Conference Presentations by Berk Kurtulus

14th AUTEX World Textile Conference, Bursa / Turkey, 2014
The concept of fast fashion, forcing the textile and apparel markets to produce new products cons... more The concept of fast fashion, forcing the textile and apparel markets to produce new products constantly, also intertwined business and private life have been raised the expectations of consumers from a clothing. Now consumers are asking for clothes both comfortable and suitable for any environment. This condition has caused the denim products, called before sporty, to become a fashion element with the new washing techniques. Thus, denim fabrics have become increasingly important apparel products. Denim products change physically and chemically with the washing process. This change affects the basic properties of the fabric and therefore the properties of the garment comfort. In our study it is researched that the five different types of washing techniques most used in the industry how have an effect on denim clothing properties such as comfort, thermal conductivity, air permeability and durability. Finally performance results of washed products after washing processes are presented. Key Words: Clothing Comfort, Thermal Conductivity, Air Permeability, Denim Washing.

Virtual TTMD XIV International HVAC+R Technologies Symposium, Istanbul / Turkey, 2020
With the realization of industrial revolutions, the melting of glaciers in the world and the incr... more With the realization of industrial revolutions, the melting of glaciers in the world and the increase in global warming, human beings have to take some precautions. The process started with the Montreal Protocol in the 1980s, the Kyoto Protocol in the 2000s and then the Paris Agreement began to take measures for global warming with the participation of countries all over the world. In this context, building certification systems have been developed to improve energy efficient and quality building understanding with a holistic approach of reducing or saving energy consumption. LEED certification systems developed by United States Green Building Council green building certification. In addition, the Green Building Association in Turkey (CEDBIK) activities are carried out by this area. The mechanical, electrical and automation systems of the buildings are called commissioning process, starting from the preliminary design stage at the beginning of the project, determining the devices in the design and manufacturing stages, selecting, arriving at the site and performing the pre-function controls, and this process is called commissioning process and this process is the stable operation of the systems in the green buildings facilities.

IXth International Maintenance Technologies Congress and Exhibition, Denizli / Turkey, 2019
The role of the mechanical systems that form the heart of the building is very important for the ... more The role of the mechanical systems that form the heart of the building is very important for the energy efficiency of the buildings. It is not enough to select and install an efficient device for energy efficient operation of a device or system. In this respect, it is necessary to start from the point of request of the employer who is the owner of the project and to transfer the basis of design, project design, material submittals, various control, test, adjustment and balancing of the devices to the enterprise with basic commissioning process. However, advanced verification is completed by random verification of a TAB building and coordination of employers and stakeholders in the fields of mechanical, electrical and automation. In this study, the Enhanced Commissioning procedure according to the USGBC-United States of Green Buildings Council- certification system, which is intended to designing as a green building, and its effect on energy efficiency and operational cost savings will be investigated.
Keywords: commissioning, green building, energy efficiency, leed, usgbc.

13th National Congress and Exhibition on Acoustics, Diyarbakir / Turkey, 2019
Today, people beings spend a significant portion of their life in closed spaces.In general, in da... more Today, people beings spend a significant portion of their life in closed spaces.In general, in daily life during daytime; The people is located in buildings such as hospitals, warehouses, schools, industrial facilities or office buildings, while in the evenings it lives in residential buildings. Therefore, one of the three P (people, planet, profit) conception of the design concept in which the human being is kept in the center is dominated by the green building criteria and quality building construction priority is given priority. Starting with the hotels understanding of sound insulation rooms; Similar approaches have been made in office buildings, housing projects and all environments where people are present and the quality of the indoor environment has been systematized and defined in various certification systems. In this study, the Acoustic Performance credit in the Indoor Quality Title of the LEED Certificate issued by the American Green Buildings Association (USGBC) will be investigated.

5. National Energy Efficiency Congress, Kocaeli / Turkey, 2019
The role of the mechanical systems that form the heart of the building is very important for the ... more The role of the mechanical systems that form the heart of the building is very important for the energy efficiency of the buildings. It is not enough to select and install an efficient device for energy efficient operation of a device or system. In this respect, it is necessary to start from the point of request of the employer who is the owner of the project and to transfer the basis of design, project design, material submittals, various control, test, adjustment and balancing of the devices to the enterprise with basic commissioning process. However, advanced verification is completed by random verification of a TAB building and coordination of employers and stakeholders in the fields of mechanical, electrical and automation. In this study, the Enhanced Commissioning procedure according to the USGBC-United States of Green Buildings Council- certification system, which is intended to designing as a green building, and its effect on energy efficiency and operational cost savings will be investigated.
Keywords: commissioning, green building, energy efficiency, leed, usgbc.
14th AUTEX World Textile Conference, Bursa / Turkey, 2014
In this study, carbon black (CB) nanoparticles, treated by nitric acid solution, were added to ch... more In this study, carbon black (CB) nanoparticles, treated by nitric acid solution, were added to chemical oxidative polymerization process of the aniline on polyester fabric surfaces. Ammonium peroxydisulfate (APS) was used as dopant agent. These composite fabrics were prepared by using various APS concentrations in order to see the effects of dopant ratio on polymerization process and clothing comfort properties of the polyester fabrics. FTIR spectroscopy was used to characterize the carboxly group functionalized CB nanoparticles. Then the obtained PANI/CB polyester composite fabrics have been characterized by using surface electrical resistivity, air permeability and thermal conductivity measurements respectively.

13th International Izmir Textile and Apparel Symposium, Antalya / Turkey, 2014
Besides durability, design and fashionable, also, today fabric handling and comfort of a cloth ar... more Besides durability, design and fashionable, also, today fabric handling and comfort of a cloth are becoming into prominence. In general, consumers prefer a ready-made product by looking its softness-stiffness, hand, glossiness, and drape in other words its comfort properties. Nowadays, denim fabric has been gained a great importance considering its usage area from the work wear to the daily clothing. This type of fabrics can maintain their presence in the market by either applying different finishing methods on or applying different patterns on. Denim fabric washing process gives an effect to a specific product colour and appearance which enhance the denim fabric quality. In the washing process various chemical compositions are used with different pH values. These washing steps cause some defects on fibre and fabric surface thus the physical properties of the end product is an issue that should be considered in detailed [1-4].
The research was divided into two parts. In the first part the physical properties of the denim fabrics after various denim washing processes have been investigated. Our next research will be to investigate the clothing comfort of the denim samples after washing. For this purpose, denim fabric samples have been washed by five different mostly used washing formulas in industry. After washing process, fabric samples have been investigated in terms of warp/weft densities, fabric weight, tensile strength, abrasion resistance and pilling tests respectively before and after washing processes. Regarding the test results the effects of different washing formulas on the physical properties have been analysed.
The International Istanbul Textile Congress, Istanbul / Turkey, 2013
The acceptability of a textile fabric largely depends on the comfort properties which involve the... more The acceptability of a textile fabric largely depends on the comfort properties which involve thermal properties, air permeability and water vapor permeability etc. In this study, the effects of interlining on the air permeability, thermal conductivity, and crease recovery angle properties of wool fabrics were investigated. As fabric, four different blends of wool/fabrics in various ratios were used. The reason of choosing woolen fabrics is that wool is the most widely used fiber for men suits in clothing industry. As interlining two different types of interlining were used. The chosen interlinings were fixed onto the wool fabrics by changing fixing parameters (pressure, temperature and time). For fixing combination the most widely used three fixing combinations in industrial applications were applied.

International Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences, Skopje / Fyrom, 2015
In this study, three different woolen fabric samples having the same weight, composition and diff... more In this study, three different woolen fabric samples having the same weight, composition and different thickness values have been investigated in terms of thermal comfort properties. Firstly, porosity of the fabrics has been calculated by using the warp/weft yarn counts and density values according to the theoretical model with cover factor. Then, thermal and water vapor resistance values have been measured by using PERMETEST Sensora instrument. Air permeability of fabrics has been measured by using a wind tunnel. The effects of porosity and thickness values on thermal comfort properties of fabrics have been discussed. Results proved that when the thickness increases the air permeability decreases. This situation can be explained with the structure effect of the fabric samples. In basket weave, because of the neat and dense character of the structure air permeability value is less than break twill structure. Considering the water vapor and thermal resistance values, because of the finest yarn count and the structure (twill) WB2 (wool blend) has the highest water vapor resistance result. This result is stemming from the fact that finer yarns have much more surface area to resist to the water vapor and thermal energy.

TUYAK Fire Safety Symposium and Exhibition, Istanbul / Turkey, 2013
In some cases, have to be used for fire fighting aircraft. Since 1995, our country is used by fir... more In some cases, have to be used for fire fighting aircraft. Since 1995, our country is used by fire-fighting aircraft leased from abroad. For this purpose helicopters used in our country, the middle class on a flight with a full tank size and at least have the capability to carry 2500 liters of water. Lakes, ponds, dams or bodies of water, such as swimming pool water taken for such a purpose, fire bucket, (bucket) is close to filling time is about 2 minutes. Who served our country, fire buckets used for helicopters with a capacity of 2.5 tons. Water from buckets for a particular altitude discharged onto the fire. Major disaster such as fire, it is very important and dangerous. Sometimes it can be spread or dangerous situations Considering the boom, to avoid any loss of life or property as much as possible to ensure the maximum effect with minimum effort event.
In this study, at the first it is created in the light of some assumptions described above, and after it’s fighting an effective method of physical simulation of the optimum values at the parameters, which will be discussed. It is flushed with a bucket of water to the fire to fall from a certain height during the
physical condition on the surface of a certain fire on a continuing, of the established mathematical model described by the vertical movement of the water flow from above to under, and will be investigated with the energy gain during the fire extinguishing properties.
5th International Conference on Clean and Green Energy, Rome /Italy, 2016
This study is a source of free and renewable solar utilizing a vapor compression cycle using thei... more This study is a source of free and renewable solar utilizing a vapor compression cycle using their own produce its own energy and environment protection conditions mechanic is planned to be created by cooling the room in two different conditions states in Turkey, Istanbul and Mersin, respectively. Energy costs of cold rooms mean because it is good better producing only the initial investment costs meet their energy and leave a cleaner world for both companies working rooms with this energy will be reduced and the greenhouse gas emissions of the electricity costs for the country and the world.

Drag coefficients of circular and elliptical cylinders are examined both experimentally and numer... more Drag coefficients of circular and elliptical cylinders are examined both experimentally and numerically in this study. Experimental works have been conducted in a subsonic suction type wind tunnel. Velocity profiles in the wake regions of a cylindrical body with 6mm in diameter were measured using a hot wire anemometer. The velocity profiles were used to calculate drag coefficients of the body via the momentum equation. Furthermore, drag coefficients on circular cylinder model are predicted for various turbulence models by using the commercial CFD package Fluent. The results of the presented CFD predictions are shown to be in good agreement with the experimental data. Then, drag coefficients of elliptical cylinder are predicted for various turbulence models and in the future, drag
coefficients of any kind of objects that are more complex than simple cylindrical body can be predicted. In addition, it has been stressed that instead of making experimental studies making numerical studies on bluff bodies will decrease waste of time and particularly energy use.
IX International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer, Cracow / Poland, 2016
The aim of this study is to investigate flow characteristics around open jet with different outle... more The aim of this study is to investigate flow characteristics around open jet with different outlet area (circular, ellipse, triangle, square, rectangle, pentagon, hexagon) as experimental and numerically. Experimental studies were performed in air flow unit. Air velocity and turbulence measurements were carried out with hot wire probe which is module of multifunctional measurement equipment. CFD results were validated with the experimental values. The CFD’s results were found to agree well with actual values obtained as experimentally.

ASME-ATI-UIT 2015 Conference on Thermal Energy Systems: Production, Storage, Utilization and the Environment, Napoli / Italy, 2015
The flow characteristics over a sphere are predicted numerically. Experimental studies have been ... more The flow characteristics over a sphere are predicted numerically. Experimental studies have been done in a low speed wind tunnel. In order to verify numerical results velocity and turbulence intensity measurements were done in centerline of sphere. Drag forces were measured for high Reynolds numbers of Re≈30x103-14x104. The wake region was explored in detail and turbulence and velocity values have been performed numerically at 5.3x104. Reynolds number, at three different locations (z/d=0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.625 and 0.875) downstream of the sphere. Especially, stations which were critical turbulence levels were determined. Numerical predictions are carried out by using the commercial CFD package Fluent. The results of the presented CFD predictions are shown to be in good agreement with the experimental data.

4th International Conference on Clean and Green Energy, Amsterdam / Netherlands, 2015
Cogeneration systems and equipment suitable for residential and small-scale commercial applicatio... more Cogeneration systems and equipment suitable for residential and small-scale commercial applications like hospital, hotel or institutional building are available, and new systems have developed. These products are used or aimed for meeting the electrical and thermal demands of a building for space and domestic hot water heating. In last years cogeneration has played a significant role in Turkish energy strategy, with plans to satisfy the considerable portion of Turkey's requirements for electricity from cogeneration. The main purpose of this work is to supply the demand for electricity and heat for housing complex in Turkey. In this study, it is showed that cogeneration systems in housing complex are an extremely profitable investment for country and consumers. Here application of cogeneration on housing complex was made in Istanbul. It is stressed that this technology should be applied as an energy method in old and new housing complex. The aim of this paper is to maintain a study by using real consumptions of housing complex in Turkey. Electricity and natural gas consumption quantities have been obtained from housing complex. Finally as it is resulted from payback period approach the system is paid off itself in 1.33 year, approximately 16 months.
In this study, characteristics of open jet flows are investigated with different geometric areas.... more In this study, characteristics of open jet flows are investigated with different geometric areas. Effects of geometric design on the characteristics are determined thanks to the measurements performed by hot-wire probe. Axial distributions of air velocity and turbulence intensity are obtained through the experiments.

Diyarbakir history goes back to that the year 3000 BC was known previously, as a result of resear... more Diyarbakir history goes back to that the year 3000 BC was known previously, as a result of research conducted recently by the excavations Cayonu 7500 BC history of civilization goes back to that the years are identified. With such a deep-rooted history in Upper Mesopotamia, many civilizations that have existed in these lands, and again have been taken place on the trade route for many civilizations. Since then, the population has increased, by adopting the built-order, first in England and then the rural residents are preferred, and radically changed the way of life of human beings after the Industrial Revolution began to rise in population growth and standard of living in urban residential passes accelerated. Speeds up the electricity used for lighting or just too small, and subsequently in 1936 the first electric power plant led to the establishment in Diyarbakir. In this study, renewable and non-renewable energy sources for the city are set by existing power plants and specified. Energy policies, evaluating the SWOT analysis was carried out in the context of a variety of criteria. In the end, things to do, if recommendations are presented.
This study aimed to examine experimentally the effects of the injector on two-phase flow characte... more This study aimed to examine experimentally the effects of the injector on two-phase flow characteristics such as local void fraction and bubble diameter for water-air two-phase flow in a horizontal channel having 40 mm inner diameter. During the experiments, flow rate was kept constant at 3 l/s while that for air is taken as 30 and 60 l/min. Measurements were made locally via dual optical probe and the results were presented.
This study has aimed to examine effects of injector design on two-phase flow characteristics such... more This study has aimed to examine effects of injector design on two-phase flow characteristics such as void fraction and bubble diameter for water-air flow in a horizontal channel having 40 mm inner diameter, experimentally. During the experiments, flow rate for water is kept constant at 3 l/s while that for air is taken as 30, 50 and 60 l/min. Thus volumetric void fraction of the flow is calculated to be between 13.78-25.31 %. Measurements were made locally, via dual optical probe. Experimental data shows that the injector design effect is significant for the upper half of the channel for the flow conditions investigated.
Papers by Berk Kurtulus

HVAC,Refrigeration, Fire Safety and Sanitary E-Journal, 2020
Humanity had to take precautions due to achieving industrial revolution, melting glaciers, and in... more Humanity had to take precautions due to achieving industrial revolution, melting glaciers, and increase in global warming. The process that started with the Montreal Protocol in the 1980’s, the Kyoto Protocol in the 2000’s and then the Paris Agreement started to take measures for global warming with the participation of developed countries all over the world. In this context, building certification systems have been developed for the development of an energy efficient and qualified building concept with a holistic approach to reducing energy consumption or achieving savings, and LEED certification systems developed by United States Green Building Council (USGBC) are accepted all over the world and certification of sustainable building is made according to building types. In addition, the Turkish Green Building Council in Turkey (CEDBIK) are carried out by this framework. The mechanical, electrical and automation systems of the buildings, starting from the early design stage at the beginning of the project, to the design and manufacturing stages, the selection of the devices, their arrival to the field, the pre-function controls and the delivery to the employer is called the commissioning process, and this process is the determination of the systems that are the heart of the building in green buildings. In this study, commissioning, which is the most important operation performed in order to ensure the sustainability of building mechanics and related electrical and automation systems in USGBC and CEDBIK certification systems, was examined.
Conference Presentations by Berk Kurtulus
Keywords: commissioning, green building, energy efficiency, leed, usgbc.
Keywords: commissioning, green building, energy efficiency, leed, usgbc.
The research was divided into two parts. In the first part the physical properties of the denim fabrics after various denim washing processes have been investigated. Our next research will be to investigate the clothing comfort of the denim samples after washing. For this purpose, denim fabric samples have been washed by five different mostly used washing formulas in industry. After washing process, fabric samples have been investigated in terms of warp/weft densities, fabric weight, tensile strength, abrasion resistance and pilling tests respectively before and after washing processes. Regarding the test results the effects of different washing formulas on the physical properties have been analysed.
In this study, at the first it is created in the light of some assumptions described above, and after it’s fighting an effective method of physical simulation of the optimum values at the parameters, which will be discussed. It is flushed with a bucket of water to the fire to fall from a certain height during the
physical condition on the surface of a certain fire on a continuing, of the established mathematical model described by the vertical movement of the water flow from above to under, and will be investigated with the energy gain during the fire extinguishing properties.
coefficients of any kind of objects that are more complex than simple cylindrical body can be predicted. In addition, it has been stressed that instead of making experimental studies making numerical studies on bluff bodies will decrease waste of time and particularly energy use.
Papers by Berk Kurtulus
Keywords: commissioning, green building, energy efficiency, leed, usgbc.
Keywords: commissioning, green building, energy efficiency, leed, usgbc.
The research was divided into two parts. In the first part the physical properties of the denim fabrics after various denim washing processes have been investigated. Our next research will be to investigate the clothing comfort of the denim samples after washing. For this purpose, denim fabric samples have been washed by five different mostly used washing formulas in industry. After washing process, fabric samples have been investigated in terms of warp/weft densities, fabric weight, tensile strength, abrasion resistance and pilling tests respectively before and after washing processes. Regarding the test results the effects of different washing formulas on the physical properties have been analysed.
In this study, at the first it is created in the light of some assumptions described above, and after it’s fighting an effective method of physical simulation of the optimum values at the parameters, which will be discussed. It is flushed with a bucket of water to the fire to fall from a certain height during the
physical condition on the surface of a certain fire on a continuing, of the established mathematical model described by the vertical movement of the water flow from above to under, and will be investigated with the energy gain during the fire extinguishing properties.
coefficients of any kind of objects that are more complex than simple cylindrical body can be predicted. In addition, it has been stressed that instead of making experimental studies making numerical studies on bluff bodies will decrease waste of time and particularly energy use.
Index Terms—Solar energy, cooling, photovoltaic panel
strategy, with plans to satisfy the considerable portion of Turkey’s requirements for electricity from cogeneration. The main purpose of this work is to supply the demand for electricity and heat for housing complex in Turkey.
In this study, it is showed that cogeneration systems in housing complex are an extremely profitable investment for country and consumers. Here application of cogeneration on housing complex was made in Istanbul. It is stressed that this
technology should be applied as an energy method in old and new housing complex.
The aim of this paper is to maintain a study by using real consumptions of housing complex in Turkey. Electricity and natural gas consumption quantities have been obtained from housing complex. Finally as it is resulted from payback period approach the system is paid off itself in 1.33 year, approximately 16 months.
Two-phase flow consisting gas and liquid phases is a complex structure, because of having an interface structure which undergoes deformation and compressibility of phases. In this type of flow can be traced to a very broad interface configurations. Containing two-phase flow systems have a large area in the industry and nature; many engineering applications as petroleum, chemical and power generation industries, and fluid transfer lines are encountered in practice. In engineering equipment design and process design, to be determined the relevant parameters and variability rates of these parameters under physical conditions is a significant engineering optimization. The effects of the transmission mechanism may generate results; heat, mass and momentum transfer would cause the results to see the design is an essential boundary condition. Economic and mechanical design, and optimization requirements in order to ensure safe operating conditions, hydrodynamic and thermal characteristics of two-phase flow within the framework of the experimental conditions can be estimated correctly in an appropriate range of values is important.
Flow maps basically pose to determine the distribution of interfacial phase in two-phase continuous media. The characteristics of flow play a major role in heat and mass transfer. Measurement of relevant parameters and operational characteristics of two-phase flow system provides the possibility to work on. Gas-liquid two-phase flow studies on the flow maps, in order to help achieve important practical results and research area is kept at the forefront of academic studies. Various types of flow and the resulting flow regimes, in particular a moving interface between phases in the design calculations is very important. Many parameters, can be effective in the formation of the flow map: temperature, pressure, void ratio, the phase velocity, etc..
Gas-liquid flow is used extensively in industrial applications such as safety valves and in manifolds. Cross-section changes in these systems consisting pipes or channels, are important design parameter for designers. In terms of engineering calculations, unlike the constant cross-section, is emerging issues that need attention. Expansion, contraction or changing in cross-section consisting of orifices, two-phase flow throughout the cross-section change causes to show different configurations.
The disclosed parameters in determining the two-phase flow characteristics: mass flow and velocity, temperature, void fraction, critical heat flux, interfacial film thickness, flow regime, the wall shear stress and turbulence and velocity distribution in the form listed.
The sudden change in cross section of two-phase flow, there are several approaches in the description. Process engineering is a condition frequently encountered in the security system. Pressure safety relief valve in such systems are preferred. Single-phase two-phase conversion is affected by pressure variations coming or already two-phase as the flowing fluid to determine the flow characteristics of the pair as a basis of design is an essential state. Would cause changes in the physical parameters of sharp corners and pressure changes, sudden changes in cross-section is an important result of the case.
Aim of this study, to investigate the two-phase flow parameters performed by the expansion and contraction of the horizontally aligned pipe using experimental methods. As a pair of fluid, air and water are used in this system; measurements were performed with dual optical probe and determination of operational parameters are provided. To see the effect of changes in cross-sectional narrowing and expanding properly used in both cases. A straight flow through the test section, came to part of section exchange that took place at three different angles for both cases access to the area is showing expansion and contraction. Under air flow experiments are using three different test portion relevant parameters before, during and after changes were monitored.
Sudden changes in cross-section and high pressure resulting from exchange reasons from single phase flow from the inlet to the outlet flow passage may be two-phase. Scope of the study; enlarging the horizontal pipe part and narrowing in a flat two-phase flow parameters is to be examined with experimentally.
Air and water, is used as fluid pairs in the two phase flow; are provided by performing measurements with dual optical probe to determine the operational parameters. To see the effect of changes in cross-sectional narrowing and expanding cross-sectional shape, two cases are used. A straight flow through the test section, come to the test section for both cases in three different expansion and contraction angle (4.5°, 9° and 15°) showing the test section is input. Three different experiments under air flow (30, 50 and 60 l/min) test section of the relevant parameter used before, during and after changes were monitored.
As a result of the experiments, two-phase flow parameters vacancy rate number of bubbles and bubble size distributions were obtained for axial pipes. Also the system during a single-phase and two-phase flow pressure loss suffered was measured.
During the measurements with dual optical probe carried out, to determine the operational parameters are provided. Scope of this thesis only the vacancy rate, the number of bubbles and bubble size were investigated for changes in the test assembly. Within the scope of the experiments, the water flow rate of the liquid phase 3 l/s capacity is kept constant; three different volumetric flow for the air in the gas phase (30, 50, 60 l/min) test section of the relevant parameter used before, during and after changes were monitored.
This thesis consists of five chapters. The first part of this thesis gives information about the two-phase flow and focuses on gas-liquid flow, introduces the subject of the thesis and the research literature on multiphase.
In the second part, two-phase flow models are examined and parameters related with models including cross-sectional variation are given.
In the third part installment, equipment and methodology of the experiment, suggested within the frame of the thesis, is explained, and measurement process of the experiment, the uncertainity and errors of the process are discussed.
In the fourth part, the experimental study results for three different sections are given. Characteristics of two-phase flow through constant, uniformly shrinking and expanding pipes are examined.
In the fifth part, findings of the experimental study are presented. Mechanism, causing significant changes on two-phase flow, are explained and suggestions within the frame of the study are given.
Local void fraction distribution visually indicating graphics formation upstream to the vertical axis coordinates 100% value, while 30 l/min air flow rate 60% was sufficient, narrowing sections 30% and the expansion sections 100% values were included.
Graphical distribution of the number of bubbles being formed, the scale of the injector 50000, 20000 in the upstream region, the contraction in cross-section 40000, and 15000 bubbles in the expansion section number value is used.
Bubble size distribution graph being formed, the scale 20 in the injector, in the upstream 100, the contraction in cross section 25, and 100 mm were used in the expansion section.