Papers by Thomas Pouyet
Bulletin monumental, 2024
Journal of Medieval Monastic Studies, 2023
From the end of Antiquity to the early twelfth century, a dozen Benedictine monasteries were foun... more From the end of Antiquity to the early twelfth century, a dozen Benedictine monasteries were founded in the ancient diocese of Tours. Most of these establishments are in a ruined state today, but a diachronic and multi-source approach enables a reconstruction of the monastic topography during medieval times. The first part of this article focuses on the organization of the monastic buildings, which are arranged around the cloister square, and the cloister ambulatories. The second part examines in detail the functional aspects of the monastic buildings, using mainly archaeological and iconographical sources. The analysis of the similarities and differences between settlements provides useful elements to identify previously unknown topographical elements and to highlight modifications carried out during the modern period.
Juvenes - The Middle Ages seen by Young Researchers: Vol. II - Space(s), 2022
The cella of Cormery was established in the Indre valley at the end of the 8th century by an abbo... more The cella of Cormery was established in the Indre valley at the end of the 8th century by an abbot of St Martin of Tours. The small monastery was located approximately 20 km from the famous funerary complex, which housed the remains of the bishop Martin. The supply of St Martin’s
people was based on the river system of the Loire valley, which allowed the carriage of resources from the countryside to Tours. The settlement of Cormery is excluded from this network because the Indre River was not supposed to be navigable during the Carolingian period because of the
presence of mills along its route. On the basis of the 9th-10th century charters of the monastery, let us propose to reconsider this hypothesis and include Cormery into the monastic exchange network of the Loire valley.
Available on the Internet :
Un monde en mouvement : la circulation des hommes, des biens et des idées à l'époque Mérovingienne (Ve-VIIIe siècle). 40e journées internationales de l'Association française d'Archéologie mérovingienne,, 2022
L’objectif de cette étude est de réévaluer l’usage de la rivière Indre, un affluent de de la Loir... more L’objectif de cette étude est de réévaluer l’usage de la rivière Indre, un affluent de de la Loire, au haut Moyen Âge. À la fin du VIIIe s., la communauté de Saint-Martin de Tours installa dans cette vallée secondaire un établissement monastique qui perdura jusqu’au XVIIIe s. L’Indre est supposée être un axe de circulation d’usage très limité durant la période carolingienne en raison de l’absence de mentions de cette rivière au sein des actes d’exemptions de taxes et du fait de la présence de nombreux moulins qui gêneraient la circulation sur son cours. Dans le cadre d’un travail doctoral portant sur l’abbaye de Cormery, un réexamen de cet argumentaire a été entrepris à partir des sources écrites des VIIIe-XIe s. Loin de corroborer cet état de fait, cette relecture a montré que l’Indre était très probablement intégrée au sein du réseau de circulation monastique de la vallée de la Loire au haut Moyen Âge et que les moulins cités au IXe s. n’étaient vraisemblablement pas situés sur son cours mais sur des sources qui jaillissaient du coteau.
Bulletin du centre d’études médiévales d’Auxerre | BUCEMA , 2020
Mémoires de l'AFAM 36, 2020
Archéologie médiévale, 2018
Chronique d'une fouille programmée effectuée dans l'abbaye de Cormery en Indre-et-Loire en juille... more Chronique d'une fouille programmée effectuée dans l'abbaye de Cormery en Indre-et-Loire en juillet 2017. Deux sondages furent effectuées au sein de la galerie sud du cloître et dans l'emprise du transept nord de l'église abbatiale.
Les cahiers de Fundeta, n° 2, p. 6-11, 2017
Cette article est la synthèse d'une communication réalisée en juin 2016 à l'église Saint-Symphori... more Cette article est la synthèse d'une communication réalisée en juin 2016 à l'église Saint-Symphorien de Fondettes à propos de l'architecture de ce bâtiment médiéval.
Judic B., Beck R., Bousquet-Labouérie C. et Lorans E. (dir.), Un nouveau Martin. Essor et renouveaux de la figure de saint Martin (IVe siècle – XXe siècle), Presses universitaires François-Rabelais, Tours, pp.405-418, 2019
Cet article a pour objet une relecture topographique et architecturale de la tour Charlemagne (Sa... more Cet article a pour objet une relecture topographique et architecturale de la tour Charlemagne (Saint-Martin de Tours) à partir des premières analyses de la tour Saint Paul de Cormery, en cours d’étude dans le cadre d’une thèse d’archéologie à l’université de Tours. Les technologies d’acquisition de données 3D ont été utilisées à Cormery pour produire des relevés architecturaux détaillés de la tour Saint-Paul, permettant une analyse comparative entre les deux bâtiments de l’époque romane.
The purpose of this paper is to offer an architectural and topographic analysis of Charlemagne tower (St-Martin of Tours), based on the study of St Paul de Cormery tower which is part of a PhD in archaeology at Tours university. 3D tools were used to produce architectural surveys of St Paul tower allowing a comparative analysis between both Roman buildings.
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2017
This paper will focus on the technical approaches used for a PhD thesis regarding architecture an... more This paper will focus on the technical approaches used for a PhD thesis regarding architecture and spatial organization of benedict abbeys in Touraine in the Middle Ages, in particular the abbey of Cormery in the heart of the Loire Valley. Monastic space is approached in a diachronic way, from the early Middle Ages to the modern times using multi-sources data: architectural study, written sources, ancient maps, various iconographic documents… Many scales are used in the analysis, from the establishment of the abbeys in a territory to the scale of a building like the tower-entrance of the church of Cormery. These methodological axes have been developed in the research unit CITERES for many years and the 3D technology is now used to go further along in that field.
The recording in 3D of the buildings of the abbey of Cormery allows us to work at the scale of the monastery and to produce useful data such as sections or orthoimages of the ground and the walls faces which are afterwards drawn and analysed. The study of these documents, crossed with the other historical sources, allowed us to emphasize the presence of walls older than what we thought and to discover construction elements that had not been recognized earlier and which enhance the debate about the construction date St Paul tower and associated the monastic church.
L’analyse du bâti et de l'organisation spatiale de la chartreuse de Prémol, de la fin du XVIIe s... more L’analyse du bâti et de l'organisation spatiale de la chartreuse de Prémol, de la fin du XVIIe siècle à la fin du XVIIIe siècle constitue la part essentielle de ce mémoire, une analyse basée sur l’étude des archives et plus particulièrement des comptes tenus par les moines à l’époque Moderne.
Atlas Archéologique de Touraine, 2014
Le territoire d'Esvres-sur-Indre a livré de nombreux vestiges archéologiques. Sur le site du bour... more Le territoire d'Esvres-sur-Indre a livré de nombreux vestiges archéologiques. Sur le site du bourg, on suppose l'existence d'une agglomération antique, sans doute d'origine gauloise. Cette hypothèse se fonde essentiellement sur deux éléments : la présence d'une ou plusieurs nécropoles utilisées de la fin du 2e siècle avant notre ère jusqu'au 2e siècle, et la mention du site comme vicus par Grégoire de Tours. Les informations issues des recherches les plus récentes permettent une première cartographie du site et de son territoire.
Teaching Documents by Thomas Pouyet
Court métrage réalisé par Thomas Pouyet entre 2016 et 2018 durant son doctorat au sein de l’UMR C... more Court métrage réalisé par Thomas Pouyet entre 2016 et 2018 durant son doctorat au sein de l’UMR CITERES 7324, équipe Laboratoire Archéologie et Territoires (LAT) à l'université de Tours. En 2016, ce projet a obtenu le prix « Festival du film de chercheur » du festival « Sciences en Lumière » de Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy en 2016. (CNRS université de Lorraine). Réalisé en collaboration avec la MSH Val de Loire, l'UMR CITERES-LAT et l'université de Tours, ce court-métrage dévoile les coulisses de la recherche archéologique menée à l'ancienne abbaye de Cormery, située dans le Val de Loire. Plus que l'histoire événementielle de l'abbaye, ce sont les problématiques de recherche et les méthodes employées pour y répondre qui sont au cœur de ce film. L'usage des nouvelles technologies comme la photogrammétrie, la lasergrammétrie ou le drône prend ici une importance fondamentale pour l'étude du bâti et permet d'appréhender l'histoire de cette tour et de l'architecture romane en général, avec un nouveau regard. Eliane Vergnolle est interviewée durant la première partie de ce documentaire ainsi que Nicolas Nony.
Lien :
7th International Workshop - 3D ARCH - 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures, Mar 2017, Nauplie, Greece
This documentl focuses on the technical approaches used for a PHD thesis regarding architecture a... more This documentl focuses on the technical approaches used for a PHD thesis regarding architecture and spatial organization of benedict abbeys in Touraine in the Middle Ages, in particular the abbey of Cormery 20 kilometers away from the city of Tours in the heart of the Loire Valley. Monastic space is approached in a diachronic way, from the early Middle Ages to the modern times using multi-sources data: architectural study, written sources, ancient maps, various iconography… Many scales are used in the analysis, from the establishment of the abbeys in a territory to the scale of a building like the tower-entrance of the church of Cormery.
Thesis Chapters by Thomas Pouyet
Cormery et son territoire : origines et transformations d'un établissement monastique dans la longue durée (8e-18e siècles) Volume 2 : Corpus de preuves, 2019
L’objectif de cette recherche est de caractériser les aspects topographiques, fonctionnels et arc... more L’objectif de cette recherche est de caractériser les aspects topographiques, fonctionnels et architecturaux de l’abbaye bénédictine de Cormery établie en Touraine, par la communauté de Saint-Martin de Tours, en 791 et restée en fonction jusqu’à la Révolution française. Cette approche multi-scalaire du monastère s’appuie sur les sources textuelles et les nombreux vestiges en élévation qui incluent les bâtiments claustraux. La première partie de ce travail s’attache à analyser le contexte de fondation du monastère dans la vallée de l’Indre et tout particulièrement le lien avec la rivière. Dans un deuxième temps, une étude archéologique a été menée sur les vestiges de l’église abbatiale et de la tour-clocher de l’époque romane à partir de relevés réalisés en lasergrammétrie et photogrammétrie. Enfin, l’analyse de l’organisation spatiale de l’établissement monastique et de sa périphérie où s’est formé un bourg conclut ce travail.
The purpose of this research is to characterize the topographic, functional and architectural aspects of the benedictine abbey of Cormery, founded in Touraine by the community of St Martin in 791 and which was in use until the French Revolution. This multi-scalar approach of the monastery is based on written sources and standing architectural remains which include the monastic buildings. The first part of this work is dedicated to analyze the foundation process of the monastery in the Indre Valley, especially the link with the river. Secondly, the architectural study of the remains of the abbey church and the still-standing Romanesque western tower was carried out with photogrammetric and lasergrammetric recording. Finally, we conclude this work with the analysis of the spatial organization of the monastic settlement and its periphery where a medieval market town developed.
Cormery et son territoire : origines et transformations d'un établissement monastique dans la longue durée (8e-18e siècles) Volume 1 : Texte, 2019
L’objectif de cette recherche est de caractériser les aspects topographiques, fonctionnels et arc... more L’objectif de cette recherche est de caractériser les aspects topographiques, fonctionnels et architecturaux de l’abbaye bénédictine de Cormery établie en Touraine, par la communauté de Saint-Martin de Tours en 791 et restée en fonction jusqu’à la Révolution française. Cette approche multi-scalaire du monastère s’appuie sur les sources textuelles et les nombreux vestiges en élévation qui incluent les bâtiments claustraux. La première partie de ce travail s’attache à analyser le contexte de fondation du monastère dans la vallée de l’Indre et tout particulièrement le lien avec la rivière. Dans un deuxième temps, une étude archéologique a été menée sur les vestiges de l’église abbatiale et de la tour-clocher de l’époque romane à partir de relevés réalisés en lasergrammétrie et photogrammétrie. Enfin, l’analyse de l’organisation spatiale de l’établissement monastique et de sa périphérie où s’est formé un bourg conclut ce travail.
The purpose of this research is to characterize the topographic, functional and architectural aspects of the benedictine abbey of Cormery, founded in Touraine by the community of St Martin in 791 and which was in use until the French Revolution. This multi-scalar approach of the monastery is based on written sources and standing architectural remains which include the monastic buildings. The first part of this work is dedicated to analyze the foundation process of the monastery in the Indre Valley, especially the link with the river. Secondly, the architectural study of the remains of the abbey church and the still-standing Romanesque western tower was carried out with photogrammetric and lasergrammetric recording. Finally, we conclude this work with the analysis of the spatial organization of the monastic settlement and its periphery where a medieval market town developed.
Book Reviews by Thomas Pouyet
Revue archéologique du Centre de la France, 2017
Compte-rendu de l'ouvrage de Denis Hénault -L'abbaye Saint-Pierre de Mozac. Architecture, décors ... more Compte-rendu de l'ouvrage de Denis Hénault -L'abbaye Saint-Pierre de Mozac. Architecture, décors et histoire d'un site monastique (VII e -XX e siècle). Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Rennes, 451 p.
Référence électronique : Thomas Pouyet, « Denis Hénault - L’abbaye Saint-Pierre de Mozac. Architecture, décors et histoire d’un site monastique (VIIe-XXe siècle) », Revue archéologique du Centre de la France [En ligne], Tome 56 | 2017, mis en ligne le 19 décembre 2017, consulté le 30 juin 2020. URL :
Conference Presentations by Thomas Pouyet
43rd Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology “KEEP THE REVOLUTION GOING” Conference (CAA 2015 SIENA), Mar 2015, Siena, Italy, 2015
Evena project is one of the research program managed by CITERES Laboratory and Inrap. The purpose... more Evena project is one of the research program managed by CITERES Laboratory and Inrap. The purpose of this program is the archeological assessment of the village of Esvres (Indre-et-Loire, Centre of France, Loire Valley), whose origins go back at the late Latenian period, and his surrounding landscape. We study the long term settlement systems, using several sources.
Talks by Thomas Pouyet
Postgraduate Conference of the British Archaeological Association, November 19, 2020, London, Uni... more Postgraduate Conference of the British Archaeological Association, November 19, 2020, London, United Kingdom
A la suite des propositions reçues lors du premier appel à communication, les organisateurs du co... more A la suite des propositions reçues lors du premier appel à communication, les organisateurs du colloque élargissent l’aire géographique d’étude à l’Europe et étendent la chronologie retenue à la fin du Moyen Âge.
Les propositions de communication ou de poster en français ou en anglais sont attendues avant le 30 avril 2021. Elles devront inclure un titre, un résumé d’environ 300 mots en français ou en anglais ainsi que le rattachement institutionnel de l’auteur. Elles sont à déposer sur
As a result of the proposals received for the first call, the symposium organisers wish to broad the geographical study area to the whole Europe and to expand the chosen chronology to the end of the Middle Ages.
Communication or poster proposals in French or in English should be submitted by 30 April 2021. Proposals should provide a title, a summary of 300 words in French or English and the institutional affiliation of the author. They must be filed on the website of the conference :
Papers by Thomas Pouyet
people was based on the river system of the Loire valley, which allowed the carriage of resources from the countryside to Tours. The settlement of Cormery is excluded from this network because the Indre River was not supposed to be navigable during the Carolingian period because of the
presence of mills along its route. On the basis of the 9th-10th century charters of the monastery, let us propose to reconsider this hypothesis and include Cormery into the monastic exchange network of the Loire valley.
Available on the Internet :
The purpose of this paper is to offer an architectural and topographic analysis of Charlemagne tower (St-Martin of Tours), based on the study of St Paul de Cormery tower which is part of a PhD in archaeology at Tours university. 3D tools were used to produce architectural surveys of St Paul tower allowing a comparative analysis between both Roman buildings.
The recording in 3D of the buildings of the abbey of Cormery allows us to work at the scale of the monastery and to produce useful data such as sections or orthoimages of the ground and the walls faces which are afterwards drawn and analysed. The study of these documents, crossed with the other historical sources, allowed us to emphasize the presence of walls older than what we thought and to discover construction elements that had not been recognized earlier and which enhance the debate about the construction date St Paul tower and associated the monastic church.
Teaching Documents by Thomas Pouyet
Lien :
Thesis Chapters by Thomas Pouyet
The purpose of this research is to characterize the topographic, functional and architectural aspects of the benedictine abbey of Cormery, founded in Touraine by the community of St Martin in 791 and which was in use until the French Revolution. This multi-scalar approach of the monastery is based on written sources and standing architectural remains which include the monastic buildings. The first part of this work is dedicated to analyze the foundation process of the monastery in the Indre Valley, especially the link with the river. Secondly, the architectural study of the remains of the abbey church and the still-standing Romanesque western tower was carried out with photogrammetric and lasergrammetric recording. Finally, we conclude this work with the analysis of the spatial organization of the monastic settlement and its periphery where a medieval market town developed.
The purpose of this research is to characterize the topographic, functional and architectural aspects of the benedictine abbey of Cormery, founded in Touraine by the community of St Martin in 791 and which was in use until the French Revolution. This multi-scalar approach of the monastery is based on written sources and standing architectural remains which include the monastic buildings. The first part of this work is dedicated to analyze the foundation process of the monastery in the Indre Valley, especially the link with the river. Secondly, the architectural study of the remains of the abbey church and the still-standing Romanesque western tower was carried out with photogrammetric and lasergrammetric recording. Finally, we conclude this work with the analysis of the spatial organization of the monastic settlement and its periphery where a medieval market town developed.
Book Reviews by Thomas Pouyet
Référence électronique : Thomas Pouyet, « Denis Hénault - L’abbaye Saint-Pierre de Mozac. Architecture, décors et histoire d’un site monastique (VIIe-XXe siècle) », Revue archéologique du Centre de la France [En ligne], Tome 56 | 2017, mis en ligne le 19 décembre 2017, consulté le 30 juin 2020. URL :
Conference Presentations by Thomas Pouyet
Talks by Thomas Pouyet
Les propositions de communication ou de poster en français ou en anglais sont attendues avant le 30 avril 2021. Elles devront inclure un titre, un résumé d’environ 300 mots en français ou en anglais ainsi que le rattachement institutionnel de l’auteur. Elles sont à déposer sur
As a result of the proposals received for the first call, the symposium organisers wish to broad the geographical study area to the whole Europe and to expand the chosen chronology to the end of the Middle Ages.
Communication or poster proposals in French or in English should be submitted by 30 April 2021. Proposals should provide a title, a summary of 300 words in French or English and the institutional affiliation of the author. They must be filed on the website of the conference :
people was based on the river system of the Loire valley, which allowed the carriage of resources from the countryside to Tours. The settlement of Cormery is excluded from this network because the Indre River was not supposed to be navigable during the Carolingian period because of the
presence of mills along its route. On the basis of the 9th-10th century charters of the monastery, let us propose to reconsider this hypothesis and include Cormery into the monastic exchange network of the Loire valley.
Available on the Internet :
The purpose of this paper is to offer an architectural and topographic analysis of Charlemagne tower (St-Martin of Tours), based on the study of St Paul de Cormery tower which is part of a PhD in archaeology at Tours university. 3D tools were used to produce architectural surveys of St Paul tower allowing a comparative analysis between both Roman buildings.
The recording in 3D of the buildings of the abbey of Cormery allows us to work at the scale of the monastery and to produce useful data such as sections or orthoimages of the ground and the walls faces which are afterwards drawn and analysed. The study of these documents, crossed with the other historical sources, allowed us to emphasize the presence of walls older than what we thought and to discover construction elements that had not been recognized earlier and which enhance the debate about the construction date St Paul tower and associated the monastic church.
Lien :
The purpose of this research is to characterize the topographic, functional and architectural aspects of the benedictine abbey of Cormery, founded in Touraine by the community of St Martin in 791 and which was in use until the French Revolution. This multi-scalar approach of the monastery is based on written sources and standing architectural remains which include the monastic buildings. The first part of this work is dedicated to analyze the foundation process of the monastery in the Indre Valley, especially the link with the river. Secondly, the architectural study of the remains of the abbey church and the still-standing Romanesque western tower was carried out with photogrammetric and lasergrammetric recording. Finally, we conclude this work with the analysis of the spatial organization of the monastic settlement and its periphery where a medieval market town developed.
The purpose of this research is to characterize the topographic, functional and architectural aspects of the benedictine abbey of Cormery, founded in Touraine by the community of St Martin in 791 and which was in use until the French Revolution. This multi-scalar approach of the monastery is based on written sources and standing architectural remains which include the monastic buildings. The first part of this work is dedicated to analyze the foundation process of the monastery in the Indre Valley, especially the link with the river. Secondly, the architectural study of the remains of the abbey church and the still-standing Romanesque western tower was carried out with photogrammetric and lasergrammetric recording. Finally, we conclude this work with the analysis of the spatial organization of the monastic settlement and its periphery where a medieval market town developed.
Référence électronique : Thomas Pouyet, « Denis Hénault - L’abbaye Saint-Pierre de Mozac. Architecture, décors et histoire d’un site monastique (VIIe-XXe siècle) », Revue archéologique du Centre de la France [En ligne], Tome 56 | 2017, mis en ligne le 19 décembre 2017, consulté le 30 juin 2020. URL :
Les propositions de communication ou de poster en français ou en anglais sont attendues avant le 30 avril 2021. Elles devront inclure un titre, un résumé d’environ 300 mots en français ou en anglais ainsi que le rattachement institutionnel de l’auteur. Elles sont à déposer sur
As a result of the proposals received for the first call, the symposium organisers wish to broad the geographical study area to the whole Europe and to expand the chosen chronology to the end of the Middle Ages.
Communication or poster proposals in French or in English should be submitted by 30 April 2021. Proposals should provide a title, a summary of 300 words in French or English and the institutional affiliation of the author. They must be filed on the website of the conference :
Pour cette rencontre du 6 octobre, placée sous le thème de la représentation, interviendront Thomas Pouyet et Odile Parsis-Barubé.