Papers by Ricardo Resende
SuStainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 2024
Circular economy: current view from the construction industry based on published definitions Migu... more Circular economy: current view from the construction industry based on published definitions Miguel torres Curado , ricardo resende and Vasco Moreira rato research center for information Sciences, technologies, and architecture (iStar), university institute of lisbon (iScte-iul), lisbon, Portugal ABSTRACT the third decade of this millennium has seen a growing interest in using the circular economy (Ce) concept to achieve the broad goals of sustainable development. Still, like the latter, the former notion has different meanings to different audiences in general and in the construction sector in particular. this Brief report assesses how the construction sector regards the Ce concept, or more precisely, how it defines it. We draw on previous research, applying an existing generic framework to the construction sector, dividing the Ce into its main components and subcomponents, and quantifying the extent of their acceptance. the main contribution of this work lies in establishing a benchmark for comparison with other industries and across time within the construction industry. We start with an analysis of the available literature and then focus on how the reviewed works perceive the scope of Ce, its deployment systems, enablers, and its relationship with sustainable development. our results confirm that the sector is embracing the linkage of Ce to sustainable development while revealing a lesser concern for Ce's social and future dimensions. this Brief report also shows that the understanding of Ce actions in terms of a hierarchy is still limited. However, its three main components (reduce, reuse, recycle) are almost universally espoused, while the recover component is mentioned by just over half of the reviewed works.
UMinho Editora eBooks, May 3, 2022
UMinho Editora eBooks, May 3, 2022
CRC Press eBooks, May 19, 2010
Advances in intelligent systems and computing, Nov 5, 2018
Buildings play an important role in energy consumption, mainly in the operation phase. Current de... more Buildings play an important role in energy consumption, mainly in the operation phase. Current development on IoT allows implementing sustainable actions in building towards savings, identify consumption patterns and relate consumption with space usage. Comfort parameters can be defined, and a set of services can be implemented toward the goals of saving energy and water. This approach can be replicated in most buildings and considerable savings can be achieved thus contributing to a more sustainable world without negative impact on building users' comfort.
Geotecnia, Nov 21, 2006
RESUMO-Apresenta-se um modelo constitutivo para superfícies de descontinuidades, com o objectivo ... more RESUMO-Apresenta-se um modelo constitutivo para superfícies de descontinuidades, com o objectivo de melhorar a avaliação da segurança estrutural de barragens de betão para cenários de rotura envolvendo a fundação. O modelo considera o enfraquecimento da coesão e da resistência à tracção das descontinuidades, de modo a ter em conta a degradação que ocorre nas juntas com coesão e resistência à tracção (betão-rocha e betão-betão) e nas superfícies de menor resistência existentes nos maciços de fundação. O modelo constitutivo foi inserido num programa de elementos discretos. Faz-se uma comparação com resultados experimentais de ensaios de vigas de betão com descontinuidade a meio vão. Apresenta-se ainda a aplicação ao estudo da rotura de uma barragem abóbada com uma falha na fundação, considerando a subida do nível de água e um deslizamento na falha.
This paper presents a mixed reality (MR) application developed for the head-mounted display Micro... more This paper presents a mixed reality (MR) application developed for the head-mounted display Microsoft HoloLens that supports infrastructure maintenance works in buildings with complex infrastructure. The solution is intended to help maintenance workers when they need to track and fix part of the infrastructure by revealing hidden infrastructure, displaying additional information and guiding workers in complex tasks. The application has the potential to improve maintenance worker's tasks as it can help them perform faster and with more accuracy. The work explores the creation of the application and discusses the methodologies used to build an optimal and user-friendly tool. The methodology is based on design science research: an improvement need, and not necessarily a problem, was identified, and from there a solution was conceived. MR has proven to be a major tool for helping in several areas, and this paper can give insights for many future solutions with mixed reality or HoloLens and help them build new and better applications to improve tasks at a job or at home.
4º congresso português de ‘Building Information Modelling’ vol. 2 - ptBIM
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2018
This work presents an approach to combine location information from beacons and local building in... more This work presents an approach to combine location information from beacons and local building information to give real time location and guidance to a user inside a building. This information can help users orientation inside unknown buildings and the data stored from different users can provide useful information about users movements inside public building. Beacons are installed on the building and emit signals that give a geographic position with an associated imprecision, related with Bluetooth's range. This uncertainty is handle by building layout and users' movement in a developed system that maps users position, gives guidance and store user movements. This system is based on a App (Find Me!) for Android OS (Operating System) which captures the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) signal coming from the beacon(s) and shows, through a map, the location of the user 's smart phone and guide him to the desired destination.
Geotecnia, 2006
Apresenta-se um modelo constitutivo para superfícies de descontinuidades, com o objectivo de melh... more Apresenta-se um modelo constitutivo para superfícies de descontinuidades, com o objectivo de melhorar a avaliação da segurança estrutural de barragens de betão para cenários de rotura envolvendo a fundação. O modelo considera o enfraquecimento da coesão e da resistência à tracção das descontinuidades, de modo a ter em conta a degradação que ocorre nas juntas com coesão e resistência à tracção (betão-rocha e betão-betão) e nas superfícies de menor resistência existentes nos maciços de fundação. O modelo constitutivo foi inserido num programa de elementos discretos. Faz-se uma comparação com resultados experimentais de ensaios de vigas de betão com descontinuidade a meio vão. Apresenta-se ainda a aplicação ao estudo da rotura de uma barragem abóbada com uma falha na fundação, considerando a subida do nível de água e um deslizamento na falha.
2018 International Young Engineers Forum (YEF-ECE), 2018
This paper presents a mixed reality (MR) application developed for the head-mounted display Micro... more This paper presents a mixed reality (MR) application developed for the head-mounted display Microsoft HoloLens that supports infrastructure maintenance works in buildings with complex infrastructure. The solution is intended to help maintenance workers when they need to track and fix part of the infrastructure by revealing hidden infrastructure, displaying additional information and guiding workers in complex tasks. The application has the potential to improve maintenance worker's tasks as it can help them perform faster and with more accuracy. The work explores the creation of the application and discusses the methodologies used to build an optimal and user-friendly tool. The methodology is based on design science research: an improvement need, and not necessarily a problem, was identified, and from there a solution was conceived. MR has proven to be a major tool for helping in several areas, and this paper can give insights for many future solutions with mixed reality or HoloLens and help them build new and better applications to improve tasks at a job or at home.
3º Congresso Português de 'Building Information Modelling', 2020
Resumo Os modelos BIM são maioritariamente gerados e usados no contexto do projeto e construção. ... more Resumo Os modelos BIM são maioritariamente gerados e usados no contexto do projeto e construção. Contudo, a informação que contêm é cada vez mais utilizada na gestão dos edifícios e cidade. Este trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento de ferramentas baseadas em modelos BIM que são enquadradas no conceito de Smart City. Estas aplicações contêm informação geométrica e funcional da construção e trocam dados com outras fontes tal como sensores ambientais, de consumo de energia ou água ou com os responsáveis técnicos e utilizadores, tornando-se em Gémeos Digitais/Digital Twins. São apresentadas duas aplicações onde são usados modelos BIM de pequena e grande escala como suporte de visualização e interação com os utilizadores. Em ambas são feitas integrações de informação de várias origens que são integradas numa plataforma agregadora. Nestas aplicações o modelo BIM é uma das peças do sistema que compreende sensores, bases de dados, algoritmos de filtragem e tratamento de dados, sendo por isso necessário recorrer a técnicas de extração, compatibilização de informação de várias fontes e apresentação ao utilizador em suportes acessíveis, o que aponta caminhos para a utilização do BIM em novos cenários.
As cadeiras técnicas, e em especial, as de Engenharia de Estruturas, são das mais desafiantes do ... more As cadeiras técnicas, e em especial, as de Engenharia de Estruturas, são das mais desafiantes do Mestrado Integrado em Arquitetura, em especial para os alunos originários da área artística do ensino secundário. Estes alunos, em virtude da sua deficiente preparação em matemática e física, têm dificuldade em acompanhar a exposição dos conceitos e a resolução de casos práticos. Este artigo expõe a aplicação de uma metodologia consistindo em vídeos (video lectures) de resolução de exercícios acompanhados de testes online que teve como objetivo aumentar a competência e o sucesso escolar. Conclui-se que os alunos conseguiram acompanhar a matéria com maior autonomia e sentido de autorrealização, tendo os resultados académicos melhorado.
This paper describes the measurement and analysis of the roughness of natural rock joints with th... more This paper describes the measurement and analysis of the roughness of natural rock joints with the aim of proceeding to their characterisation and comparison. Eight rock joints (corresponding to sixteen surfaces) were scanned with a three-dimensional scanner. This was followed by the description and characterisation of the surface roughness, as well as its reproduction and generation using techniques such as fractal models and Fourier transforms. Shear tests under constant normal load were performed, the joint surfaces were again scanned, and the resulting roughness surfaces were compared allowing the evaluation of asperity breakage and surface wear. One of the joint specimens was tested under several normal stresses, which allowed the estimation of its mechanical characteristics, and was scanned after each test to evaluate the influence of the normal and shear load on the variation of roughness. The scans of the rock joints produced accurate numerical descriptions of their topologi...
Sensors, 2020
In this research work, we present an IoT solution to environment variables using a LoRa transmiss... more In this research work, we present an IoT solution to environment variables using a LoRa transmission technology to give real-time information to users in a Things2People process and achieve savings by promoting behavior changes in a People2People process. These data are stored and later processed to identify patterns and integrate with visualization tools, which allow us to develop an environmental perception while using the system. In this project, we implemented a different approach based on the development of a 3D visualization tool that presents the system collected data, warnings, and other users’ perception in an interactive 3D model of the building. This data representation introduces a new People2People interaction approach to achieve savings in shared spaces like public buildings by combining sensor data with the users’ individual and collective perception. This approach was validated at the ISCTE-IUL University Campus, where this 3D IoT data representation was presented in...
Transportation Geotechnics, 2020
Performance of traditional railway structure depends significantly on the behaviour of its suppor... more Performance of traditional railway structure depends significantly on the behaviour of its support layers, particularly the ballast. This layer's rock particles are selected to ensure high mechanical strength, but traffic and mechanical maintenance break and wear the particles. Consequently, the layer incurs permanent deformations that degrade its strength and increase deformability and permeability. Particle physical characteristics, in particular those related to size and shape, influence their fragmentation and wear and must be studied accordingly. In addition, structural numerical models that represent individual particles, such as the discrete element method, have been increasingly used to model the infrastructure and therefore detailed geometrical characterization in the form of 3D digital models of the particles are necessary. This work contributes to this goal by investigating a contact-based cost-effective method that digitizes particle form and allows the determination of their geometric parameters. This method is described, compared with well-established laser scanning technique and then applied to study degradation of particles in Los Angeles and microDeval fragmentation tests.
Papers by Ricardo Resende