The purpose of writing this paper article is to review students' perceptions in the use of Ph... more The purpose of writing this paper article is to review students' perceptions in the use of PhET-based virtual labs and also to provide a description in comparison to perceptions of virtual lab use from some of the results of previous studies that are relevant to this study. There are five aspects in the perception that will be surveyed, including; (1) aspects of innovation, (2) aspects of benefits (3) aspects of motivation, (4) aspects of effectiveness, (5) aspects of presenting procedures for laboratory activities. The method used is quantitative and qualitative with a Likert scale questionnaire which must be filled in by 40 people and then interviewing the subjects, after the data is collected, percentage data analysis is carried out. The results of the data analyzed show that the aspects of innovation, effectiveness, benefits and presentation of the procedure get a positive view compared to the motivational aspects which are stated to be negative, so this study also shows tha...
Since the corona virus disease (Covid-19) was found in patients in Wuhan, China and this virus ha... more Since the corona virus disease (Covid-19) was found in patients in Wuhan, China and this virus has shown rapid transmission and has become a worldwide epidemic. As a result, online learning is applied to all universities in Indonesia by using various applications. This work is aimed for analyzing the implementation of online learning during the Covid -19 pandemic and is directed for investigating the form, implementation and expectations of students in online learning. This research was involved 231 samples consisting of all chemistry education student at Universities in Riau. The data directly collected through e-questionnaire using google form. The data obtained from the questionnaire were analyzed quantitatively and the interview data in the form of short questions were analyzed qualitatively. All the obtained data were carfully described in descriptive form. Basid oh the analysis, it was found that the type of online learning was dominated by using google classroom and zoom meet...
Turbulence often occurs during aircraft flights, especially on the wings. This is influenced by s... more Turbulence often occurs during aircraft flights, especially on the wings. This is influenced by several factors, such as air density, altitude, and air pressure. Furthermore, the shape of the wings will affect the factors mentioned above. In this experiment, we used a prototype of a different shaped airplane wing to be tested using the LTD device. LTD consist of two parts, the outer part which serve purpose as the source of the smoke, and the inner part that consist of the aircraft wing, fan, room thermometer, and flashlight. This experiment will show the air output whether it is laminar or turbulent. In addition, we will see how much laminar and turbulence affect the effectiveness of the wings of the aircraft being tested. The purpose of this study is to determine how much influence the shape of the aircraft wing has on the turbulence that occurs, then identify which wing causes the minimum turbulence. We used 3 different airplane wing models, namely model A, model B, and model C with each model having a different area. Our results show that the LTD device is able to show differences in turbulence in each model of the airplane wing, and it shows that the LTD device can detect the presence of laminar and turbulence in the airplane wing prototype through the observation by researcher.
Misconceptions still often occur when learning physics, especially in conducting a study that is ... more Misconceptions still often occur when learning physics, especially in conducting a study that is not consistently detailed in identifying an observation. In the material of parabolic motion, it is known that 45° is the special angle that produces the farthest distance. The misconception that 45° is the angle that produces the farthest distance has become a reference in learning in various educational institutions to this day. The aim of this research is to identify and prove that the 45° angle is not the elevation angle which results in the farthest distance in a vacuum which ignores the initial position of the thrower. The method used is Data analytics, and compared based on Graphics Analytics using PhET virtual laboratory media. This study will test an elevation angle of 42° : 45° : 48° based on a height of 0 m: 1 m: 2 m. The results of the research will be analyzed based on the functional analyzer approach which is made from equations into function graphs to make it easier for readers to read the data. In this research, it is found that 42° is the farthest distance producer and also gets a travel time that is relatively faster than the 45° angle which we know so far as the special angle that produces the farthest distance in non-vacuum conditions. In this study, it is hoped that the readers will be able to reexamine the earning angle of the furthest distance which is still a misconception in various educational institutions.
Jurnal Penelitian & Pengembangan Pendidikan Fisika
The 21st Century Learning is an increasingly interactive and attractive learning era. The learnin... more The 21st Century Learning is an increasingly interactive and attractive learning era. The learning process in the 21st century does not only focus on teaching and learning activities in the classroom and explaining theories. There need to be laboratory activities that help provide visuals to students, especially future physics teacher candidates. Various innovations have been made in the development of laboratory activity models. There are still many laboratory activity models that focus on one activity, namely real or virtual. Laboratory activities in the 21st century do not always have to focus on super skills or 4C skills currently in the spotlight and forget about analytical skills and the balance between LOTS and HOTS. This study aims to develop a mixed laboratory activity model that can build 4C skills focused on analytical skills and balance between LOTS-HOTS; in addition, two activities are combined into one, real and virtual. The method used in this research is in the form of Research and Development using the ADDIE model with three meetings in implementation. The results obtained in this study, namely STB-LAB, obtained good model and guide validity results. N-Gain data showed that in the control class, only creative thinking skills were compelling enough, with a value of 59.47. In contrast, in experiment class, only communication skills have an effective enough category with a value of 57.84, but other aspects have an effective category with a value > 76.00. The hypothesis test showed that using STB-LAB could improve students as physics teacher candidate 4C Skills.
Journal of Community Engagement Research for Sustainability
Di era Revolusi Industri 4.0, sistem pembelajaran yang masih menggunakan kertas (paper-based) ata... more Di era Revolusi Industri 4.0, sistem pembelajaran yang masih menggunakan kertas (paper-based) ataupun pembelajaran tatap muka (face to face) harus dapat diubah menjadi kegiatan pembelajaran yang berbasis teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK). Seorang guru harus dapat memanfaatkan TIK sebagai alat bantu proses pembelajaran agar lebih menarik, efektif dan efisien. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk memberikan bimbingan teknis bagi guru-guru Sekolah Dasar Gugus Kaktus Bangkinang - Kabupaten Kampar dalam bentuk pengenalan konsep TIK di sekolah, penggunaan aplikasi pembelajaran interaktif, dan merancang skenario pembelajaran aktif melalui pembelajaran daring (online) sesuai mata pelajaran yang diampu. Kegiatan Pelatihan Merancang Pembelajaran Aktif Berbasis Online dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Kampar. Guru-guru yang tergabung dalam Gugus Kaktus terdiri dari guru-guru yang bersal dari 6 sekolah Dasar. Tahapan pelaksanaan diawali dengan pretest, yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengetahuan awa...
Journal of Community Engagement Research for Sustainability
Adapun tujuan pengabdian ini adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman dan pengalaman tentang penulisan P... more Adapun tujuan pengabdian ini adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman dan pengalaman tentang penulisan PTK kepada guru SMPN Kecamatan Tualang Kabupaten Siak. Diharapkan dengan pengabdian ini seluruh guru SMP-SMA Pinggir bisa melaksanakan penulisan PTK sebagai karya ilmiah guru nantinya. Sasaran pengabdian ini adalah guru-guru yang terkendala kenaikan pangkatnya karena tidak adanya penelitian sebagai karya ilmiahnya.Disimpulkan bahwa, masih banyak guru-guru yang belum memahami hakikat dari Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) ini. Hal ini disebabkan oada umumnya guru belum terbiasa menulis PTK, kalaupun ketika guruguru yang telah mengikuti PLPG memang di berikan materi PTK, tapi alokasi yang disedikan tidak memungkinkan mereka untuk dapat menguasai tentang PTK. Salah satu yang dapat dilakukan oleh guru adalah mencontoh laporan PTK yang sudah dibuat oleh guru sebelumnya. Sehingga terkesan hanya kopi paste. Antusias guru SMP Tualang dalam mengikuti kegiatan pengabdian tersebut cukup tinggi, pert...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui performa mesin dengan membandingkan sistem pen... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui performa mesin dengan membandingkan sistem pengapian antara penggunaan koil standar dan busi standar dengan koil racing dan busi racing dengan bahan bakar pertamax. Metode penelitian yang dipergunakan adalah eksperimen. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif yaitu mengamati dan mencatat hasil pengujian kemudian menyimpulkan dalam bentuk tabel dan grafik. Pengujian torsi dan daya dilakukan pada mesin Vixion New 150 cc tahun 2018 menggunakan dynamometer dan alat ukur buret digunakan untuk pengujian konsumsi bahan bakar. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada putaran 5000 rpm, 6000 rpm, 7000 rpm, 8000 rpm dan 9000 rpm. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan daya, torsi dan konsumsi bahan bakar yang dihasilkan oleh kedua coil dan busi. Untuk daya, dan torsi yang dihasilkan coil racing dan busi racing memiliki nilai yang lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan coil standar dan busi standar dan untuk konsumsi bahan bakar coil racing dan busi racing memiliki nilai yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan coil standar dan busi standar, yang artinya konsumsi bahan bakar coil racing dan busi racing lebih irit jika dibandingkan dengan coil standar dan busi satandar, sehingga dari penelitian yang sudah dilakukan pada motor Yamaha Vixion New 150 cc dapat disimpulkan ternyata ada kenaikan daya dan torsi yang dihasilkan pada motor yang menggunakan coil racing dan busi racing dan untuk konsumsi bahan bakar terjadi penurunan pada motor yang menggunakan coil racing dan busi racing.
Berpikir kritis merupakan salah satu aspek berpikir yang digunakan dalam mengatasi permasalahan d... more Berpikir kritis merupakan salah satu aspek berpikir yang digunakan dalam mengatasi permasalahan dan menfasilitasi penemuan informasi yang tepat baik melalui proses analisis, interpretasi, evaluasi, inferensi dan pembuktian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tingkat kemampuan berpikir kritis para guru Biologi SMA Negeri di Kota Pekanbaru. Populasi pada penelitian ini yaitu semua guru Biologi SMA Negeri Kota Pekanbaru yang berjumlah 62 orang dengan teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah sampling jenuh. Data dikumpukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan pedoman wawancara, kuesioner disusun berdasarkan 5 indikator berpikir kritis yang dikembangkan oleh Marzano. Data kuesioner dianalisis dengan cara menghitung persentase kemudian dilakukan interpretasi menjadi beberapa kategori, sedangkan hasil wawancara dianalisis secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat keterampilan berpikir kritis Guru Biologi SMA Negeri Kota Pekanbaru sebesar 88.2% dengan per...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi dan mengetahui pengaruh kelas gabungan antar tingk... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi dan mengetahui pengaruh kelas gabungan antar tingkatan (combined grade) melalui metode role playing terhadap hasil praktek fungsi navigasi bagi taruna/i program studi Nautika angkatan II dan IV di Politeknik Pelayaran Sumatera Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode quasy exsperiment. Data diperoleh melalui Comprehensive Assessment (Function 1. Navigation at The Operational Level) sesuai dengan STCW 78 as Amandement (Regulation A-II/2). Sebanyak 36 taruna/i Program studi Nautika angkatan II dan IVyang di ambil secara acak sebagai sampel penelitian. Hasil analisis data dengan uji-t (t-test) pada post test menunjukkan ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara nilai hasil belajar praktek fungsi navigasi kelompok gabungan antar tingkatan/angkatan (combine grades) dengan kelompok per angkatan melalui metode role playing. Ditunjukkan dengan nilai rata – rata peningkatan tes awal dan tes akhir kelas gabungan yaitu 5,67. Sedangkan, nilai rata – rat...
Dalam perancangan tangki bejana tekan, tahap awal yang dilakukan adalah mendefinisikan fungsi tan... more Dalam perancangan tangki bejana tekan, tahap awal yang dilakukan adalah mendefinisikan fungsi tangki bejana tekan tersebut dan juga kapasitas operasi bejana tekan tersebut. Fungsi dan kapasitas akan menentukan dimensi awal tersebut, ditambah dengan fluida akan dapat menentukan tebal dinding minimal yang akan digunakan untuk konstruksi. Perancangan Bejana tekan pada penelitian ini mengikuti standar ASME section VIII Div 1 tahun 2007 karena untuk menghindari kesalahan-kesalahan yang terjadi pada perancangan. Ketebalan awal yang diperoleh setelah disesuaikan dengan tebal pelat yang ada di pasaran pada bagian shell dan head. Setelah itu, pembebanan diberikan sesuai kondisi operasi tersebut. Beban yang diberikan antara lain tekanan internal, berat mati, konsentrasi tegangan, diskontinuitas tegangan pada bagian lubang dan pada bagian pertemuan shell dan head.Dari hasil perancangan didapat tebal dinding shell =10 mm , head = 16 mm, Oleh karena itu, bagian-bagian kritis tersebut perlu m...
The purpose of this study is to strengthen the mental model of prospective elementary school teac... more The purpose of this study is to strengthen the mental model of prospective elementary school teacher candidates by using the MIKiR (mengalami, interaksi, komunikasi, internalisasi, and refleksi) method, which is directed towards conceptual growth and is based on the MIKiR framework (CDOI Model). The research was carried out utilizing a pre-experimental approach with a pretest-posttest design in one group for this study. The research was carried out on pre-service primary teachers at the Universitas Riau, in Indonesia. The instrument used to collect data was a heat transfer conceptual understanding test (HTCU Test), which consisted of three sections of the question, each of which had previously been verified and evaluated to ensure that the participants were eligible. Using the MIKiR approach (experiencing, interaction, communication, and reflection), this study found that implementing the CDOI model of conceptual development-oriented instruction had a high level of success in enabli...
This study aims to provide an overview of concepts and mastery of critical thinking skills of stu... more This study aims to provide an overview of concepts and mastery of critical thinking skills of students in classes taught Invertebrate Zoology conventionally (no or minimal inquiry). Subjects were students of the College of Teacher Training and Education (STKIP) PGRI West Sumatra and Riau Islamic University students (UIR) Department of Biology Education (5th semester and 7th semester), who have taken courses Invertebrate Zoology (on average students take courses Invertebrate Zoology in 3 semesters). Samples were taken randomly as many as 130 people (55 people for critical thinking test consisting of 30 students and 25 students UIR STKIP and 75 people for concept mastery test consisting of 45 students and 30 students UIR STKIP). Mastery of concepts and critical thinking skills of students captured through the test. The results showed that the mastery of concepts and critical thinking skills of students UIR and STKIP PGRI on Invertebrate Zoology some lecture material, which includes 3 ...
This research is aim to know the influence applying model in learning inkuiry laboratory toward c... more This research is aim to know the influence applying model in learning inkuiry laboratory toward concept mastery of students the candidate of teacher elementary school. The subject of this research is the students of program teacher learning of elementary school (PGSD) who take this subject basic concept sains 2 (IPA 2) with the total students that become sample a lot of fourty seven 47 person (in one class), with used purposive sampling. The concept of mastery students is selected by instrument test. The result of this research show that happen significant improvement with the total N-gain is 0,68 (in the middle category). All of the whole students very happy and like in model applying in learning inkuiry laboratory, because they can to help in get knowledge about concepts sains. Key Words: model learning inkuiry laboratory,students concept mastery.
Banyak pengguna kendaraan menganggap jika angka oktan yang lebih tinggi dan penggunaan sistem pen... more Banyak pengguna kendaraan menganggap jika angka oktan yang lebih tinggi dan penggunaan sistem pengapian racing dapat menjadikan performa kendaraan menjadi lebih baik. Namun, perlu kita lihat lebih teliti lagi dengan melakukan percobaan-percobaan pada alat dynamometer dan sepeda motor dengan menggunakan variasi angka oktan dan busi koil standar dan racing . Percobaan dilakukan terhadap 3 jenis bahan bakar dengan nilai bilangan oktan yaitu 88, 90 dan 92. Didapat nilai daya tertinggi pada pengujian bilangan oktan 92 dengan busi koil racing sebesar 6.753 kilo watt pada kecepatan putaran mesin 7762.6 rpm dan nilai torsi tertinggi pada pengujian bilangan oktan 92 busi koil racing sebesar 9.072 newton meter. Nilai daya maksimum terendah terjadi pada bilangan oktan 92 busi koil standar sebesar 6.601 kilo watt pada 7725 rpm dan torsi maksimum terendah pada bilangan oktan 88 busi koil standar yaitu sebesar 8.914 newton meter pada 4584.8 rpm . Nilai konsumsi bahan bakar spesifik tertinggi pada...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat kerusakan dan mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat kerusakan dan mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor penyebab kerusakan pada ban ukuran 1100/20, 900/20 dan 750/16 yang terjadi pada tahun 2018 di CV. Z. CV. Z merupakan pabrik daur ulang yang bergerak padapemasakan ulang ban bekas dengan berbagai ukuran yaitu ban ring 750/16, ban ring ukuran 1100/20 dan ban ring 900/20. Penelitian ini menggunakan model penelitian deskriptifstatistik. Analisis yang digunakan yaitu dengan Statistical Process Control (SPC) dan Kaizen. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pengendendalian kualitas produk masih berada dalam batas kendali.Jenis kerusakan adalah adalah ukuran ban ring 1100/20 dengan jumlah kecacatan sebesar 2,3%, ukuran ban ring 900/20 jumlah kecacatan sebesar 4,4% dan untuk ban ukuran 750/16 sebesar 2,7%. Dari diagram sebab akibat dapat diketahui faktor penyebab kerusakan dari yang paling dominan meliputi mesin, bahan baku, manusia, dan metode. Berdasarkan kaizenmaka rekomendasi untuk mengurangi kec...
In a simple electroplating/ phosphating can be interpreted as a metal coating process, with the h... more In a simple electroplating/ phosphating can be interpreted as a metal coating process, with the help of electric current and certain chemical compounds in order to move the metal particle coating material to be coated. The results of the metal plating waste heavy metal that can have a negative impact on the environment, therefore it is necessary for the handling of waste from electroplating/phosphating, through stages such as the neutralization process, purification, precipitation, and separation. Keywords: electroplating, phosphating, the waste.
Tunjuk Ajar: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Pendidikan, 2021
This study aims to assist teachers in developing learning media in elementary schools, namely the... more This study aims to assist teachers in developing learning media in elementary schools, namely the big book. This study uses a developmental research type with the Thiagarajan 4-D Model which consists of 4 stages, namely, define, design, develop, and disseminate. The research was conducted at PGSD of FKIP, Universitas Riau. The object of this research is the big book of elementary school students developed from the basic competencies in the 2013 curriculum. The products produced are 3 big books with the title Sekolahku, Wisata ke Pantai and Taman Kota. The results of the validation of the three big book titles carried out by experts, the feasibility of the content of the material obtained by the percentage of scores for the title Sekolahku 82.1%; Wisata ke Pantai 82.1%; and Taman Kota 86%. Meanwhile, for the big book language assessment, the percentage for Sekolahku was 79.9%; Wisata ke Pantai 79.7%; and Taman Kota 82.5%. So that the big book learning media is feasible to be tested w...
The purpose of writing this paper article is to review students' perceptions in the use of Ph... more The purpose of writing this paper article is to review students' perceptions in the use of PhET-based virtual labs and also to provide a description in comparison to perceptions of virtual lab use from some of the results of previous studies that are relevant to this study. There are five aspects in the perception that will be surveyed, including; (1) aspects of innovation, (2) aspects of benefits (3) aspects of motivation, (4) aspects of effectiveness, (5) aspects of presenting procedures for laboratory activities. The method used is quantitative and qualitative with a Likert scale questionnaire which must be filled in by 40 people and then interviewing the subjects, after the data is collected, percentage data analysis is carried out. The results of the data analyzed show that the aspects of innovation, effectiveness, benefits and presentation of the procedure get a positive view compared to the motivational aspects which are stated to be negative, so this study also shows tha...
Since the corona virus disease (Covid-19) was found in patients in Wuhan, China and this virus ha... more Since the corona virus disease (Covid-19) was found in patients in Wuhan, China and this virus has shown rapid transmission and has become a worldwide epidemic. As a result, online learning is applied to all universities in Indonesia by using various applications. This work is aimed for analyzing the implementation of online learning during the Covid -19 pandemic and is directed for investigating the form, implementation and expectations of students in online learning. This research was involved 231 samples consisting of all chemistry education student at Universities in Riau. The data directly collected through e-questionnaire using google form. The data obtained from the questionnaire were analyzed quantitatively and the interview data in the form of short questions were analyzed qualitatively. All the obtained data were carfully described in descriptive form. Basid oh the analysis, it was found that the type of online learning was dominated by using google classroom and zoom meet...
Turbulence often occurs during aircraft flights, especially on the wings. This is influenced by s... more Turbulence often occurs during aircraft flights, especially on the wings. This is influenced by several factors, such as air density, altitude, and air pressure. Furthermore, the shape of the wings will affect the factors mentioned above. In this experiment, we used a prototype of a different shaped airplane wing to be tested using the LTD device. LTD consist of two parts, the outer part which serve purpose as the source of the smoke, and the inner part that consist of the aircraft wing, fan, room thermometer, and flashlight. This experiment will show the air output whether it is laminar or turbulent. In addition, we will see how much laminar and turbulence affect the effectiveness of the wings of the aircraft being tested. The purpose of this study is to determine how much influence the shape of the aircraft wing has on the turbulence that occurs, then identify which wing causes the minimum turbulence. We used 3 different airplane wing models, namely model A, model B, and model C with each model having a different area. Our results show that the LTD device is able to show differences in turbulence in each model of the airplane wing, and it shows that the LTD device can detect the presence of laminar and turbulence in the airplane wing prototype through the observation by researcher.
Misconceptions still often occur when learning physics, especially in conducting a study that is ... more Misconceptions still often occur when learning physics, especially in conducting a study that is not consistently detailed in identifying an observation. In the material of parabolic motion, it is known that 45° is the special angle that produces the farthest distance. The misconception that 45° is the angle that produces the farthest distance has become a reference in learning in various educational institutions to this day. The aim of this research is to identify and prove that the 45° angle is not the elevation angle which results in the farthest distance in a vacuum which ignores the initial position of the thrower. The method used is Data analytics, and compared based on Graphics Analytics using PhET virtual laboratory media. This study will test an elevation angle of 42° : 45° : 48° based on a height of 0 m: 1 m: 2 m. The results of the research will be analyzed based on the functional analyzer approach which is made from equations into function graphs to make it easier for readers to read the data. In this research, it is found that 42° is the farthest distance producer and also gets a travel time that is relatively faster than the 45° angle which we know so far as the special angle that produces the farthest distance in non-vacuum conditions. In this study, it is hoped that the readers will be able to reexamine the earning angle of the furthest distance which is still a misconception in various educational institutions.
Jurnal Penelitian & Pengembangan Pendidikan Fisika
The 21st Century Learning is an increasingly interactive and attractive learning era. The learnin... more The 21st Century Learning is an increasingly interactive and attractive learning era. The learning process in the 21st century does not only focus on teaching and learning activities in the classroom and explaining theories. There need to be laboratory activities that help provide visuals to students, especially future physics teacher candidates. Various innovations have been made in the development of laboratory activity models. There are still many laboratory activity models that focus on one activity, namely real or virtual. Laboratory activities in the 21st century do not always have to focus on super skills or 4C skills currently in the spotlight and forget about analytical skills and the balance between LOTS and HOTS. This study aims to develop a mixed laboratory activity model that can build 4C skills focused on analytical skills and balance between LOTS-HOTS; in addition, two activities are combined into one, real and virtual. The method used in this research is in the form of Research and Development using the ADDIE model with three meetings in implementation. The results obtained in this study, namely STB-LAB, obtained good model and guide validity results. N-Gain data showed that in the control class, only creative thinking skills were compelling enough, with a value of 59.47. In contrast, in experiment class, only communication skills have an effective enough category with a value of 57.84, but other aspects have an effective category with a value > 76.00. The hypothesis test showed that using STB-LAB could improve students as physics teacher candidate 4C Skills.
Journal of Community Engagement Research for Sustainability
Di era Revolusi Industri 4.0, sistem pembelajaran yang masih menggunakan kertas (paper-based) ata... more Di era Revolusi Industri 4.0, sistem pembelajaran yang masih menggunakan kertas (paper-based) ataupun pembelajaran tatap muka (face to face) harus dapat diubah menjadi kegiatan pembelajaran yang berbasis teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK). Seorang guru harus dapat memanfaatkan TIK sebagai alat bantu proses pembelajaran agar lebih menarik, efektif dan efisien. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk memberikan bimbingan teknis bagi guru-guru Sekolah Dasar Gugus Kaktus Bangkinang - Kabupaten Kampar dalam bentuk pengenalan konsep TIK di sekolah, penggunaan aplikasi pembelajaran interaktif, dan merancang skenario pembelajaran aktif melalui pembelajaran daring (online) sesuai mata pelajaran yang diampu. Kegiatan Pelatihan Merancang Pembelajaran Aktif Berbasis Online dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Kampar. Guru-guru yang tergabung dalam Gugus Kaktus terdiri dari guru-guru yang bersal dari 6 sekolah Dasar. Tahapan pelaksanaan diawali dengan pretest, yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengetahuan awa...
Journal of Community Engagement Research for Sustainability
Adapun tujuan pengabdian ini adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman dan pengalaman tentang penulisan P... more Adapun tujuan pengabdian ini adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman dan pengalaman tentang penulisan PTK kepada guru SMPN Kecamatan Tualang Kabupaten Siak. Diharapkan dengan pengabdian ini seluruh guru SMP-SMA Pinggir bisa melaksanakan penulisan PTK sebagai karya ilmiah guru nantinya. Sasaran pengabdian ini adalah guru-guru yang terkendala kenaikan pangkatnya karena tidak adanya penelitian sebagai karya ilmiahnya.Disimpulkan bahwa, masih banyak guru-guru yang belum memahami hakikat dari Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) ini. Hal ini disebabkan oada umumnya guru belum terbiasa menulis PTK, kalaupun ketika guruguru yang telah mengikuti PLPG memang di berikan materi PTK, tapi alokasi yang disedikan tidak memungkinkan mereka untuk dapat menguasai tentang PTK. Salah satu yang dapat dilakukan oleh guru adalah mencontoh laporan PTK yang sudah dibuat oleh guru sebelumnya. Sehingga terkesan hanya kopi paste. Antusias guru SMP Tualang dalam mengikuti kegiatan pengabdian tersebut cukup tinggi, pert...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui performa mesin dengan membandingkan sistem pen... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui performa mesin dengan membandingkan sistem pengapian antara penggunaan koil standar dan busi standar dengan koil racing dan busi racing dengan bahan bakar pertamax. Metode penelitian yang dipergunakan adalah eksperimen. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif yaitu mengamati dan mencatat hasil pengujian kemudian menyimpulkan dalam bentuk tabel dan grafik. Pengujian torsi dan daya dilakukan pada mesin Vixion New 150 cc tahun 2018 menggunakan dynamometer dan alat ukur buret digunakan untuk pengujian konsumsi bahan bakar. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada putaran 5000 rpm, 6000 rpm, 7000 rpm, 8000 rpm dan 9000 rpm. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan daya, torsi dan konsumsi bahan bakar yang dihasilkan oleh kedua coil dan busi. Untuk daya, dan torsi yang dihasilkan coil racing dan busi racing memiliki nilai yang lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan coil standar dan busi standar dan untuk konsumsi bahan bakar coil racing dan busi racing memiliki nilai yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan coil standar dan busi standar, yang artinya konsumsi bahan bakar coil racing dan busi racing lebih irit jika dibandingkan dengan coil standar dan busi satandar, sehingga dari penelitian yang sudah dilakukan pada motor Yamaha Vixion New 150 cc dapat disimpulkan ternyata ada kenaikan daya dan torsi yang dihasilkan pada motor yang menggunakan coil racing dan busi racing dan untuk konsumsi bahan bakar terjadi penurunan pada motor yang menggunakan coil racing dan busi racing.
Berpikir kritis merupakan salah satu aspek berpikir yang digunakan dalam mengatasi permasalahan d... more Berpikir kritis merupakan salah satu aspek berpikir yang digunakan dalam mengatasi permasalahan dan menfasilitasi penemuan informasi yang tepat baik melalui proses analisis, interpretasi, evaluasi, inferensi dan pembuktian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tingkat kemampuan berpikir kritis para guru Biologi SMA Negeri di Kota Pekanbaru. Populasi pada penelitian ini yaitu semua guru Biologi SMA Negeri Kota Pekanbaru yang berjumlah 62 orang dengan teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah sampling jenuh. Data dikumpukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan pedoman wawancara, kuesioner disusun berdasarkan 5 indikator berpikir kritis yang dikembangkan oleh Marzano. Data kuesioner dianalisis dengan cara menghitung persentase kemudian dilakukan interpretasi menjadi beberapa kategori, sedangkan hasil wawancara dianalisis secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat keterampilan berpikir kritis Guru Biologi SMA Negeri Kota Pekanbaru sebesar 88.2% dengan per...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi dan mengetahui pengaruh kelas gabungan antar tingk... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi dan mengetahui pengaruh kelas gabungan antar tingkatan (combined grade) melalui metode role playing terhadap hasil praktek fungsi navigasi bagi taruna/i program studi Nautika angkatan II dan IV di Politeknik Pelayaran Sumatera Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode quasy exsperiment. Data diperoleh melalui Comprehensive Assessment (Function 1. Navigation at The Operational Level) sesuai dengan STCW 78 as Amandement (Regulation A-II/2). Sebanyak 36 taruna/i Program studi Nautika angkatan II dan IVyang di ambil secara acak sebagai sampel penelitian. Hasil analisis data dengan uji-t (t-test) pada post test menunjukkan ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara nilai hasil belajar praktek fungsi navigasi kelompok gabungan antar tingkatan/angkatan (combine grades) dengan kelompok per angkatan melalui metode role playing. Ditunjukkan dengan nilai rata – rata peningkatan tes awal dan tes akhir kelas gabungan yaitu 5,67. Sedangkan, nilai rata – rat...
Dalam perancangan tangki bejana tekan, tahap awal yang dilakukan adalah mendefinisikan fungsi tan... more Dalam perancangan tangki bejana tekan, tahap awal yang dilakukan adalah mendefinisikan fungsi tangki bejana tekan tersebut dan juga kapasitas operasi bejana tekan tersebut. Fungsi dan kapasitas akan menentukan dimensi awal tersebut, ditambah dengan fluida akan dapat menentukan tebal dinding minimal yang akan digunakan untuk konstruksi. Perancangan Bejana tekan pada penelitian ini mengikuti standar ASME section VIII Div 1 tahun 2007 karena untuk menghindari kesalahan-kesalahan yang terjadi pada perancangan. Ketebalan awal yang diperoleh setelah disesuaikan dengan tebal pelat yang ada di pasaran pada bagian shell dan head. Setelah itu, pembebanan diberikan sesuai kondisi operasi tersebut. Beban yang diberikan antara lain tekanan internal, berat mati, konsentrasi tegangan, diskontinuitas tegangan pada bagian lubang dan pada bagian pertemuan shell dan head.Dari hasil perancangan didapat tebal dinding shell =10 mm , head = 16 mm, Oleh karena itu, bagian-bagian kritis tersebut perlu m...
The purpose of this study is to strengthen the mental model of prospective elementary school teac... more The purpose of this study is to strengthen the mental model of prospective elementary school teacher candidates by using the MIKiR (mengalami, interaksi, komunikasi, internalisasi, and refleksi) method, which is directed towards conceptual growth and is based on the MIKiR framework (CDOI Model). The research was carried out utilizing a pre-experimental approach with a pretest-posttest design in one group for this study. The research was carried out on pre-service primary teachers at the Universitas Riau, in Indonesia. The instrument used to collect data was a heat transfer conceptual understanding test (HTCU Test), which consisted of three sections of the question, each of which had previously been verified and evaluated to ensure that the participants were eligible. Using the MIKiR approach (experiencing, interaction, communication, and reflection), this study found that implementing the CDOI model of conceptual development-oriented instruction had a high level of success in enabli...
This study aims to provide an overview of concepts and mastery of critical thinking skills of stu... more This study aims to provide an overview of concepts and mastery of critical thinking skills of students in classes taught Invertebrate Zoology conventionally (no or minimal inquiry). Subjects were students of the College of Teacher Training and Education (STKIP) PGRI West Sumatra and Riau Islamic University students (UIR) Department of Biology Education (5th semester and 7th semester), who have taken courses Invertebrate Zoology (on average students take courses Invertebrate Zoology in 3 semesters). Samples were taken randomly as many as 130 people (55 people for critical thinking test consisting of 30 students and 25 students UIR STKIP and 75 people for concept mastery test consisting of 45 students and 30 students UIR STKIP). Mastery of concepts and critical thinking skills of students captured through the test. The results showed that the mastery of concepts and critical thinking skills of students UIR and STKIP PGRI on Invertebrate Zoology some lecture material, which includes 3 ...
This research is aim to know the influence applying model in learning inkuiry laboratory toward c... more This research is aim to know the influence applying model in learning inkuiry laboratory toward concept mastery of students the candidate of teacher elementary school. The subject of this research is the students of program teacher learning of elementary school (PGSD) who take this subject basic concept sains 2 (IPA 2) with the total students that become sample a lot of fourty seven 47 person (in one class), with used purposive sampling. The concept of mastery students is selected by instrument test. The result of this research show that happen significant improvement with the total N-gain is 0,68 (in the middle category). All of the whole students very happy and like in model applying in learning inkuiry laboratory, because they can to help in get knowledge about concepts sains. Key Words: model learning inkuiry laboratory,students concept mastery.
Banyak pengguna kendaraan menganggap jika angka oktan yang lebih tinggi dan penggunaan sistem pen... more Banyak pengguna kendaraan menganggap jika angka oktan yang lebih tinggi dan penggunaan sistem pengapian racing dapat menjadikan performa kendaraan menjadi lebih baik. Namun, perlu kita lihat lebih teliti lagi dengan melakukan percobaan-percobaan pada alat dynamometer dan sepeda motor dengan menggunakan variasi angka oktan dan busi koil standar dan racing . Percobaan dilakukan terhadap 3 jenis bahan bakar dengan nilai bilangan oktan yaitu 88, 90 dan 92. Didapat nilai daya tertinggi pada pengujian bilangan oktan 92 dengan busi koil racing sebesar 6.753 kilo watt pada kecepatan putaran mesin 7762.6 rpm dan nilai torsi tertinggi pada pengujian bilangan oktan 92 busi koil racing sebesar 9.072 newton meter. Nilai daya maksimum terendah terjadi pada bilangan oktan 92 busi koil standar sebesar 6.601 kilo watt pada 7725 rpm dan torsi maksimum terendah pada bilangan oktan 88 busi koil standar yaitu sebesar 8.914 newton meter pada 4584.8 rpm . Nilai konsumsi bahan bakar spesifik tertinggi pada...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat kerusakan dan mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat kerusakan dan mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor penyebab kerusakan pada ban ukuran 1100/20, 900/20 dan 750/16 yang terjadi pada tahun 2018 di CV. Z. CV. Z merupakan pabrik daur ulang yang bergerak padapemasakan ulang ban bekas dengan berbagai ukuran yaitu ban ring 750/16, ban ring ukuran 1100/20 dan ban ring 900/20. Penelitian ini menggunakan model penelitian deskriptifstatistik. Analisis yang digunakan yaitu dengan Statistical Process Control (SPC) dan Kaizen. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pengendendalian kualitas produk masih berada dalam batas kendali.Jenis kerusakan adalah adalah ukuran ban ring 1100/20 dengan jumlah kecacatan sebesar 2,3%, ukuran ban ring 900/20 jumlah kecacatan sebesar 4,4% dan untuk ban ukuran 750/16 sebesar 2,7%. Dari diagram sebab akibat dapat diketahui faktor penyebab kerusakan dari yang paling dominan meliputi mesin, bahan baku, manusia, dan metode. Berdasarkan kaizenmaka rekomendasi untuk mengurangi kec...
In a simple electroplating/ phosphating can be interpreted as a metal coating process, with the h... more In a simple electroplating/ phosphating can be interpreted as a metal coating process, with the help of electric current and certain chemical compounds in order to move the metal particle coating material to be coated. The results of the metal plating waste heavy metal that can have a negative impact on the environment, therefore it is necessary for the handling of waste from electroplating/phosphating, through stages such as the neutralization process, purification, precipitation, and separation. Keywords: electroplating, phosphating, the waste.
Tunjuk Ajar: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Pendidikan, 2021
This study aims to assist teachers in developing learning media in elementary schools, namely the... more This study aims to assist teachers in developing learning media in elementary schools, namely the big book. This study uses a developmental research type with the Thiagarajan 4-D Model which consists of 4 stages, namely, define, design, develop, and disseminate. The research was conducted at PGSD of FKIP, Universitas Riau. The object of this research is the big book of elementary school students developed from the basic competencies in the 2013 curriculum. The products produced are 3 big books with the title Sekolahku, Wisata ke Pantai and Taman Kota. The results of the validation of the three big book titles carried out by experts, the feasibility of the content of the material obtained by the percentage of scores for the title Sekolahku 82.1%; Wisata ke Pantai 82.1%; and Taman Kota 86%. Meanwhile, for the big book language assessment, the percentage for Sekolahku was 79.9%; Wisata ke Pantai 79.7%; and Taman Kota 82.5%. So that the big book learning media is feasible to be tested w...
Papers by riki putra