Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 1994
1. The effects of sodium supplements on the renal responses to human atrial natriuretic peptide a... more 1. The effects of sodium supplements on the renal responses to human atrial natriuretic peptide and to the selective inhibitors of neutral endopeptidase 1 (NEP) S Q 28 603 and candoxatrilat were determined in conscious monkeys.
Individuals with Down's syndrome (DS) tend to display a reduction in size of permanent teeth,... more Individuals with Down's syndrome (DS) tend to display a reduction in size of permanent teeth, and reduced intercuspal distances in molars. A total of 51 permanent maxillary 1st molars of 26 DS children were examined from dental casts, 65 permanent maxillary 1st molars of normal children were examined from dental casts of 33 individuals. The following measurements were performed on both right and left molars (teeth 16 and 26 respectively): (1) all intercusp distance (distobuccal, db; distolingual, dl; mesiobuccal, mb; mesiolingual, ml); (2) the db-mb-ml, mb-db-ml, db-ml-mb, dl-mb-db, mb-dl-db, and dl-db-mb angles; (3) the area of the quadrangle shaped by connecting the cusp tips. All the intercusp distances were significantly smaller in the DS group. Stepwise logistic regression, applied to all the intercusp distances, was used to build a multivariate probability model for DS and normals. The mb-dl and mb-ml distances of the upper right molar (tooth 16) were sufficient to discrim...
Tooth components of 1st and 2nd erupted permanent molars were measured from standardised radiogra... more Tooth components of 1st and 2nd erupted permanent molars were measured from standardised radiographs of Homo sapiens sapiens and Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. Enamel height was greater in Homo sapiens sapiens but pulp height and width and the height of the enamel to floor of the pulp chamber were greater in Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. Dentine height, crown width and enamel width showed similar results in the two groups. Unerupted first molars were measured to analyse the influence of function on tooth components and the results obtained were always within the range measured for the erupted teeth. Discriminant analysis between groups, using tooth components, showed accuracy of 93% for identification of Homo sapiens sapiens and 94% for identification of Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. The results support the hypothesis of a distinct evolutionary line for the Neanderthals.
Because the Holy Land occupies a land bridge between the two great centers of early Near Eastem c... more Because the Holy Land occupies a land bridge between the two great centers of early Near Eastem cul-ture—Egypt and Mesopotamia— the Holy Land and its social évolu-tion have usually been linked to thèse core areas of ancient civilization. Récent excavations in Israel's northem Negev Désert at the late fifth to early fourth millennium BC settlement of Shiqmim provide insights into the growth and décline of the earliest agro-pastoral settlement System in the Beersheva Valley. The new data point to a local growth process with little direct influence from the outside world. Numerous radiocarbon détermina-tions, extensive Systems of subterranean rooms in the lowest occupation levels, and a planned open-air settlement in the latest stratum, challenge théories conceming the developmental history of human societies in this part of the Near East. Analyses of fauna and craft specialization in métal add insi^ts into the émergence of the Mediter-ranean economy and social complexity in the an...
Enamel hypoplasia was recorded for the primary and permanent teeth of Natufians (terminal Pleisto... more Enamel hypoplasia was recorded for the primary and permanent teeth of Natufians (terminal Pleistocene Hunter-Gatherers) and Early Arabs (Subsistence farmers). Minimal hypoplasia was found in the primary teeth of the Natufians, but in the Early Arab population, 31% of upper first primary molars showed enamel defects. In the permanent teeth, the Early Arab population again showed a significantly higher frequency of hypoplasia, with all teeth affected. In the Natufians, only later developing teeth showed enamel defects. These findings suggest that health status in the Early Arab population was poor throughout life, affecting pregnant mothers, their foetuses, young infants and children. These results confirm other studies that have shown deterioration in health status of early agriculturalists relative to hunter-gatherers. Comparisons of these findings with those of recent populations indicate that health status in the Natufians was comparable to that of modern populations with subsistence diets and mediocre health care. Health status in the Early Arab population was comparable to that of modern populations suffering from severe malnutrition and chronic disease.
Bloom, AI, Bloom, RA, Kahila, G., Eisenberg, E. and Smith, P.(1995), Amputation of the hand in th... more Bloom, AI, Bloom, RA, Kahila, G., Eisenberg, E. and Smith, P.(1995), Amputation of the hand in the 3600-year-old skeletal remains of an adult male: The first case reported from Israel. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 5: 188–191. doi: 10.1002/oa. 1390050213
Three circumscribed depressed fractures were found on the skull of an adolescent boy recovered fr... more Three circumscribed depressed fractures were found on the skull of an adolescent boy recovered from a primary intramural burial at the Chalcolithic site of Shiqmim, northern Negev, Israel dated to (∼4500-3200 BCE). The fractures were located on the left side and back of the skull. They are circular in outline and have sharp margins containing numerous small bone fragments. These indicate that the skull was fractured when the bone was still fresh and were the probable cause of death. The location of the fractured areas is typical of blows inflicted by a right-handed individual in face-to-face conflict. The size and shape of the fractures, suggests that they were inflicted by a blunt instrument, possibly a mace head. The absence of any signs of healing or infection indicates that all fractures occurred within a short space of time and resulted in death. Neither biological characteristics nor burial pattern show any unique features that distinguish this individual from others recovered at this site.
Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology, 2011
The hierarchical pattern of tooth formation means that successive phases of development can be id... more The hierarchical pattern of tooth formation means that successive phases of development can be identified in fully formed teeth offering a unique insight into ontogenetic processes. The spatial geometry of the cusps expressed in the topography of the dentin-enamel junction (DEJ) records the partitioning of cell proliferation and differentiation as well as the timing of these events. The final stage
Three hominin phalanges were recently identified in old faunal collections attributed to the Late... more Three hominin phalanges were recently identified in old faunal collections attributed to the Late Acheulean (Layer D2) dated to ca. 213 Kya, from Oumm Qatafa Cave (Judean Desert), a site excavated in . In terms of general appearance (colour, patina and adhering sediment), these specimens resembled the fauna with which they were found, but the likelihood of stratigraphic problems especially in old excavations, the presence of 4th millennium B.C. burials in the topmost Layer A at the site and the absence of any mention of Late Acheulean hominin remains in publications relating to the site prompted us to verify that the phalanges were indeed in situ. Osteometric examination showed the phalanges to be indistinguishable from those of Middle Paleolithic Levantine anatomically modern humans (AMHS) as well as Upper Paleolithic and recent populations, thus contributing little to the resolution of their provenance. To further investigate this issue, we compared the elemental composition of the phalanges to that of fauna from the same and overlying archaeological layers using non-destructive laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). The results showed a close resemblance in elemental composition between the phalanges and fauna from Layer D2, implying that they are in situ. This would indicate either an early occurrence of AMHS in the region or the presence of an ancestral archaic Homo. We propose that LA-ICP-MS offers a useful minimally invasive method for provenancing isolated human and faunal remains.
Objectives: This study was carried out to evaluate the extent of differences in mineralization of... more Objectives: This study was carried out to evaluate the extent of differences in mineralization of inner and outer enamel of the lower primary second molars of children with Down syndrome (DS) and Cerebral Palsy (CP) as revealed by acid treatment of exfoliated teeth. The results were compared to those obtained from a control group of healthy children. Methods: The sample included 4 mandibular second molars from each group. On each tooth, a thin section was cut, bisecting the mesial cusps. The analysis was carried out on the mesio-buccal cusps. Atomic force microscopy (AMF) was used to analyze the morphological structure of the dental enamel after 10 sec of 0.1 mol% citric acid treatment. The measurements were performed on 3 points in the enamel close to the outer surface and 3 points in the enamel close to the dentin. The differences between groups were analyzed using Mann Whitney tests. Results: In controls and CP teeth the outer enamel was more resistant to etching than the inner enamel. In DS teeth both outer and inner enamel showed similar results for all parameters. Between group comparisons showed that roughness values were significantly higher (P<0.01) in DS teeth than in either controls or CP teeth. No significant differences were found between CP and control teeth.
... It has been proposed that these changes were a response to the migration of herders into the ... more ... It has been proposed that these changes were a response to the migration of herders into the south-western Cape ... in this regard: that two distinct populations co-existed; one active in hunt-ing/gathering (defined as &#x27;San&#x27;), the other in pastoralism (defined as &#x27;Khoikhoi&#x27;). ...
Computerized tomographs were taken of 22 mandibles, selected from an early Arab population and ag... more Computerized tomographs were taken of 22 mandibles, selected from an early Arab population and aged between 17 and 60 years. A specially designed holder was used to define specific locations along the mandible, namely symphysis, mid sagittal section through the corpus, midpoint of the first molar (M1), gonion and ramus. Cortical cross sectional area and principal moments of inertia were
ABSTRACT Down Syndrome (DS) (Trisomy 21) is a relatively common anomaly occurring in one in every... more ABSTRACT Down Syndrome (DS) (Trisomy 21) is a relatively common anomaly occurring in one in every 600-700 live births and characterized by impaired growth and development and early senescence. Signs of abnormal development have been observed on ultrasound as early as the first trimester. By the second trimester additional signs are evident on ultrasound, affecting skeletal growth as well as other organ systems. Dental anomalies include reduced tooth size and number, thin enamel and abnormal crown form as well as taurodont roots and a high frequency of missing teeth. The severity of the dental defects varies along the tooth row with later developing teeth most severely affected. Recent studies carried out on exfoliated (shed) deciduous teeth using a combination of serial microCT scans and SEM have enabled us to reconstruct the chronology and extent of intrauterine and infant growth insults in DS infants, expressed in growth and differentiation of the developing teeth. Our results for the deciduous teeth show that in DS, there is accelerated dental development in the first trimester followed by progressive growth retardation associated with impaired differentiation of the dental tissues. These changes appear to primarily affect cells derived from ectoderm affecting cell division and differentiation resulting in a smaller modified tooth germ and impaired enamel matrix formation and bio-mineralization. The resulting enamel is thin and hypomineralized and this may contribute to the severe abrasion seen in the teeth of DS children despite the associated lack of muscle tone.
serial microtomographic imaging; tooth development; deciduous molar ABSTRACT Dental morphogenesis... more serial microtomographic imaging; tooth development; deciduous molar ABSTRACT Dental morphogenesis and cellular differentiation are expressed in the fully formed tooth by the topography of the dentin-enamel junction and outer enamel surface. These boundaries can be differentiated using a variety of imaging systems. In this study, we used serial microCT imaging to provide accurate 3D reconstructions of developing lower human second deciduous molars. These were used to quantify the volume of enamel and dentin of individual cusps in relation to basal crown height. As growth and differentiation proceed apically, the spatial orientation of cusp tips and their bases were used to estimate their order of initiation and coalescence. We found that the order of coalescence differed from the order of initiation. We also found that dentin cusp height and volume as well as rate and quantity of enamel apposition varied along mesio-distal and bucco-lingual axes, and were independent of order of initiation and duration of growth. These results demonstrate that the potential for variation in crown size and form is maintained throughout development. We propose that the microCT model developed in this study constitutes a new approach for the investigation of developmental variation and its contribution to phylogenetic variation expressed in crown form and size.
Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 1994
1. The effects of sodium supplements on the renal responses to human atrial natriuretic peptide a... more 1. The effects of sodium supplements on the renal responses to human atrial natriuretic peptide and to the selective inhibitors of neutral endopeptidase 1 (NEP) S Q 28 603 and candoxatrilat were determined in conscious monkeys.
Individuals with Down's syndrome (DS) tend to display a reduction in size of permanent teeth,... more Individuals with Down's syndrome (DS) tend to display a reduction in size of permanent teeth, and reduced intercuspal distances in molars. A total of 51 permanent maxillary 1st molars of 26 DS children were examined from dental casts, 65 permanent maxillary 1st molars of normal children were examined from dental casts of 33 individuals. The following measurements were performed on both right and left molars (teeth 16 and 26 respectively): (1) all intercusp distance (distobuccal, db; distolingual, dl; mesiobuccal, mb; mesiolingual, ml); (2) the db-mb-ml, mb-db-ml, db-ml-mb, dl-mb-db, mb-dl-db, and dl-db-mb angles; (3) the area of the quadrangle shaped by connecting the cusp tips. All the intercusp distances were significantly smaller in the DS group. Stepwise logistic regression, applied to all the intercusp distances, was used to build a multivariate probability model for DS and normals. The mb-dl and mb-ml distances of the upper right molar (tooth 16) were sufficient to discrim...
Tooth components of 1st and 2nd erupted permanent molars were measured from standardised radiogra... more Tooth components of 1st and 2nd erupted permanent molars were measured from standardised radiographs of Homo sapiens sapiens and Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. Enamel height was greater in Homo sapiens sapiens but pulp height and width and the height of the enamel to floor of the pulp chamber were greater in Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. Dentine height, crown width and enamel width showed similar results in the two groups. Unerupted first molars were measured to analyse the influence of function on tooth components and the results obtained were always within the range measured for the erupted teeth. Discriminant analysis between groups, using tooth components, showed accuracy of 93% for identification of Homo sapiens sapiens and 94% for identification of Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. The results support the hypothesis of a distinct evolutionary line for the Neanderthals.
Because the Holy Land occupies a land bridge between the two great centers of early Near Eastem c... more Because the Holy Land occupies a land bridge between the two great centers of early Near Eastem cul-ture—Egypt and Mesopotamia— the Holy Land and its social évolu-tion have usually been linked to thèse core areas of ancient civilization. Récent excavations in Israel's northem Negev Désert at the late fifth to early fourth millennium BC settlement of Shiqmim provide insights into the growth and décline of the earliest agro-pastoral settlement System in the Beersheva Valley. The new data point to a local growth process with little direct influence from the outside world. Numerous radiocarbon détermina-tions, extensive Systems of subterranean rooms in the lowest occupation levels, and a planned open-air settlement in the latest stratum, challenge théories conceming the developmental history of human societies in this part of the Near East. Analyses of fauna and craft specialization in métal add insi^ts into the émergence of the Mediter-ranean economy and social complexity in the an...
Enamel hypoplasia was recorded for the primary and permanent teeth of Natufians (terminal Pleisto... more Enamel hypoplasia was recorded for the primary and permanent teeth of Natufians (terminal Pleistocene Hunter-Gatherers) and Early Arabs (Subsistence farmers). Minimal hypoplasia was found in the primary teeth of the Natufians, but in the Early Arab population, 31% of upper first primary molars showed enamel defects. In the permanent teeth, the Early Arab population again showed a significantly higher frequency of hypoplasia, with all teeth affected. In the Natufians, only later developing teeth showed enamel defects. These findings suggest that health status in the Early Arab population was poor throughout life, affecting pregnant mothers, their foetuses, young infants and children. These results confirm other studies that have shown deterioration in health status of early agriculturalists relative to hunter-gatherers. Comparisons of these findings with those of recent populations indicate that health status in the Natufians was comparable to that of modern populations with subsistence diets and mediocre health care. Health status in the Early Arab population was comparable to that of modern populations suffering from severe malnutrition and chronic disease.
Bloom, AI, Bloom, RA, Kahila, G., Eisenberg, E. and Smith, P.(1995), Amputation of the hand in th... more Bloom, AI, Bloom, RA, Kahila, G., Eisenberg, E. and Smith, P.(1995), Amputation of the hand in the 3600-year-old skeletal remains of an adult male: The first case reported from Israel. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 5: 188–191. doi: 10.1002/oa. 1390050213
Three circumscribed depressed fractures were found on the skull of an adolescent boy recovered fr... more Three circumscribed depressed fractures were found on the skull of an adolescent boy recovered from a primary intramural burial at the Chalcolithic site of Shiqmim, northern Negev, Israel dated to (∼4500-3200 BCE). The fractures were located on the left side and back of the skull. They are circular in outline and have sharp margins containing numerous small bone fragments. These indicate that the skull was fractured when the bone was still fresh and were the probable cause of death. The location of the fractured areas is typical of blows inflicted by a right-handed individual in face-to-face conflict. The size and shape of the fractures, suggests that they were inflicted by a blunt instrument, possibly a mace head. The absence of any signs of healing or infection indicates that all fractures occurred within a short space of time and resulted in death. Neither biological characteristics nor burial pattern show any unique features that distinguish this individual from others recovered at this site.
Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology, 2011
The hierarchical pattern of tooth formation means that successive phases of development can be id... more The hierarchical pattern of tooth formation means that successive phases of development can be identified in fully formed teeth offering a unique insight into ontogenetic processes. The spatial geometry of the cusps expressed in the topography of the dentin-enamel junction (DEJ) records the partitioning of cell proliferation and differentiation as well as the timing of these events. The final stage
Three hominin phalanges were recently identified in old faunal collections attributed to the Late... more Three hominin phalanges were recently identified in old faunal collections attributed to the Late Acheulean (Layer D2) dated to ca. 213 Kya, from Oumm Qatafa Cave (Judean Desert), a site excavated in . In terms of general appearance (colour, patina and adhering sediment), these specimens resembled the fauna with which they were found, but the likelihood of stratigraphic problems especially in old excavations, the presence of 4th millennium B.C. burials in the topmost Layer A at the site and the absence of any mention of Late Acheulean hominin remains in publications relating to the site prompted us to verify that the phalanges were indeed in situ. Osteometric examination showed the phalanges to be indistinguishable from those of Middle Paleolithic Levantine anatomically modern humans (AMHS) as well as Upper Paleolithic and recent populations, thus contributing little to the resolution of their provenance. To further investigate this issue, we compared the elemental composition of the phalanges to that of fauna from the same and overlying archaeological layers using non-destructive laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). The results showed a close resemblance in elemental composition between the phalanges and fauna from Layer D2, implying that they are in situ. This would indicate either an early occurrence of AMHS in the region or the presence of an ancestral archaic Homo. We propose that LA-ICP-MS offers a useful minimally invasive method for provenancing isolated human and faunal remains.
Objectives: This study was carried out to evaluate the extent of differences in mineralization of... more Objectives: This study was carried out to evaluate the extent of differences in mineralization of inner and outer enamel of the lower primary second molars of children with Down syndrome (DS) and Cerebral Palsy (CP) as revealed by acid treatment of exfoliated teeth. The results were compared to those obtained from a control group of healthy children. Methods: The sample included 4 mandibular second molars from each group. On each tooth, a thin section was cut, bisecting the mesial cusps. The analysis was carried out on the mesio-buccal cusps. Atomic force microscopy (AMF) was used to analyze the morphological structure of the dental enamel after 10 sec of 0.1 mol% citric acid treatment. The measurements were performed on 3 points in the enamel close to the outer surface and 3 points in the enamel close to the dentin. The differences between groups were analyzed using Mann Whitney tests. Results: In controls and CP teeth the outer enamel was more resistant to etching than the inner enamel. In DS teeth both outer and inner enamel showed similar results for all parameters. Between group comparisons showed that roughness values were significantly higher (P<0.01) in DS teeth than in either controls or CP teeth. No significant differences were found between CP and control teeth.
... It has been proposed that these changes were a response to the migration of herders into the ... more ... It has been proposed that these changes were a response to the migration of herders into the south-western Cape ... in this regard: that two distinct populations co-existed; one active in hunt-ing/gathering (defined as &#x27;San&#x27;), the other in pastoralism (defined as &#x27;Khoikhoi&#x27;). ...
Computerized tomographs were taken of 22 mandibles, selected from an early Arab population and ag... more Computerized tomographs were taken of 22 mandibles, selected from an early Arab population and aged between 17 and 60 years. A specially designed holder was used to define specific locations along the mandible, namely symphysis, mid sagittal section through the corpus, midpoint of the first molar (M1), gonion and ramus. Cortical cross sectional area and principal moments of inertia were
ABSTRACT Down Syndrome (DS) (Trisomy 21) is a relatively common anomaly occurring in one in every... more ABSTRACT Down Syndrome (DS) (Trisomy 21) is a relatively common anomaly occurring in one in every 600-700 live births and characterized by impaired growth and development and early senescence. Signs of abnormal development have been observed on ultrasound as early as the first trimester. By the second trimester additional signs are evident on ultrasound, affecting skeletal growth as well as other organ systems. Dental anomalies include reduced tooth size and number, thin enamel and abnormal crown form as well as taurodont roots and a high frequency of missing teeth. The severity of the dental defects varies along the tooth row with later developing teeth most severely affected. Recent studies carried out on exfoliated (shed) deciduous teeth using a combination of serial microCT scans and SEM have enabled us to reconstruct the chronology and extent of intrauterine and infant growth insults in DS infants, expressed in growth and differentiation of the developing teeth. Our results for the deciduous teeth show that in DS, there is accelerated dental development in the first trimester followed by progressive growth retardation associated with impaired differentiation of the dental tissues. These changes appear to primarily affect cells derived from ectoderm affecting cell division and differentiation resulting in a smaller modified tooth germ and impaired enamel matrix formation and bio-mineralization. The resulting enamel is thin and hypomineralized and this may contribute to the severe abrasion seen in the teeth of DS children despite the associated lack of muscle tone.
serial microtomographic imaging; tooth development; deciduous molar ABSTRACT Dental morphogenesis... more serial microtomographic imaging; tooth development; deciduous molar ABSTRACT Dental morphogenesis and cellular differentiation are expressed in the fully formed tooth by the topography of the dentin-enamel junction and outer enamel surface. These boundaries can be differentiated using a variety of imaging systems. In this study, we used serial microCT imaging to provide accurate 3D reconstructions of developing lower human second deciduous molars. These were used to quantify the volume of enamel and dentin of individual cusps in relation to basal crown height. As growth and differentiation proceed apically, the spatial orientation of cusp tips and their bases were used to estimate their order of initiation and coalescence. We found that the order of coalescence differed from the order of initiation. We also found that dentin cusp height and volume as well as rate and quantity of enamel apposition varied along mesio-distal and bucco-lingual axes, and were independent of order of initiation and duration of growth. These results demonstrate that the potential for variation in crown size and form is maintained throughout development. We propose that the microCT model developed in this study constitutes a new approach for the investigation of developmental variation and its contribution to phylogenetic variation expressed in crown form and size.
Papers by patricia Smith