A dazzling streak of eye-catching color.
1 available
Color available: Cosmic Cocoa
Let’s Get Started
Step 1:
Browse through our items
Step 2:
Saw something you liked? Email us on product availability, payment method & delivery charges.
Step 3:
Wait for our reply regarding your request via email within 1-2 working days.
Step 4:
Make payment via
*online banking
to our Public Bank account.
Step 5:
Please complete the order form below. We will inform you via email on the shipping details within 1-2 working days.
And Now you just have to wait for your VS products to reach your doorstep ;)
For any other inquiries, you can always e-mail us anytime!
Or contact us at 6012-2365675
MSN contact available at [email protected]
1. New orders must come with 50% deposit. No orders will be taken without any deposit. This applies to non-stocking items only.
2. For buyers who had paid deposit, the balance payment must be paid within two days after the stock is available. Should the balance is not paid within two days, your order is considered cancel and deposit is not refundable.
3. Orders for in- stock items, FULL PAYMENT must be made to our account within 2 days, before delivery of the items.
4. All sales are final, therefore please read product descriptions carefully and ask all questions BEFORE purchasing of any item(s). Serious buyers only, NO refunds!
5. Items will be shipped out on the next working day after FULL PAYMENT is received. Estimated arrival is within 5 working days. Tracking numbers will be provided.
6. Items sold are NEW and in good condition, unless stated. We will not be held responsible for any loss or damages incurred during shipping.
Domestic Shipping
- Payments must be cleared before item is shipped out.
- Payments made to Public Bank account ONLY.
- Handling & Shipping by POSLAJU
West Malaysia –
RM 7.00 (Additional Item RM 2.00 each)
* For liquid items by Citylink / GDex:
RM 8.00 (Additional Item RM 3.00 each)
East Malaysia – RM9.00 (Additional Item RM 3.00 each)
*For liquid items by GDex:
RM 15.00 (Additional Item RM 5.00 each)
International Shipping
- ONLY for NON-LIQUID items. eg Handbag.
- Payments must be cleared before item is shipped out.
- Please contact us for the handling & shipping rates and charges.