European Journal of Education Studies by necmi esgi
The aim of this study was to identify preservice teachers’ opinions regarding instructional desig... more The aim of this study was to identify preservice teachers’ opinions regarding instructional design. In order to achieve this goal interviews with the sophomore students, who finished instructional design course, was conducted. Afterwards, interviews were transcribed, categorized and analyzed. Majority of the preservice teachers claimed that instructional design models were not applicable to classroom settings in real life. They also emphasized that technology integration did not included instructional design and there was excessive concentration on technology; and instructional design dimension was overlooked. Participants claimed that Robert Gagne’s approach was the most appropriate instructional design approach in classroom settings. They believe the theorist after Gagne was not very successful and instructional design lost its effectiveness. They underlined that the field required new theorists.
The purpose of the study is to bring in the third part of diachronic conversation on instructiona... more The purpose of the study is to bring in the third part of diachronic conversation on instructional design with Robert Gagné and David Merrill to trancripts. This conversation was hosted by Utah State University, in the United States of America, in July 10, 1989. Throughout the history of instructional design, these two scientists are considered as the pioneers of the field and in these sessions, they summarize and compare their studies. In the third session, Gagné and Merrill represent their theories from their own perspectives.
Books by necmi esgi
Papers by necmi esgi
European Journal of Education Studies, Mar 27, 2024
This study aimed to develop a valid and reliable scale to determine the opinions of high school s... more This study aimed to develop a valid and reliable scale to determine the opinions of high school students and teachers about 21st century technology literacy skills. During the scale development phase, an item pool of 36 items that provided content validity was created, after expert opinion, the number of items was reduced to 32 items in total, and the scale was applied to a total of 794 people for the first application of the scale development phase. The data obtained as a result of the first application were subjected to exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and reliability studies. As a result of the analysis, a three-factor scale ("Ability to Comprehend Technology", "Ability to Use Technology" and "Paying Attention") consisting of a total of 18 items, whose validity and reliability were ensured, was obtained. To test the suitability of the factor structure of the scale, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed by applying the scale to a total of 418 people. As a result of the analysis, the factor structure (fit index values) of the scale was found to be within the desired reference ranges. In line with the sub-objectives of the study, significant differences were observed according to the gender variable of students and teachers. No significant difference emerged according to the variables of teachers' seniority years. It was observed that there was a significant difference between students and teachers in favor of teachers in all dimensions. As a result of all analysis studies of the scale, a scale consisting of 14 items in total, whose validity and reliability have been sufficiently proven, has been developed and can be applied to high school students.
European Scientific Journal, ESJ, Aug 29, 2014
The goal of this study was comparisons of effects of student and teacher prepared screencasts abo... more The goal of this study was comparisons of effects of student and teacher prepared screencasts about Photoshop graphics editor on student achievement, during the spring 2013 semester Computer course. To achieve this goal, pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design was used to compare two groups. Sample was composed 74 participants and they were divided into a control group and an experimental group. Students prepared all the screencasts in the experimental group and instructor prepared the screencasts in the control group. As a result of this study, it was concluded that achievement scores of the experimental group who prepared their own screencasts were higher than the control group whose screencasts were prepared by the instructor.
EDUCATION AND SCIENCE; Cilt 38, Sayı 170 (2013), Nov 14, 2013
In accordance with expository teaching, the aim of the research is to determine the effects of fi... more In accordance with expository teaching, the aim of the research is to determine the effects of five different e-learning types on student achievement. In order to accomplish this, five different e-learning designs dealing with the same subject were formed within the scope of expository teaching. These designs include two synchronous (Instructor-led, Telementoring and E-coaching) and three asynchronous (Learner-led, Facilitated, Embedded) types of e-learning. The designs were carried out with 250 first-year university students attending the course Computer II (Database), distributed to five different groups. The participants were asked to compile a multiple choice achievement test with 40 items. The findings of the study showed that there were significant differences among groups in terms of student achievement. Instructorled e-learning groups were more successful than other groups. Differences among the students' achievements were discussed based on the "synchronous instructor effect".
Kastamonu Üniversitesi Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 2014
Insanlar var olduklari gunden beri duygu, dusunce, fikir ve bilgilerini ifade etmek icin surekli... more Insanlar var olduklari gunden beri duygu, dusunce, fikir ve bilgilerini ifade etmek icin surekli bir arayis icinde olmustur. Temel ihtiyaclarimizdan biri olan iletisim farkli yollar ile yapilabilmektedir. Insanlar yasadiklari olaylari, dusuncelerini ve duygularini kendi dunyalarinda var olan kelimelerle, sekillerle, imgelerle aciklamaktadir. Icinde bulundugumuz bilgi caginda bireylerden, bilgiye kendilerinin ulasmasi, bilgileri sorgulayabilmesi, elde ettikleri bilgileri kullanabilmesi ve bilimsel dusunme yetenegine sahip olmalari beklenmektedir. Bilgiyi ve teknolojiyi kullanabilen bireyleri yetistirmede en buyuk sorumluluk ogretmenlere, dolayisiyla da bilisim teknolojileri (BT) ogretmenlerine dusmektedir. BT ogretmenlerinin gorev yaptiklari okullardaki yoneticilerin bakis acilari farklilik gosterdigi icin her okulda bilisim ogretmenine verilen deger farklilasmaktadir. Okullarda BT ogretmenine teknisyen, teknik eleman, memur olarak bakilmasi bir yanlislik olarak ortaya cikmaktadir....
Internet bagimliligi, internet kullanimina sinirlama getirememe, sosyal veya akademik zararlarina... more Internet bagimliligi, internet kullanimina sinirlama getirememe, sosyal veya akademik zararlarina ragmen kullanima devam etme ve internete ulasimin kisitlandigi durumlarda anksiyete duyma gibi belirtilerle kendini gosteren bir teknoloji bagimlilik turudur. Ilgili alanyazin incelendiginde internet bagimliligi konusunda bireylerin kendi kendilerini degerlendirebilecekleri az sayida da olsa internet bagimlilik olceginin bulundugu ve bunlarin Turkceye uyarlama calismalarinin mevcut oldugu goze carpmaktadir. Bunun yanisira ilgili alanyazinda internet bagimliligi konusunda ailelerin cocuklarini degerlendirebilecekleri tek bir olcek bulundugu tespit edilmistir. Bu calismanin amaci ailelerin cocuklarini internet bagimliligi konusunda degerlendirmelerine imkân saglayan Aile- Cocuk Internet Bagimlilik Olcegi’nin (Parent- Child Internet Addiction Test, PCIAT20) Turkceye uyarlama calismasinin yapilmasi ve uygulanmasidir. Yaslari 12-17 arasinda degisen 480 cocugun anne veya babalari bu uyarlama ...
the Journal of Academic Social Sciences, 2015
World Journal on Educational Technology, Apr 30, 2013
The aim of the study is to examine the self-perceptions of elementary school sixth-, seventh- and... more The aim of the study is to examine the self-perceptions of elementary school sixth-, seventh- and eighth-grade students who are aged between 12 and 15 about computer game addiction. In the research, the game addiction scale was employed in order to determine students’ self-perceptions. The scale was administered to 1467 elementary school students. Of the participants students in the research, 16,8% described themselves as individuals experiencing problems in computer game addiction. On the other hand, it was determined that the factors of age and gender create significant differences in students’ self-perceptions, whereas the factors of socioeconomic level and grade level do not. Keywords: Computer, Game Addiction, Elementary School Students. Paper presented at World Conference on Educational Sciences which is being held 2012-02-02 at Barcelona in Spain.
The purpose of the present paper is to conduct a qualitative study of the meanings assigned by 5t... more The purpose of the present paper is to conduct a qualitative study of the meanings assigned by 5th grade students from three schools with different socio-economic levels to the concept of computer. For a detailed description and interpretation of the problem, interviews and brainstorming were employed in the study in order to reveal what students think and how they conceive. The data obtained through interviews were converted into evaluation profiles by means of concept mapping. The study concluded that there is a significant difference among the three groups with different socio-economic levels, the difference being against the students from the lower socio-economic level. This finding proves the existence of digital divide.
the Journal of Academic Social Sciences, 2016
Mevlana International Journal of Education, 2013
Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) consists of different heterogeneous nodes located on the surfac... more Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) consists of different heterogeneous nodes located on the surface or inside the human body to serve variety of applications. WBAN is a promising solution in healthcare field. Routing protocols are having a clear effect on the efficiency of WBAN. However, the current routing protocols in Wireless Sensor Network are not applicable for WBAN due to their performance limitations especially in the human body. In this paper, a new routing protocol is proposed for WBAN using weighted average optimization function. It is an enhanced version of Multipath Ring Routing Protocol (MRRP) where a weighted average function is used for determining the next hop node. A performance evaluation for different WBAN routing protocols for healthcare applications is presented. The protocols are evaluated in terms of energy consumption, packet reception rate, end-to-end delay and maximum temperature of sensor nodes. Simulation results showed that, compared to MRRP, the proposed protocol has better delivery rate for data packets.
The aim of the study is to examine the self-perceptions of university students about social media... more The aim of the study is to examine the self-perceptions of university students about social media addiction who are aged between 18 and 21 and up. In the research, the social media addiction scale was employed in order to determine students' self-perceptions. The scale was administered to 180 students. Of the participant students in the research, 25% described themselves as individuals experiencing problems in Social media addiction. On the other hand, it was determined that the factors of age, gender and socioeconomic level create no significant differences in students' self-perceptions, l indicate the predicting leadership style with organizational health.
The aim of this study was to identify preservice teachers' opinions regarding instructional d... more The aim of this study was to identify preservice teachers' opinions regarding instructional design. In order to achieve this goal interviews with the sophomore students, who finished instructional design course, was conducted. Afterwards, interviews were transcribed, categorized and analyzed. Majority of the preservice teachers claimed that instructional design models were not applicable to classroom settings in real life. They also emphasized that technology integration did not included instructional design and there was excessive concentration on technology; and instructional design dimension was overlooked. Participants claimed that Robert Gagne's approach was the most appropriate instructional design approach in classroom settings. They believe the theorist after Gagne was not very successful and instructional design lost its effectiveness. They underlined that the field required new theorists.
The aim of this study is to classify and interpret the data obtained from the Parent-Child intern... more The aim of this study is to classify and interpret the data obtained from the Parent-Child internet addiction scale using artificial neural networks, which enables parents to evaluate their children's internet addiction levels. The Parent-Child Internet Addiction Scale in the study was administered to 1356 parents and children. The results obtained from this application are classified using artificial neural networks. The dominant factors affecting the parfent's view of their children as Internet addiction is determined to spend time on the internet.
The purpose of the study is to bring in the fourth part of diachronic conversation on instruction... more The purpose of the study is to bring in the fourth part of diachronic conversation on instructional design with Robert Gagné and David Merrill to trancripts. This conversation was hosted by Utah State University, in the United States of America, in July 10, 1989. Throughout the history of instructional design, these two scientists are considered as the pioneers of the field and in these sessions, they summarize and compare their studies.
European Journal of Education Studies by necmi esgi
Books by necmi esgi
Papers by necmi esgi