Papers by roziah mohd rasdi
Frontiers in Psychology, 2021
The novel Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has magnified the issue of financial insecurity. However... more The novel Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has magnified the issue of financial insecurity. However, its effect on individual-organizational relations and, consequently, on organizational performance remains understudied. Thus, the purpose of this study was to explore the spillover effect of financial insecurity on the burnout-disengagement relationship during the pandemic. The authors investigate in particular whether the spillover effect influences the performance of moonlighting employees and also explore the mediating effect of disengagement on the relationship between financial insecurity and burnout interaction effect and the performance (i.e., mediated-moderation). This study collected responses from 162 public and private sector employees who are engaged in moonlighting activities in Malaysia. The results from the partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) revealed greater levels of financial insecurity and burnout associated with greater levels of work diseng...
Full terms and conditions of use: ... more Full terms and conditions of use: This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.
Full terms and conditions of use: ... more Full terms and conditions of use: This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Employee's turnover intention that is related to organisational behaviour has been a serious conc... more Employee's turnover intention that is related to organisational behaviour has been a serious concern in many organisations. Negative workplace behaviour is known as "workplace incivility" has shown strong relation to the adverse outcomes such as intention to quit or emotional exhaustion. Even though the vital incivility role in employee's working life is realized, research on moderators and mediators in the relationship between workplace incivility and organisational outcome are scarce. Therefore, this study will examine the mediation effect of distress and the moderating effect of workplace social support on the relationship between incivility and employee's turnover intention by adapted Job-Resource Demand (JD-R) model. A quantitative research approach using a selfcompletion questionnaire will be distributed to employees who are working in the casual dining restaurant in the Central region of Malaysia. This study will employ non-probability sampling, and more than 800 employees are expected to participate. The analysis of the data will use Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using AMOS. The findings of this study expected will help food service organisation to pinpoint the types and patterns of unusual behaviour in the workplace and contemplate how their employee respond to workplace incivility. Therefore better strategies can be formulated to minimise turnover intention among employees.
Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies
Reverse brain drain (RBD) is a fertile area to examine in the inter-countries movement of profess... more Reverse brain drain (RBD) is a fertile area to examine in the inter-countries movement of professionals. The basic idea of RBD is that the professionals who migrated to the industrialized nations represent potential human resources for the socioeconomic development of their home countries. It is argued that every ‘brain drain’ is a potential ‘brain gain’ for a country. However, there is inconclusive evidence on the best practices of RBD that may become lessons for any country to adopt in tapping the valuable experiences of the intellectual elites. Using ‘human capital theory’ and ’diffusion of innovation theory’, this conceptual paper specifically aims i) to illustrate evidence of the best practices of RBD in selected Asian developing countries of South Korea, Taiwan, China, and India that have commended track records in dealing with RBD; and ii) to suggest strategies for Malaysia, which is a beginner in developing the RBD programs, to adopt the best practices as experienced by the ...
Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies
This article explores the relationship between proactive career behaviours and both objective and... more This article explores the relationship between proactive career behaviours and both objective and subjective career success. The study was conducted on a sample of managers within the public sector of an emerging economy (Malaysia). A sample of 288 managers reported on their proactive career behaviours and career success. Results show that managers who engage in individual career management and networking behaviours report more subjective career success. Networking is positively related to both objective and subjective career success. We discuss the implications for managers' career in emerging economies.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Retaining the best talent is one of the major factors towards achieving a high-income nation, and... more Retaining the best talent is one of the major factors towards achieving a high-income nation, and it is critical to organizational success. Organizations have introduced various strategies to enhance employee retention, and efforts should be targeted at valuable, contributing employees such as the high skilled workers. Failure to retain the best talent in organization implicated substantial losses to organization in terms of investment, assets, and destruct social and communication structures as well as affect other employees' morale and work behaviour. Thus, it is imperative to investigate the predictors of talent retention that serve as the engagement and motivational drivers for employee to retain in an organization. Our review of related literature found that potential predictors such as high performance work system, job embeddedness and work life balance have been associated with employee's inclination to remain in organization. Intervening factors such as intrinsic rewards and generational cohort are found to influence the relationships between the predictors and talent retention.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Changes in the career and organizational landscape have brought tremendous effect to employees' c... more Changes in the career and organizational landscape have brought tremendous effect to employees' career, and result to blurring of organizational boundaries. Such unpredictable events influence employees' retention in the organizations. The paper aims to examine the factors contributing to employees' retention in the organizations. This conceptual paper theorizing employees' retention using job embeddedness theory and Herzberg's two factor theory. Voluminous number of studies concluded that the determinants of employees' retention can be categorized as the job factors and motivational factors. These two factors are highly associated with the HR practices in the organizations which include attracting, motivating, rewarding and retaining employees through a bundle of job policies, practices and systems. The paper emphasizes on the importance of HRD practices in managing employees' retention, and highlights the dominance of HRD interventions in retaining employees in the organizations.
European Journal of Training and Development
Purpose The purpose of this study is to explore the challenges faced by married women professiona... more Purpose The purpose of this study is to explore the challenges faced by married women professionals in the private sector and the factors affecting their decisions in leaving the workforce. Design/methodology/approach A qualitative approach was used in this study. Data were obtained using a purposive sampling method in selecting ten married women professionals based on the inclusion criteria for this study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and the whole interview sessions were audio recorded. Thematic analysis using the constant comparative method was used in interpreting the data. Findings The findings of this study revealed that majority of the married women professionals leaving workforce are affected by “pushed out” factors such as workplace inflexibility, long working hours, high volume of work than “opt-out” factors, which focus on the biological and psychological “pulls” that lure women back into their traditional roles of motherhood. Most of the married women profes...
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
One of the most emerging issues in the field of Human Resource Development is how to effectively ... more One of the most emerging issues in the field of Human Resource Development is how to effectively help professional employees to retain in organizations. Structural equation modelling (SEM-AMOS) was employed to examine factors influencing intention to stay among professionals and the mediation role of job satisfaction in the correlational relationships. Survey forms were collected from 457 professionals in Malaysia. The results revealed that personal-related factors (emotional intelligence and self-efficacy) have significant impact on professionals' intention to stay, and job satisfaction mediated the relationship between personal-related factors and intention to stay. The findings of this study are useful for HRD practitioners to develop the interventions to assist individuals and organizations towards successful self-development and sustainable organizations.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
The purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of organizational factors, i.e. organizatio... more The purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of organizational factors, i.e. organizational culture, transformational leadership and professional development on academics work engagement (WE) at Malaysian Research Universities (MRUs). The descriptive survey design was employed in this study and a questionnaire was used to collect data from the respondents. This study employed the proportionate stratified random sampling to select 381 sample of academics at MRUs. The data of this study were analyzed using the descriptive statistics and multiple regression. The results show that organizational culture, transformational leadership, and professional development significantly influence the work engagement of academics. This study is important for the Human Resource Development practitioners and university's management to identify factors and plan strategies of interventions to enhance academics engagement in their job. This paper contributes to a perceived gap in past studies that have little attention in investigating the influence of organizational factors on work engagement.
European Journal of Training and Development
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
The purpose of this paper is to comprehend the competency and competency models at workplace sett... more The purpose of this paper is to comprehend the competency and competency models at workplace settings, its significance to human resource development in terms of knowledge, skills and abilities. In the management literature, the competency based approach has grown through McClelland (1973) seminal paper "testing for competencies rather than intelligence" as to argue the traditional approach to measure performance using aptitude and content test. Evidence had also indicated that competency can lead to effective job performance. The practice of competency base approach has resulted with the expansion of term, models of specific profession also the application. This paper discusses the previous competency literature with greater interest on the field of competency, competency models and technical vocational education and training in Malaysia specific for vocational teaching profession. This study suggests that competency modelling can contribute to the effectiveness of vocational teacher education and to address competency gaps issues. Competency modelling for vocational teaching is still is in its infancy however the lack of competent teachers is a challenge for Malaysia to reach a better income levels in future.
European Journal of Training and Development, 2017
European Journal of Training and Development, 2017
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine the direct and indirect relationships between in... more Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine the direct and indirect relationships between individual-related factors and environmental-related factors with the knowledge sharing behaviour through the mediating role of self-efficacy among successful farmers in selected states in Malaysia. Design/methodology/approach: The research used survey method and included 241 participants from Johor, Negeri Sembilan and Selangor. The analysis was conducted using the partial least square structural equation modelling to achieve the research objectives. Findings: The findings indicate that individual-related factors (e.g. enjoyment in helping others, training and prior experience) and environmental-related factors (e.g. social support and trust) have significant influence on the knowledge sharing behaviour. The results also reveal that self-efficacy mediates the relationships between prior experiences (individualrelated factor), social support, trust (environmental-related factor) and the knowledge sharing behaviour. Practical implications: Agriculture officers should emphasize on farmers' personal and social factors to encourage the knowledge sharing behaviour among the agriculture communities of successful farmers. Originality/value: The research yields a theoretical framework that outlines the potential of six key factors in explaining the knowledge sharing behaviour among successful farmers. The factors can be considered in developing structured knowledge-sharing programs.
Journal of Knowledge Management, 2016
Purpose: The paper aims to clearly differentiate knowledge sharing (KS) and knowledge transfer (K... more Purpose: The paper aims to clearly differentiate knowledge sharing (KS) and knowledge transfer (KT) besides exemplifying their interconnections to minimize the current confusions in the knowledge management (KM) literature. Design/methodology/approach: An extensive literature review method was used to analyse relevant literature on both KS and KT to clearly delineate their differences and their interconnections. Findings: The paper found that KS is a subset of KT (using personalization strategy), whereas KT as a whole is a broader concept, if compared with KS. However, KS is not one of the immediate processes involved in KT (using codification strategy). The processes involved in KS and KT differ according to the strategy used (in KT) and perspective chosen (in KS). Other findings include KS (unidirectional) as reflective concept (viewed so far), whereas KS (bidirectional), KT (personalization) and KT (codification) as formative concepts. Research limitations/implications: The findings of this paper were based on the review of selected relevant articles only. Practical Implications: The paper will minimize the current confusions in the KM literature and will assist future researches on both KS and KT to ensure what these concepts entail to avoid construct underrepresentation. Originality/value: As compared to previous attempts, the present paper has shown the interconnections between KS and KT, as well as the differences based on the two perspectives of KS (unidirectional/bidirectional) and the two strategies of KT (personalization/codification), and such effort is new in the literature.
... By ROZIAH BT. MOHD RASDI July 2004 Chairman: Professor Maimunah Ismail, Ph.D. Faculty: Educat... more ... By ROZIAH BT. MOHD RASDI July 2004 Chairman: Professor Maimunah Ismail, Ph.D. Faculty: Educational Studies ... Oleh ROZIAH BT. MOHD RASDI Julai 2004 Pengerusi: Profesor Maimunah Ismail, Ph.D. Fakulti: Pengajian Pendidikan ...
European Journal of Training and Development, 2016
Papers by roziah mohd rasdi
Adolescent culture relies on text-based communication, and young people prefer interactions mediated through digital technologies. Inevitably, traditional discourse analysis, action research, behavioural analysis, ethnography, as well as qualitative and quantitative methods need to be rethought when examining this demographic group. Adapting digital research methods is timely and relevant for researching adolescents; nevertheless, digital methods have yet to be fully accepted into mainstream research studies on adolescents and young people. As this method is relatively new and evolving, this handbook will aim to highlight its value and increasing integral part of the adolescent development research toolkit. Initially, digital research methods can be defined as the use of digital technologies to change the way research is undertaken and to make it possible to tackle new research challenges. In this collection, we define digital methods as the use of online and digital technologies to collect and analyse research data. Our concern is not only with research that explores digital research as a phenomenon and a method, but also with a broader interest in utilising digital methods to engage with all aspects of the digital life of teenagers and adolescents. This handbook, therefore, focuses on digital research methods, and how it can be understood and employed when researching adolescent development and the growing divides in the digital age.
This handbook will aim to provide a theoretically and empirically grounded discussion of digital research methods with respect to investigating the dynamic and evolving phenomenon of young people and adolescents growing up in digital societies. This also provides graduate students with an understanding of the concepts and techniques of digital research methods in the study of adolescent development in the digital age.
Target Audience
This handbook is a valuable resource for developmental psychologists, social researchers, graduate students, as well as child and youth researchers. This will be of special interest to university educators who teach courses in child and adolescent studies. However, this handbook also appeals to child and youth care professionals who wish to broaden their knowledge of research methods to develop effective policies and best practices.
Recommended Topics
• Digital ethnography • Content analysis of digital text • Online focus groups • Digital research interviews • Digital qualitative research • Online survey • Digital quantitative analysis • Social network analysis and mining • Digital clinical trial • Internet research ethics • Digital methods, techniques, and sampling • Benefits of digital data collection • Digital tools for action research • Challenges and opportunities of digital methods
Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before December 30, 2020, a chapter proposal of 1,000 to 2,000 words clearly explaining the mission and concerns of his or her proposed chapter. Authors will be notified by January 13, 2021 about the status of their proposals and sent chapter guidelines.Full chapters are expected to be submitted by April 29, 2021, and all interested authors must consult the guidelines for manuscript submissions at prior to submission. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. Contributors may also be requested to serve as reviewers for this project.
Note: There are no submission or acceptance fees for manuscripts submitted to this book publication, Handbook of Research on Digital Research Methods for Adolescents. All manuscripts are accepted based on a double-blind peer review editorial process.
All proposals should be submitted through the eEditorial Discovery® online submission manager.
This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), an international academic publisher of the "Information Science Reference" (formerly Idea Group Reference), "Medical Information Science Reference," "Business Science Reference," and "Engineering Science Reference" imprints. IGI Global specializes in publishing reference books, scholarly journals, and electronic databases featuring academic research on a variety of innovative topic areas including, but not limited to, education, social science, medicine and healthcare, business and management, information science and technology, engineering, public administration, library and information science, media and communication studies, and environmental science. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit This publication is anticipated to be released in 2022.
Important Dates
December 30, 2020: Proposal Submission Deadline
January 13, 2021: Notification of Acceptance
April 29, 2021: Full Chapter Submission
June 27, 2021: Review Results Returned
August 8, 2021: Final Acceptance Notification
August 22, 2021: Final Chapter Submission
Zeinab Zaremohzzabieh Universiti Putra Malaysia [email protected] Steven Eric Krauss Universiti Putra Malaysia [email protected] Roziah Mohd Rasdi Universiti Putra Malaysia [email protected] Seyedali Ahrari Universiti Putra Malaysia [email protected]