 250 mm if this element should be a reinforced plate with lattice girder (see Figure 14).

NOTE Short lattice girders which do not fit this requirement should be added (e.g. as bond reinforcement).

Dimensions in millimetres

Figure 14 — Longitudinal positioning of lattice girders Particular requirements for positioning of prestressing tendons Positioning of prestressing tendons in the floor plates without ribs

The pretensioned tendons shall be located on one or more layers according to the thickness of the floor plate.

When the floor plate thickness is less than 60 mm the prestressing tendons should be located on one layer,
situated close to the middle plane of the floor plate in order to avoid tensile stress in the concrete.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

In the absence of specific calculation or tests, the following requirements shall be complied with:

a) the number of prestressing tendons shall be restricted to 30 tendons per layer and per meter;

b) the prestressing tendons shall be distributed evenly in each layer;

c) in every floor plate at least two prestressing tendons shall be provided;

d) the nominal clear spacing li, between individual prestressing tendons shall comply with the two following
conditions (see Figure 15):

⎯ maximum clear spacing li, max = 300 mm;

⎯ minimum clear spacing li, min = 5∅ if ∅ ≤ 7,0 mm or 7∅ if ∅ > 7,0 mm;

⎯ for groups of tendons, the nominal clear spacing between tendons shall be at least:

⎯ horizontally: (dg + 5 mm), 20 mm or ∅, whichever is the largest;

⎯ vertically: dg, 10 mm or ∅ whichever is the largest.

e) the nominal distance le, between the outer tendon edge and the nearest longitudinal edge of the floor
plate shall be not lesser than 3 ∅ and not greater than 150 mm.

Figure 15 — Positioning of prestressing tendons in floor plate without ribs Positioning of prestressing tendons in ribs

When prestressing tendons are located in ribs and in the absence of specific justifications, the nominal
concrete cover, c, defined as the distance of the prestressing tendon to the nearest edge of the rib shall
comply with (see Figure 16):

c ≥ (3 ∅ or 15 mm) whichever is the greater

where ∅ is the greatest nominal diameter of tendons.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

Figure 16 — Positioning of prestressing tendons in ribs

4.3 Finished product requirements

4.3.1 Geometrical properties Production tolerances Dimensional tolerances

The maximum deviations, measured in accordance with 5.2, on the specified nominal dimensions shall satisfy
the following requirements:

a) ± 20 mm for the nominal length;

b) (+ 5, − 10) mm for the nominal width;

NOTE 1 These values should apply to floor plates of standard width. In the other cases, different tolerances may be

c) (+ 10, − X) mm for the nominal average thickness with X =Min(hp/10 ; 10 mm) ≥ 5 mm (greater tolerances
as + 15, −10) mm may be accepted locally however);

d) ± (5 + Le/1000) mm for straightness of edges of the floor plate where Le is the nominal length of a edge of
the floor plate;

e) 1 mm with the straightedge of 20 cm length and 3 mm with the straightedge of 1,0 meter length on the
flatness of the moulded surface;

f) ± 30 mm for the position and the dimensions of cut outs and notches;

g) ± 50 mm in the longitudinal direction and ± bw/10 in the transversal direction for the position of
incorporated units and void formers, where bw is the nominal width of a stiffening or a cast-in-situ rib
between void formers (generally at the weakest level);

h) (+ 10, -X) mm for the eight hr of the ribs with X= Min (hr/10 ; 10 mm) • 5 mm.

NOTE 2 Reduced tolerance values, in place of those given above, should be declared by the manufacturer.

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EN 13747:2005 (E) Tolerances in the positioning of reinforcement

The tolerances on the positioning of reinforcement shall be specified on the basis of analysis of quality control
results. The tolerances given by the manufacturer shall under no circumstances be higher than the values
given below:

⎯ ± 5 mm vertically on individual values for passive longitudinal reinforcement;

⎯ ± 5 mm on the vertical position of each strand or wire;

⎯ ± 3 mm on the centre of gravity of strands or wires, taken on one meter of width of floor plate;

⎯ + 50 mm on the distance from the first diagonal/lower chord joint to the edge of the floor plate;

⎯ ± 10 mm on the vertical positioning for connecting and shear reinforcements. Minimum dimensions

Clause of EN 13369:2004 shall apply.

For stiffening ribs and void formers, Annex C may be used.

4.3.2 Surface characteristics Edges

The edges of the floor plate shall be free of any excess concrete that could be detrimental to the positioning of
adjacent floor plates. Upper surface

Requirements given in 6.2.5 of EN 1992-1-1:2004 shall apply.

The upper surface of the floor plates shall be clean and free of any soiling that could be detrimental to the

4.3.3 Mechanical resistance

Complementary to 4.3.3 of EN 13369:2004, of this standard shall apply. Transient situations

The transient situations covered by this sub-clause relates to storage, handling, transport and installation.

The strength and properties of the concrete floor plate to be considered in transient situations are those
specified by the manufacturer at the time of delivery.

Main and secondary transverse reinforcements provided in the floor plate shall be capable to withstand the
loadings expected for the transient situations. Storage and transportation

The methods of storage and transportation, and the position of bearing points shall be indicated on
documentation provided.

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EN 13747:2005 (E) Handling

When the floor plates are handled using lattice girders, as shown in Figure 17, the anchorage of lattice girders
in the concrete shall be verified, taking into account the guarantee strength of the welds and the distribution of
lattice girders on the floor plate.

1 minimum 3 nodes
2 prohibited

Figure 17 — Handling with lattice girders Conditions for use

Floor plates shall be installed in accordance with technical specification.

Floor plates shall be erected with provisional supports (props) at intermediate and/or edge positions if required
by technical specification.

The effective support lengths, the distances between the bearing supports and between the props, the actions
on the props together with the loads taken into account in determining them, shall be specified.

The erection spans shall be determined by calculation or by means of type tests, examples of which are given
in Annex J. If not calculated according to 4.3.3 of EN 13369:2004 the design method shall initially be validated
by tests.

NOTE 1 When the spans are determined by calculation, the assumptions of loading as well as the limitations of
deformation may be taken from J.2.

When the spans between temporary supports are determined by calculation, the tensile stress in the concrete
should not exceed 1,4 fctmin,j.

NOTE 2 The value of fctmin,j should be taken equal to 0,30 fcmin,j2/3 where fctmin,j and fcmin are respectively the
minimum tensile strength and the minimum compressive strength of concrete at the time of erection of the unit.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

In the case of floor plates without lattice girders nor ribs, the nominal thickness of which is less than 80 mm,
a defavourable deviation on the nominal thickness of the floor plate shall be taken into account by reducing
the nominal thickness by:

Max(er ; eh) in the case of erection with props;

er2 +eh2 , in the case of erection without props;


er is the tolerance on the centre of gravity of the main reinforcement position, in mm

eh is the tolerance for the floor plate thickness, in mm Permanent situations

Floor plates shall comply with the design of the floor system in which they are used. Recommended design
procedures for composite slabs are given in Annex F.

4.3.4 Resistance and reaction to fire

Complementary to 4.3.4 of EN 13369:2004, the following requirements shall apply:

⎯ the fire resistance of a composite slab made of floor plates without void formers is the same as for a solid
slab of identical characteristics. Calculation of the temperatures is carried out without taking into account
the joint between floor plates as much as the width bj is lower than 20 mm (see Figure 18);

a) corner edge b) chamfer edge

Figure 18 — Examples of current joint profiles

⎯ the fire resistance of a composite slab made of floor plates with void formers requires the details of the
fire properties of the void forming materials and the determination of the temperatures profiles. Specific
information are given in Annex H.

4.3.5 Acoustic properties

Clause 4.3.5 of EN 13369:2004 shall apply.

The sound insulation properties of a composite slab made of floor plates without void formers is the same as
for a solid slab of identical characteristics, the influence of the joint between floor plates being negligible.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

4.3.6 Thermal properties

Clause 4.3.6 of EN 13369:2004 shall apply.

The thermal properties of a composite slab made of floor plates without void formers is the same as for a solid
slab of identical characteristics, the influence of the joint between floor plates being negligible.

4.3.7 Durability

Clause 4.3.7 of EN 13369:2004 shall apply.

NOTE Unless specified for other reasons, bathrooms in single family dwellings and ventilated crawl spaces of
buildings should be designed for a class B ambient conditions according to EN 13369:2004. Void formers should not be
used in structures susceptible to water penetration.

4.3.8 Other requirements

Clause 4.3.8 of EN 13369:2004 shall apply.

5 Test methods

5.1 Tests on concrete

Complementary to 5.1 of EN 13369:2004, Annex G of the present standard may apply.

5.2 Measuring of dimensions and surface characteristics

Complementary to 5.2 of EN 13369:2004, the following subclauses shall apply.

5.2.1 Position of reinforcement Procedure

The measurements shall be taken either on the casting bed, when the product reaches the end of the
manufacturing process, or in the stocks.

The following measurements shall be taken:

⎯ the position of longitudinal reinforcement relative to concrete faces, including cover;

⎯ the spacing of longitudinal reinforcing bars;

⎯ the length of projection of protruding bars;

⎯ the position of transverse reinforcement.

The measurements shall be recorded. Interpretation of results

The results shall comply with the requirements of 4.2.4 and the tolerance values defined in

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

5.2.2 Floor plate dimensions Procedure

Measurements shall be taken either when the product reaches the end of the manufacturing process or in the
stocks. The following measurements shall be taken:

⎯ length;

⎯ width;

⎯ cross sectional dimensions;

⎯ position and dimensions of cuts and notches;

⎯ position of incorporated units and void formers.

The measurements shall be recorded. Interpretation of results

The results shall comply with the requirements of and the values specified by the manufacturer, within
the tolerances given in

5.2.3 Straightness of edges

This procedure applies to external edges. Procedure

Place the string or the straightedge along the edge of the floor plate to be checked, from corner to corner.
Measure the maximum deviation t between the string or the straightedge and the edge of the floor plate as
indicated in Annex J of EN 13369:2004.

The measurements shall be recorded. Interpretation of results

The results shall comply with the tolerance values given in d).

5.2.4 Flatness of the moulded surface

Checking the flatness of the moulded surface of the floor plate is considered to be carried out by checking the
flatness of the casting bed.

Annex J of EN 13369:2004 shall apply.

The results shall comply with the tolerance values given in e).

5.2.5 Surface characteristics

The upper rough surface of floor plate shall be subject to appropriate controls:

⎯ visual inspection of roughness in comparison with a reference sample;

⎯ dimensional measurement of indented relief in the case of an indented surface.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

The results shall comply with the requirements given in

5.3 Weight of the products

Clause 5.3 of EN 13369:2004 shall apply.

5.4 Prestressing

5.4.1 Initial prestressing force Procedure

The prestressing force is determined by measuring force and elongation. Interpretation of results

The tensile force corresponding to measured force of the tendon shall be deduced from the "elongation-force"
diagram provided by the tendon manufacturer.

The difference between the initial prestressing force obtained by direct measurement of the force and that
deduced from measurement of elongation shall be less than 7 %.

The results shall be recorded.

5.4.2 Slippage of tendons Procedure

Independent of the production method, tendon slippage shall be measured by means of an appropriate
measuring instrument accurate to within 0,1 mm. Interpretation of results

Slippage shall be limited to the values evaluated in

For strands sawn at the ends of the floor plates, the individual slippage value of the strand is determined by
taking the average for three wires (taken on a diagonal) of the strand.

Prestressed floor plates shall not present longitudinal cracking due to the spalling at the prestressing. In the
case where such longitudinal cracking appears, the floor plate shall be rejected.

NOTE Where, for manufacturing reasons, the prestressing is in redundant, it is allowed to recalculate the floor plate
without taking into account the tendon near the cracking.

6 Evaluation of conformity

6.1 General

Clause 6.1 of EN 13369:2004 shall apply.

6.2 Type testing

Clause 6.2 of EN 13369:2004 shall apply.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

6.3 Factory production control

Clause 6.3 of EN 13369:2004, except, shall apply, with the complementary requirements of Annex A.

7 Marking
Clause 7 of EN 13369:2004 shall apply.

Delivered floor plate shall be uniquely identifiable and traceable until erection with regard to its production site
and data. For this purpose the manufacturer shall mark the products or the delivery documents so the relation
to the corresponding quality records required in this standard can be secured. The manufacturer shall keep
these records for the required period of archiving and make them available when required.

8 Technical documentation
The detailing of the element, with respect to geometrical data and complementary properties of materials and
inserts, shall be given in technical documentation, which includes the construction data, such as the
dimensions, the tolerances, the layout of reinforcement, the concrete cover, the expected transient and final
support conditions and lifting conditions.

The composition of technical documentation is given in Clause 8 of EN 13369:2004.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

Annex A

Inspection schemes

The relevant subjects of Annex D of EN 13369:2004 shall apply. Complementary to these subjects following
schemes shall also apply.

A.1 Process inspection

NOTE Table A.1 is complementary to D.3.2 of Table D.3 of EN 13369:2004. It replaces 8 of D.3.1 of EN 13369:2004
and completes D.3.2 of Table D.3 of EN 13369:2004.

Table A.1 — Process inspection

Subject Method Purpose * Frequency *

Other process subjects
1 Concrete compressive Strength test on moulded Strength on delivery (see On each 500 m3 of
strength concrete specimens or manufactured concrete and
other methods (see 5.1) at least once by 5 production
days, four tests (at least)
shall be made for each
concrete type :
– two specimens are tested
at the age corresponding to
the minimum storage in the
factory specified by the
manufacturer (e.g. 2 days)
Concrete strength at Each production day, three
transfer of prestressing specimens (at least) ** shall
(see be made:
For prestressed floor – for each production unit
plates, it is not necessary and each concrete type if
to measure the strength at there is no heat treatment
delivery when the same
– for each casting bed and
strength is measured at
detensioning each concrete type if there is
a heat treatment
2 Initial prestressing force Direct measurement of jack Verification of the stated Each production day, on one
force or elongation of value prestressing tendons per
tendons (see 5.4.1). production unit
* The indicated tests and frequencies may be adapted or even deleted when equivalent information is obtained directly or indirectly
from the product or process.
** If another method than the procedure described in Annex G is applied, one cube (at least) shall be made on each day of

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A.2 Finished product inspection

NOTE Table A.2 is complementary to D.4.1 of Table D.4 of EN 13369:2004.

Table A.2 — Finished product inspection

Subject Method Purpose* Frequency*

Product testing
1 Dimensions : Measuring according to Conformity with drawing Each 5 production days, one
5.2.1 to 5.2.4 and specified tolerances floor plate taken at random,
– length
every time a different type
– cross section
– straightness of edges
– flatness of the
moulded face
– protruding
2 Surface appearance : Visual inspection (see Roughness for For each production run
5.2.5) monolithism
– roughness
– general appearance
3 Mechanical tests on As described in Annex J Conformity with the On each type of floor plates,
finished products** specified requirements of after setting up the first
the product standard and production or if there is a
with the specified or major change in type of
declared values lattice girder, or method of
Then, for reinforced floor
plates without lattice girders,
at the age upon delivery,
every 20 production days,
on a floor plate of each
depth, every time a floor
plate with different types of
4 Slippage of tendons Measuring of slippage for Conformity with maximum Each production day, three
none sawn elements (see value (see measurements per bed
Visual inspection of sawn Visual inspection of all
elements and measuring elements and if there is no
doubt measuring three
tendons per production day.
In case of doubt measuring
of all concerning tendons
* The indicated tests and frequencies may be adapted or even deleted when equivalent information is obtained directly or indirectly
from the product or process.
** Previous full scale tests performed before the date of this standard may be considered if they comply with the requirements of this
standard. Test results may be those given by the producer of lattice girders. These tests are not required if erection spans are obtained
by calculation following 4.3.3 of EN 13369:2004.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

Annex B

Types of composite slabs

B.1 Scope

This Annex specifies different types of composite slabs made of floor plates, behaving monolithically after
hardening of the cast-in-situ concrete. This monolithism is obtained through the bond between the precast
element and topping with or without connecting reinforcement.

B.2 Different types of composite slabs

According to the presence or not of void formers it is distinguished:

B.2.1 Solid composite slabs

Composite slabs made of reinforced or prestressed floor plates, flat or with ribs, with or without lattice girders,
but without void formers (see Figure B.1).

a) with or without lattice girders b) with ribs

Figure B.1 — Examples of solid composite slabs

B.2.2 Hollow composite slabs

Composite slabs made of reinforced or prestressed floor plates flat, with ribs or with lattice girders and
provided with void formers (see Figure B.2).

a) with embedded void formers b) with glued void formers

Figure B.2 — Examples of hollow composite slabs

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

B.3 Topping
The class of the cast-in-situ concrete should be at least C20/25. The nominal thickness of the topping should
be at least:

⎯ 40 mm above flat floor plates in accordance with 6.2.5 of EN 1992-1-1:2004;

⎯ 0 or 40 mm above the upper face of stiffening ribs of floor plates with ribs;

⎯ 50 mm above the upper face of void formers.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

Annex C

Stiffening ribs and void formers

C.1 Stiffening ribs

Dimensions and positioning of stiffening ribs of reinforced and prestressed floor plates should comply with the
following indications and should be checked according to 5.2.2.

The dimensional tolerances are defined in Clause

C.1.1 Nominal width of ribs

The nominal width of ribs should be such as:

⎯ bw ≥ 55 mm if the floor plate comprises several ribs;

⎯ bw ≥ 85 mm if the floor plate comprises a single rib.

C.1.2 Nominal height of ribs

The nominal height of ribs should be such as:

⎯ hr ≥ 50 mm.

C.1.3 Nominal space between ribs

The nominal distance between the axis of ribs should be such as:

⎯ a ≤ [835 or (15 hp + bw + 2ws)] mm whichever is the lesser

The nominal clear spacing between ribs should be such as:

⎯ a1 ≥ (hr or 85) mm whichever is the greater

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a) tapered rib with chamfer b) straight rib without chamfer

c) lattice girder with concrete rib

Figure C.1 — Distance between contiguous edge ribs

C.1.4 Distance between the edge of the floor plate and the centre line of the nearest rib

This nominal distance should be such as:

⎯ a2 ≤ [600 or 0,5 (15 hp + bw + 2ws)] mm whichever is the lesser

C.1.5 Specific case of reinforced floor plate with a single rib

This nominal width should be such as:

⎯ b ≤ [1 200 or (15 hp + bw + 2ws)] mm whichever is the lesser

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

Figure C.2 — Width of floor plate with a single rib

C.2 Void formers

Void formers should be positioned such that the space between them forms a rib thickness sufficient to allow
the transfer of shear force between the in-situ topping and the floor plate, which also providing sufficient
concrete cover to connecting or any transverse reinforcement.

The minimum space between the faces of void formers should be such as (see Figure C.3):

⎯ bv ≥ 85 mm;

⎯ bv ≥ [85 or (bo + 2c)] mm whichever is the greater, where lattice girder is present.


bo is the width of the lattice girder at the upper face of the floor plate, in mm

c is the concrete cover corresponding to class A in Table A.2 of EN 13369:2004, in mm

The position of void formers should be checked in accordance with 5.2.2.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

Dimensions in millimetres

a) without rib or lattice girder b) with lattice girder

c) with rib

Figure C.3 — Minimum space between void formers

C.3 Additional examples of stiffening ribs and ball void formers

Elements, as defined in C.1 (stiffening rib) and C.2 (void former), typically comply with the description given in
the next paragraphs.

C.3.1 General

The definitions given in 3.1.3 and 3.1.6 apply. Examples of specific stiffening profiles and void former
elements are given respectively in Figure C.4 and Figure C.5.

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a) concrete profile (shape and amount of holes are b) steel beam


Figure C.4 — Possible forms of stiffening profiles

Figure C.5 — Ball void formers connected by reinforcement

C.3.2 Dimensions

C.3.2.1 Dimensions and positioning of stiffening profiles

Dimensions and positioning of stiffening profiles of reinforced and prestressed floor plates should comply with
the rules given hereafter and should be checked according to 5.2.2.

Figure C.6 — Dimensions and positioning of specific stiffening profiles

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

⎯ nominal width of the webs bw2 • 30 mm;

⎯ nominal height of the profiles hr • 50 mm;

⎯ nominal height of the flange hf • 30 mm;

⎯ nominal clear spacing between the profiles:

50 mm ” a1 ” (800 mm and 15 hp);

⎯ nominal clear spacing between edge profile and edge of the floor plate:

a2 ” (560 mm and 7,5 hp).

The dimensional tolerances are defined in

C.3.2.2 Dimensions and positioning of ball void formers

The void formers should be positioned so that the space between adjacent units is sufficient for correct
concreting of the cast-in-place mortar and to fulfil the static actions in the hardened situation. Inherent to this:

Figure C.7 — Dimensions and positioning of ball void formers

⎯ minimum space between the side of ball void formers is such as:

bw • 20 mm and (0,1.a);

⎯ the minimum concrete thickness at the bottom of the ball is such as:

hb • 20 mm and (0,1.a);

a • [85 and (bw + d)];

⎯ the minimum thickness of the in situ concrete cover over the ball void formers is greater than 0,1 a.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

Annex D

Monolithism of composite slabs

D.1 General

The design shear stress at the interface should satisfy 6.2.5 of EN 1992-1-1:2004.

For floor plates with void formers, the efficient width of the interface, bj, is given on Figure D.1. Dimensions are
in mm; those concerning Figure a) are lower limits of sizes.

Dimensions in millimetres

a) with ribs and voids formers b) without ribs and with voids formers

c) without ribs and with voids formers and lattice girder

NOTE The roughness is assumed constant at the interface.

Figure D.1 — Examples of efficient width of interfaces

NOTE The design shear strength of the composite slab may take into account the roughness that may be different
between the elements of the floor plate.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

D.2 Strength of connecting reinforcement

The design strength of the connecting reinforcement, for two diagonal legs at angles α and α' to the interface
(see Figure D.2) is equal to:

FRwd = Asw fywd (µ sin α + µ sin α' + cos α) (D.1)


Asw is the cross sectional area of the leg considered, in mm2 ;

fywd is the design strength of the steel of which the leg is made, in MPa;

µ is the friction coefficient according to 6.2.5 of EN 1992-1-1:2004;

α and α' are the angles of the legs considered in radians, with π/4 ≤ α ≤ π/2 and cos α ≥ 0;
π/2 ≤ α' ≤ 3 π/4.

Figure D.2 — Definition of FRwd

D.3 Anchorage of connecting reinforcement

The anchorage of connecting reinforcement in the concrete of the floor plate and in the topping should be
designed at ultimate limit state by calculation according to 8.4 and 8.5 of EN 1992-1-1:2004 or by tests. This
anchorage is provided by:

⎯ welded junction or by mechanical junction in the case of discontinuous diagonals (see Figure D.3).

In the case of a welded or mechanic junction, the anchorage is considered to be satisfactory, if the rules
for shear reinforcement (see 8.5 of EN 1992-1-1:2004) are complied with (see Figure D.3) and if the
strength of the welding complies with of EN 10080.

For lattice girders, a reduction of 50 % should be applied to the values given in EN 1992-1-1:2004.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

a) longitudinal and cross section views

with (20 mm and 2 ∅w) ≤ e ≤ 50


b) detail of junction

Figure D.3 — Welded junction

⎯ loop in the case of connecting reinforcement with loops without welded longitudinal bar. The anchorage
capacity should be determined by test or in accordance with 8.4 of EN 1992-1-1:2004. The values given
in Annex K may be used as simplification;

⎯ combination of loop and welded junction when a welded longitudinal bar in present at the top of loops or
in the case of a lattice girder with continuous diagonals (see Figure D.4). In this case the anchorage is
considered to be satisfied if the rules of the Figure D.4 are complied with and if the strength of the welding
complies with of EN 10080.

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Figure D.4 — Loop and welded junctions

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

Annex E

Detailing of support joints and anchorage of reinforcement of composite


E.1 Scope
This annex specifies different detailing in order to ensure the anchorage of bottom reinforcement of composite

E.2 General

E.2.1 Effective support length

To determine the nominal support length, the minimum value of the support length should be increased by
taking into account the values for tolerances and the effect of spalling.

In the absence of specific justification, the minimum values for actual effective support lengths of the floor
plates at their bearings should be:

⎯ if the floor plates are erected without intermediate props or if the main reinforcement is not protruding:

⎯ 50 mm bearing on masonry;

⎯ 30 mm bearing on steel or concrete.

⎯ if the floor plates are erected with intermediate props and if the main reinforcement is protruding:

⎯ 40 mm bearing on masonry;

⎯ 20 mm bearing on steel or concrete.

If these conditions are not complied with, an edge prop should be provided.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

E.2.2 Types of connections

Three different types of connections can be specified:

a) the support length of the floor plate on the bearing is sufficient to achieve the anchorage of the lower
reinforcement of the composite slab in the floor plate on its support length, with a minimum of 60 mm
(see Figure E.1);

a) on edge support b) on intermediate support

1 eventual additional reinforcement

Figure E.1 — Anchorage in the floor plate on its support length

b) the support length of the floor plate on the bearing is not sufficient to achieve the anchorage of the main
lower reinforcement of the composite slab in the floor plate on its support length. In this case the
anchorage is achieved by means of protruding reinforcement (main reinforcement of the floor plate or
additional reinforcement) (see Figure E.2). Except in the case of special calculations or tests, the
anchorage length on the support la should be greater than 100 mm.

a) on edge support b) on intermediate support

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c) by bent up reinforcement

1 eventual additional reinforcement

Figure E.2 — Examples of anchorage by protruding reinforcement

c) the support length of the precast floor plate on the bearing is not sufficient to achieve the anchorage of
the main lower reinforcement of the composite slab within support length. The anchorage is achieved by
means of additional reinforcement in the topping on the floor plate (see Figure E.3).

l0 : design lap length according to 8.7.3 of EN 1992-1-1

Figure E.3 — Examples of anchorage by additional reinforcement in the topping

(case with lattice girder)

When before installation it is noticed that the support length is insufficient or of no value, an edge prop should
be located and the gap between the precast floor plate and the bearing should be closed by means of a
shuttering (see Figures E.4 and E.5). Hangers reinforcement should be required. The use of a foam to close
the gap is prohibited.

NOTE When la is greater than the support length, reinforcement should be bent.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

a) without protruding reinforcement from floor plate b) with protruding reinforcement from floor plate

1 Shuttering

Figure E.4 — Case when the floor plate does not reach the support

a) with protruding reinforcement b) with reinforcement on the floor plate

1 Shuttering

Figure E.5 — Case with embedded beam

E.3 Anchorage of lower reinforcements of the composite slab

E.3.1 Anchorage on the end support

E.3.1.1 General

The anchorage of lower reinforcement of the composite slab is achieved:

⎯ inside the floor plate (type 1);

⎯ by protruding reinforcement from edges of the floor plate (type 2);

⎯ by means of additional reinforcement in the topping above the precast floor plate (type 3).

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

The anchorage design should be made by considering for anchorage length, the distance, la, between the
edges of the reinforcements and the internal face of the bearing.

E.3.1.2 Connection type 1 (see Figure E.1)

In the case of a connection as type 1 the anchorage is achieved inside the floor plate.

E.3.1.3 Connection type 2 (see Figure E.2)

In the case of a connection as type 2 the anchorage is achieved by means of protruding reinforcements from
edges of the floor plate.

These reinforcements can be additional reinforcement located in the floor plate, overlapping the
reinforcements of the floor plate with a sufficient length.

In the case where these reinforcements are bent up reinforcement, these can be bent up in the floor plate, as
shown by Figure E.2.c), directly in front of the support with a mandrel of which the curve radius is at least
equal to four times the diameter of the bar.

The verification is made by considering a reinforced-concrete anchorage over distance la, taking into account
the transverse pressure according to 8.4.4 of EN 1992-1-1:2004.

E.3.1.4 Connection type 3 (see Figure E.3)

In the case of connection as type 3, the anchorage is achieved by additional reinforcement located above the
floor plate in the topping. The following conditions should be complied with:

a) the nominal thickness of the floor plate, hp, should not exceed one half of the thickness of the composite
slab (hp ≤ ht / 2) ;

b) the transfer of the anchorage-force is ensured by overlapping on a length equal to the anchorage length
lb,net plus, except in the type case shown in Figure E.6 d), the distance v between the main
reinforcements of the floor plate and the additional reinforcements located above the floor plate in the
topping. In these zones the linkage between these two reinforcements is achieved by connecting
reinforcement as shown (see Figure E.6).

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

a) by lattice girder b) by connecting reinforcement

c) by stirrups d) by bent up reinforcement

Figure E.6 — Linkage between additional reinforcement and the floor plate reinforcement

It is recommended that a mechanically continuous extension of the lower reinforcement be anchored in order
to be able to resist accidental positive moments (settlement of the support, explosion, etc.).

E.3.2 Anchorage in special cases

When the composite slab is constructed after the continuous support is placed (slipforming wall for example)
or when the composite slab is hung up on the bearing (wall or beam) the connection between the support and
the composite slab should be ensured by hanging reinforcement as shown in Figures E.7 and E.8.

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a) with lattice girders

b) with stirrups

c) with bent up bars

Figure E.7 — Examples of connections on a continuous support

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a) with lattice girders

b) with stirrups

c) with bent up bars

Figure E.8 — Examples of connections of hung up composite slabs

NOTE The limit values of the dimensions (minimal or maximal) are not represented on Figures E.7 and E.8. The
respect of these values is a necessary condition to ensure a good behaviour of the connections.

The anchorage length, la, shown in Figure E.9, should be sufficient to satisfy the anchorage requirements of
the main reinforcement of the composite slab.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

a) connecting reinforcement within the floor plate

b) connecting reinforcement protruding

Figure E.9 — Connecting reinforcement cast integral with the floor plate

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

Annex F

Design of composite slab

F.1 General

The floor plate concrete strength and characteristics to be taken into account in permanent situations are
those stated by the manufacturer at 28 days.

The floor plate should contain all or part of the main reinforcement required in the composite slab.

The resistance and stability of composite slabs made of floor plates result from their association with in situ
concrete and possibly voids formers.

Providing shear forces can be transferred through the interface of the floor plate with the in situ concrete (see
Annex C), the design of composite slabs is identical to the design of monolithic slab offering the same

This design should be carried out by reference to EN 1992-1-1:2004 by taking into account the following

When the applied load, Qp, is greater than 10 kN/m2, the effective span taken into account for the calculation
should be in accordance with of EN 1992-1-1:2004. Otherwise, if Qp ≤ 10 kN/m2, the effective span are
given in Table F.1 depending on the type of bearing support.

NOTE The reduction of the effective span for applied loads lesser than 10 kN/m2 is justified by the narrow width of
the strut on the support.

Table F.1 — Effective span for different support conditions (Qp ≤ 10 kN/m2)

Edge and intermediate supports Intermediate supports with

Type of supports
without continuity continuity
Concrete beams
Columns clear distance between the faces of the supports
Concrete walls
distance between the edge of the distance between the axis of the
Steel floor joist
flanges (span side) bearings
Masonries with small elements clear distance between the faces of the supports + 5 cm
Bearings distance between the axis of the bearings
Embedded beams distance between the axis of the beams

NOTE For the calculation of frame stability, the effective span should be taken as the distance between the bearings

F.2 Connections between adjacent floor plates

The connection details may be given in project specifications.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

Examples of reinforcement details between adjacent floor plates are shown in Figure F.1. Where partial or
total mechanical continuity across the connection is to be relied upon, the relevant details from the design
criteria may be adopted and detailed.

a) with additional bars placed in cast-in-situ concrete

b) with protruding floor- -plate reinforcement

c) with protruding bent floor plate reinforcement

d) by additional reinforcement anchored in the floor plate

Figure F.1 — Examples of reinforcement detailing between adjacent floor plates

(cross section to span direction)

NOTE For the last case (Figure F.1 d)), a protection of the protruding additional reinforcement should be provided.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

F.3 Bending ultimate limit state

The bending ultimate limit state design should be made by applying EN 1992-1-1:2004 with following rules.

Reinforcement for transversal bending moment should comply with EN 1992-1-1:2004.

The upper member of resisting void formers can take into account in the compressive resisting member of the
composite slab.

In the case where the compressive member of the composite slab is constituted by different materials (rib of
floor plates, cast-in-situ concrete, resisting void formers) the strength of these different materials should be

When non prestressed reinforcement are used in prestressed floor plate and when these are not located at
the same depth as the prestressed reinforcements, the tensile force in the non prestressed reinforcement
should be deduced from their stress-strain diagram.

NOTE The minimum area of non prestressed reinforcement should not be taken as less as 1,2 times the area
required in ultimate limit state verification, but not greater than As,min = 0,18 (fctm/fyk) bt d where bt is the mean width of the
tension zone.

F.4 Serviceability limit state

F.4.1 General

Two cases should be considered:

⎯ case of "thin" floor plates;

⎯ case of "thick" floor plates.

F.4.1.1 Case of "thin" floor plates

A floor plate is considered to be "thin" when its thickness, hp, complies with:

hp ≤ (ht/2 or 80) mm whichever is the lesser

where ht is the nominal thickness of the composite slab, in mm.

In the case of thin floor plates, the following considerations a) and b) should be made:

a) the design of the composite slab can be made by not considering the different stages of the construction;

b) the transverse bending moment should be not considered when otherwise the following conditions are
complied with:

⎯ the composite slab is supported on two opposite sides;

⎯ the applied load is mainly static;

⎯ the imposed load is limited to categories A and B according to EN 1991-1-1:2004 (premises for
residential use, hospitals, offices);

⎯ the traffic load is restricted to traffic category F according to EN 1991-1-1:2004 (traffic and parking
areas for light vehicles).

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

NOTE 1 When the above conditions are complied with or when the width of the floor plates is lower than 1,20 m,
transverse reinforcements are not required in the floor plate other than that required for transient situations (storage,
handling and installation) and reinforcement above the joint is only a consideration and not a rule.

NOTE 2 In other cases, a minimum quantity of reinforcement should be placed in the floor slab in order to limit cracking
due to shrinkage. It may be placed in either the floor plate or the topping and should represent at least (20/fyk) % of the
cross section of the slab (fyk is the yield strength of the reinforcement concerned, in MPa).

F.4.1.2 Case of "thick" floor plates

When hp > (ht/2 and 80) mm, each stage of the construction should be considered and the transverse
distribution of loads should be investigated.

The checks of normal stresses should take into account the different construction phases.

Transverse bending should be verified in accordance with F.4.1.1 b) above. If these conditions are not
complied with, the effect of joint between floor plates should be considered for the calculation.

F.4.2 Serviceability limit state design of composite slab made of reinforced floor plate

F.4.2.1 Stress limitation and crack control

The serviceability limit states relating to stress limitation and crack control may be deduced from 7.2 and 7.3
of EN 1992-1-1:2004.

F.4.2.2 Deflection control

The verification of the deformation limit state of composite slab involves limiting the active deflection in order
to prevent disorders in the works supported by the floor.

Active deflection is due to:

⎯ the part of the permanent load applied to the finished floor system before construction of supported works,
for which the verification is carried out, as a result of long time creep deformation, considered as a long-
term action;

⎯ the permanent load applied after construction of the supported works, for which the verification is carried
out, considered as a long-term action;

⎯ the variable loads applied after construction of the supported works, for which the verification is carried
out, considered as a short-term action;

⎯ the part of differential shrinkage between the floor plate concrete and the cast in-situ concrete that takes
place after construction of the supported works, considered as a long-term action.

The limit value for active deflection depends on the type of works supported by the floor (fragility of partitions
and floor finishing, etc.). The active deflection is limited to:

⎯ for masonry partitions (e.g. gypsum plaster tiles) and/or brittle floor finishing: L/500 ;

⎯ for other partitions and/or non brittle floor finishing: L/350 ;

⎯ for roof element: L/250.

where L is the span of the floor, in metres.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

The simplified method given hereafter should be used for uniformly distributed loads. We can distinguished
the following applied loads:

Gv are the permanent loads (with self weight) applied on the floor before the erection of the brittle floor
finishing (dead loads before), in kN/m2;

Ga is the self weight of the brittle floor finishing (brittle loads), in kN/m2;

Gp are the permanent loads applied on the floor after the erection of the brittle floor finishing (dead loads
after), in kN/m2;

Q are the variable loads (live loads), in kN/m2.

The corresponding isostatic bending moments are:


MGa and MGv+Ga = MGv + MGa

MGp and MGv+Ga+Gp = MGv + MGa + MGp

MQ and MGv+Ga+Gp+Q = MGv + MGa + MGp + MQ

Ecm is the tangent modulus of elasticity of the cast in-situ concrete according to Table 3.1 of
EN 1992-1-1:2004, in MPa and Ecmv the corresponding long-term modulus of elasticity according to 7.4.3 of
EN 1992-1-1/2004.

Except for more accurate calculation:

⎯ Ecmv = Ecm/(1 + ij) with ij = 2;

⎯ the steel-concrete effective modular ratio is taken as 15;

⎯ the precast-cast in-situ concrete effective modular ratio is taken as 1 for the calculation on the basis of
uncracked section.

The cracking moment Mcr corresponds to a concrete tensile stress fctm in the homogenized section.

The total deflection is equal to:

wt = ȟt wt,fc + wt,uc (1− ȟt)

wt,fc = (MGv+Ga+Gp / Ecmv /fc + MQ / Ecm.Ifc ) L2 / 10

wt,uc = (MGv+Ga+Gp / Ecmv.Iuc + MQ / Ecm.Iuc ) L2 / 10

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ȟt = 0 if MGv+Ga+Gp+Q ≤ Mcr and ȟt = 1 − (Mcr / MGv+Ga+Gp+Q)0.5 if MGv+Ga+Gp+Q > Mcr ;

Iuc is the uniform inertia of the uncracked section, in mm4;

Ifc is the uniform inertia of the fully cracked section, in mm4.

The deflection to deduce is the one that occurred before the erection of the brittle floor finishing.

⎯ If this erection occurs just after the unpropping:

w1 = wfc1 ȟ1 + wuc1(1 − ȟ1)

wfc1 = (MGv+Ga / Ecm.Ifc ) L2 / 10 and wuc1 = (MGv+Ga / Ecmv.Iuc ) L2 / 10

ȟ1 = 0 if MGv+Ga ≤ Mcr and ȟ1 = 1 − (Mcr / MGv+Ga)0.5 if MGv+Ga > Mcr.

⎯ If this erection occurs a very long time after the unpropping:

w2 = wfc2 ȟ2 + wuc2(1 − ȟ2) ;

wfc2 = (MGv / Ecmv.Ifc + MGa / Ecm.Ifc) L2 / 10 and wuc2 = (MGv / Ecmv.Iuc + MGa / Ecm.Iuc) L2 / 10 ;

ȟ2 = 0 if MGv+Ga ≤ Mcr and ȟ2 = 1 − (Mcr / MGv+Ga)0.5 if MGv+Ga > Mcr.

⎯ According to the passed time between the unpropping and the erection of the brittle floor finishing:

wa = w1 + ȥ (w2 − w1)

where ȥ is a coefficient of interpolation comprised between 0 and 0,5. Except for more accurate calculation,
ȥ may be taken as:

ȥ = 0,5 t/90 for t ≤ 90 days (with t in days);

ȥ = 0,5 for t > 90 days.

The deflection to consider is equal to wt − wa, and should be lower than the limits given above.

NOTE The continuity may be taken into account changing the isostatic moment with the moment of the considered
span and keeping the floor span between supports for the calculation of w.

For floor plates with lattice girders, this deflection may be reduced by a coefficient (no lower than 0,85) which
should be demonstrated by testing. Two identical floor plates (concrete type, dimensions, etc.), with for only
difference the absence of diagonal reinforcement, should be tested. The deflection of the floor plates is
compared in order to demonstrate the positive influence of the lattice girder.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

F.4.3 Serviceability limit states design of composite slabs made of prestressed floor plates

F.4.3.1 Stress limitation and crack control

F. Case of "thin" floor plate

In the absence of more accurate calculation, the entire cross section of the floor plate can may be assumed to
be submitted to an average prestressing stress, σpm with σpm = Fpm/Ac where Ac is the sectional area of the
floor plate and Fpm is the final prestress force.

NOTE The calculation of the state of stresses in the floor plate is not very satisfactory taking into account relative
uncertainties on the position of tendons, on the levelling of props or on the unrecoverable deformations taken during
storage. However, if the stresses at the bottom and at the top of the floor plate are difficult to evaluate, we can determine
with a good accuracy the average prestress which is not modified during the erection phases.

In order to ensure durability of the reinforcement towards the corrosion, the longitudinal bending moment
under applied loads should be restricted to:

Mcr = W [σp,m + 0,7 fctm]


σp,m is the average prestress, in Mpa;

fctm is the mean value of axial tensile strength of the floor plate concrete, in Mpa;

Mcr is the limit value of the bending moment at the serviceability limit state, in Nmm;

W is the lower inertia modulus of the composite slab, in mm3.

F. Case of "thick" floor plate

A full analysis may be performed taking into account the different construction stages, the statically
indeterminate prestressing moments above supports and the moment distribution due to long time effect of
prestress force, shrinkage and creep of the concretes.

F.4.3.2 Deflection control

F.4.2.2 applies taking in addition in consideration the deferred differential effects of the prestressing action:

⎯ a part of the prestressing force acting only on the floor plate;

⎯ the other part acting on the composite slab.

In the case of thin floor plates, the section is considered to be uncracked if the rules given in F. are
complied with.

F.5 Transverse bending design of composite slab

Reinforcement for transversal laps that will support transversal bending moment should comply with 8.7 of
EN 1992-1-1:2004.

When the transverse moment should be considered, transverse reinforcement should be required in order to
counter this transverse moment.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

These transverse reinforcements should be located:

⎯ in the cast-in-situ concrete;

⎯ only above the joints between floor plates, providing the mechanical continuity be overlapping of
transverse reinforcements of the floor plate (see Figure F.2).

Figure F.2 — Transverse reinforcement above the joint

I In the case of particularly heavy or dynamical loads, it should be necessary to hang the shear force in the
cast-in-situ concrete by means of hangers (see Figure F.3), or to provide adequate joints on floors plate edges
(see Figure F.4). In the latter case, the shear force is hung, according to the intensity of the force, either by the
roughness of the lateral face of the joint of which the shape should provide a correct grouting, or by a
longitudinal groove.

Dimensions in millimetres

Figure F.3 — Hangers Figure F.4 — Rough joint

1 hangers

NOTE When the floor plates are floor plates with ribs, particular arrangements should be provided in order to ensure
the mechanical continuity between contiguous floor plates.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

Annex G

Concrete strength at time of prestressing

G.1 General

G.1.1 Procedure

The minimum compressive strength that the concrete has to reach before prestressing (release) should be
determined by crushing cube or cylinder specimens. If the tested specimens are different than the
standardised cylinder (150 × 300) mm, coefficients of correlation should be applied.

The specimens should be sampled during manufacture, should undergo the same heat treatment as the floor
plates, and should be stored in the same environment until the time of compressive strength testing.

NOTE The concrete strength at the time of transfer of prestressing may be determined by other methods (rebound
hammer, sound velocity, maturity measurement) after correlation by means of laboratory tests.

G.1.2 Interpretation of results

After the time considered necessary for the concrete to have hardened sufficiently for prestressing to go
ahead, the procedure described in Figure G.1 may be applied.

Other appropriate methods may also be applied provided the required minimum compressive strength, fcmin,p,
at release is as given in

The results should be recorded.

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Figure G.1 — Testing procedure before release

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

Annex H

Composite slabs with void formers

H.1 General

This Annex gives some properties of void formers only for fire situation (not yet given in a European Standard).

If toxic gases are produced by inflammable void formers while burning they should be submitted to
appropriate standards, as regards the measure of their acceptability, because this topic is not covered by a
European Standard. The evaluation of the fire resistance, definitions and calculation rules should be taken
from EN 1992-1-2:2004.

H.2 Material properties

In the following clauses, material properties are reported coupled to some specific temperature values
meaning that, unless otherwise stated, other values may be interpolated among them.

H.2.1 Polystyrene/Air voids

Polystyrene is an insulating material up to approximately 100 °C. At higher temperatures it vaporises, leaving
an air void. Properties for polystyrene should be used up to 100 °C, and properties for an air void thereafter.
A large temperature difference across the air void is liable to occur in fire situations, giving rise to significant
convection within the air void, and radiation across the void increases as the temperature rises.

To make theoretical calculations with computer programs, "apparent" or "equivalent" values for the "moving"
air are considered.

The couples of values of Table H.1 may be taken.

Table H.1 — Polystyrene properties coupled to temperature values

T [°C] 0 100 500 1 500

λ [W/mK] 0,04 0,1 33 33
c [J/kgK] 1 210 1 210 1 000 1 000

ρ [kg/m3] 15 15 1 1

where T is the temperature, λ the thermal conductivity, c the specific heat capacity and ρ the density.

H.2.2 Clay

This material is, of course, rather stable of its own but the presence of voids, although very small, makes
convective air motions still rather effective, yielding "apparent" parameters specific to the geometry of the void
formers used.

The couples of values of Table H.2 may be taken.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

Table H.2 — Clay properties coupled to temperature values

T [°C] 0 100 500 1 500

λ [W/mK] 0,2 6,7 6,7 6,7
c [J/kgK] 1 100 1 100 1 000 1 000
ρ [kg/m3] 800 800 770 770

H.3 Temperature profiles

To evaluate these profiles the heat flux algorithm and the general and surface parameters given
in EN 1992-1-2:2004 should be used with the specifications given in a) to c).

a) Radiative heat flux:

⎯ (view or) configuration factor for exposed surface = 1;

⎯ (view or) configuration factor for not exposed surface = 0;

⎯ emissivity coefficient of the fire compartment Ef = 0,8;

⎯ emissivity coefficient of the member Em = 0,7.

b) Convective heat flux:

⎯ coefficient of heat transfer for exposed surface = 25 W/m2 °C;

⎯ coefficient of heat transfer for not exposed surface = 9 W/m2 °C.

c) External temperature, above the composite slab, has been considered to be constant and equal
to : Te = 20 °C.

H.4 Other items to be considered

Very high temperatures may lead to thermal cracking within the precast floor plate. Although the overall
stability of the slab is not adversely affected immediately, thermal cracking of the bottom floor plate may be
minimised by transverse bars suitably anchored to the rib reinforcement and/or by other equivalent means.

Being the concrete cover the most important factor in fire resistance of floor plates, above the average
precautions must be taken in the factory control of the steel bars positioning.

An adequate increase to the anchorage of the reinforcement should be evaluated proportional to the fire
resistance required.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

Annex J

Testing to determine erection spans (type testing)

J.1 General

The aim of these tests is to determine the erection spans regarding to the following criteria:

⎯ flexural ultimate resistance;

⎯ flexural ultimate resistance at the supports (under negative bending moment);

⎯ flexural stiffness (or deformability);

⎯ shear ultimate resistance.

J.2 Determination of erection span

The distance between props or erection span temporary bearings, ler, is defined in Figure J.1.

a) without props

b) with props

1 edge prop
2 intermediate prop

Figure J.1 — Definition of erection span

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

In the case where an edge prop is used, the distance from the centre line of the edge prop to the face of the
floor plate bearing shall not exceed 250 mm, or the value determined by calculation or by test (stability of the
cantilevered part of the floor plate shall be checked).

The properties of the floor plate materials shall be taken as those specified by the manufacturer on the

The erection spans, ler, shall satisfy both failure (condition a) and deflection (condition b) criteria in
considering the static systems of Figure J.2, which gives the maximum values for stress in the spans and at
the supports.

combination 1

combination 2

combination 3

Figure J.2 — Static systems to be considered

J.2.1 Failure design (condition a)

The design load corresponding to the ultimate limit state for bending and shear force shall be at least equal to
that due to the combination of actions:

γGpl (Gpl + Gb) + γQco Qco + γQs Qs

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EN 13747:2005 (E)


Gb self-weight of the floor plate void formers;

Gpl floor plate self-weight;

Qco weight of the cast-in-situ concrete;

Qs temporary loads during floor construction.

NOTE Until such time as European regulations set the value of Qs, it should be that given by site safety regulations
valid in the country where the floor plates are used. A value of 1 kN/m2 should be used.

J.2.2 Checking of the deflection (condition b)

For the combination of actions (Gpl + Gb + Qco), the mid-span deflection between props or between temporary
supports shall not be greater than the following values:

⎯ 10 mm if ler ≤ 4,00 m;

⎯ (ler/400) mm if ler > 4,00 m.

NOTE Different values should be specified for particular projects.

J.3 Equipment
The testing machine shall be a class 3 machine according to EN 12390-4. The loading device should be
articulated. The dial gauges used to measure deflection shall be capable of measuring 0,50 mm to within
0,01 mm.

J.4 Preparation of test piece

The test shall be performed between 0 °C and 40 °C. The temperature shall be recorded.

The test piece shall be a length of floor plate of, L or 2L in span, where L is the span approximately to ler
between the props or temporary supports.

NOTE It is possible to reduce the width of the floor plate to x times the distance between the centre axis of the lattice
girders or the stiffening ribs and to interpolate or extrapolate the obtained results to the total width of the floor plate.

The test piece shall be supported on rollers (at least one of which shall be free to rotate) with 50 mm ± 5 mm
wide and 10 mm ± 3 mm thick repartition pads if the lower face of the test piece is irregular.

The axis of the edge rollers shall be located at 50 mm ± 5 mm from the edges of the floor plate.

The load (P) shall be applied at positions shown in Figure J.3, by means of two 10 mm ± 3 mm thick
distribution pads capable of absorbing any surface irregularities.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

a) positive bending moment at mid-span and limit-deflection determination

b) negative moment at support c) shear force

Figure J.3 — Possible dispositions for the test loading

NOTE For the negative moment, testing can be carried out with the arrangement of Figure a) placing the floor plate in
an overturned position.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

J.5 Loading
An initial loading, up to 10 % of the maximum expected load, followed by a return to zero shall be applied then
withdrawn, to seat the floor plate (seating load).

Loading shall then be applied as follows:

1) progressively and incrementally. After each load increment, the mid-span deflection of the test piece
shall be measured and corrected for bearing settlements which shall be measured at the same time
the mid-span deflection;

2) when the mid-span deflection corrected for bearing settlement has reached the limit value, the load
applied at that time shall be recorded (Pflim). The corresponding mid-span deflection and bearing
settlement should be recorded;

3) the load shall be removed and the residual deformation measured;

4) after 5 min to 10 min without load (where applicable) the floor plate shall be loaded to failure using
the same rate of loading as previously. The failure load, PR, is the maximum load the floor plate can

NOTE During these loading phases, the increase in load should be stopped if an event requiring analysis occurs.

J.6 Interpretation of results

Two tests shall be carried out for each type of floor plate.

If the difference between the two results is greater than 15 % of the mean value, a third test is necessary and
the mean value is calculated on the basis of three tests.

The erection span, ler, shall be such that following four criteria are met:

⎯ the mid-span bending moment calculated with span, ler, and the combination of actions
(γGpl (Gpl + Gb) + γQco Qco + γQs Qs) applied in the relevant static system shall not be greater than
Mms (PR) / γE ;

⎯ the mid-span bending moment calculated with span, ler, and the combination of actions
(Gpl + Gb + Qco) applied in the relevant static system shall be not greater than the moment corresponding
to, Pflim, as determined under test conditions;

⎯ the support bending moment calculated with span, ler, and the combination of actions
(γGpl (Gpl + Gb) + γQco Qco + γQs Qs) applied in the relevant static system shall not be greater than
MS (PR) / γE ;

⎯ the shear force calculated with span, ler, and the combination of actions
(γGpl (Gpl + Gb) + γQco Qco + γQs Qs) applied in the relevant static system shall not greater than VR / γE.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)


ler is the erection span, in m;

Mms (PR) is the mean mid-span failure moment obtained from the tests (2 or 3), in kNm;

Pflim is the value of the load applied in test procedures corresponding with the limit value of the at
mid-span deflection, in kN;

Ms (PR) is the mean support moment at failure obtained from the tests (2 or 3), in kNm;

VR is the mean shear force at failure obtained from the tests (2 or 3), in kN;

γE is the test coefficient taking into account the variation-coefficient of the model, relating to the
geometry of the floor plate and the strength of the materials.

NOTE The relevant static system is the static system given in J.2, which led to the maximum stress level in the
verification under consideration. Taking account of test results obtained on similar elements, the value of γE should be
taken as 1,20 in the absence of more accurate information.

J.7 Test report

The test report shall mention:

⎯ the identification of the test piece;

⎯ span of the floor plate or the test specimen;

⎯ the date of manufacture or some other code;

⎯ the date and place of testing;

⎯ the laboratory and the person in charge of testing;

⎯ all the characteristics of materials required for testing;

⎯ the test method;

⎯ the measuring equipment used;

⎯ the seating load and the residual deflection;

⎯ the value of Pflim ;

⎯ any observations regarding the test and any disorders noted (cracks, etc.);

⎯ the failure load value, PR ;

⎯ the type of failure;

⎯ a declaration that the tests were carried out in compliance with this standard, plus details of any
amendments made.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

Annex K

Anchorage capacity of loops

The values for the anchorage capacity of loops given in Table K.1, for a C20/25 concrete class, should be
used to check the monolithism of composite slabs (see Annex D).

Table K.1 — Characteristics of loops in the floor plate (in kN)

Diameter ∅ of the loop reinforcement (mm) 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 8

Anchorage length la of the loops on both sides
50 50 60 60 70 80 80 80
of the interface (mm)
Spacing s between the tops of the loops (mm) 80 80 80 80 90 100 120 120
Section of the loop reinforcement for 1 meter
310 490 490 710 630 570 640 840
length (mm2)
Ultimate limit force per loop
– smooth bars (fyk = 235 MPa) 5,1 8,0 8,0 11,6 11,6 11,6 15,7 20,4

– ribbed bars (fyk = 500 MPa or waste of 8,0 8,0 11,6 11,6 15,7 19,7 20,4 20,4
Ultimate limit shear strength per row of loops
with regards to the lever arm z (mm)
– smooth bars (fyk = 235 MPa) 0,064z 0,10z 0,10z 0,15z 0,13z 0,12z 0,13z 0,17z

– ribbed bars (fyk = 500 MPa of waste of 0,10z 0,10z 0,15z 0,15z 0,18z 0,20z 0,17z 0,17z

When the thickness of cast in-situ concrete over the floor plate is not sufficient for the minimal anchorage
length of the loop, loop reinforcements may be used with a welded continuous bar at the bottom of the loops
(with the same steel grade and diameter). In this case, the minimum anchorage length of the loops over the
floor plate may be reduced applying a factor equal to 0,6, ultimate limit force values being the same.

If lower loops in the floor plate are at the level of the lowest longitudinal bars, the anchorage lengths given in
the table are not required anymore.

Spacing between the tops of the loops given in the table may be different, but:

⎯ no lower than 80 mm;

⎯ and to take for the ultimate limit force of this loop the same as for the loop with the same diameter and
anchorage length and with the lower spacing given in the table.

If the strength class of the cast in-situ concrete is greater than C20/25, it may be possible to:

⎯ increase the ultimate limit forces per loop by the ratio fctk/1,5 without exceeding the force corresponding
to the reach of the design yield strength of reinforcement (fctk is the characteristic axial tensile strength of
the cast in-situ concrete);

⎯ decrease the anchorage length of the loop in the floor plate by the ratio 1,5/ f ctk .

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

Ultimate shear resistance is equal to the ultimate limit force per loop multiplied by the lever arm z spacing
between the tops of the loops ratio.

Figure K.1 — Connecting reinforcement with loops

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

Annex Y

Choice of CE marking method

Y.1 General

The producer should choose to apply, for CE marking, one of the methods described in ZA.3, on the basis of
the following conditions.

Y.2 Method 1

The declaration of geometrical data and material properties as specified in ZA.3.2 may be applied when the
following condition occurs:

⎯ off the shelf and catalogue products.

Y.3 Method 2
The declaration of product properties determined following EN Eurocodes, as specified in ZA.3.3, shall be
applied when the following condition occurs:

⎯ precast product with product properties declared by the producer.

Y.4 Method 3
The declaration of compliance with a given specification as specified in ZA.3.4 may be applied when the
following condition occurs:

⎯ all other cases than Y.2 and Y.3.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

Annex ZA

Clauses of this European standard addressing essential requirements or

other provisions of the EU Directives

ZA.1 Scope and relevant characteristics

This European standard has been prepared under the mandate M/100 "Precast Concrete Products" given to
CEN by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association.

The clauses of this European standard shown in this Annex meet the requirements of the mandate given
under the EU Construction Products Directive (89/106/EEC).

Compliance with these clauses confers a presumption of fitness of the floor plate for floor systems covered by
this annex for the intended uses indicated herein ; reference shall be made to the information accompanying
the CE marking.

WARNING — Other requirements and other EU Directives, not affecting the fitness for intended uses, may be
applicable to the floor plates for floor systems falling within the scope of this standard.

NOTE 1 In addition to any specific clauses relating to dangerous substances contained in this Standard, there may be
requirements applicable to the products falling within its scope (e.g. transposed European legislation and national laws,
regulations and administrative provisions). In order to meet the provisions of the EU Construction Products Directive,
these requirements need also to be complied with, when and where they apply.

NOTE 2 An informative database of European and national provisions on dangerous substances is available at the
Construction web site on EUROPA, accessed through http://europa.eu.int/comm/enterprise/construction/

This Annex establishes the conditions for CE marking of floor plates made of reinforced or prestressed
concrete, used for the construction of the structures of buildings and other civil engineering works and shows
the relevant clauses applicable.

This Annex has the same scope as Clause 1 of this standard and is defined by Table ZA.1.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

Table ZA.1 — Relevant clauses

Requirement clauses in this
Essential characteristics and/or Notes and Unit
Compressive strength
All methods 4.2 Production requirements None N/mm2
(of concrete)

Ultimate tensile and 4.1.3 Reinforcing steel and

tensile yield strength All methods None N/mm2
(of steel) 4.1.4 Prestressing steel

Geometry and
Method 1 Information listed in ZA.3.2 None
Mechanical strength
Method 2 4.3.3 Mechanical resistance None kNm, kN, kN/m
(by calculation)

Method 3 Design specification None

Geometry and
Method 1 Information listed in ZA.3.2 R
Resistance to fire (for
load bearing capacity) Method 2 4.3.4 Resistance to fire R min

Method 3 Design specification R

Airborne sound
insulation index and
All methods 4.3.5 Acoustic properties None dB
impact noise
transmission index
4.3.1 Geometrical properties mm
Detailing All methods None
8 Technical documentation /
Durability All methods 4.3.7 Durability None

Method 1 = declaration of geometrical data and material properties;

Method 2 = declaration of the value of the product properties;

Method 3 = declaration of compliance with given design specification.

One of these methods will be selected consistently with the corresponding method of CE making (ZA.3.2,
ZA.3.3 or ZA.3.4).

The requirement on a certain characteristic is not applicable in those Member States (MSs) where there are
no regulatory requirements for that characteristic for the intended use of the product. In this case,
manufacturers placing their products on the market of these MSs are not obliged to determine nor to declare
the performance of their products with regard to this characteristic and the option “No performance
determined” (NPD) in the information accompanying the CE marking (see Clause ZA.3) may be used. The
NPD option may not be used, however, where the characteristic is subject to a threshold level.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

ZA.2 Procedure for attestation of conformity of floor plates for floor systems

ZA.2.1 System of attestation of conformity

The system of attestation of conformity of floor plate for floor systems, for the essential characteristics
indicated in Table ZA.1, in accordance with the decision of the Commission 1999/94/EC of 25 January 1999
as given in Annex III of the Mandate M/100 ”Precast concrete products”, is shown in Table ZA.2, for the
indicated intended use and relevant levels or classes:

Table ZA.2 — System of attestation of conformity

Attestation of conformity
Product(s) Intended use(s) Level(s) or class(es)

Shuttering slabs for floors Structural — 2+

System 2+ : See Directive 89/106 (CPD) Annex III-2 (ii) First possibility, including certification of the factory
production control by an approved body on the basis of initial inspection of factory and of factory production
control as well as of continuous surveillance, assessment and approval of factory production control.

The attestation of conformity of floor plate for floor systems, for the essential characteristics indicated in
Table ZA.1, shall be based on the evaluation of conformity procedure indicated in Table ZA.3, resulting from
the application of the clauses of this or other European Standards indicated therein.

Table ZA.3 — Assignment of evaluation of conformity tasks for floor plates for floor systems
under system 2+

Evaluation of
Tasks Content of the tasks conformity clauses
to apply
All characteristics of
Initial type testing 6.2
Table ZA.1(1)
Parameters related to all
Factory production control 6.3
Tasks for the manufacturer characteristics of Table ZA.1
⎯ Mechanical strength ; Item 3 of Table A.2
Further testing of samples
⎯ All characteristics of 6.2.3 of
taken at the factory
Table ZA.1. EN 13369:2004
⎯ Compressive strength (of
⎯ Ultimate tensile and tensile 6.1.2 a) of
Initial inspection of factory and yield strength ; EN 13369:2004 and
of factory production control
⎯ Detailing ; 6.3
⎯ Durability ;
Certification of ⎯ Resistance to fire R.
Tasks for the factory production ⎯ Compressive strength (of
notified body control on the concrete) ;
basis of :
⎯ Ultimate tensile and tensile
Continuous surveillance, yield strength ; 6.1.2 b) of
assessments and approval of ⎯ Detailing ; EN 13369:2004 and
factory production control ⎯ Durability ; 6.3

⎯ Resistance to fire R (in

case of verification by
(1) For fire resistance (when verified by testing) tests should be carried out by testing laboratory.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

ZA.2.2 EC Certificate and Declaration of conformity

When compliance with the conditions of this Annex is achieved, and once the notified body has drawn up the
certificate mentioned below, the manufacturer or his agent established in the EEA shall prepare and retain a
declaration of conformity, which entitles the manufacturer to affix the CE marking. This declaration shall

⎯ name and address of the manufacturer, or his authorised representative established in the EEA, and the
place of production;

⎯ description of the product (type, identification, use, etc.), and a copy of the information accompanying the
CE marking;

⎯ provisions to which the product conforms (e.g. Annex ZA of this EN);

⎯ particular conditions applicable to the use of the product (e.g. provisions for use under certain conditions,

⎯ the number of the accompanying factory production control certificate;

⎯ name of, and position held by, the person empowered to sign the declaration on behalf of the
manufacturer or his authorised representative.

The declaration shall be accompanied by a factory production control certificate, drawn up by the notified body,
which shall contain, in addition to the information above, the following:

⎯ name and address of the notified body;

⎯ the number of the factory production control certificate;

⎯ conditions and period of validity of the certificate, where applicable;

⎯ name of, and position held by, the person empowered to sign the certificate.

The above mentioned declaration and the certificate shall be presented in the official language or languages
of the Member State in which the product is to be used.

ZA.3 CE marking and labelling

ZA.3.1 General

The manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the EEA is responsible for the affixing of
the CE marking. The CE marking symbol to affix shall be in accordance with Directive 93/68/EC and shall be
shown on the product (or when not possible it may be on the accompanying label, the packaging or on the
accompanied commercial documents e.g. a delivery note).

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

The following information shall be added to the CE marking symbol:

⎯ identification number of the certification body;

⎯ name or identifying mark and registered address of the producer;

⎯ the last two digits of the year in which the marking is affixed;

⎯ number of the EC factory production control certificate;

⎯ reference to this European Standard;

⎯ description of the product: generic name and intended use;

⎯ information on those relevant essential characteristics taken from Table ZA.1 which are listed in the
relevant clause ZA.3.2, ZA.3.3.1, ZA.3.3.2 or ZA.3.4;

⎯ "No performance determined" for characteristics where this is relevant.

The "No performance determined" (NPD) option may not be used where the characteristic is subject to a
threshold level. Otherwise, the NPD option may be used when and where the characteristic, for a given
intended use, is not subject to regulatory requirements in the Member State of destination.

In the following subclauses the conditions are given for the application of CE marking. Figure ZA.1 gives the
simplified label to affix to the product, containing the minimum set of information and the link to the
accompanying document where the other required information are given. For what concerns the information
on essential characteristics, some of them may be given by an unambiguous reference to:

⎯ technical information (product catalogue) (see ZA.3.2);

⎯ technical documentation (ZA.3.3);

⎯ design specification (ZA.3.4).

The minimum set of information to be put directly in the affixed label or in the companying document is given
in Figures ZA.2, ZA.3 and ZA.4.

ZA.3.1.1 Simplified label

In the case of simplified label the following information shall be added to the CE marking symbol:

⎯ name or identifying mark and registered address of the producer;

⎯ identification number of the unit (to ensure traceability);

⎯ the last two digits of the year in which the marking is affixed;

⎯ number of the CE factory production control certificate;

⎯ reference to this European Standard.

The same identification number shall mark, in the accompanying documents, the information related to the

Figure ZA.1 gives the model for the simplified label for CE marking.

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

CE conformity marking consisting of the

CE symbol given in directive 93/68/EEC

Name or identifying mark and registered

AnyCo Ltd, PO Bx 21, B-1050
address of the producer
Identification number and last two digits of
the year in which the marking was affixed
0123-CPD-0456 Number of the FPC certificate
EN 13747 Number of this European Standard

Figure ZA.1 — Example of simplified label

NOTE For small elements or for product stamping reasons, the size can be reduced by removing reference to EN
and/or to FPC certificate.

ZA.3.2 Declaration of geometrical data and material properties

(Method 1 to determine properties relating to essential requirements "mechanical resistance and stability" and
"resistance to fire").

Figure ZA.2 gives, for a type of floor plate for floor systems, the model CE marking inclusive of the information
needed to determine, according to design regulation valid in the place of use, the properties related to
mechanical resistance and stability and resistance to fire, including aspects of durability and serviceability.

Referring to Table ZA.1 and to the information quoted in the list of ZA.3.1, the following properties shall be

⎯ compressive strength of concrete;

⎯ ultimate tensile strength of reinforcing steel;

⎯ tensile yield strength of reinforcing steel;

⎯ ultimate tensile strength of prestressing steel;

⎯ tensile 0,1 proof stress of prestressing steel;

⎯ geometrical data (critical dimensions);

⎯ conditions for durability;

⎯ possible reference to Technical Information (product catalogue) for detailing, durability and geometrical
data, including surface conditions and connecting reinforcement.

Documento contenuto nel prodotto UNIEDIL STRUTTURE edizione 2006.2
E' vietato l'uso in rete del singolo documento e la sua riproduzione. E' autorizzata la stampa per uso interno.

EN 13747:2005 (E)

CE conformity marking consisting of the

CE symbol given in directive 93/68/EEC

0123-CPD-0001 Identification of the notified body

Name or identifying mark and registered

AnyCo Ltd, PO Bx 21, B-1050
address of the producer

Last two digits of the year in which the

marking was affixed

0123-CPD-0456 Number of the FPC certificate

EN 13747
Number and title of European Standard
Floor plates for floor systems concerned

REINFORCED FLOOR PLATES Generic name and intended use

Concrete :
Compressive strength fck =45 N/mm2
Information on product geometry and
Reinforcing steel :
material characteristics including
Ultimate tensile strength ftk = 580 N/mm detailing (to be adapted to the specific
product by the producer)
Tensile yield strength fyk = 500 N/mm2

NOTE Numerical values are only as


L= 6000 ± 20 mm
B = 2500 –5/+10 mm
NOTE The sketch may be omitted if
t = 50 ± 5 mm equivalent information are available in clearly
6 lattice girders 165 mm height identified Technical Information (product
(2+1 Ø8 long. + 2Ø diag. catalogue) referred to

For detailing and durability see Technical Information

Technical Information :
Product Catalogue ABC : 2002 – clause ii

Figure ZA.2 — Example of CE marking with Method 1

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

ZA.3.3 Declaration of product properties

(Method 2 to determine properties relating to essential requirements "mechanical resistance and stability" and
"resistance to fire").

For all design data, including models and parameters used in calculation, reference may be made to the
technical (design) documentation.

Referring to Table ZA.1 and to the information quoted in the list of ZA.3.1, the following properties shall be
declared (when relevant):

⎯ compressive strength of concrete;

⎯ ultimate tensile strength of reinforcing steel;

⎯ tensile yield strength of reinforcing steel;

⎯ ultimate tensile strength of prestressing steel;

⎯ tensile 0,1 proof stress of prestressing steel;

⎯ mechanical ultimate strength of the element (design values for non-seismic situations) with axial
compression capacity for some eccentricities or with bending moment capacity and shear capacity of
critical sections;

⎯ safety factors for concrete and steel used in calculation;

⎯ resistance to fire R class;

⎯ other Nationally Determined Parameters NDPs used in calculation;

⎯ acoustic insulation parameters (Airborne sound insulation and impact noise transmission);

⎯ conditions for durability;

⎯ possible reference to Technical Documentation for geometrical data, detailing, durability, other NDPs and
acoustic insulation parameters.

These properties refer to the floor plate under the transient conditions (see

Figure ZA.3 gives, for prestressed or reinforced floor plates, the model CE marking in the case in which the
properties related to mechanical resistance and stability and resistance to fire are determined by means of EN

The design values of the mechanical ultimate strength of the element and the resistance to fire class shall be
computed using, for the Nationally Determined Parameters, either the values recommended
in EN 1992-1-1:2004 and EN 1992-1-2:2004 or the values given in the National Annex applicable to the works.

Documento contenuto nel prodotto UNIEDIL STRUTTURE edizione 2006.2
E' vietato l'uso in rete del singolo documento e la sua riproduzione. E' autorizzata la stampa per uso interno.

EN 13747:2005 (E)

CE conformity marking consisting of the

CE symbol given in directive 93/68/EEC

0123-CPD-0001 Identification of the notified body

AnyCo Ltd, PO Bx 21, B-1050 Name or identifying mark and registered
address of the producer
05 Last two digits of the year in which the
marking was affixed
0123-CPD-0456 Number of the FPC certificate
Number and title of European Standard
EN 13747
Floor plates for floor systems
Generic name and intended use
Concrete :
Compressive strength fck = xx N/mm2 Information on product mandated
characteristics including detailing (to be
Reinforcing steel : adapted to the specific product by the
Ultimate tensile strength ftk = yyy N/mm2 producer)
Tensile yield strength. fyk = zzz N/mm2

Mechanical ultimate strength (design values) :

Bending moment capacity
(of the middle section) ..................................mmm kN
Shear capacity (of the end sections) ............vvv kN

Material safety factors applied in strength calculation :

For concrete..................................................γc = z.zz
For steel ........................................................γs = x.xx

Resistance to fire R ......................RXX for ηfi = 0.xx

.......................................................RXX for ηfi = 0.yy

For geometrical data, detailing, durability, acoustic

insulation parameters, possible complementary
information on fire resistance and other NDPs see the
Technical documentation.

Technical Documentation :
Position Number ...........................................xxxxxx

Figure ZA.3 — Example of CE marking with Method 2

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EN 13747:2005 (E)

ZA.3.4 Declaration of compliance with a given design specification

(Method 3 to determine properties relating to essential requirements "mechanical resistance and stability" and
"resistance to fire").

Figure ZA.4 gives, for prestressed or reinforced floor plates for floor systems, the model CE marking in the
case the product is produced according to a design specification in which the properties related to mechanical
resistance and stability and resistance to fire are determined by means of design provisions applicable to the

Referring to Table ZA.1 and to the information quoted in the list of ZA.3.1, the following properties shall be

⎯ compressive strength of concrete;

⎯ ultimate tensile strength of reinforcing steel;

⎯ tensile yield strength of reinforcing steel;

⎯ ultimate tensile strength of prestressing steel;

⎯ tensile 0,1 proof stress of prestressing steel;

⎯ reaction to fire class.

This method applies also in case of a design made with means other than EN Eurocodes.

Documento contenuto nel prodotto UNIEDIL STRUTTURE edizione 2006.2
E' vietato l'uso in rete del singolo documento e la sua riproduzione. E' autorizzata la stampa per uso interno.

EN 13747:2005 (E)

CE conformity marking consisting of the

CE symbol given in directive 93/68/EEC

0123-CPD-0001 Identification of the notified body

Name or identifying mark and registered

AnyCo Ltd, PO Bx 21, B-1050
address of the producer
Last two digits of the year in which the
marking was affixed
0123-CPD-0456 Number of the FPC certificate

EN 13747 Number and title of European Standard

Floor plates for floor systems concerned

PRESTRESSED FLOOR PLATES Generic name and intended use

Concrete :
Compressive strength fck = xx N/mm2
Reinforcing steel :
Information on product mandated
Ultimate tensile strength ftk = yyy N/mm2
characteristics including detailing (to be
Tensile yield strength fyk = zzz N/mm2 adapted to the specific product by the
Prestressing steel : producer)
Ultimate tensile strength fpk = uuu N/mm2
nsile 0,1 % proof-stress fp0,1k= www N/mm2

For geometrical data, detailing, mechanical strength,

fire resistance, acoustic insulation parameters and
durability see the design specifications

Design specification :
Order Code .................................................... xxxxxx

Figure ZA.4 — Example of CE marking with Method 3

In addition to any specific information relating to dangerous substances, the product should be also
accompanied, when and where required and in the appropriate form, by documentation listing any other
legislation on dangerous substances for which compliance is claimed, together with any information required
by that legislation.

NOTE European legislation without national derogations need not be mentioned.

Documento contenuto nel prodotto UNIEDIL STRUTTURE edizione 2006.2
E' vietato l'uso in rete del singolo documento e la sua riproduzione. E' autorizzata la stampa per uso interno.
Documento contenuto nel prodotto UNIEDIL STRUTTURE edizione 2006.2
E' vietato l'uso in rete del singolo documento e la sua riproduzione. E' autorizzata la stampa per uso interno.

Ente Nazionale Italiano Riproduzione vietata - Legge 22 aprile 1941 Nº 633 e successivi aggiornamenti.
di Unificazione
Via Battistotti Sassi, 11B
20133 Milano, Italia

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