ENGLISH FRANCA : Academic Journal of English Language and Education
The field of education has greatly benefited from the advancements in technology, resulting in mo... more The field of education has greatly benefited from the advancements in technology, resulting in more efficacious, interactive, comprehensive, and non-classroom-bound learning experiences. One such application is web-based learning, which employs the Internet as a means to facilitate the educational process. This modality of instruction addresses various challenges that are inherent in traditional pedagogical approaches, such as the limited time allocated for lecturers and students in classroom settings. Despite an abundance of literature that has investigated the incorporation of technology in the teaching of spoken English, there is a scarcity of studies that specifically examine the utilization of the website, TalkEnglish.com.Specifically, in the context of teaching English for Business, which necessitates students to develop proficient and precise oral proficiency in the language, the present study aims to investigate the students' perception of the efficacy of TalkEnglish.co...
Kaum muda perlu memiliki kemampuan literasi keuangan yang baik karena hal ini menghindarkan masal... more Kaum muda perlu memiliki kemampuan literasi keuangan yang baik karena hal ini menghindarkan masalah keuangan yang masih sangat sering terjadi. Banyak kaum muda karena kurangnya pengetahuan tentang literasi keuangan terjebak pada hutang yang tidak bisa diperhitungkan dengan baik sehingga menggaggu masalah pengelolaan keuangan mereka. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat diperlukan untuk dilaksanakan untuk kaum muda, dalam pelaksanaannya metode yang digunakan adalah observasi, sosialisasi dan pendaftaran peserta, pelaksanaan pelatihan, dan capaian luaran. Berdasar penjelasan dari beberapa rujukan mengenai literasi keuangan, tanggung jawab, berpikir kritis, mengelola keuangan dan memahami skema keuangan adalah hal sangat penting untuk ditingkatkan utamanya bagi kaum muda yang masih dalam keadaan perlu untuk dibimbing dan dibina. Melalui pelatihan financial life skills ini, kaum muda mendapatkan kemampuan untuk menyiapkan diri menghadapi dunia kerja dan dapat mengelola keuangan pribadi...
Student’s listening comprehension could be affected by several factors, one of the factors is stu... more Student’s listening comprehension could be affected by several factors, one of the factors is student’s cultural intelligence. It is an ability to grasp and reason correctly any problem as education, government, business, and academic research. This study aimed to find out the correlation between students’ cultural intelligence and their listening comprehension at first semester students of English Department Universitas Riau Kepulauan in the academic year of 2020/2021. The data of the research were students’ cultural intelligence scores derived from cultural intelligence scale and student’s listening comprehension from IELTS listening tests. The population of the research were 28 students of first semester of English Department of Universitas Riau Kepulauan. Before testing the hypothesis, a normality test was conducted by using saphiro wilk to ensure that the data were in normal distribution. The data of cultural intelligence had a significance value of 0.397 and 0.372 for listenin...
Tenaga kependidikan merupakan salah satu yang memegang peranan penting bagi berjalannya kegiatan ... more Tenaga kependidikan merupakan salah satu yang memegang peranan penting bagi berjalannya kegiatan terutama dalam administrasi dan akademik. Dalam melaksanakan tugasnya, tenaga kependidikan dituntut untuk dapat bekerja secara professional. Berdasarkan hasil temuan di lapangan, tim pengabdian kemudian melaksanakan pelatihan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan para tenaga kependidikan di dalam hal bekerjasama, berkomunikasi dalam tim, dan memberikan pelayanan yang prima kepada civitas akademika di lingkungan Universitas Ivet. Peserta pelatihan adalah tenaga kependidikan bagian Biro Administrasi Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan (BAAK) dan Biro Administrasi Umum dan Kepegawaian (BAUK) yang berjumlah 20 orang. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan dibagi menjadi tiga bagian: pre-test, pelaksanaan pelatihan dan evaluasi. Hasil dari pelatihan dapat membantu para tenaga kependidikan menjadi lebih professional dan meningkat kuantitas dan kualitas kerjanya. Selain itu, dapat mengurangi keluhan-keluhan ...
Teaching reading in a second language is not easy as teaching in students’ first language. There ... more Teaching reading in a second language is not easy as teaching in students’ first language. There are three reasons why teacher should teach reading to their students. Using skimming, the students will get the main idea quickly. . Skimming is helpful when she or he wants to know the point of view of the text. It is not necessary to read word by word. There are many strategies that can be used when skimming. Some people read the first and last paragraphs using headings, summarizes and other organizers as they move down the page or screen. You might read the title, subtitles, subheading, and illustrations. Consider reading the first sentence of each paragraph. Reading extensively means reading widely and in quantity. By reading what students choose and enjoying their reading students have a great deal of flexibility, which caters to the different needs and interests of individual students and allow them to develop their reading competence at their own rates. Keywords: skimming, teachin...
There is no doubt that in the process of learning history in schools, the role of the media is ve... more There is no doubt that in the process of learning history in schools, the role of the media is very important and strategic. Many media can be developed by utilizing what is already around the community, one of which is wayang suluh. Utilizing wayang suluh as historical learning media is expected to optimize the process and the learning result of history. It also can introduce their own culture that contains the value of wisdom in learners. Based on field studies, the need for alternative media learning history is quite high (87.5%). Most (75%) of the research respondents were very enthusiastic with the concept of learning media of wayang suluh. It is believed that the concept of wayang suluh makes learning more interactive because it involves all class participants to interact. Based on the results of the feasibility test (validation) by media and material experts, with the suggested improvements and additions, the puppet as a medium of learning history, declared good or feasible t...
Pada kelompok masyarakat pemulung yang kegiatan usahanya sangat rendah tingkatannya, kemampuan in... more Pada kelompok masyarakat pemulung yang kegiatan usahanya sangat rendah tingkatannya, kemampuan internal yang melekat pada pelaku usaha (pemulung) pada dasarnya belum terbentuk. Kondisi ini membentuk perilaku pemulung yang dapat saja menjadi kendala ketika mereka dihadapkan dengan kondisi-kondisi dinamis yaitu aspekaspek kelayakan yang dibutuhkan pada sebuah usaha yang maju. Untuk mengukur sektor informal seperti pemulungan ini perlu metode yang memungkinkan semua komoditas yang tidak diperdagangkan di pasar dapat diestimasi nilai ekonominya. Dengan demikian nilai ekonomi suatu benda publik dapat diukur dan dihitung nilai barang yang mendekati nilai sebenarnya, jika pasar dari barang tersebut benar-benar ada. Di dalam pendekatan estimasi nilai ini perlu informasi detail tentang benda yang dinilai, persepsi penilaian terhadap barang. Digunakannya 3 metode analisis 1) analisis RQ ( Resources Value) untuk mengetahui nilai dari sumber daya sampah: 2) analisis Contingent Valuation Method ...
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Education & Social Sciences (ICESS 2021), 2021
This study aims to analyse the initiatives of history teachers in improving the quality of digita... more This study aims to analyse the initiatives of history teachers in improving the quality of digital-based learning during the Pandemic. The research questions are (i) how do teachers plan history learning during the Pandemic? (ii) How do history teachers develop their learning? And (iii) what are the obstacles faced by history teachers in implementing digital-based learning? This research is a qualitative project with a survey. The research data were collected from eighteen history teachers in Semarang. Participants come from public and private schools, are divided into a balanced quantity of gender and have diverse work experiences. The results showed that learning preparation was adjusted to government recommendations and school policies during the Pandemic, activities were carried out through digital technology. Teachers use several digital applications to conduct meetings, discussions and manage assignments so that students do not get bored quickly. Constraints appear to be more visible in senior history teachers who are slow in adapting to technology. The obstacle faced by junior teachers is mastering the material and its delivery to students through the online system.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat: Pemberdayaan, Inovasi dan Perubahan
Setiap siswa memiliki gaya belajar yang tidak sama. Cara siswa dalam mengolah informasi yang dite... more Setiap siswa memiliki gaya belajar yang tidak sama. Cara siswa dalam mengolah informasi yang diterima kemudian menyerap dan memahaminya sesuai kemampuan dan gaya masing-masing dapat menjadi kunci keberhasilan bagi siswa tersebut dalam belajar. Keinginan dalam meningkatkan kemampuan dan potensi siswa agar mencapai tujuan pembelajaran dirasakan oleh para guru Yayasan Imam Syafi’I Jepara. Beberapa guru yang masih baru dalam profesi mengajarnya menginginkan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi dan keterampilan mengajar mereka sehingga tujuan pembelajaran dapat tercapai. Berdasar kebutuhan inilah kemudian tim pengabdian mengadakan pelatihan peningkatan kompetensi dan keterampilan mengajar para guru Yayasan Imam Syafi’i melalui pemahaman gaya belajar peserta didik. Kegiatan pelatihan ini dilaksanakan melalui beberapa tahapan. Pertama, tim melakukan analisis kebutuhan terhadap guru–guru sehingga tim mengetahui apa yang menjadi kelemahan guru-guru dan apa yang dibutuhkan oleh guru-guru. Pelatihan ...
Edulingua: Jurnal Linguistiks Terapan dan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
This article’s aim is to find out what students’ of Economic Faculty of Pandanaran University nee... more This article’s aim is to find out what students’ of Economic Faculty of Pandanaran University need in learning English for Business course to improve the materials design. Since in Indonesia there are so many companies have already engaged with overseas client or customer, they have already applied English as media for communication in their daily work. Then, for preparing the readiness of the graduates to work at such company, there is English for Business course that must be taken by the students of Economic Faculty. However, the materials which are taught to students, so far, do not meet the students’ interest and need. That is why this study conducted to put the students first in improving materials. This quantitative and qualitative study used Needs Analysis Theory. Questionnaire and interview were conducted to collect the data and get all information to improve the materials design of English for Business Course. The participants of this study were an English lecturer, two HRD...
Business English is one branch of English for Specific Purposes. In determining the abilities to ... more Business English is one branch of English for Specific Purposes. In determining the abilities to be achieved in learning objectives, material selection, and learning methods in this course, the syllabus design must be tailored to the needs of students and it is better to combine with the real work situation. Therefore, a need analysis is essential to use for designing the syllabus However, the recent syllabus did not match students need so that the aim of this study was to conduct need analysis to develop the Business English syllabus design for Economics students. It was based on two situations, learning needs and target situation needs. The subjects were students, lecturer, graduates and employers. The instruments to collect the data in this study were questionnaire and interviews. This study used quantitative and qualitative method. The results showed that students mostly need speaking skills to be emphasized to learn, while mastering vocabularies was the weakness that the studen...
Business English is one branch of English for Specific Purposes. In determining the abilities to ... more Business English is one branch of English for Specific Purposes. In determining the abilities to be achieved in learning objectives, material selection, and learning methods in this course, the syllabus design must be tailored to the needs of students and it is better to combine with the real work situation. Therefore, a need analysis is essential to use for designing the syllabus However, the recent syllabus did not match students need so that the aim of this study was to conduct need analysis to develop the Business English syllabus design for Economics students. It was based on two situations, learning needs and target situation needs. The subjects were students, lecturer, graduates and employers. The instruments to collect the data in this study were questionnaire and interviews. This study used quantitative and qualitative method. The results showed that students mostly need speaking skills to be emphasized to learn, while mastering vocabularies was the weakness that the studen...
ENGLISH FRANCA : Academic Journal of English Language and Education
The field of education has greatly benefited from the advancements in technology, resulting in mo... more The field of education has greatly benefited from the advancements in technology, resulting in more efficacious, interactive, comprehensive, and non-classroom-bound learning experiences. One such application is web-based learning, which employs the Internet as a means to facilitate the educational process. This modality of instruction addresses various challenges that are inherent in traditional pedagogical approaches, such as the limited time allocated for lecturers and students in classroom settings. Despite an abundance of literature that has investigated the incorporation of technology in the teaching of spoken English, there is a scarcity of studies that specifically examine the utilization of the website, TalkEnglish.com.Specifically, in the context of teaching English for Business, which necessitates students to develop proficient and precise oral proficiency in the language, the present study aims to investigate the students' perception of the efficacy of TalkEnglish.co...
Kaum muda perlu memiliki kemampuan literasi keuangan yang baik karena hal ini menghindarkan masal... more Kaum muda perlu memiliki kemampuan literasi keuangan yang baik karena hal ini menghindarkan masalah keuangan yang masih sangat sering terjadi. Banyak kaum muda karena kurangnya pengetahuan tentang literasi keuangan terjebak pada hutang yang tidak bisa diperhitungkan dengan baik sehingga menggaggu masalah pengelolaan keuangan mereka. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat diperlukan untuk dilaksanakan untuk kaum muda, dalam pelaksanaannya metode yang digunakan adalah observasi, sosialisasi dan pendaftaran peserta, pelaksanaan pelatihan, dan capaian luaran. Berdasar penjelasan dari beberapa rujukan mengenai literasi keuangan, tanggung jawab, berpikir kritis, mengelola keuangan dan memahami skema keuangan adalah hal sangat penting untuk ditingkatkan utamanya bagi kaum muda yang masih dalam keadaan perlu untuk dibimbing dan dibina. Melalui pelatihan financial life skills ini, kaum muda mendapatkan kemampuan untuk menyiapkan diri menghadapi dunia kerja dan dapat mengelola keuangan pribadi...
Student’s listening comprehension could be affected by several factors, one of the factors is stu... more Student’s listening comprehension could be affected by several factors, one of the factors is student’s cultural intelligence. It is an ability to grasp and reason correctly any problem as education, government, business, and academic research. This study aimed to find out the correlation between students’ cultural intelligence and their listening comprehension at first semester students of English Department Universitas Riau Kepulauan in the academic year of 2020/2021. The data of the research were students’ cultural intelligence scores derived from cultural intelligence scale and student’s listening comprehension from IELTS listening tests. The population of the research were 28 students of first semester of English Department of Universitas Riau Kepulauan. Before testing the hypothesis, a normality test was conducted by using saphiro wilk to ensure that the data were in normal distribution. The data of cultural intelligence had a significance value of 0.397 and 0.372 for listenin...
Tenaga kependidikan merupakan salah satu yang memegang peranan penting bagi berjalannya kegiatan ... more Tenaga kependidikan merupakan salah satu yang memegang peranan penting bagi berjalannya kegiatan terutama dalam administrasi dan akademik. Dalam melaksanakan tugasnya, tenaga kependidikan dituntut untuk dapat bekerja secara professional. Berdasarkan hasil temuan di lapangan, tim pengabdian kemudian melaksanakan pelatihan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan para tenaga kependidikan di dalam hal bekerjasama, berkomunikasi dalam tim, dan memberikan pelayanan yang prima kepada civitas akademika di lingkungan Universitas Ivet. Peserta pelatihan adalah tenaga kependidikan bagian Biro Administrasi Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan (BAAK) dan Biro Administrasi Umum dan Kepegawaian (BAUK) yang berjumlah 20 orang. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan dibagi menjadi tiga bagian: pre-test, pelaksanaan pelatihan dan evaluasi. Hasil dari pelatihan dapat membantu para tenaga kependidikan menjadi lebih professional dan meningkat kuantitas dan kualitas kerjanya. Selain itu, dapat mengurangi keluhan-keluhan ...
Teaching reading in a second language is not easy as teaching in students’ first language. There ... more Teaching reading in a second language is not easy as teaching in students’ first language. There are three reasons why teacher should teach reading to their students. Using skimming, the students will get the main idea quickly. . Skimming is helpful when she or he wants to know the point of view of the text. It is not necessary to read word by word. There are many strategies that can be used when skimming. Some people read the first and last paragraphs using headings, summarizes and other organizers as they move down the page or screen. You might read the title, subtitles, subheading, and illustrations. Consider reading the first sentence of each paragraph. Reading extensively means reading widely and in quantity. By reading what students choose and enjoying their reading students have a great deal of flexibility, which caters to the different needs and interests of individual students and allow them to develop their reading competence at their own rates. Keywords: skimming, teachin...
There is no doubt that in the process of learning history in schools, the role of the media is ve... more There is no doubt that in the process of learning history in schools, the role of the media is very important and strategic. Many media can be developed by utilizing what is already around the community, one of which is wayang suluh. Utilizing wayang suluh as historical learning media is expected to optimize the process and the learning result of history. It also can introduce their own culture that contains the value of wisdom in learners. Based on field studies, the need for alternative media learning history is quite high (87.5%). Most (75%) of the research respondents were very enthusiastic with the concept of learning media of wayang suluh. It is believed that the concept of wayang suluh makes learning more interactive because it involves all class participants to interact. Based on the results of the feasibility test (validation) by media and material experts, with the suggested improvements and additions, the puppet as a medium of learning history, declared good or feasible t...
Pada kelompok masyarakat pemulung yang kegiatan usahanya sangat rendah tingkatannya, kemampuan in... more Pada kelompok masyarakat pemulung yang kegiatan usahanya sangat rendah tingkatannya, kemampuan internal yang melekat pada pelaku usaha (pemulung) pada dasarnya belum terbentuk. Kondisi ini membentuk perilaku pemulung yang dapat saja menjadi kendala ketika mereka dihadapkan dengan kondisi-kondisi dinamis yaitu aspekaspek kelayakan yang dibutuhkan pada sebuah usaha yang maju. Untuk mengukur sektor informal seperti pemulungan ini perlu metode yang memungkinkan semua komoditas yang tidak diperdagangkan di pasar dapat diestimasi nilai ekonominya. Dengan demikian nilai ekonomi suatu benda publik dapat diukur dan dihitung nilai barang yang mendekati nilai sebenarnya, jika pasar dari barang tersebut benar-benar ada. Di dalam pendekatan estimasi nilai ini perlu informasi detail tentang benda yang dinilai, persepsi penilaian terhadap barang. Digunakannya 3 metode analisis 1) analisis RQ ( Resources Value) untuk mengetahui nilai dari sumber daya sampah: 2) analisis Contingent Valuation Method ...
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Education & Social Sciences (ICESS 2021), 2021
This study aims to analyse the initiatives of history teachers in improving the quality of digita... more This study aims to analyse the initiatives of history teachers in improving the quality of digital-based learning during the Pandemic. The research questions are (i) how do teachers plan history learning during the Pandemic? (ii) How do history teachers develop their learning? And (iii) what are the obstacles faced by history teachers in implementing digital-based learning? This research is a qualitative project with a survey. The research data were collected from eighteen history teachers in Semarang. Participants come from public and private schools, are divided into a balanced quantity of gender and have diverse work experiences. The results showed that learning preparation was adjusted to government recommendations and school policies during the Pandemic, activities were carried out through digital technology. Teachers use several digital applications to conduct meetings, discussions and manage assignments so that students do not get bored quickly. Constraints appear to be more visible in senior history teachers who are slow in adapting to technology. The obstacle faced by junior teachers is mastering the material and its delivery to students through the online system.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat: Pemberdayaan, Inovasi dan Perubahan
Setiap siswa memiliki gaya belajar yang tidak sama. Cara siswa dalam mengolah informasi yang dite... more Setiap siswa memiliki gaya belajar yang tidak sama. Cara siswa dalam mengolah informasi yang diterima kemudian menyerap dan memahaminya sesuai kemampuan dan gaya masing-masing dapat menjadi kunci keberhasilan bagi siswa tersebut dalam belajar. Keinginan dalam meningkatkan kemampuan dan potensi siswa agar mencapai tujuan pembelajaran dirasakan oleh para guru Yayasan Imam Syafi’I Jepara. Beberapa guru yang masih baru dalam profesi mengajarnya menginginkan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi dan keterampilan mengajar mereka sehingga tujuan pembelajaran dapat tercapai. Berdasar kebutuhan inilah kemudian tim pengabdian mengadakan pelatihan peningkatan kompetensi dan keterampilan mengajar para guru Yayasan Imam Syafi’i melalui pemahaman gaya belajar peserta didik. Kegiatan pelatihan ini dilaksanakan melalui beberapa tahapan. Pertama, tim melakukan analisis kebutuhan terhadap guru–guru sehingga tim mengetahui apa yang menjadi kelemahan guru-guru dan apa yang dibutuhkan oleh guru-guru. Pelatihan ...
Edulingua: Jurnal Linguistiks Terapan dan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
This article’s aim is to find out what students’ of Economic Faculty of Pandanaran University nee... more This article’s aim is to find out what students’ of Economic Faculty of Pandanaran University need in learning English for Business course to improve the materials design. Since in Indonesia there are so many companies have already engaged with overseas client or customer, they have already applied English as media for communication in their daily work. Then, for preparing the readiness of the graduates to work at such company, there is English for Business course that must be taken by the students of Economic Faculty. However, the materials which are taught to students, so far, do not meet the students’ interest and need. That is why this study conducted to put the students first in improving materials. This quantitative and qualitative study used Needs Analysis Theory. Questionnaire and interview were conducted to collect the data and get all information to improve the materials design of English for Business Course. The participants of this study were an English lecturer, two HRD...
Business English is one branch of English for Specific Purposes. In determining the abilities to ... more Business English is one branch of English for Specific Purposes. In determining the abilities to be achieved in learning objectives, material selection, and learning methods in this course, the syllabus design must be tailored to the needs of students and it is better to combine with the real work situation. Therefore, a need analysis is essential to use for designing the syllabus However, the recent syllabus did not match students need so that the aim of this study was to conduct need analysis to develop the Business English syllabus design for Economics students. It was based on two situations, learning needs and target situation needs. The subjects were students, lecturer, graduates and employers. The instruments to collect the data in this study were questionnaire and interviews. This study used quantitative and qualitative method. The results showed that students mostly need speaking skills to be emphasized to learn, while mastering vocabularies was the weakness that the studen...
Business English is one branch of English for Specific Purposes. In determining the abilities to ... more Business English is one branch of English for Specific Purposes. In determining the abilities to be achieved in learning objectives, material selection, and learning methods in this course, the syllabus design must be tailored to the needs of students and it is better to combine with the real work situation. Therefore, a need analysis is essential to use for designing the syllabus However, the recent syllabus did not match students need so that the aim of this study was to conduct need analysis to develop the Business English syllabus design for Economics students. It was based on two situations, learning needs and target situation needs. The subjects were students, lecturer, graduates and employers. The instruments to collect the data in this study were questionnaire and interviews. This study used quantitative and qualitative method. The results showed that students mostly need speaking skills to be emphasized to learn, while mastering vocabularies was the weakness that the studen...
Papers by tiara nove Ria