Papers by Daniel Ciucalau
The article presents two Roman long dice discovered in the carpic settlements from Botosani-Dealu... more The article presents two Roman long dice discovered in the carpic settlements from Botosani-Dealul Cărămidăriei and Botosani-Groapa lui Ichim Their presence attests to the diversity of the relations between the free Dacians from the Plain of Moldavia and the Roman world of the 3rd century.
Journal of the American Heart Association, Apr 25, 2014
Numerous influences can be noticed within Sântana de Mureş-Cernjachov culture. They are targeting... more Numerous influences can be noticed within Sântana de Mureş-Cernjachov culture. They are targeting not only the material aspects of daily life but the spiritual life of its different ethnic components, as well. A series of prismatic pendants made of antlers decorated with circles century are documented in the 4 th century AD graves of women and children. Some scholars, such as J. Werner and I. Ioniţă have regarded them as replicas of type Herkuleskeule amulets. They were adopted in the Germanic world as symbols of the god Thor/Donau. This work presents such type of amulets discovered in some of the 4 th century AD necropolises that underwent research in Romania and the Republic of Moldova.
Sarmații în Nordul Moldovei , 2018
Catalog of the exhibition "Sarmatians in the North of Moldova", organized in July 2018 at the Bot... more Catalog of the exhibition "Sarmatians in the North of Moldova", organized in July 2018 at the Botosani County Museum. It includes a large part of the Sarmatian artifacts discovered on the territory of the Upper Jijia Plain.
În vol. „Ziua Europeană a Muzicii. Botoșani, oraș al muzicii și culturii europene”, Ed. Artes, I... more În vol. „Ziua Europeană a Muzicii. Botoșani, oraș al muzicii și culturii europene”, Ed. Artes, Iași, 2013, pp. 80-84
The article presents two Roman long dice discovered in the carpic settlements from Botosani-Dealu... more The article presents two Roman long dice discovered in the carpic settlements from Botosani-Dealul Cărămidăriei and Botosani-Groapa lui Ichim Their presence attests to the diversity of the relations between the free Dacians from the Plain of Moldavia and the Roman world of the 3rd century.
The systematic archaeological researches in Ripiceni-Holm/ Telescu site were performed during two... more The systematic archaeological researches in Ripiceni-Holm/ Telescu site were performed during two campaigns: 27 June-09 July and 19 October-01 November 2016. The trench T. IV/2016 (105 sq. m), in the north-western mega-structure area (ca. 1500 sq. m), was investigated completely. In this trench, three structures/dwellings (S./D.5–7/2016), a household complex (with hearth H.5/2016) and ten pits (P. 4–13/2016), components of quasi-central mega-structure, were researched. Each structure/dwelling had a robust wooden support (pillars, wattle and laths panels, thick planks, beams, lengthwise splinted trunks), covered with thick layers of clay, and strong burnt by fire. S./D. 6–7/2016 were storeyed buildings (with ground floor and functional attic/loft). The outer walls of S./D.5 (NE) and S./D.7 (SV) were massive, perhaps with role of closing the mega-structure enclosure. Also, new magnetometer surveys were carried out (spring and autumn 2016), all over the site preserved surface (10,5 ha), highlighting a great cucutenian habitation (ca. 20/25 ha, including the eroded area), with systematized organization: quasi-concentric circular arrangement of built space, compact groups of dwellings, structures for cultic delimitation (?) and fortification–ditches, palisades (?), superposed by several ashmounds (Noua culture).
Abbreviation S./D. = Structure/Dwelling P. = Pit T. = Trench
Some of arrangements discovered by specialists during the excavations of graves and cemeteries of... more Some of arrangements discovered by specialists during the excavations of graves and cemeteries of culture Santana de Mures–Cernjachov can be related with a series of religious rituals and magical described by ethnographers that studied the rural communities of contemporary Romanian space. Studying these analogies can be useful to have a clearer picture of the spiritual life of communities that have lived in the north of the Danube in the first
half millennium AD.
In Sântana de Mureş-Cernjachov culture we distinguish numerous influences that have targeted not ... more In Sântana de Mureş-Cernjachov culture we distinguish numerous influences that have targeted not only the material aspects of daily life but also the spiritual life of its different ethnic components. Since the IV th century are signaled in the graves of women and children a series of prismatic pendants made of antlers decorated with circles, which were seen by some scholars, such as J. Werner and I. Ioniţă as replicas of type Herkuleskeule amulets. They were adopted in the Germanic world as symbols of the god Thor / Donau. In this article we make a presentation of this type of amulets discovered in some of the cemeteries datated in the IV th century researched in Romania and Republic of Moldova.
Cuvinte cheie: castroane cu trei torţi, necropole, cultura Sântana de Mureş-Cernjachov Articol ap... more Cuvinte cheie: castroane cu trei torţi, necropole, cultura Sântana de Mureş-Cernjachov Articol apărut în Acta Moldaviae Septentrionalis, XII, 2013, p. 32-39 În anul 2012, cu ocazia unui inventar realizat la Muzeul de Arheologie de la Săveni, ne-a atras atenţia un fragment ceramic, aflat printre vasele din depozitul acestei instituţii (foto 1).
Books (coordonator) by Daniel Ciucalau
Rezumat: Născut la Botoşani, Iosif Gheorghian a devenit o importantă personalitate a Bisericii Or... more Rezumat: Născut la Botoşani, Iosif Gheorghian a devenit o importantă personalitate a Bisericii Ortodoxe Române. A fost totodată un mare cântăreţ de muzică biserică (psaltică). El a sprijinit publicarea de texte de muzică religioasă şi pe toţi aceia care doreau să-şi pună talentul muzical în slujba Bisericii. Cuvinte cheie: Biserica Ortodoxă Română, mitropolit, muzică bisericească, patrimoniu cultural, texte religioase. Abstract: Born in Botosani, Iosif Gheorghian became an important figure of the Romanian Orthodox Church. He was a great singer of religious music. He supported the publication of texts of religious music an all those who wanted to put their musical talent in the service of the Church. -Didia -, moştenindu-i talentul). A murit în 30 aprilie 1904 (la 50 ani) în Botoşani, fiind înmormântat în cimitirul "Eternitatea". Cuvinte cheie: arhitect, muzician, flautist, compozitor, dirijor muzică simfonică şi cor. Abstract: Alexander (Alecu) Saint-Georges was born on March 7, 1854 in the village Ionăşeni commune Vârfu Câmpului, Botosani, in the family of George and Maria Saint-Georges. He attended high school in Chernivtsi, continued at Prague Polytechnic and then he returned in Botosani (former house of Manolache Iorga-the former Ethnographic Museum). He was Chief Engineer at the Municipality Botosani helping in restoring the streets, worked on projects of military barracks from Roman, Botosani, Dorohoi, Callimachi palace from Stancesti, the church of cemetery "Pacea" in Botosani. He established in 1883 the Musical Society "Armonia" underlying Botosani Philharmonic. Alexander Saint-Georges was instrumentist soloist (flute, piano), singer, songwriter. He had two marriages: the first -a child in the second -seven children (the eldest daughter, Maria Alexandrina Didi inherited his talent). He died on April 30, 1904 (50 years) in Botosani, being buried in the cemetery "Eternity". Rezumat: Corul bisericesc, prin care se aduce laudă lui Dumnezeu, nu este pomenit la Botoşani decât după ce muzica a fost aprobată ca obiect de studiu în anul 1875 şi a fost inclusă în programele şcolare. În judeţul Botoşani, primul cor bisericesc s-a înfiinţat în anul 1859, la Biserica "Sf. Cuvioasa Paraschiva" din Ştefăneşti. În anul 1889 s-a constituit la Biserica Vovidenia din Botoşani un cor, de către Societatea Muzicală Armonia, iar în anul 1895 un alt cor la Dumbrăveni. În anul 1973 s-a înfiinţat corul bisericesc la Vovidenia, iar după 1990 s-au înfiinţat coruri liturgice la Biserica "Sf. Ilie" din Botoşani, altul al elevilor Seminarului Teologic din Botoşani, precum şi un cor al preoţilor din Protopopiatul Botoşani. În prezent, activitatea liturgică a corurilor existente se vede mai ales la praznice împărăteşti sau la slujbe arhiereşti.
Talks by Daniel Ciucalau
Appel à communication: Identité et Soi. EEPB Rencontres Doctorales 2024. Call for Papers : Identity and the Self. EEPB Doctoral Meeting 2024, 2023
Les dixièmes Rencontres Doctorales de l'École Européenne de Protohistoire de Bibracte (EEPB) se d... more Les dixièmes Rencontres Doctorales de l'École Européenne de Protohistoire de Bibracte (EEPB) se dérouleront du 14 au 16 mars 2024, suivi par un atelier sur la communication scientifique le 18 mars, au Centre Archéologique Européen de Bibracte en Bourgogne. Depuis 2015, ces Rencontres réunissent des doctorant.e.s et jeunes docteur.e.s travaillant sur des problématiques communes à l'échelle de la Protohistoire européenne. Nous avons le plaisir d'inviter les en début de carrière à proposer une contribution sur le thème suivant : "Identité et Soi. Comment l'archéologie crée des identités protohistoriques". Les contributions peuvent être réalisées sous la forme d'une présentation orale (20 minutes) ou d'un poster (présentation orale de 5 minutes) et les propositions doivent être soumises au plus tard le 15 décembre 2023.
The tenth Doctoral Encounters of the European School of Protohistory of Bibracte (EEPB) will take place from 14 to 16 March 2024, followed by a workshop on scientific communication on 18 March, at the European Archaeological Centre of Bibracte in Burgundy. Since 2015, these Meetings have brought together PhD students and young doctors working on research issues common to European Protohistory. We are pleased to invite early career researchers to submit a contribution on the following theme: "Identity and the Self. How archaeology creates protohistorical identities". Contributions may be made in the form of an oral presentation (20 minutes) or a poster (5 minutes oral presentation) and proposals must be submitted no later than December 15, 2023.
Conference Presentations by Daniel Ciucalau
Save the Date. (Un-) bordered Identities. The creation of Identity in Protohistoric Europe, 2024
Save the Date for next year's Doctoral Meeting in Bibracte at the Ecole Européenne de Protohistoi... more Save the Date for next year's Doctoral Meeting in Bibracte at the Ecole Européenne de Protohistoire de Bibracte. The conference for the tenth anniversary of the EEPB will deal with the following topic : (Un-) bordered Identities. The creation of Identity in Protohistoric Europe. For this scientific event 4 sessions are planned : 1) Borders of the Body 2) Borders of Production and Consumption 3) Borders of Space 4) Borders of the Mind. The EEPB will send soon a Call for Paper with more information on the sessions within the next few months.
Papers by Daniel Ciucalau
Abbreviation S./D. = Structure/Dwelling P. = Pit T. = Trench
half millennium AD.
Books (coordonator) by Daniel Ciucalau
Talks by Daniel Ciucalau
The tenth Doctoral Encounters of the European School of Protohistory of Bibracte (EEPB) will take place from 14 to 16 March 2024, followed by a workshop on scientific communication on 18 March, at the European Archaeological Centre of Bibracte in Burgundy. Since 2015, these Meetings have brought together PhD students and young doctors working on research issues common to European Protohistory. We are pleased to invite early career researchers to submit a contribution on the following theme: "Identity and the Self. How archaeology creates protohistorical identities". Contributions may be made in the form of an oral presentation (20 minutes) or a poster (5 minutes oral presentation) and proposals must be submitted no later than December 15, 2023.
Conference Presentations by Daniel Ciucalau
Abbreviation S./D. = Structure/Dwelling P. = Pit T. = Trench
half millennium AD.
The tenth Doctoral Encounters of the European School of Protohistory of Bibracte (EEPB) will take place from 14 to 16 March 2024, followed by a workshop on scientific communication on 18 March, at the European Archaeological Centre of Bibracte in Burgundy. Since 2015, these Meetings have brought together PhD students and young doctors working on research issues common to European Protohistory. We are pleased to invite early career researchers to submit a contribution on the following theme: "Identity and the Self. How archaeology creates protohistorical identities". Contributions may be made in the form of an oral presentation (20 minutes) or a poster (5 minutes oral presentation) and proposals must be submitted no later than December 15, 2023.