Jurnal Ilmiah Mizani: Wacana Hukum, Ekonomi Dan Keagamaan, 2018
In classical fiqh which is based on the classic Proposal of Jurisprudence, it is often considered... more In classical fiqh which is based on the classic Proposal of Jurisprudence, it is often considered outdated and has no effectiveness in dealing with new problems. This paper tries to provide a description of substantive clarification between sharia and fiqh, which is the area of proposal (sharia) and which branch area (fiqh ) Then the discussion continued with its urgency through a hermeneutic approach in carrying out Indonesian local jurisprudence. The Qur'anic texts are fixed, God's laws also do not change and do not change. He never subsided from time to time and from society to other communities. Therefore, changes and changes are only about efforts to adjust and apply the laws of God to the conditions of society and the situation of the times. In other words, fiqh is essentially the result of efforts to harmonize the Shari'a with the conditions of the society and its era. Especially in the Indonesian context, fiqh must also be adapted to the socio-cultural conditions...
The nature of religion has been endlessly discussed by philosophers, theologians, psychologists, ... more The nature of religion has been endlessly discussed by philosophers, theologians, psychologists, and sociologists. They look at different aspectsof religion as their interests and their purposes differ. Therefore, they formulate variety of definition of religion. Religion is seen to be difficult to define. But it is necessary to have a clear definition of religion as a starting point for religious studies. This paper discuss the definitions of religion given by the schoolars and then give a clear definition as an attemp to build up tolerant. Religion is not the same with religious beliefs and practices or religious experiences.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manajemen pengendalian hama Ulat Pemakan Daun Kelapa Sa... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manajemen pengendalian hama Ulat Pemakan Daun Kelapa Sawit (UPDKS) di PT. Farinda Bersaudara, Desa Jambuk, Kecamatan Bongan, Kabupaten Kutai Barat, Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. Data diperoleh melalui observasi, peninjauan lapangan dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa manajemen pengendalian Hama Ulat Pemakan daun (UPDKS) yang dilakukan di PT. Farinda Bersaudara telah sesuai dengan apa yang diharapkan yaitu dapat megurangi populasi hama pada estate Penawai sebesar 90%. Selain itu, pengendalian hama dapat meningkatkan hasil produksi sebesar 4% dilihat dari data produksi tahun 2019 yaitu 88% dan setelah dilakukannya pengendlian produksi tahun 2020 menjadi 92%.
Abstract: Happiness is not the same as joy or pleasure. Happiness is a condition that lasts (a la... more Abstract: Happiness is not the same as joy or pleasure. Happiness is a condition that lasts (a lasting condition) and not a feeling or emotion that passed. In general, a person may feel happy even though he was suffering from grief, as well as someone who is experiencing chronic unhappiness can also know the moments of joy. Also happiness is not a disposition or attitude merry soul, although not denying that these things can help towards happiness. Because some people can have such behavior even in the face of disappointment. Someone was perfectly happy because he has a good full and perfect. Perfect happiness that comes and fully satisfy all our desires, while happiness is called incomplete if it does not satisfy all our desires or, suppose can satisfy all the desires, but are not satisfy with fully. To avoid confusion, it should be noted in earnest here that the moral philosophy of happiness natural look only (natural happiness). Natural happiness is satisfying all desires are inc...
: Child Abuse, intentional acts that result in physical or emotional harm to children. The term ... more : Child Abuse, intentional acts that result in physical or emotional harm to children. The term child abuse covers a wide range of behaviour , from actual physical assault by parents or other adult caretakers to neglect of a child’s basic needs. Child abuse is also sometimes called child maltreatment. Although the extent of child abuse is difficult to measure, it is recognized as a major social problem, especially in industrialized nations. It occurs in all income, racial, religious, and ethnic groups and in urban and rural communities. It is, however, more common in some groups, especially those below the poverty line. Cultures around the world have different standards in deciding what constitutes child abuse. In Sweden, for example, the law prohibits any physical punishment of children, including spanking. By contrast, in some countries of Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean, parents are expected to punish their children by hitting them, include in Indonesia. Studies Child Abuse repr...
The plurality must be done in the world. The nature of religion has been endlessly discussed by p... more The plurality must be done in the world. The nature of religion has been endlessly discussed by philosophers, theologians, psychologists, and sociologists. They look at different aspects of religion as their interests and their purposes differ. Therefore, they formulate variety of definition of religion. Religion is seen to be difficult to define. But it is necessary to have a clear definition of religion as a starting point for religious studies. This paper discusses the definitions of religion given by the scholars and then gives a clear definition as an attempt to build up tolerant. Religion is not the same with religious beliefs and practices or religious experiences. So this article discusses about that.
Converting to a new religion could face a great challenges in Papua. A muallaf, an Islamic term f... more Converting to a new religion could face a great challenges in Papua. A muallaf, an Islamic term for someone converting his religion to islam, will face a strong reaction from various parties, including local police and government. The decision to convert to Islam is not coming only because of God guidance, there are other underlying factors; which are; social stratification, culture and tradition. However, The dominant factor is The Abun’s culture itself that is close to Islamic teachings. Study revealed that the culture that flourished in Abun Society is closer to Islam. Data shows that Islam is the first religion spread in Tambraw region, brought by Sultan Tidore from Ternate. Second, some spiritual teachers that live in mountain considered sacred by the local people. Third, God Guidance. Research used critical analysis, qualitative method with social construction approach. Informants taken by researchers particularly those who took an oath to convert to Islam at MORA Sorong distr...
ABSTRAK Sistem informasi monitoring tugas akhir berbasis web merupakan sistem yang bersifat meman... more ABSTRAK Sistem informasi monitoring tugas akhir berbasis web merupakan sistem yang bersifat memantau dan menyajikan informasi mengenai tugas akhir yang meliputi pelaksanaan praktek kerja lapangan, seminar proposal, seminar hasil, dan ujian tugas akhir. Sistem informasi Monitoring Tugas akhir ini membantu admin Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Mataram untuk mengelola dan menyampaikan informasi kepada mahasiswa, orang tua mahasiswa dan dosen. Pembuatan sistem informasi monitoring tugas akhir ini menggunakan sistem studi kasus dengan meminta data, mewawancara admin Jurusan Teknik Elektro, konsultasi dengan dosen pembimbing dan studi literatur yang mendukung toeri penelitian. Software yang digunakan untuk membangun sistem informasi monitoring tugas akhir berbasis web ini yaitu menggunakan Microsoft Office 2010 untuk membuat laporan, NetBeans IDE 8.2 sebagai editor program, Adobe Photoshop CS untuk mebuat perancangan sistem, Firefox untuk membuka atau mengecek hasil web yang dibuat, Xa...
In this modern age there have been many developments that have renewed the order of society in ph... more In this modern age there have been many developments that have renewed the order of society in philosophizing including the way reacting to the morals philosophy. It soon becomes obvious that all sosial behaviors are developed out of the original trend. Basically, the ethical values of religion were from revelation, so the Islamic morals philosophy is not somewhat debatable point. Yet, this article puts forward the idea of Islamization of the philosophy of ethics by Muslims in the dynamics of the changing phenomena of the age. Some areas confirmed in this study are (1) problem formulation of the concepts or epistemology of ethics or morality; (2) the extend of developments and concepts of contemporary ethics; (3) position and response of the moral philosophy in contemporary ethical thinking. From some of the explanations and references, it can be concluded that morals are the manifest (outer)of behavior (verbal or deed) and the motivational encouragement of spiritual images (inner)....
In the matter of political harmony, the emergence of policies variety that smelled past at least ... more In the matter of political harmony, the emergence of policies variety that smelled past at least it is sufficient evidence that the policy line of the sustainability paradigm. KUB bill that many feared would make a significant setback, indeed fail enacted. However, the advent of the Joint Regulation of the Minister of Religious numbers 9 and Minister of the Interior No. 8 of 2006, which revised the decree number 1 in 1979, seems to have been present the past in the midst of this reform. At the beginning of the reforms, the changes were encouraging, especially during the reign of Abdurrahman Wahid (1999-2001). Gus Dur did significant movement to repeal Presidential Decree No. 14 of 1967 On Religion, Beliefs and Customs of China through Presidential Decree No. 6 of 2000 dated 17 January 2000. Since that time, the rapidly growing Chinese culture, including religious activities. In the reign of Gus Dur, as K.H. Tolhah Hasan served as Minister of Religion, once there is a suggestion that...
The aim of this study is to find out the leadership and communication pattern of the school princ... more The aim of this study is to find out the leadership and communication pattern of the school principal in order to motivate the improvement of teachers’ performance. This research used qualitative approach and case study as its design. The subjects of this research are the school principal, and administration personnel, executive implementer, and the schools’ stakeholders. All of data was analyzed qualitatively through three steps, they are: reduction, display, and verification/getting summary. The result of the study found that: (1) The ways of school principal in increasing the teachers’ performance, as follows: through implementing the transformational leadership style and make all of the school planning participatedly and coordinatively, proportional task disposition, making a report on the assessment of the teacher, class supervision, building solidarity, setting an example of example, building transparency, encouraging continuous education, taking a study tours, training and ed...
In the current reformation era marked by the rise of mass media as a means of mass communication ... more In the current reformation era marked by the rise of mass media as a means of mass communication and a means of forming public opinion, preachers, missionary activists, and Muslims. A journalist should be able to use the mass media to do da'wah as a worship field. A journalist who utilizes the mass media, especially printed media, carries out his da'wah that can be called a preacher 'who preaches bil qalam. This da'wah is called the da'wah bil qalam which basically conveys information about God, about nature and about the hereafter, and the value of eternity of life. Da'wah bil qalam is da'wah through printed media. Given the advances in information technology that enable a person to communicate intensely and cause the message of preaching to spread as widely as possible, preaching through writing, absolutely makes use of advances in information technology. This is where the role of Muslim Journalists takes place of a preacher who spreads goodness to humans.
Al-Qur’an telah disepakati oleh seluruh umat Islam sebagai sumber utama dan terutama dalam Islam,... more Al-Qur’an telah disepakati oleh seluruh umat Islam sebagai sumber utama dan terutama dalam Islam, sedang hadis merupakan sumber kedua setelah Al-Qur’an.Ternyata dalam memahami ayat-ayat Al-Qur’an tidaklah gampang dan memerlukan penjelasan-penjelasan.Dalam hal memberi penjelasan terhadap ayat-ayat tersebut, yang paling berwenang adalah Nabi Muhammad Saw. Penjelasan Nabi Muhammad Saw. itu ada yang berbentuk pasti (qath’i) hingga tidak memberi kemungkinan pemahaman lain. Di samping itu ada pula yang dijelaskan dalam bentuk masih memerlukan perincian dan memberi kemungkinan pemahaman yang berbeda (zhanni). Karenanya, tulisan ini akan berusaha mengemukakan kedua hal tersebut dengan pendekatan Al-Qur’an (qur’ani) dan pendekatan hadis (hadisi).
Konversi agama jelas bukan masalah sederhana di tanah Papua. Perpindahan agama yang dilakukankomu... more Konversi agama jelas bukan masalah sederhana di tanah Papua. Perpindahan agama yang dilakukankomunitas mu’allaf membawa berbagai reaksi keras dari berbagai pihak, temasuk oknum aparat danpemerintah daerah. Keputusan untuk pindah agama ke dalam Islam, tidak semata-mata lahir darihidayah Allah, tetapi ada banyak faktor yang mendasarinya. Faktor-faktor penyebab konversi antaralain: starifikasi sosial, budaya, dan tradisi yang dekat dengan kebiasaan mereka. Faktor budaya yangmelekat, pada suku Abun dengan Islam menjadi faktor dominan mereka melakukan konversi. Dalampenelitian diungkapkan, bahwa sebenarnya budaya yang berkembang di masyarakat Abun lebih dekatdengan Islam. Data menujukan: pertama Islam adalah agama yang pertama kali masuk di daerahTambraw, dibawa oleh Sultan Tidore dari Ternate. kedua faktor guru spiritual yang bertempat tinggaldi gunung disakralkan oleh masyarakat setempat. ketiga faktor hidayah dari Tuhan juga menjadi bagiandari konversi agama yang dilakukan oleh komuni...
Terjadinya kontroversi dalam masalah kepemimpinan perempuan dalam Islam berasal dari perbedaan ul... more Terjadinya kontroversi dalam masalah kepemimpinan perempuan dalam Islam berasal dari perbedaan ulama dalam menafsiri sejumlah ayat dan hadis Nabi. Secara umum jika dianalisa kualitas hadis riwayat al-Bukhârî, al-Turmuzî, dan al-Nasâ`î serta Imam Ahmad tentang kepemimpinan perempuan secara umum adalah shahîh li dzâtihi. Sanadnya memenuhi kaidah kesahihan sanad hadis, yaitu sanadnya bersambung, periwayatnya bersifat tsiqah, dan terhindar dari syudzûdz dan ‘illah. Matannya juga memenuhi kaidah kesahihan matan hadis, yakni terhindar dari syudzûdz dan ‘illah.Secara tekstual, hadis tersebut menunjukkan larangan bagi perempuan menjadi pemimpin dalam urusan umum. Oleh karena itu, mayoritas ulama secara tegas menyatakan kepemimpinan perempuan dalam urusan umum dilarang. Namun secara kontekstual hadis tersebut dapat dipahami bahwa Islam tidak melarang perempuan menduduki suatu jabatan atau menjadi pemimpin dalam urusan umum. Bahkan menjadi kepala negara, dengan syarat sesuai dengan kriteria ...
The present religious presence is required to be active in solving the problems and challenges fa... more The present religious presence is required to be active in solving the problems and challenges facing its adherents. The position and role of religion is not only a symbol of piety but can play a role in solving the existing problems. The psychological approach in Islamic studies has a significant role to explain the outward symptoms of religious people. Armed with psychological theories will be easy to know the level of religion that is understood, lived and practiced by someone. The cognitive theory of religion is able to provide answers related to the limitations beyond human capabilities. In addition, religious-based psychotherapy is one concept of psychotherapy in the perspective of Islam that can be used as a therapy to cure various diseases both physical and mental disorders.
Globalization influences all aspect of life, whether it is in social field, politic, economy, cul... more Globalization influences all aspect of life, whether it is in social field, politic, economy, culture, education and in others field produced the kinds of influencing as positive and negative. There is an interesting development that writer finds in global society that the tendency of society has begun changing on quest of meaning life whether humanism and spiritual value. It relates with presenting of negative influencing of era globalization toward the society who forget the behavior as one of the part of eternity orientation. To answering that problem, Islam has given solution with the lesson in molded of Nashaihul ‘Ibad holy book translation. The writer chooses the product of Imam Nawawi al-Bantani because the holy book includes many materials in Islam guiding that are really interesting to be observed and the content can be contextualized to the global society.
At the end of the Rasyidin Caliphate there was division within Muslims. Politically there are two... more At the end of the Rasyidin Caliphate there was division within Muslims. Politically there are two dominant groups: Hasan bin Ali and Mu’awiyah bin Abi Sufyan. Politically there are two dominant groups, Hasan bin Ali and Mu’awiyah bin Abi Sufyan. After the negotiations, for the sake of unity of Muslims, it was agreed that Hasan acknowledged Mu’awiyah as the Caliph of the Muslim marked the emergence of the Umayyad Dynasty. The moment was called 'am jama'ah (unity year) in 661. The Abbasid Dynasty was the descendant of Prophet Muhammad's uncle, al-Abbas, who supported Ali bin Abi Talib and his descendants (including Hasan bin Ali). This paper aims to discuss some of the political situation that developed when the Umayyads (661-750) and the Abbasids (750- 1258). In Mu’awiyah bin Abi Sufyan's time there was a change of the political system from the khulafaur Rashidin into a system of al-Mulk (heredity monarchy) characterized by the appointment of his son, Yazin bin Mu'...
The renewal of Islamic law is essentially contrary to something that already exists (existing) th... more The renewal of Islamic law is essentially contrary to something that already exists (existing) then undergoes a qualitative change as a product of interaction in public life. It could be argued that the process of renewal of Islamic law is seen as something autonomous, but it also interacts with other elements in society that occur interdependently. Therefore, the concept of renewal of Islamic law requires adaptive stance with social conditions in which it interacts. In this case, the realization of the principle of al-muh}āfaz}atu ‘alā al-qadīmi al-s\ālih} wa al-akhdhu bi al-jadīd al-as\lah} (Maintaining the old one if it is still good and accept the new or changed if it is considered better) became a necessity. Within the framework of family law renewal in Indonesia, Islamic law has a very strategic and important role. From the sociological point of view, Islamic family law has deeply rooted in the Muslim daily live and become a living law in the midst of the majority of Indonesia...
Jurnal Ilmiah Mizani: Wacana Hukum, Ekonomi Dan Keagamaan, 2018
In classical fiqh which is based on the classic Proposal of Jurisprudence, it is often considered... more In classical fiqh which is based on the classic Proposal of Jurisprudence, it is often considered outdated and has no effectiveness in dealing with new problems. This paper tries to provide a description of substantive clarification between sharia and fiqh, which is the area of proposal (sharia) and which branch area (fiqh ) Then the discussion continued with its urgency through a hermeneutic approach in carrying out Indonesian local jurisprudence. The Qur'anic texts are fixed, God's laws also do not change and do not change. He never subsided from time to time and from society to other communities. Therefore, changes and changes are only about efforts to adjust and apply the laws of God to the conditions of society and the situation of the times. In other words, fiqh is essentially the result of efforts to harmonize the Shari'a with the conditions of the society and its era. Especially in the Indonesian context, fiqh must also be adapted to the socio-cultural conditions...
The nature of religion has been endlessly discussed by philosophers, theologians, psychologists, ... more The nature of religion has been endlessly discussed by philosophers, theologians, psychologists, and sociologists. They look at different aspectsof religion as their interests and their purposes differ. Therefore, they formulate variety of definition of religion. Religion is seen to be difficult to define. But it is necessary to have a clear definition of religion as a starting point for religious studies. This paper discuss the definitions of religion given by the schoolars and then give a clear definition as an attemp to build up tolerant. Religion is not the same with religious beliefs and practices or religious experiences.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manajemen pengendalian hama Ulat Pemakan Daun Kelapa Sa... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manajemen pengendalian hama Ulat Pemakan Daun Kelapa Sawit (UPDKS) di PT. Farinda Bersaudara, Desa Jambuk, Kecamatan Bongan, Kabupaten Kutai Barat, Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. Data diperoleh melalui observasi, peninjauan lapangan dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa manajemen pengendalian Hama Ulat Pemakan daun (UPDKS) yang dilakukan di PT. Farinda Bersaudara telah sesuai dengan apa yang diharapkan yaitu dapat megurangi populasi hama pada estate Penawai sebesar 90%. Selain itu, pengendalian hama dapat meningkatkan hasil produksi sebesar 4% dilihat dari data produksi tahun 2019 yaitu 88% dan setelah dilakukannya pengendlian produksi tahun 2020 menjadi 92%.
Abstract: Happiness is not the same as joy or pleasure. Happiness is a condition that lasts (a la... more Abstract: Happiness is not the same as joy or pleasure. Happiness is a condition that lasts (a lasting condition) and not a feeling or emotion that passed. In general, a person may feel happy even though he was suffering from grief, as well as someone who is experiencing chronic unhappiness can also know the moments of joy. Also happiness is not a disposition or attitude merry soul, although not denying that these things can help towards happiness. Because some people can have such behavior even in the face of disappointment. Someone was perfectly happy because he has a good full and perfect. Perfect happiness that comes and fully satisfy all our desires, while happiness is called incomplete if it does not satisfy all our desires or, suppose can satisfy all the desires, but are not satisfy with fully. To avoid confusion, it should be noted in earnest here that the moral philosophy of happiness natural look only (natural happiness). Natural happiness is satisfying all desires are inc...
: Child Abuse, intentional acts that result in physical or emotional harm to children. The term ... more : Child Abuse, intentional acts that result in physical or emotional harm to children. The term child abuse covers a wide range of behaviour , from actual physical assault by parents or other adult caretakers to neglect of a child’s basic needs. Child abuse is also sometimes called child maltreatment. Although the extent of child abuse is difficult to measure, it is recognized as a major social problem, especially in industrialized nations. It occurs in all income, racial, religious, and ethnic groups and in urban and rural communities. It is, however, more common in some groups, especially those below the poverty line. Cultures around the world have different standards in deciding what constitutes child abuse. In Sweden, for example, the law prohibits any physical punishment of children, including spanking. By contrast, in some countries of Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean, parents are expected to punish their children by hitting them, include in Indonesia. Studies Child Abuse repr...
The plurality must be done in the world. The nature of religion has been endlessly discussed by p... more The plurality must be done in the world. The nature of religion has been endlessly discussed by philosophers, theologians, psychologists, and sociologists. They look at different aspects of religion as their interests and their purposes differ. Therefore, they formulate variety of definition of religion. Religion is seen to be difficult to define. But it is necessary to have a clear definition of religion as a starting point for religious studies. This paper discusses the definitions of religion given by the scholars and then gives a clear definition as an attempt to build up tolerant. Religion is not the same with religious beliefs and practices or religious experiences. So this article discusses about that.
Converting to a new religion could face a great challenges in Papua. A muallaf, an Islamic term f... more Converting to a new religion could face a great challenges in Papua. A muallaf, an Islamic term for someone converting his religion to islam, will face a strong reaction from various parties, including local police and government. The decision to convert to Islam is not coming only because of God guidance, there are other underlying factors; which are; social stratification, culture and tradition. However, The dominant factor is The Abun’s culture itself that is close to Islamic teachings. Study revealed that the culture that flourished in Abun Society is closer to Islam. Data shows that Islam is the first religion spread in Tambraw region, brought by Sultan Tidore from Ternate. Second, some spiritual teachers that live in mountain considered sacred by the local people. Third, God Guidance. Research used critical analysis, qualitative method with social construction approach. Informants taken by researchers particularly those who took an oath to convert to Islam at MORA Sorong distr...
ABSTRAK Sistem informasi monitoring tugas akhir berbasis web merupakan sistem yang bersifat meman... more ABSTRAK Sistem informasi monitoring tugas akhir berbasis web merupakan sistem yang bersifat memantau dan menyajikan informasi mengenai tugas akhir yang meliputi pelaksanaan praktek kerja lapangan, seminar proposal, seminar hasil, dan ujian tugas akhir. Sistem informasi Monitoring Tugas akhir ini membantu admin Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Mataram untuk mengelola dan menyampaikan informasi kepada mahasiswa, orang tua mahasiswa dan dosen. Pembuatan sistem informasi monitoring tugas akhir ini menggunakan sistem studi kasus dengan meminta data, mewawancara admin Jurusan Teknik Elektro, konsultasi dengan dosen pembimbing dan studi literatur yang mendukung toeri penelitian. Software yang digunakan untuk membangun sistem informasi monitoring tugas akhir berbasis web ini yaitu menggunakan Microsoft Office 2010 untuk membuat laporan, NetBeans IDE 8.2 sebagai editor program, Adobe Photoshop CS untuk mebuat perancangan sistem, Firefox untuk membuka atau mengecek hasil web yang dibuat, Xa...
In this modern age there have been many developments that have renewed the order of society in ph... more In this modern age there have been many developments that have renewed the order of society in philosophizing including the way reacting to the morals philosophy. It soon becomes obvious that all sosial behaviors are developed out of the original trend. Basically, the ethical values of religion were from revelation, so the Islamic morals philosophy is not somewhat debatable point. Yet, this article puts forward the idea of Islamization of the philosophy of ethics by Muslims in the dynamics of the changing phenomena of the age. Some areas confirmed in this study are (1) problem formulation of the concepts or epistemology of ethics or morality; (2) the extend of developments and concepts of contemporary ethics; (3) position and response of the moral philosophy in contemporary ethical thinking. From some of the explanations and references, it can be concluded that morals are the manifest (outer)of behavior (verbal or deed) and the motivational encouragement of spiritual images (inner)....
In the matter of political harmony, the emergence of policies variety that smelled past at least ... more In the matter of political harmony, the emergence of policies variety that smelled past at least it is sufficient evidence that the policy line of the sustainability paradigm. KUB bill that many feared would make a significant setback, indeed fail enacted. However, the advent of the Joint Regulation of the Minister of Religious numbers 9 and Minister of the Interior No. 8 of 2006, which revised the decree number 1 in 1979, seems to have been present the past in the midst of this reform. At the beginning of the reforms, the changes were encouraging, especially during the reign of Abdurrahman Wahid (1999-2001). Gus Dur did significant movement to repeal Presidential Decree No. 14 of 1967 On Religion, Beliefs and Customs of China through Presidential Decree No. 6 of 2000 dated 17 January 2000. Since that time, the rapidly growing Chinese culture, including religious activities. In the reign of Gus Dur, as K.H. Tolhah Hasan served as Minister of Religion, once there is a suggestion that...
The aim of this study is to find out the leadership and communication pattern of the school princ... more The aim of this study is to find out the leadership and communication pattern of the school principal in order to motivate the improvement of teachers’ performance. This research used qualitative approach and case study as its design. The subjects of this research are the school principal, and administration personnel, executive implementer, and the schools’ stakeholders. All of data was analyzed qualitatively through three steps, they are: reduction, display, and verification/getting summary. The result of the study found that: (1) The ways of school principal in increasing the teachers’ performance, as follows: through implementing the transformational leadership style and make all of the school planning participatedly and coordinatively, proportional task disposition, making a report on the assessment of the teacher, class supervision, building solidarity, setting an example of example, building transparency, encouraging continuous education, taking a study tours, training and ed...
In the current reformation era marked by the rise of mass media as a means of mass communication ... more In the current reformation era marked by the rise of mass media as a means of mass communication and a means of forming public opinion, preachers, missionary activists, and Muslims. A journalist should be able to use the mass media to do da'wah as a worship field. A journalist who utilizes the mass media, especially printed media, carries out his da'wah that can be called a preacher 'who preaches bil qalam. This da'wah is called the da'wah bil qalam which basically conveys information about God, about nature and about the hereafter, and the value of eternity of life. Da'wah bil qalam is da'wah through printed media. Given the advances in information technology that enable a person to communicate intensely and cause the message of preaching to spread as widely as possible, preaching through writing, absolutely makes use of advances in information technology. This is where the role of Muslim Journalists takes place of a preacher who spreads goodness to humans.
Al-Qur’an telah disepakati oleh seluruh umat Islam sebagai sumber utama dan terutama dalam Islam,... more Al-Qur’an telah disepakati oleh seluruh umat Islam sebagai sumber utama dan terutama dalam Islam, sedang hadis merupakan sumber kedua setelah Al-Qur’an.Ternyata dalam memahami ayat-ayat Al-Qur’an tidaklah gampang dan memerlukan penjelasan-penjelasan.Dalam hal memberi penjelasan terhadap ayat-ayat tersebut, yang paling berwenang adalah Nabi Muhammad Saw. Penjelasan Nabi Muhammad Saw. itu ada yang berbentuk pasti (qath’i) hingga tidak memberi kemungkinan pemahaman lain. Di samping itu ada pula yang dijelaskan dalam bentuk masih memerlukan perincian dan memberi kemungkinan pemahaman yang berbeda (zhanni). Karenanya, tulisan ini akan berusaha mengemukakan kedua hal tersebut dengan pendekatan Al-Qur’an (qur’ani) dan pendekatan hadis (hadisi).
Konversi agama jelas bukan masalah sederhana di tanah Papua. Perpindahan agama yang dilakukankomu... more Konversi agama jelas bukan masalah sederhana di tanah Papua. Perpindahan agama yang dilakukankomunitas mu’allaf membawa berbagai reaksi keras dari berbagai pihak, temasuk oknum aparat danpemerintah daerah. Keputusan untuk pindah agama ke dalam Islam, tidak semata-mata lahir darihidayah Allah, tetapi ada banyak faktor yang mendasarinya. Faktor-faktor penyebab konversi antaralain: starifikasi sosial, budaya, dan tradisi yang dekat dengan kebiasaan mereka. Faktor budaya yangmelekat, pada suku Abun dengan Islam menjadi faktor dominan mereka melakukan konversi. Dalampenelitian diungkapkan, bahwa sebenarnya budaya yang berkembang di masyarakat Abun lebih dekatdengan Islam. Data menujukan: pertama Islam adalah agama yang pertama kali masuk di daerahTambraw, dibawa oleh Sultan Tidore dari Ternate. kedua faktor guru spiritual yang bertempat tinggaldi gunung disakralkan oleh masyarakat setempat. ketiga faktor hidayah dari Tuhan juga menjadi bagiandari konversi agama yang dilakukan oleh komuni...
Terjadinya kontroversi dalam masalah kepemimpinan perempuan dalam Islam berasal dari perbedaan ul... more Terjadinya kontroversi dalam masalah kepemimpinan perempuan dalam Islam berasal dari perbedaan ulama dalam menafsiri sejumlah ayat dan hadis Nabi. Secara umum jika dianalisa kualitas hadis riwayat al-Bukhârî, al-Turmuzî, dan al-Nasâ`î serta Imam Ahmad tentang kepemimpinan perempuan secara umum adalah shahîh li dzâtihi. Sanadnya memenuhi kaidah kesahihan sanad hadis, yaitu sanadnya bersambung, periwayatnya bersifat tsiqah, dan terhindar dari syudzûdz dan ‘illah. Matannya juga memenuhi kaidah kesahihan matan hadis, yakni terhindar dari syudzûdz dan ‘illah.Secara tekstual, hadis tersebut menunjukkan larangan bagi perempuan menjadi pemimpin dalam urusan umum. Oleh karena itu, mayoritas ulama secara tegas menyatakan kepemimpinan perempuan dalam urusan umum dilarang. Namun secara kontekstual hadis tersebut dapat dipahami bahwa Islam tidak melarang perempuan menduduki suatu jabatan atau menjadi pemimpin dalam urusan umum. Bahkan menjadi kepala negara, dengan syarat sesuai dengan kriteria ...
The present religious presence is required to be active in solving the problems and challenges fa... more The present religious presence is required to be active in solving the problems and challenges facing its adherents. The position and role of religion is not only a symbol of piety but can play a role in solving the existing problems. The psychological approach in Islamic studies has a significant role to explain the outward symptoms of religious people. Armed with psychological theories will be easy to know the level of religion that is understood, lived and practiced by someone. The cognitive theory of religion is able to provide answers related to the limitations beyond human capabilities. In addition, religious-based psychotherapy is one concept of psychotherapy in the perspective of Islam that can be used as a therapy to cure various diseases both physical and mental disorders.
Globalization influences all aspect of life, whether it is in social field, politic, economy, cul... more Globalization influences all aspect of life, whether it is in social field, politic, economy, culture, education and in others field produced the kinds of influencing as positive and negative. There is an interesting development that writer finds in global society that the tendency of society has begun changing on quest of meaning life whether humanism and spiritual value. It relates with presenting of negative influencing of era globalization toward the society who forget the behavior as one of the part of eternity orientation. To answering that problem, Islam has given solution with the lesson in molded of Nashaihul ‘Ibad holy book translation. The writer chooses the product of Imam Nawawi al-Bantani because the holy book includes many materials in Islam guiding that are really interesting to be observed and the content can be contextualized to the global society.
At the end of the Rasyidin Caliphate there was division within Muslims. Politically there are two... more At the end of the Rasyidin Caliphate there was division within Muslims. Politically there are two dominant groups: Hasan bin Ali and Mu’awiyah bin Abi Sufyan. Politically there are two dominant groups, Hasan bin Ali and Mu’awiyah bin Abi Sufyan. After the negotiations, for the sake of unity of Muslims, it was agreed that Hasan acknowledged Mu’awiyah as the Caliph of the Muslim marked the emergence of the Umayyad Dynasty. The moment was called 'am jama'ah (unity year) in 661. The Abbasid Dynasty was the descendant of Prophet Muhammad's uncle, al-Abbas, who supported Ali bin Abi Talib and his descendants (including Hasan bin Ali). This paper aims to discuss some of the political situation that developed when the Umayyads (661-750) and the Abbasids (750- 1258). In Mu’awiyah bin Abi Sufyan's time there was a change of the political system from the khulafaur Rashidin into a system of al-Mulk (heredity monarchy) characterized by the appointment of his son, Yazin bin Mu'...
The renewal of Islamic law is essentially contrary to something that already exists (existing) th... more The renewal of Islamic law is essentially contrary to something that already exists (existing) then undergoes a qualitative change as a product of interaction in public life. It could be argued that the process of renewal of Islamic law is seen as something autonomous, but it also interacts with other elements in society that occur interdependently. Therefore, the concept of renewal of Islamic law requires adaptive stance with social conditions in which it interacts. In this case, the realization of the principle of al-muh}āfaz}atu ‘alā al-qadīmi al-s\ālih} wa al-akhdhu bi al-jadīd al-as\lah} (Maintaining the old one if it is still good and accept the new or changed if it is considered better) became a necessity. Within the framework of family law renewal in Indonesia, Islamic law has a very strategic and important role. From the sociological point of view, Islamic family law has deeply rooted in the Muslim daily live and become a living law in the midst of the majority of Indonesia...
Papers by munawir haris