Independent Scholar
Ancient History & Classics
"The Russian Primary Chronicle under 945 refers to the murder of Kievan Prince Igor by his tributary Drevljans and the revenge performed by his widow, Princess Olga. First, she ordered that the embassy from the Drevljans who arrived in... more
The story of the Chazars who had claimed a tribute from a Slavic tribe, the Poljanians, and received a sword in response, is usually considered in scholarship to be testimony that the Chazar empire was extended to the region of Kiev. A... more
Primary Chronicle, sub anno 945) Aleksandr V. Koptev Th e article deals with the story of the revenge of Kievan Princess Olga to the Drevlyans who murdered her husband, Prince Igor, in 945. Th ree stages of the revenge are interpreted as... more
Alexandr Koptev "Colonus Iuris Alieni" als spätantikes Surrogat der klassischen Persona Iuris Alieni Nach den Arbeiten von J.-M. Carrié sind in der letzten Zeit mehrere Versuche zu einer Revision der Frage nach der Entstehung des... more
The Colonate in the Theodosian Code and its Interpretations in the Breviary of Alaric, in: Droit, religion et société dans le Code Théodosien, Troisièmes Journées d’Etude sur le Code Théodosien, Neuchâtel, 15-17 février 2007, sous la... more