Papers by timothy brocksom
Chemischer Informationsdienst, Feb 1, 1983
Acta Crystallographica Section C-crystal Structure Communications, Sep 15, 1993
ChemInform, Aug 19, 2008
ChemInform is a weekly Abstracting Service, delivering concise information at a glance that was e... more ChemInform is a weekly Abstracting Service, delivering concise information at a glance that was extracted from about 200 leading journals. To access a ChemInform Abstract of an article which was published elsewhere, please select a “Full Text” option. The original article is trackable via the “References” option.
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B, Nov 1, 2010
Carvone, the main constituent of spearmint oil, has several synthetic applications and is used in... more Carvone, the main constituent of spearmint oil, has several synthetic applications and is used in cosmetics, food, and pharmaceutical preparations. In a recent study we demonstrated that (R)-(-)-carvone shows significant analgesic activity. In the present report, (R)-(-)-carvone derivatives which have pharmacological potential are described. These compounds can be used in studies of structure-activity relationship to develop novel drugs.
Synthetic Communications, 1981
In our synthetic work on the transformation of simple p-menthane monoterpenes, readily available ... more In our synthetic work on the transformation of simple p-menthane monoterpenes, readily available from Brazilian essential oils, into biologically active sesquiterpene lactones, we have prepared the model lactone 4 from p-menth-8-ene 1. The key step in this sequence is a lead tetra-acetate (LTA) oxidative cyclisation of the 1,3 diol 2 into the tetrahydrofuran 3. The final product is the cis
Chemischer Informationsdienst, Aug 31, 1982
Das aus Dihydrocarvon (I) erhältliche Ketal (II) wird auf dem skizzierten Weg in das Methylenlact... more Das aus Dihydrocarvon (I) erhältliche Ketal (II) wird auf dem skizzierten Weg in das Methylenlacton (VI) übergeführt.
Chemischer Informationsdienst, Oct 22, 1985

A síntese orgânica moderna é uma atividade fundamental na nossa sociedade e vem passando por cons... more A síntese orgânica moderna é uma atividade fundamental na nossa sociedade e vem passando por constantes renovações e reinvenções, em especial, a partir do início deste século. A construção e produção de moléculas orgânicas são de grande importância para a humanidade, desde os compostos mais simples para transporte, aquecimento, até as matérias-primas (commodity chemicals) para as cadeias de produção, levando às moléculas mais complexas encontradas em polímeros, plásticos, medicamentos, corantes, perfumes, fl avorizantes e tantos outros produtos úteis em nosso dia a dia (Figura 1). Adicionalmente, a síntese orgânica está em crescente demanda por cientistas das áreas físicas e biológicas que necessitam de moléculas para as suas atividades de pesquisa. É muito claro que essa atividade exige uma procura permanente por efi ciência, segurança, sustentabilidade, custo e real necessidade. Também, é fundamental o treinamento das próximas gerações com a melhor qualidade possível.
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 1977
Abstract Two α-phenylselenophosphoranes (III R-H or Me) were allowed to react with cyclohexanone ... more Abstract Two α-phenylselenophosphoranes (III R-H or Me) were allowed to react with cyclohexanone giving instead of the expected olefinic Wittig product the corresponding 2-phenylselenocyclohexanone (VI). The reaction pathuay has been demonstrated to involve nucleophilic substitution on selenium by the katone enolate, the leaving group being the selenium free phosphorane (I). This reaction is shown to be general for seven more ketones, thus indicating its preparative potential.
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 1996
Chemischer Informationsdienst, Mar 25, 1986
ChemInform Abstract Eine stereoselektive, sechsstufige Totalsynthese der im Titel genannten Verbi... more ChemInform Abstract Eine stereoselektive, sechsstufige Totalsynthese der im Titel genannten Verbindung'(l) wird beschrieben. (IR-, 1H-NMR-Daten).
Chemischer Informationsdienst, Apr 19, 1977
Acta Amazonica, 1988
A olnte¿e de Zactonaò oeaquZteApcnicoo do tipo e de, Znte.neÁ&e. dzvido at, atividade b... more A olnte¿e de Zactonaò oeaquZteApcnicoo do tipo e de, Znte.neÁ&e. dzvido at, atividade biológica* abòociadat> ãò e¿>tn.utuAa¿> complexas deste gn,upo de, pnoduXo* natunaiò. Plane. jou-¿e. a òua ¿l.nt.e¿>e a panXZn, do. mono 6 abundantes Zòoladoi de, o~le.o& esòe.nciaZi bn.a¿iZeJjioi. kòòim faot tnxmò^onmado em 2-bnomo-6-iò na pon. adição de., expansão de aneZ com neansianjo usando AgHO^, e atualmente, oxidação com clonocAomato de. pinidinio. Redução quimio&eZe
Chemischer Informationsdienst, Mar 31, 1981
Oxidation O 0212 Oxidation of Allylic Alcohols to α,β-Unsaturated Carbonyl Compounds with Aqueous... more Oxidation O 0212 Oxidation of Allylic Alcohols to α,β-Unsaturated Carbonyl Compounds with Aqueous Hydrogen Peroxide under Organic Solvent-Free Conditions.-Primary and secondary allylic alcohols (I), (V), and (VII) as well as benzylic alcohol (III) are easily oxidized to the corresponding carbonyl compounds with aqueous H2O2 in the presence of Pt black catalyst. The catalyst is recyclable and effective for at least 7 cycles.
Chemischer Informationsdienst, Jan 26, 1982
ChemInform Abstract Die Titelreaktion der Epoxyalkohole (I), (III) bzw. (V) führt zu den angegebe... more ChemInform Abstract Die Titelreaktion der Epoxyalkohole (I), (III) bzw. (V) führt zu den angegebenen Produkten (Diskussion des Reaktionsmechanismus). Von den cyclischen Substraten (VII), (VIII) reagieren (VII) unter gleichen Bedingungen nicht; (VIII) (Epoxycarveol, cis/trans-Gemisch) liefert nichtidentifizierte Zersetzungsprodukte.
Acta Crystallographica Section E-structure Reports Online, Feb 2, 2013
Papers by timothy brocksom