Books by Herbert Natta
Meltemi, 2019
"Perché fai ciò che fai? Perché scrivi in una lingua che pochi capiscono?" La domanda dello scrit... more "Perché fai ciò che fai? Perché scrivi in una lingua che pochi capiscono?" La domanda dello scrittore basco Bernardo Atxaga ricorre nelle riflessioni e nei testi di autori diversi, accomunati dall'uso di una lingua periferica. L'osservazione comparata di queste esperienze diventa così un viaggio tra dialetti, lingue locali e minoritarie: voci, luoghi, parole lasciate ai margini del canone letterario. Un'esplorazione che, integrando discipline diverse (dalle neuroscienze alla semiotica, dalla geografia all'antropologia), traccia nuove mappe, dove la periferia, linguistica e letteraria, possa esistere al di fuori del rapporto totalizzante con il centro. In questo spazio relazionale, dove emerge la rete di relazioni che unisce chi vive e racconta il margine, si rende possibile l'incontro tra chi, come la scrittrice chicana Gloria Anzaldúa, è attraversato dalla frontiera, o chi, come Gëzim Hajdari, esule e migrante, la attraversa o chi, come Claude Vigée o Mariano Baino, la abita.
Papers by Herbert Natta
«Il 996» XI, 2 (2013), May 2013
Römische traduce, in tedesco, romano e romanesco: antiche immagini e parole vive si intrecciano n... more Römische traduce, in tedesco, romano e romanesco: antiche immagini e parole vive si intrecciano nella prospettiva dei viaggiatori che soggiornano a Roma tra il XVIII e il XIX secolo. «Es ist ein saures und trauriges Geschäft, das alte Rom aus dem neuen herauszuklauben»: 1 la città eterna ha subito lo scorrere del tempo. Il mondo classico si rivela per frammenti, mentre archeologia, epigrafia, filologia, storia lavorano per strapparlo alla rovina. All'ombra dei monumenti antichi però, gli intellettuali tedeschi ascoltano le voci e i racconti della nuova Roma.
I miti del risorgimento e gli scrittori dialettali. Studi e testi, a cura di M. Mancini, 2014
L'institution […] rend les commencements solennels, puisqu'elle les entoure d'un cercle d'attenti... more L'institution […] rend les commencements solennels, puisqu'elle les entoure d'un cercle d'attention et de silence, et qu'elle leur impose, comme pour les signaler de plus loin, des formes ritualisées. 1
«l'Escalina» II, 1 (2013), Apr 2013
Metropoli, madre di città e città madre, centro di irradiazione del movimento coloniale che diffu... more Metropoli, madre di città e città madre, centro di irradiazione del movimento coloniale che diffuse il sistema politico, economico, linguistico e culturale delle poleis. Un moto centrifugo che disegnò i confini del mondo antico: «la progressiva "barbarizzazione" delle colonie greche nel campo della lingua e dei costumi venne in genere controbilanciata dalla ellenizzazione degli indigeni» 1 . La frontiera assumeva le caratteristiche di una periferia: non « il luogo in cui finisce il mondo», ma «il luogo in cui il mondo si decanta» 2 .
Book Reviews by Herbert Natta
«Il 996», XVI, 1 (2018), 2018
A tre anni di distanza dal suo Novecento in prosa da Pirandello a Busi, Giovanni Tesio, filologo ... more A tre anni di distanza dal suo Novecento in prosa da Pirandello a Busi, Giovanni Tesio, filologo e critico letterario, docente di letteratura italiana presso l'Università del Piemonte Orientale, offre una nuova esplorazione letteraria, orientata questa volta ai «viottoli» della poesia.
«Il 996», XIII, 2 (2015), Sep 2015
«Il 996», XII, 1 (2014), Apr 2014
«Il 996», XI, 3 (2013), Sep 2013
«Il 996» X, 2 (2012), May 2012
La mappa non è il territorio» ammoniva Alfred Korzybski; ma ciò che dalla mappa è escluso subisce... more La mappa non è il territorio» ammoniva Alfred Korzybski; ma ciò che dalla mappa è escluso subisce la stessa sorte di un libro mal catalogato: è perso, dimenticato, rimosso.
Conferences by Herbert Natta
Locative literature has been, since its origins, a peripheral genre in the galaxy of digital stor... more Locative literature has been, since its origins, a peripheral genre in the galaxy of digital storytelling: it has grown up in an interstitial space between different disciplines (geography, urbanism, design, arts), mixing the physical exploration of real space with the use of GPS technology.
This genetical hybridity hardly permits to define its boundaries, that should include works linked to situationist performances, urban regeneration, experience design and transmedia narrative. Furthermore, from the first recognized experience of locative literature (Hight, Knowlton, Spellman 2002), the GPS technology has developed, becoming more compact and accessible for individual users.
This change has produced, from one side, works that, taking advantage of the new technical opportunities, elaborate sophisticated geolocated digital narratives, also explorable in a sort of «armchair journey» (Epstein 2009), removing the necessity of movement in the physical space (like Tales from the Towpath, 2014); but, from the other side, locative literature opens the horizons of digital literature to more analogic experiences (like Matt Blackwood’s stickystories).
Looking to the possible futures of this genre, the app-based fiction, the massive use of social network geolocated contents and the virtual reality spaces represent open fields of exploration.
Starting from an analysis of the origins and development of locative literature, considering the attempts to define it as a genre (by artists and researchers like Karlis Kalnins, Anders Sundnes Løvlie, Emma Whittaker, Matt Blackwood) and the main works that refers to this theoretical framework, this proposal aims at investigating the edge between digital literature and physical experience, focusing on the opportunities and limits related to this osmotic frontier.
Literature is, as Dominique Maingueneau pointed out, a particular kind of discourse (called self-... more Literature is, as Dominique Maingueneau pointed out, a particular kind of discourse (called self-constituting or autopoietic) which «takes charge of what could be called the archeion of discursive production in a given society», where archeion is connected with «founding operations in and by discourse, the determination of a place for legitimate speakers and addressees, and the management of memory» (Maingueneau 1999, 2010).
Even in the contemporary global cultural system, where, as Carlos Fuentes said, literature has become peripheral (Fuentes 1993), it works as an instrument of redemption for dignity and identity of minority people (Walcot 1998), giving them the chance to be the subject of their own narration.
This subversive vitality emerges, from a linguistic perspective, in a «permanent diglossic tension» (Villalta 2001) that crosses the works of many bilingual/plurilingual authors, coming from different geographical and socio-cultural contexts, and it appears in their literary texts as in their paratextual activity (interviews, essays, papers, book’s reviews). In particular for endangered languages, the linguistic choice of some writers becomes extremely relevant.
Starting from a discursive analysis of a selected corpus, where authors, who live in a diglossic condition, express and motivate their option for the use of a peripheral language as a literary one, this work aims at understanding if there are recurrent discursive patterns that could motivate a comparative approach to different and distant writers, based on their peripheral linguistic position.
The paper aims at providing a map of the Italian Arabic-speaking migrant literature using digital... more The paper aims at providing a map of the Italian Arabic-speaking migrant literature using digital tools (gephi, GIS) and considering literary and paraliterary texts from different sources (BASILI database, academia, edu).
Seminars by Herbert Natta
Drafts by Herbert Natta
Books by Herbert Natta
Papers by Herbert Natta
Book Reviews by Herbert Natta
Conferences by Herbert Natta
This genetical hybridity hardly permits to define its boundaries, that should include works linked to situationist performances, urban regeneration, experience design and transmedia narrative. Furthermore, from the first recognized experience of locative literature (Hight, Knowlton, Spellman 2002), the GPS technology has developed, becoming more compact and accessible for individual users.
This change has produced, from one side, works that, taking advantage of the new technical opportunities, elaborate sophisticated geolocated digital narratives, also explorable in a sort of «armchair journey» (Epstein 2009), removing the necessity of movement in the physical space (like Tales from the Towpath, 2014); but, from the other side, locative literature opens the horizons of digital literature to more analogic experiences (like Matt Blackwood’s stickystories).
Looking to the possible futures of this genre, the app-based fiction, the massive use of social network geolocated contents and the virtual reality spaces represent open fields of exploration.
Starting from an analysis of the origins and development of locative literature, considering the attempts to define it as a genre (by artists and researchers like Karlis Kalnins, Anders Sundnes Løvlie, Emma Whittaker, Matt Blackwood) and the main works that refers to this theoretical framework, this proposal aims at investigating the edge between digital literature and physical experience, focusing on the opportunities and limits related to this osmotic frontier.
Even in the contemporary global cultural system, where, as Carlos Fuentes said, literature has become peripheral (Fuentes 1993), it works as an instrument of redemption for dignity and identity of minority people (Walcot 1998), giving them the chance to be the subject of their own narration.
This subversive vitality emerges, from a linguistic perspective, in a «permanent diglossic tension» (Villalta 2001) that crosses the works of many bilingual/plurilingual authors, coming from different geographical and socio-cultural contexts, and it appears in their literary texts as in their paratextual activity (interviews, essays, papers, book’s reviews). In particular for endangered languages, the linguistic choice of some writers becomes extremely relevant.
Starting from a discursive analysis of a selected corpus, where authors, who live in a diglossic condition, express and motivate their option for the use of a peripheral language as a literary one, this work aims at understanding if there are recurrent discursive patterns that could motivate a comparative approach to different and distant writers, based on their peripheral linguistic position.
Seminars by Herbert Natta
Drafts by Herbert Natta
This genetical hybridity hardly permits to define its boundaries, that should include works linked to situationist performances, urban regeneration, experience design and transmedia narrative. Furthermore, from the first recognized experience of locative literature (Hight, Knowlton, Spellman 2002), the GPS technology has developed, becoming more compact and accessible for individual users.
This change has produced, from one side, works that, taking advantage of the new technical opportunities, elaborate sophisticated geolocated digital narratives, also explorable in a sort of «armchair journey» (Epstein 2009), removing the necessity of movement in the physical space (like Tales from the Towpath, 2014); but, from the other side, locative literature opens the horizons of digital literature to more analogic experiences (like Matt Blackwood’s stickystories).
Looking to the possible futures of this genre, the app-based fiction, the massive use of social network geolocated contents and the virtual reality spaces represent open fields of exploration.
Starting from an analysis of the origins and development of locative literature, considering the attempts to define it as a genre (by artists and researchers like Karlis Kalnins, Anders Sundnes Løvlie, Emma Whittaker, Matt Blackwood) and the main works that refers to this theoretical framework, this proposal aims at investigating the edge between digital literature and physical experience, focusing on the opportunities and limits related to this osmotic frontier.
Even in the contemporary global cultural system, where, as Carlos Fuentes said, literature has become peripheral (Fuentes 1993), it works as an instrument of redemption for dignity and identity of minority people (Walcot 1998), giving them the chance to be the subject of their own narration.
This subversive vitality emerges, from a linguistic perspective, in a «permanent diglossic tension» (Villalta 2001) that crosses the works of many bilingual/plurilingual authors, coming from different geographical and socio-cultural contexts, and it appears in their literary texts as in their paratextual activity (interviews, essays, papers, book’s reviews). In particular for endangered languages, the linguistic choice of some writers becomes extremely relevant.
Starting from a discursive analysis of a selected corpus, where authors, who live in a diglossic condition, express and motivate their option for the use of a peripheral language as a literary one, this work aims at understanding if there are recurrent discursive patterns that could motivate a comparative approach to different and distant writers, based on their peripheral linguistic position.