Create Day July 2022 was a one-day virtual IndieWebCamp held on 2022-07-31.
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/IWCCreateDay-2022-07-31
IndieWeb Create Day July
When: 2022-07-31 09:00-17:00 Pacific
- capjamesg
- Tracy Durnell
- David Somers [omz13]
- Mark Sutherland
- Tantek Çelik
- Marty McGuire
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
- Angelo Gladding: fix indieauth sign-in to imoxia toolbox
- David Shanske: Refactor/streamline/test Simple Location WordPress Plugin
- Jacob Hall finish database redesign (whostyle demo I was talking about https://jacobhall.net/whostyle-iframe-test.html)
- Kevin Marks try to show inbound and outbound links in a memex like way.
- Tantek Çelik wants to get his photo grid working again
- Marty McGuire wants to document his IndieAuth server implementation
- Tracy Durnell is building a new website and re-learning how to write html and css
- Maxwell Joslyn i haven't upgraded any of my site code in more than a year ... now that i have to do most of my writing with a voice app on my phone, I could reallllly use micropub.
- David Somers [omz13] add authorized application keys UI into toolbox; probably only time today to add the backend API as its in an secure enclave
- Mark Sutherland optimize images on upload to their site
- capjamesg explore flight posts on their website
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/401 -- "This status code is similar to the 403 Forbidden status code, except that in situations resulting in this status code, user authentication can allow access to the resource."
- This came up in discussing whether an IndieAuth client_id URL response should still be processed when the response is a 4xx. (401 vs 403 in particular)
- Discussion of one server implementing several IndieWeb building blocks together reminded Marty McGuire of http://www.flong.com/archive/projects/free-universal-construction-kit/index.html
- trust.txt is https://journallist.net/reference-document-for-trust-txt-specifications
- example site: coloradopressassociation.com (in toolbox, under trust discovery, just provide the domain name for the query)
- IndieWeb-utils: representative h-card - https://github.com/capjamesg/indieweb-utils/blob/6d52d30d164515886099019858d56b85e301a6c1/src/indieweb_utils/posts/representative_h_card.py
- Example object returned by indieweb-utils: https://github.com/capjamesg/indieweb-utils/blob/main/src/indieweb_utils/webmentions/send.py#L10
- James' first flight map: https://jamesg.blog/flights/EDI-CIA-25-08-2022/
- https://aaronparecki.com/2017/01/02/6/day-13-curved-map-lines
- https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse?format=json&lat=34.115426&lon=-118.162950&zoom=18&addressdetails=1
- TLD list: https://data.iana.org/TLD/tlds-alpha-by-domain.txt
- with availability info https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Internet_top-level_domains
interesting home listings
- https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/630-Riverside-Dr-SE-Saint-Cloud-MN-56304/2207800_zpid/
- https://photos.zillowstatic.com/fp/736f9fc3dddfcd62145ead5d822ba326-uncropped_scaled_within_1536_1152.webp
- https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/90647923#/?channel=RES_BUY
- https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/123535703#/?channel=RES_BUY
- https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/122603054#/?channel=RES_BUY
- https://www.countrylife.co.uk/property/an-800-year-old-home-for-sale-that-comes-with-a-medieval-hall-maze-and-possibly-even-a-ghost-220376
- Another Castle - this is the one with 7 dungeons (they relablled them as cellars) https://www.onthemarket.com/details/1624227/
- This is the style that a lot of those UK houses were aiming for and missing https://inigo.com/almanac/a-place-like-no-other-david-parr-house-cambridge
- https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/545-547-Buena-Vista-Ave-W-San-Francisco-CA-94117/2062380889_zpid/
- https://chronotrains-eu.vercel.app/
- https://twitter.com/kevinmarks/status/1553448958244044800?s=20&t=B8ldrunX7DZv2uv4ZrEKvA
- https://github.com/nuclearsecrecy/Leaflet.greatCircle
- Angelo Gladding: [1]
- HTTP Cats: https://http.cat/
example short note posts
In particular for resigning or declining:
composite streams
e.g. recently mentioned: https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2022-07-26#t1658859007352500
Examples (of composite streams)
- https://tantek.com/ (home page)
- https://marksuth.dev/stream (WIP)
- https://jacobhall.net/few (there is also /all and /many) list of articles: https://jacobhall.net/articles
- a good example: https://adactio.com/
- https://jacobhall.net/2020/taking-notes-latex/
display people icons
Should you always display the full resolution icons of people of posts you reply to? e.g. in the reply-context?
People should be able to consent to their photos and other content being shared on other sites. If my site receives a webmention from your site, I should conservatively not re-host your content (e.g. your photo) unless you have given me explicit permission. ...but, how is best to give permission? Should consent be given in the process of sending a webmention, or should the content be marked up with licenses?
See: https://sebastiangreger.net/2018/05/indieweb-privacy-challenge-webmentions-backfeeds-gdpr/
- Specifically the section: The initial solution: anonymizing “not intentionally submitted” feedback
- backfeed is one of the primary use-cases of this, where people replying/liking/reposting have no idea that they will show up on another website
things built
- /fta link — use-case: txting a link to someone so they can call me via FaceTime Audio (using my own domain as my identity, not a phone number)
- tools to debug my home page but not *at* my home page in production, e.g. an /index-new (not a real path) instead of having to live deploy/test at my main home page at /.
- fixed my home page photo grid! and added a bunch more testing, staging, and debugging capabilities for my home page and composite stream
- updated home page events listing!
Tracy Durnell
- researched land acknowledgments and created a wiki page https://indieweb.org/land_acknowledgment
- resolved DNS issue with subdomain
- created one-page unstyled webpage ;)
Kevin Marks
- thinking about a wider screen reading experience showing inbound and outbound connections
- Example at https://www.kevinmarks.com/memex.html
- somewhat like https://edwardtufte.github.io/tufte-css/ and http://fed.wiki.org/view/welcome-visitors/view/about-federated-wiki, but ideally mroe dynamic and using webmention
Jacob Hall
- Here is my work-in-progress design https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Rdz1_udV0ijyLXYXpc-WSz_y_vUYggKWEpCgUyERvJ0/edit#slide=id.gfc625f989b_0_4
- I completed the code that will upgrade my database from the old design to the new. Made good progress on the code to transfer content
David Shanske
David Shanske - Worked on SImple Location improvements
- Split Elevation calculation from reverse geocoding.
- Introduce Structure for Venue Provider to integrate places/venue APIs
- Refactor provider classes to make them more modular and prepare for new config plans
- Fixed some very subtle bugs in the code
- Move API keys to separate page hidden, and add show button.
Angelo Gladding
- fixed indieauth sign-in to imoxia toolbox
- redirect HTTP -> HTTPS via 308
- got composite stream on homepage consisting of (notes, rsvps, photos)
- combination media upload + photo post via iOS shortcuts
- added 400 users (and their posts) to indieweb.rocks directory
Marty McGuire
- Published the app: https://git.schmarty.net/schmarty/belding#README
- Blog post is here: https://martymcgui.re/2022/07/31/switching-costs-for-an-indieauth-server/
- (Still need to go through and update the wiki.)