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With Chile's return to democratic rule, one of the agendas of the government was the promise to address Chile's environmental problems, which had become much exacerbated under the laissez-faire economic model favoured by the military... more
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    • Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
With Chile's return to democratic rule, one of the agendas of the government was the promise to address Chile's environmental problems, which had become much exacerbated under the laissez-faire economic model favoured by the military... more
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Climate change education and awareness are essential for any effective action on climate change. While regulatory policies and taxes influence consumer behavior, these measures are significantly more successful when the stakeholders are... more
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    • Economics
On 23rd June 2016, the people of United Kingdom voted to exit from the European Union. This exit impacts the economies of the UK and EU both in many ways. Numerous changes in taxation structure, tariffs, business methodology will be seen.... more
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This paper presents an overview of the developments made in the field of oversampling sigma-delta (SigmaDelta) data converters. Further, an approach to model a 4th order multi-bit SigmaDelta ADC using Simulink, Matlab is proposed. It is... more
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    •   10  
      Analog Circuit DesignHigher Order ThinkingQuantizationBehavior Modeling
A design procedure for an operational amplifier using indirect compensation is presented in this paper. Indirect compensation has inherent benefits in regards with power to speed trade-off. The technique has been seldom used in the past... more
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    •   3  
      Analog Circuit DesignOperational Transconductance AmplifierNetwork Topology
This paper presents an overview of the developments made in the field of oversampling sigma-delta (Ȉǻ) data converters. Further, an approach to model a 4 th order multi-bit Ȉǻ ADC using Simulink, Matlab is proposed. It is shown that... more
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    •   10  
      Analog Circuit DesignHigher Order ThinkingQuantizationBehavior Modeling
A design procedure for an operational amplifier using indirect compensation is presented in this paper. Indirect compensation has inherent benefits in regards with power to speed trade-off. The technique has been seldom used in the past... more
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    •   3  
      Analog Circuit DesignOperational Transconductance AmplifierNetwork Topology
1. The attempts include the following: (1) the European Exchange Rate Agreement (Snake); (2) the Werner Report; and (3) the European Monetary Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), as set forth under the newly designed Treaty Establishing the... more
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    • Sociology