2013/Hollywood/Persistent Location Tracking
- http://aaronparecki.com
- Code
This app logs locations and step counts from an iOS 7 device, and sends it periodically via a POST request to a URL you define.
A simple backend for this should accomplish the following:
- Store the location and timestamp (and any other associated values like accuracy and speed)
- Query by timestamp
- Query by date range
- Query by location
- Location data should be returned with: latitude, longitude, timezone, locality, region and country
Looking up the timezone for a location is relatively easy. See the timezone example of Terraformer for a Node.js implementation, and a PHP implementation.
Unfortunately, building a reverse geocoder to convert latitude/longitude to a city/state/country is not trivial. It is definitely possible to run your own service for this. See OpenStreeMap's Nominatim. There are also a number of services available for doing reverse geocode queries, all with slightly different TOS and pricing.
- http://www.factual.com/products/geopulse-context
- http://www.mapquestapi.com/geocoding/#reverse
- http://geocoder.ca/?premium_api=1
- http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/arcgis-rest-api/index.html#//02r30000000n000000
- http://blog.programmableweb.com/2012/06/21/7-free-geocoding-apis-google-bing-yahoo-and-mapquest/
Currently only token-based authentication is possible by including a token in the config URL. rknLA is working on adding HMAC auth to the app so that if there is a secret provided in the setup URL, it will sign the requests so it can be verified on the server without requiring HTTPS.
Pull request adding HMAC support: https://github.com/esripdx/Offline-Logger-iOS/pull/2
See Also