Papers by irina shevchenko

Alfred Nobel University Journal of Philology
The aim of the article is to highlight multisemiotic patterns of emotive meaning making in featur... more The aim of the article is to highlight multisemiotic patterns of emotive meaning making in feature films. The research tasks are: to explore the meaning-making mechanism in a cognitive-pragmatic perspective; to determine the cognitive-semiotic basics of emotive meaning making; and to identify the meaning-making potential of semiotic resources as well as to single out multisemiotic constructive patterns. To reach the aim, we apply an integrative cognitive-pragmatic and cognitive-semiotic approach, which requires the use of discursive and semiotic research methods. In cognitive-pragmatic perspective, we stress the intersubjective interaction of filmmakers and viewers in constructing ‘meaning-in-context’. The cognitive-semiotic vantage point emphasizes dynamic, enactive, and embodied character of meaningmaking in cinematic discourse. Film is a multimodal and multisemiotic phenomenon, where a synergistic combination of verbal, nonverbal, and cinematic semiotic systems constructs the fil...

center of science and education, welcomed as many as 480 delegates from 50 countries all around t... more center of science and education, welcomed as many as 480 delegates from 50 countries all around the world. The organizers managed to combine a most invigorating academic program with the cultural and social program. It gave participants the chance to relax and enjoy a combination of various events that took place in the University and the Estonian National Museum rich in Estonian and Finno-Ugric history and culture. The ICLC-14 Conference gave the floor for most interesting plenary lectures (presented online, too) by Ronald W. Langacker "Functions and assemblies", Dagmar Divjak "Prime time for the language sciences: between linguistics and psychology (with a pinch of engineering)", Nick C. Ellis "Usage-based approaches to language, language acquisition, and language processing", Laura A. Janda "Aspects of aspect", Asifa Majid "The senses at the intersection of language, culture, and biology", John Newman "EAT, DRINK, MAN, WOMAN and all that: The linguistics of ordinary human experience".

This article is based on cognitive-communicative approach to discourse in historical pragmatics: ... more This article is based on cognitive-communicative approach to discourse in historical pragmatics: it first surveys а variety of different approaches to discourse studies, then takes а close look at the theoretical issues of emotions and finally suggests our understanding of emotional discourse. The article centers on the minimal unit of emotional discourse-а corresponding speech act, with а special emphasis on the historic change of expressives with negative modality, various aspects of these speech acts and their functioning in the English discourse in the l бth-21 st centuries. Кеу words: cognitive-communicative approach, emotion, English discourse, history, speech act. Шевченко І.С. Історичні трансформації експресивів: когнітивно-комунікативний анализ. Стаття базується на когнітивна-комунікативному підході до дискурсу в рамках історичної прагматики: в ній розглядаються різні підходи до досліджень дискурсу, теоретичні проблеми емоцій і пропонується трактування емоційного дискурсу. ...

On March 8th at Stanford University, Ivan Ivashchenko met German-American literary scholar Hans U... more On March 8th at Stanford University, Ivan Ivashchenko met German-American literary scholar Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht to discuss his translation into Ukrainian of Gumbrecht's book Production of Presence. What Meaning Cannot Convey (Stanford UP: Stanford, 2004). The translation will be published at the end of this year by IST Publishing in Kharkiv. A separate book will also be published-a collection of Gumbrecht's papers where he develops his conception of presence. Ivan Ivashchenko (hereafter II): Let me begin with my very first impression of your book 1. You are an author who was born, grew up, and spent many years of his academic career in Germany, a country with a culture that is, at least in my view, almost 100% meaning-based (to put it in the terminology of your book). Sure, in the first chapter you explain the intellectual origins of your conception when you are talking about colloquia in Dubrovnik, during the times of Yugoslavia, describing how your idea emerged in the circle of predominantly German intellectuals. However, I wonder, how did it appear in your intellectual life, the very idea of presence, I mean? Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht (hereafter HUG): I think there are two components, but it is very difficult to say where they come from. One, and I talk about it in the book, is oedipal in the Freudian sense. My "Doktorvater" whose name I do not pronounce because he was identified as a "Kriegsverbrecher," was a student of Gadamer, and Gadamer was a student of Heidegger, and Heidegger was a student of Husserl. You feel all that hermeneutic weight on your shoulders, right, and while I had an OK-relationship with my own father, I am not a good son. Or maybe I am a rebellious son. When we did those Dubrovnik colloquia, the whole movement was a movement against hermeneutics as the institution of our academic fathers, and we wanted to do something very different. The Dubrovnik colloquia were also Dionysiac, I mean, lots of marriages broke down there, it was two weeks, we worked six days, but we drank a lot... II: I had such an impression, to be honest, while reading the first chapter, though you did not mention drinking there... HUG: It also was very serious, the books, that came out of it, I think, are quite good, and the central book-Materialität der Kommunikation 2-became an intellectual landmark in Germany. In this sense, it is also interesting that long before talking about presence, I talked about the anti-hermeneutic, the non-hermeneutic and so forth. It had something of a "Vatermord" motif which I think especially academically, in the humanities is not a bad principle because otherwise you only cultivate traditions. I believe the humanities are much more about the process of debate and not about results. The books on the shelf are rather byproducts of discussions, I mean, the humanities take place in seminars, in our conversations and so forth. This was one motivation, and the other one had to do with my parents being kind of the first generation wealthy, they were both surgeons, they both went to the university, but I was not from a cultivated family. My parents had only medical books and two encyclopedias, and there was a handbook on sexuality that I was always consulting eagerly when they had left home. But I always had an inferiority complex that I was not from a cultivated

Cognition, Communication, Discourse, 2019
On 25 February, 2019, the on-line scholarly journal Cognition, communication, discourse lost one ... more On 25 February, 2019, the on-line scholarly journal Cognition, communication, discourse lost one of most devoted membersof its editorial board. Dr Maureen Minielli better known to all her colleagues as 'Mo' passed away in Klaipeda, Lithuania, where she was teaching for a semester. The global reaction for her untimely passing immediately filled Facebook while Routledge published an obituary of this outstanding woman (Finch et al., 2019). As her friends put it, Maureen was passionate about travel, but really, she was passionate about people (Finch et al., 2019). In 1965, Maureen was born to Dean and Marcia Montgomery in Chicago, IL. She had two siblings, Pete and Michelle. It was her father who inspired her watching and attending baseball. Her love of sports and reminiscence of her father made Mo a true fan of Chicago Cubs for the rest of her life. Starting at the Harrisburg Area Community College, she attained an associate's degree in Liberal Arts. In 1987, she received a B.A. in Communication from the University of Pittsburg which brought up her interest in presidential rhetoric, and in 1991, a M.A. from Penn State. Both her theses The Rhetoric of Ronald Reagan about El Salvador from 1981-1983 and The Rhetorical Visions of Reagan and Bush in Selected Speeches focused on the rhetoric of American presidents. Her teaching career, starting in Montgomery, Alabama, from an instructor of Speech and

Advanced Education, 2019
The article focuses on the issues of teaching turn-taking for ESP students in blended distance le... more The article focuses on the issues of teaching turn-taking for ESP students in blended distance learning courses at B2 level. It lays the rationale for the use of film episodes of business interaction in distance learning highlighting turn-taking as an operational metadiscursive category. In multimodal cinematic discourse, turn-taking is performed by heterogeneous semiotic resources: linguistic, non-linguistic, cinematic codes and underpinned by intersubjectivity. Turn-taking strategies of initiating and responding types are viewed as a system of interactional dialogic communication management which includes discursive means of turn-claiming, attemptsuppressing and turn-yielding where each type is actualised by its own set of tactics and techniques. We claim that ESP learners need to know the main parameters for turn-taking in oral professional communication; such as the participants' stance, speakerhearer relations and their intersubjectivity, the transition point in a conversation, discourse situations, and specific semiotic resources. In cooperative discourse situations, turn-claiming and turn-yielding strategies are determined by initiating tactics of statement or interrogation. Unlike this, in conflict situations, turn-taking strategies depend upon initiating tactics of statement, interrogation, order, inducement and predetermine responding tactics. In asynchronous and blended formats of distance learning, the preferable delivery methods for this material include video recordings and digital games which facilitate receiving new information and motivate students to practice new communicative skills.

Advanced Education, 2016
The article considers conceptual representation of ECONOMIC CRISIS in the economic mass-media dis... more The article considers conceptual representation of ECONOMIC CRISIS in the economic mass-media discourse of the two historical periods: 1929-1933 and 2007-2010 to reveal its synchronic and diachronic distinctions and dichotomies. More specifically, it is aimed to study linguistic means representing the concept in the 20 th century and determine their diachronic variations. Applying cognitive linguistic instruments, such as component analysis and conceptual metaphor theory, it has been determined that conceptual content, structure and metaphorical representation of ECONOMIC CRISIS are subject to historical variations. Terminologically motivated name of the concept "economic crisis" provides historical stability of its content and structure formed by historical constants DECLINE, UNSTABLE SITUATION, TURNING POINT on the one hand, and affects its historical change: extension with new constituentsvariables DISORDER, LANDMARK, ACCIDENT, on the other. Propositional schemas of the concept, mainly those of action and identification, form the cognitive structure of ECONOMIC CRISIS and vary diachronically in the degree of prominence. The dominant conceptual metaphors of ECONOMIC CRISIS of a target domain CRISIS is MOVEMENT DOWN and CRISIS is A STATE OF EMERGENCY are stable through history while their further division into clusters of metaphors varies both in the set of source domains and in their frequency in discourse.

Cognitive Studies | Études cognitives, 2021
The Conceptual Metaphor of Modesty in English and UkrainianThe article focuses on the cultural re... more The Conceptual Metaphor of Modesty in English and UkrainianThe article focuses on the cultural regulatory concept of MODESTY in English and Ukrainian linguistic construals of the world. The article examines this concept as it is lexicalized in English and Ukrainian in terms of cross-domain mapping and conceptual integration theory. In the corresponding national corpora of fiction, MODESTY serves both as target and source domains, thus forming the range and scope of conceptual metaphors. The article claims that in genetically unrelated languages, conceptual metaphors of MODESTY demonstrate common mental models and mainly vary in their verbal form and in their frequency in discourse. From a cross-cultural perspective, the variation of conceptual metaphors of MODESTY is motivated not only linguistically but also culturally. In English conceptual metaphors, the source domains cross-mapped onto the target MODESTY are semantically more varied than in Ukrainian. The target domains onto whi...

Cognition, communication, discourse, Dec 31, 2021
Since Malinowski defined small talk as a communicative modethe establishment of human bonds or co... more Since Malinowski defined small talk as a communicative modethe establishment of human bonds or communion, abundant studies have supplied numerous data about its cultural contexts, social and phatic function, participants and topics of small talk, conversational routines and etiquette mores etc. Nevertheless, some aspects of small talk, both its historical and contemporary procedures, still lack clarification. Lately, a new linguistic approach of cognitive pragmatics has made possible to take inquiry into cognitive-intentional and social-cultural aspects of the communicative behavior of small talk. In this paper, we have worked out an integrative framework for cognitive-pragmatic analysis of small talk underpinned by the ideas of historical pragmatics. We implemented this framework in the analysis of small talk as a case study of English fiction of the 17 th-21 st centuries culled from the BNC database. We aimed to find out evolutionary trends of small talk in English and to describe the underlying change of English ethos, politeness principles, in particular. Our findings have revealed the following historically stable and variable characteristic features of small talk: the former mainly concern people's communion as a universal value, the latter reflect procedural communication patterns and requirements of a particular community. We argue that small talk is a meta-communicative (accompanying informative communication) form of behavior that satisfies human needs for social cohesiveness; its cultural conceptualization depends upon the prevailing social-cultural values and changes throughout history. We hope this study may shed light on small talk as a type of communicative behavior that occurs both in fiction and in other contexts.
Cognition, Communication, Discourse, 2019

Cognition, Communication, Discourse, 2020
This article focuses on cognitive-pragmatic properties of conceptual metaphors of ECONOMY in the ... more This article focuses on cognitive-pragmatic properties of conceptual metaphors of ECONOMY in the 21st century American presidential campaigns. In this paper, we aim to elaborate the models of metaphoric conceptualization of ECONOMY, state their functions in terms of discourse strategies, and describe their impact on the opponents and the audience. This research is underpinned by conceptual metaphor theories and ideas of cognitive pragmatics, which postulates the unity of cognitive and communicative aspects of discourse. The benefits of this integrative cognitive-pragmatic approach are in the fact that it can consequently explicate the meaning of speaker’s message and the expected impact of their discourse on the audience. For this aim, we stress the persuasive and manipulative nature of American presidential debates as a mass-media mediated genre of political discourse. Adopting a cognitive-pragmatic perspective on presidential debates, we claim that conceptual metaphors of economy ...
Apologies are interactional social-cultural discourse rituals rooted in intersubjectivity. Their ... more Apologies are interactional social-cultural discourse rituals rooted in intersubjectivity. Their corrective and preventive cognitive-pragmatic types have different scenarios. As conventional hybrid expressive-and-requestive speech acts, they have pragma-semantic subtypes, which realize negative politeness. English and Ukrainian apologies share common cognitive-pragmatic types but differ in pragma-semantic subtypes and linguistic realization.

This article explores the role of metaphor in the conceptualization of economic crisis in English... more This article explores the role of metaphor in the conceptualization of economic crisis in English in terms of the sociohistorical – cognitive – linguistic interface. On the material of economic mass-media discourse of the 19th century “long depression”, the 20th century Great Depression and the 21st century Global Economic Crisis It reveals the concept historical variation and defines the vector of its development. It also develops the methodology of historical cognitive analysis and proves that being а part of human social-cultural practice cognition is of historical nature. I claim that in historical perspective conceptual metaphors vary in their source domains as the result of transformations of the concept structure. The vector of diachronic change of conceptual metaphors of economic crisis corresponds to cladogenesis, which is the process of evolutionary splitting based on branching.

This study of the psycholinguistic properties of negative emotions in the English cinematic featu... more This study of the psycholinguistic properties of negative emotions in the English cinematic feature discourse focuses on the establishment of their intersemiosis – the simultaneous multimodal construction of emotional meanings by means of heterogeneous sign systems. The means of meaning construction in the cinematic discourse include linguistic, non-linguistic (prosody, kinesics, etc.) and extra-linguistic (music and kineikonic means), and different modes – acoustic and visual channels for transmitting meanings. The main psycholinguistic properties of cinematic emotions are their inextricable connection with the physiological processes, rootedness in the common human embodied experience, motivational basis; emotions are read as the result of an assessment of the satisfaction degree of individuals’ needs. The construction of emotional meanings in the cinematic discourse is the result of the interaction between the real world of the film makers and the imaginary world of the action. I...

Scientific Bulletin of Kherson State University. Series Germanic Studies and Intercultural Communication, 2019
In the twenty-first century, cognitive pragmatics has become a novel and booming research discipl... more In the twenty-first century, cognitive pragmatics has become a novel and booming research discipline which synthesizes pragmatic and cognitive explanations of human communication. There is a vast number of approaches to cognitive pragmatics resulting both from different theoretical underpinnings and specific ethnic and social-cultural prerequisites of their development, so establishing the principles related to cognitive-pragmatic communication studies has become an urgent necessity. This article fills this gap by adopting theoretical insight into the leading cognitive-pragmatic approaches in western and Ukrainian linguistics. I claim that various approaches in cognitive pragmatics can be roughly divided according to the two leading vectors of theoretical perspectives: from cognitive-to pragmatic and from pragmatic-to cognitive frameworks of analysis. As my discussion demonstrates, growing numbers of empirical and theoretical studies examine cognitive-pragmatic aspects of both utterances / speech acts and discourses, namely their principles of politeness / impoliteness and discourse strategies, in intercultural and historical perspectives. The theoretic rationale for these studies is clear enough. Mental state attribution is integral to pragmatic and cognitive interpretation of processes of human communication. In cognitive pragmatics, which is characterized by highly synthetic and hybrid nature, this attribution is viewed holistically. The article reveals the distinctive characteristics of Ukrainian cognitive-pragmatic studies as compared to western researches. It proves that the cognitive-pragmatic interpretation of the construal of meaning-in-context in various discourses and utterances will have further implications in linguistics and humanities.

Інтерсеміозис негативних емоцій у кінодискурсі: психолінгвістичний ракурс, 2019
This study of the psycholinguistic properties of negative emotions in the English cinematic featu... more This study of the psycholinguistic properties of negative emotions in the English cinematic feature discourse focuses on the establishment of their intersemiosisthe simultaneous multimodal construction of emotional meanings by means of heterogeneous sign systems. The means of meaning construction in the cinematic discourse include linguistic, non-linguistic (prosody, kinesics, etc.) and extra-linguistic (music and kineikonic means), and different modes-acoustic and visual channels for transmitting meanings. The main psycholinguistic properties of cinematic emotions are their inextricable connection with the physiological processes, rootedness in the common human embodied experience, motivational basis; emotions are read as the result of an assessment of the satisfaction degree of individuals' needs. The construction of emotional meanings in the cinematic discourse is the result of the interaction between the real world of the film makers and the imaginary world of the action. In constructing negative emotional meanings in general and emotions of fear and anger, in particular, the collective author of the cinematic discourse uses different semiotic codes in a parity or non-parity way. In the first case, heterogeneous semiotic codes both serve to denote fear or anger, while in the second, advantage is given to one of heterogeneous codes-linguistic, non-linguistic, and extra-linguistic. Consequently, this leads to the domination of one of the modes of transmitting meanings to the collective viewer-acoustic or visual. According to the coherence parameter of the emotional meaning embodied by various means of the semiosis of fear or anger, individual episodes of the English cinematic feature discourse are either congruent or non-congruent. Being congruent, different codes simultaneously transmit the same emotional meaning; being incongruent, heterogeneous semiotic codes actualize different emotional meanings, which leads to higher expressiveness of such emotions and their more effective influence on the viewer.

The concept of SIN in the English construal of the world: the evolution in the 14th–21st century discourse., 2013
This book focuses on the contents and structure of the concept SIN verbalized by the English lang... more This book focuses on the contents and structure of the concept SIN verbalized by the English language and their historical development in the English secular discourse of the 14th–21st centuries.
SIN is defined as a linguocultural religious-ethical socioregulative concept. The semantic connections of lexemes-nominations of SIN integrated by the seme ‘transgression’ structure a lexico-semantic field with two microfields ‘transgression of moral / Divine law’. The semantic space of the nominations of SIN presents a network of concepts profiled within the conceptual domains RELIGIOUS and SECULAR. Cognitive metaphors of SIN involve conceptual groups “Physical object”, “Man”, “Animal”, “Plant” as source domains. Representations of SIN in metonymies include DEVIL, WOMAN, INDICATION, COLOUR and their explications motivated by Christian symbols. The most significant diachronical changes take place in the evaluative aspect of SIN which shifts from negative to neutral and positive.
Key words: concept SIN, conceptual domain, diachronic variation, evaluation, lexico-semantic field, linguistic-cultural concept, metaphor, metonymy, secular discourse, symbol.
Стаття звертається до теоретичних засад історичної лінгвоконцептології, пропонує параметри аналіз... more Стаття звертається до теоретичних засад історичної лінгвоконцептології, пропонує параметри аналізу історичних трансформацій концептів різних типів: когнітивніх і лінгвокультурних, зокрема, концептів етики, ознакових концептів комунікативної поведінки. На матеріалі лексично втілених концептів продемонстровано наявність сталих і змінних ознак, які варіюються з розвитком мови, лінгвокультури, суспільства. Запропоновано принципи аналізу в історичній концептології і наведено провідні тенденції еволюції англомовних концептів, що охоплюють ціннісні та образні ознаки концепту, засоби його мовної реалізації, структуру (конфігурацію та наповнення окремих слотів), метафоричні й метонімічні моделі тощо.

In the twenty-first century, cognitive pragmatics has become a novel and booming research discipl... more In the twenty-first century, cognitive pragmatics has become a novel and booming research discipline which synthesizes pragmatic and cognitive explanations of human communication. There is a vast number of approaches to cognitive pragmatics resulting both from different theoretical underpinnings and specific ethnic and social-cultural prerequisites of their development, so establishing the principles related to cognitive-pragmatic communication studies has become an urgent necessity. This article fills this gap by adopting theoretical insight into the leading cognitive-pragmatic approaches in western and Ukrainian linguistics. I claim that various approaches in cognitive pragmatics can be roughly divided according to the two leading vectors of theoretical perspectives: from cognitive-to pragmatic and from pragmatic-to cognitive frameworks of analysis. As my discussion demonstrates, growing numbers of empirical and theoretical studies examine cognitive-pragmatic aspects of both utterances / speech acts and discourses, namely their principles of politeness / impoliteness and discourse strategies, in intercultural and historical perspectives. The theoretic rationale for these studies is clear enough. Mental state attribution is integral to pragmatic and cognitive interpretation of processes of human communication. In cognitive pragmatics, which is characterized by highly synthetic and hybrid nature, this attribution is viewed holistically. The article reveals the distinctive characteristics of Ukrainian cognitive-pragmatic studies as compared to western researches. It proves that the cognitive-pragmatic interpretation of the construal of meaning-in-context in various discourses and utterances will have further implications in linguistics and humanities.
Papers by irina shevchenko
SIN is defined as a linguocultural religious-ethical socioregulative concept. The semantic connections of lexemes-nominations of SIN integrated by the seme ‘transgression’ structure a lexico-semantic field with two microfields ‘transgression of moral / Divine law’. The semantic space of the nominations of SIN presents a network of concepts profiled within the conceptual domains RELIGIOUS and SECULAR. Cognitive metaphors of SIN involve conceptual groups “Physical object”, “Man”, “Animal”, “Plant” as source domains. Representations of SIN in metonymies include DEVIL, WOMAN, INDICATION, COLOUR and their explications motivated by Christian symbols. The most significant diachronical changes take place in the evaluative aspect of SIN which shifts from negative to neutral and positive.
Key words: concept SIN, conceptual domain, diachronic variation, evaluation, lexico-semantic field, linguistic-cultural concept, metaphor, metonymy, secular discourse, symbol.
SIN is defined as a linguocultural religious-ethical socioregulative concept. The semantic connections of lexemes-nominations of SIN integrated by the seme ‘transgression’ structure a lexico-semantic field with two microfields ‘transgression of moral / Divine law’. The semantic space of the nominations of SIN presents a network of concepts profiled within the conceptual domains RELIGIOUS and SECULAR. Cognitive metaphors of SIN involve conceptual groups “Physical object”, “Man”, “Animal”, “Plant” as source domains. Representations of SIN in metonymies include DEVIL, WOMAN, INDICATION, COLOUR and their explications motivated by Christian symbols. The most significant diachronical changes take place in the evaluative aspect of SIN which shifts from negative to neutral and positive.
Key words: concept SIN, conceptual domain, diachronic variation, evaluation, lexico-semantic field, linguistic-cultural concept, metaphor, metonymy, secular discourse, symbol.
пов осмысления языка в рамках когнитивно-коммуникативной парадигмы, а также эпи-
стемологической проблемы метода когнитивно-коммуникативных исследований. В ра-
боте систематизированы методологические и методические подходы, разработанные
в Харьковской когнитивно-дискурсивной школе лингвистики, и обощены практические
данные когнитивно-дискурсивного анализа, соответствующие когнитивно-коммуника-
тивной парадигме науки.
Для лингвистов-когнитологов и дискурсологов, преподавателей, аспирантов, студен-
тов филологических специальностей университетов.