The de-radicalization of Islam in Tremas Islamic boarding school is found to have its momentum fr... more The de-radicalization of Islam in Tremas Islamic boarding school is found to have its momentum from generation to generation through cultural practices as follow: scientific culture, religious culture, social culture, and political culture in which the seeds of such de-radicalization are disseminated. However, the expanding of a tidal extremism in the transnational, and international case becomes own challenge. Moreover, the massive development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) significantly accesses toward mindset of Tremas boarding school family. By using a qualitative approach, and phenomenological method; this article reveals how the religion de-radicalization in Tremas boarding school is crocheted and framed in daily cultural practices. Such things are carried out in order that Islamic generations can be wise to behave and act. Furtherly, Islam can uphold an area that should be, namely Islam as rahmatan lil'alamin, toward global justice and peace, nonviolence, love of peace, as well as promoting love and affection. ***
Deradikalisasi agama Islam di Pondok Tremas dari generasi ke generasi senantiasa menemukan momentum. Melalui praktik budaya Pondok Tremas yang meliputi: budaya keilmuan, budaya keagamaan, budaya sosial, dan budaya politik benih-benih deradikalisasi agama Islam disemaikan. Namun demikian, pasang surut paham ekstrimisme yang berkembang di transnasional, dan internasional menjadi tantangan tersendiri. Apalagi masifnya perkembangan media teknologi dan informatika berekses secara signifikan pada pola pikir warga Pondok Tremas. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dan metode fenomenologi, artikel ini menjelaskan bagaimana deradikalisasi agama di Pondok Tremas dirajut, dan dibingkai dalam praktik-praktik budaya keseharian. Hal itu, dilakukan agar generasi Islam dapat bijak dalam bersikap dan bertindak. Lebih dari itu, agar agama Islam dapat menempati area yang semestinya, yakni agama rahmatan lil’alamin, tanpa kekerasan, cinta perdamaian, dan mengedepankan cinta kasih. Key word: radikalisme agama, Pondok Tremas, dan prakti budaya.
This study aims at: (1) revealing and analyzing the adaptations made by Tremas boarding... more Abstract: This study aims at: (1) revealing and analyzing the adaptations made by Tremas boarding school to demand of life change, ranging from values shift, political, economic, even social and culture in globalization era, and (2) revealing and analyzing the response established by Tremas , so it remaines to exist in the middle crush of current social changes in globalization era. It is a kind of qualitative research, using a phenomenological approach. The model of the research is symbolic interaction. Interaction symbolic persues meaning behind the sensuality, searches for more essential phenomenon than just the symptoms. The focus of this research is Tremas Boarding School, in Arjosari District Pacitan. Key of informants and scholars (kiayi) observed in the boarding school was KH Fuad Habib, and KH. Luqman Harith Dimyathi. Data collection method consists of three stages, namely: (i) the pre field; (ii) in the field; and (iii) the data analysis phase. Analysis of the data through intentionality; intersubjectivity; reflection or intuition; and transcendental logic. The study is designed for a year starting from proposal development, implementation, and to research reports. The results of this study reveals two basic things. First, that the adaptation of Tremas boarding school in coloring modernization is carried out by the opening of formal education ranging from kindergarten, MTs (Islamic Junior High School), MA Salafiyah (Islamic High School) to community college, and Ma'had Aly. The existence of formal education in Tremas which began in 1952 as if reinforced the bias of kiai towards modernization, as well as responsive to the needs of the surrounding community on formal education. Second, the respons of Tremas boarding school in globalization era is carried out with the division of roles and responsibilities, namely KH.Fuad Habib Dimyathi as the safeguard inside Tremas boarding school, especially domestic affairs, related to education and teaching issues, while KH. Lukman Hakim is responsible for driving anchor of various capital outside the boarding (pesantren) (networking and social relationship). Meanwhile, the big family of the boarding served as the guard of civilization, namely the values of kindness, morals, traditions, and culture which have been established and inherited. Key Word: Adaptation, Tremas boarding school, and globalization.
Bukan hanya bernegara dan berbangsa yang membutuhkan keadaban demokrasi, tapi pendidikan juga san... more Bukan hanya bernegara dan berbangsa yang membutuhkan keadaban demokrasi, tapi pendidikan juga sangat membutuhkan prinsip-prinsip demokrasi yang asali. Demokrasi berprinsipkan transparansi, partisipatif, toleransi, keterbukaan pemikiran, dan keragaman ide serta gagasan. Pun demikian halnya dengan pendidikan, meretas kultur dan alaminya dengan hal itu. Terwujudnya pendidikan demokratis menjadikan proses pematangan akademik. Ujungnya, berdampak pada terbentuknya manusia toleran, dan humanis. Muara akhirnya, mewujudkan generasi Indonesia yang handal dan siap berkompetisi dalam percaturan dunia global. Keyword: demokrasi, pendidikan, dan manusia.
Artikel ini merupakan kajian kepustakaan (library research). Bersifat deskriptif-analiti... more Abstrak: Artikel ini merupakan kajian kepustakaan (library research). Bersifat deskriptif-analitik, yakni berusaha menggambarkan secara jelas dan sistematis obyek kajian, lalu menganalisis bahasan riset. Data yang terkumpul atau tersusun dianalisis, kemudian ditarik sebuah kesimpulan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membedah historisitas aliran filsafat rekonstruksionisme; pokok-pokok pemikiran filsafat rekonstruksionisme; tujuan, metode dan kurikulum pendidikan rekonstruksionisme. Hasil kajian ini menemukan bahwa; 1) kaum rekonstruksionism melakukan rekonstruksi sosial melalui pendidikan dengan membentuk aliran filsafat rekonstruksionisme; 2) metode pengajaran ala rekonstruksionism didasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip demokratis; 3) kurikulum pendidikan rekonstruksionism menekankan pada penumbuhan kesadaran kritis dan membangun kesadaran polyculture dengan mengapresiasi keragaman budaya, adat istiadat suku tertentu untuk menanamkan nilai-nilai pluralisme kultural peserta didik. Kata Kunci: rekonstruksi sosial, pendidikan dan aliran rekonstruksionisme.
Dewasa ini, issu terseksi di pelbagai media cetak, maupun elektronik setelah pemberitaan politik ... more Dewasa ini, issu terseksi di pelbagai media cetak, maupun elektronik setelah pemberitaan politik adalah pendidikan. Bahkan, terkadang issu pendidikan acap kali menjadi trending topik. Keseksian pemberitaannya, lebih dikarenakan semua orang merasa berkepentingan atas persoalan pendidikan. Pendidikan yang dimaksud di sini tentunya lebih tersimplifikasi pada ranah persekolahan (scholling). Walau harus diakui, persekolahan (schooling), pengajaran (teaching), dan pendidikan (education) adalah terma yang berbeda, tetapi ketiganya saling kait mengait, serta berkelindan.
Islamic boarding school is one of the institutions which always having a commitment to maintain t... more Islamic boarding school is one of the institutions which always having a commitment to maintain the principles of at-tasammuh (tolerance), at-tawashut (non-block), at-taadul (equitable), and at-tawazun (having a balance) in achieving a prestige as an education institution which has credibility as rahmatan lil’alamin. On its characteristic as “religious oriented”, an Islamic boarding school has ability to create strong basic of religious education. And also, Islamic boarding schools have become the centers of changing related to education, politic, culture, and social sectors. The main characteristics of Islamic boarding schools make them to be called as the institutions which their religious personals. Islamic boarding schools are called as religious humanism based on five characteristics, they are; a) the philosophical and historical basics of the appearance of the Islamic boarding schools; b) the visions and missions; c) the Islamic boarding schools always create the transformation of societies usefulness; d) the tolerance values and a family atmosphere of the Islamic boarding schools; e) in cultural perspective, the existence of the institutions are owned by the society around it. The education styles of the institutions can be called as religious humanism caused by three factors, they are; the atmosphere of the institutions, the methods of teaching which are based on the religious humanism, and the Islamic boarding schools are able to be equilibrium at the surrounding societies. Key words: Islamic boarding school, religious humanism, and education characteristics.
Rampant corruption occurred recently is essentially a portrait of the accumulated acti... more Abstract: Rampant corruption occurred recently is essentially a portrait of the accumulated actions of society in carrying out the activities of daily life. It must be recognized that educational institutions , especially the world of schooling also donates seeds of the corruptive behaviour, manipulative and nepotism in a certain level, primarily in the transfer of knowledge and the transfer of value to the learning process in the classroom cubicles, and schools. The process of awareness against the corruption must be inculcated and struggled for its existence in order that Indonesia will be free from the bondage of the corruption crime soon. Anti- corruption education in high school Pacitan is an alternative solution- to unravel the "culture" of the corruption prevailing in all life lines of the Indonesian people. The research reveals that students ' and teachers' understanding of the corruption is high. It is proved from the 339 respondents, 90.6 % claim to understand and very aware that corruption is a despicable act and against the law. Only 9.4 % do not understand that the corruption includes a criminal behaviour. Meanwhile, a motivation of society to learn the eradication of the corruption is very high, namely 85.3 % of the 252 available respondents, only 14.7 % of them who are not motivated. The awareness of learning the crime and the negative effect of the corruption is quite high. It is proved that 65.8 % of respondent answers are aware and the remaining 44.2 % are not aware of the negative effects of the corruption. Besides, the school society also recognizes that the factor supporting the implementation of anti-corruption education in the school is very high, namely 93.4 %, the rest is only 6.6 % that does not support it. The implementation of anti –corruption curriculum in the high school Pacitan has been generally integrated in the daily life at school. However, the level as well as the intention is still quite low. It is proved from the texts of Islamic Education, Civics and other subjects, there is no specific subject discussing the corruption. Keyword: anti-corruption education, school, and learning society.
Various problems arise and sunk in traditional boarding school, as if those adapted spa... more Abstrac: Various problems arise and sunk in traditional boarding school, as if those adapted space and time. Study object of boarding school is always exciting to be revealed, because it always lives to grow and to metamorphose with the spirit of the time. The focus of this study is boarding school traditionalism, especially in the practice of traditional boarding school life among the current change. This study aims to unravel the current traditionalism landscape of boarding school education, as well as answer the various problems highlighting traditional boarding school cubicles. Students’ receiving systems, learning systems, and management systems that are "completely traditional” to be the identity of traditional boarding school itself (salafiyah). There are four alternative solutions in order that the boarding school traditionalism even survives in the global era, namely to: 1) focus on specific skills, 2) develop entrepreneur; 3) graft schooling institution; 4) institutionalize its boarding school. Keyword: boarding school (pesantren) traditionalism, traditional (salafiyah), and old-fashioned (jumud).
There are two points in this research. First, there are lot of violence phenomena and t... more Abstract: There are two points in this research. First, there are lot of violence phenomena and the strained situation between the members of religious community in the society recently. Second, it has not found the way to solve the conflicts which is relevant to the Indonesians character. Related to the problems, the results of this study show that; 1) through multicultural teaching and learning method, the unique of human beings, such as the differences of religion or belief, race, culture, sex, physical aspects and peoples’ economic status can be placed on the same level.2) the multicultural educational concept of education in three centers of education by Ki Hajar Dewantara as one of the alternative application methods. Trough familial education, the parents teach their children for understanding the importance of having equal right among the ones who have different ethnic group, race, religion, belief, culture, social strata, and humanism values. At school, the teachers and academic staffs can teach the multicultural values of education which are systematic, academic, and controlled. In the society, the citizen or the members of the society can implement the feeling of awareness in the real life, related to the importance of seeing the differences of people without differencing the religion, belief, culture, sex, physical aspects and peoples’ social status. Key words: Multicultural education, three centers of education, Ki Hadjar Dewantoro and James Banks.
Abstrak: Jenis penelitian ini merupakan kajian kepustakaan (library research) artinya data peneli... more Abstrak: Jenis penelitian ini merupakan kajian kepustakaan (library research) artinya data penelitian berasal dari sumber-sumber kepustakaan berupa buku-buku, makalah, jurnal, majalah dan sumber lain yang koheren dengan obyek bahasan. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif-analitik, yakni berusaha menggambarkan secara jelas dan sistematis obyek kajian, lalu menganalisis bahasan penelitian. Data yang terkumpul atau tersusun dianalisis, kemudian ditarik sebuah kesimpulan. Setidaknya, ada empat temuan penelitian, yaitu: 1) pendidikan di Taman Siswa menerapkan prinsip kemerdekaan dan kebebasan; 2) pendidikan anak yang diterapkan adalah gabungan dan pengembangan dari teori Frobel dan Montessori; 3) Ki Hadjar Dewantara memberi kebebasan kepada anak dengan berbagai permainan untuk mengembangkan secara psikologi, pedagogi dan biologi dengan tidak melupakan alam kodratnya masing-masing; 4) penerapan pendidikan yang terintegrasi antara ketiga alam, yaitu alam keluarga, alam pendidikan, dan alam pemuda akan mewujudkan manusia Indonesia yang utuh. Key word: pendidikan kanak-kanak, pendidikan keluarga, Ki Hadjar Dewantara, Frobel dan Montessori.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, termasuk dalam kategori penelitian kepu... more Abstract
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, termasuk dalam kategori penelitian kepustakaan (library research). Pengumpulan data didasarkan pada data primer dan data skunder yang dilakukan dengan cara membaca, menelaah, meneliti dan mengumpulkan buku-buku yang berisi teori, pendapat atau pandangan para pakar yang terkait. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik deskriptif-analitik, metode penalaran dan metode komparatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) kekerasan (dehumanisasi) dalam pendidikan muncul akibat adanya pelanggaran yang disertai dengan hukuman, terutama fisik; 2) kekerasan dalam pendidikan bisa diakibatkan oleh buruknya sistem dan kebijakan pendidikan yang berlaku; 3) kekerasan dalam pendidikan dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan masyarakat dan tayangan media; 4) kekerasan dibidang pendidikan juga merupakan refleksi dari perkembangan kehidupan masyarakat yang mengalami pergeseran cepat, sehingga meniscayakan timbulnya sikap instant solution, maupun jalan pintas; 5) tingginya jurang perbedaan latar belakang sosial-ekonomi, juga menjadi penentu dalam praktik kekerasan dibidang pendidikan.
Kata Kunci: humanisme pendidikan, pendidikan Islam dan kemanusiaan.
Abstract: this study aims to investigate the effectiveness of the management of International Sta... more Abstract: this study aims to investigate the effectiveness of the management of International Standard State Senior High Schools in Yogyakarta City in terms of the Context, Input, Process, and Product components. This study was an evaluation research study employing the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) evaluation model. This study employed the quantitative descriptive approach. The research subjects comprised 2 principals, 27 teachers, and 250 students of SMA Negeri 1 dan 3 Yogyakarta. The students were selected by means of the purposive sampling technique. The data were collected through observations, documents, interviews, and questionnaires. The data were analyzed using the SPSS Program Version 16.0. The results of the study are as follows. 1) The effectiveness in terms of the Context component is in the moderate category (73.51%), 2) The effectiveness in terms of the Input component is in the high category (76.33%), 3) The effectiveness in terms of the Process components is in the moderate category (74.68%), 4) The effectiveness in terms of the Product component is in the high category (88.13%).
Key words: management of International Standard State Senior High Schools, Context, Input, Process, Product and SMA-BI.
Perkembangan masyarakat global dewasa ini telah menciptakan berbagai perubahan, peluang ... more Abstrak
Perkembangan masyarakat global dewasa ini telah menciptakan berbagai perubahan, peluang dan tantangan yang kompleks. Dunia pendidikan merupakan satu, diantara sekian varian yang senantiasa mengalami perubahan dan perkembangan itu. Baik dalam hal regulasi kebijakan, manajemen pendidikan, kurikulum, model pembelajaran, maupun materi pembelajaran.
Model pembelajaran kelas imersi adalah salah satu model terkini (up-to-date) di dunia pendidikan. Walau eksistensi dan efektifitasnya masih dipertanyakan oleh banyak pihak. Namun, stigma-stigma negatif tersebut, justru tidak selalu benar adanya. Hal ini dibuktikan MA. Hasyim Asy’ari Jepara yang berhasil mengelola kelas imersi sebagai model pembelajaran unggulan yang transformatif dan kontekstual.
Kata kunci: kelas imersi, manajemen pendidikan, model pembelajaran, efektivitas dan pemahaman peserta didik.
Dewasa ini, issu terseksi di pelbagai media cetak, maupun elektronik setelah pemberitaan politik ... more Dewasa ini, issu terseksi di pelbagai media cetak, maupun elektronik setelah pemberitaan politik adalah pendidikan. Bahkan, terkadang issu pendidikan acap kali menjadi trending topik. Keseksian pemberitaannya, lebih dikarenakan semua orang merasa berkepentingan atas persoalan pendidikan. Pendidikan yang dimaksud di sini tentunya lebih tersimplifikasi pada ranah persekolahan (scholling). Walau harus diakui, persekolahan (schooling), pengajaran (teaching), dan pendidikan (education) adalah terma yang berbeda, tetapi ketiganya saling kait mengait, serta berkelindan.
Bukan hanya bernegara dan berbangsa yang membutuhkan keadaban demokrasi, tapi pendidikan juga san... more Bukan hanya bernegara dan berbangsa yang membutuhkan keadaban demokrasi, tapi pendidikan juga sangat membutuhkan prinsip-prinsip demokrasi yang asali. Demokrasi berprinsipkan transparansi, partisipatif, toleransi, keterbukaan pemikiran, dan keragaman ide serta gagasan. Pun demikian halnya dengan pendidikan, meretas kultur dan alaminya dengan hal itu. Terwujudnya pendidikan demokratis menjadikan proses pematangan akademik. Ujungnya, berdampak pada terbentuknya manusia toleran, dan humanis. Muara akhirnya, mewujudkan generasi Indonesia yang handal dan siap berkompetisi dalam percaturan dunia global. Keyword: demokrasi, pendidikan, dan manusia.
The de-radicalization of Islam in Tremas Islamic boarding school is found to have its momentum fr... more The de-radicalization of Islam in Tremas Islamic boarding school is found to have its momentum from generation to generation through cultural practices as follow: scientific culture, religious culture, social culture, and political culture in which the seeds of such de-radicalization are disseminated. However, the expanding of a tidal extremism in the transnational, and international case becomes own challenge. Moreover, the massive development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) significantly accesses toward mindset of Tremas boarding school family. By using a qualitative approach, and phenomenological method; this article reveals how the religion de-radicalization in Tremas boarding school is crocheted and framed in daily cultural practices. Such things are carried out in order that Islamic generations can be wise to behave and act. Furtherly, Islam can uphold an area that should be, namely Islam as rahmatan lil'alamin, toward global justice and peace, nonviolence, love of peace, as well as promoting love and affection. ***
Deradikalisasi agama Islam di Pondok Tremas dari generasi ke generasi senantiasa menemukan momentum. Melalui praktik budaya Pondok Tremas yang meliputi: budaya keilmuan, budaya keagamaan, budaya sosial, dan budaya politik benih-benih deradikalisasi agama Islam disemaikan. Namun demikian, pasang surut paham ekstrimisme yang berkembang di transnasional, dan internasional menjadi tantangan tersendiri. Apalagi masifnya perkembangan media teknologi dan informatika berekses secara signifikan pada pola pikir warga Pondok Tremas. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dan metode fenomenologi, artikel ini menjelaskan bagaimana deradikalisasi agama di Pondok Tremas dirajut, dan dibingkai dalam praktik-praktik budaya keseharian. Hal itu, dilakukan agar generasi Islam dapat bijak dalam bersikap dan bertindak. Lebih dari itu, agar agama Islam dapat menempati area yang semestinya, yakni agama rahmatan lil’alamin, tanpa kekerasan, cinta perdamaian, dan mengedepankan cinta kasih. Key word: radikalisme agama, Pondok Tremas, dan prakti budaya.
This study aims at: (1) revealing and analyzing the adaptations made by Tremas boarding... more Abstract: This study aims at: (1) revealing and analyzing the adaptations made by Tremas boarding school to demand of life change, ranging from values shift, political, economic, even social and culture in globalization era, and (2) revealing and analyzing the response established by Tremas , so it remaines to exist in the middle crush of current social changes in globalization era. It is a kind of qualitative research, using a phenomenological approach. The model of the research is symbolic interaction. Interaction symbolic persues meaning behind the sensuality, searches for more essential phenomenon than just the symptoms. The focus of this research is Tremas Boarding School, in Arjosari District Pacitan. Key of informants and scholars (kiayi) observed in the boarding school was KH Fuad Habib, and KH. Luqman Harith Dimyathi. Data collection method consists of three stages, namely: (i) the pre field; (ii) in the field; and (iii) the data analysis phase. Analysis of the data through intentionality; intersubjectivity; reflection or intuition; and transcendental logic. The study is designed for a year starting from proposal development, implementation, and to research reports. The results of this study reveals two basic things. First, that the adaptation of Tremas boarding school in coloring modernization is carried out by the opening of formal education ranging from kindergarten, MTs (Islamic Junior High School), MA Salafiyah (Islamic High School) to community college, and Ma'had Aly. The existence of formal education in Tremas which began in 1952 as if reinforced the bias of kiai towards modernization, as well as responsive to the needs of the surrounding community on formal education. Second, the respons of Tremas boarding school in globalization era is carried out with the division of roles and responsibilities, namely KH.Fuad Habib Dimyathi as the safeguard inside Tremas boarding school, especially domestic affairs, related to education and teaching issues, while KH. Lukman Hakim is responsible for driving anchor of various capital outside the boarding (pesantren) (networking and social relationship). Meanwhile, the big family of the boarding served as the guard of civilization, namely the values of kindness, morals, traditions, and culture which have been established and inherited. Key Word: Adaptation, Tremas boarding school, and globalization.
Bukan hanya bernegara dan berbangsa yang membutuhkan keadaban demokrasi, tapi pendidikan juga san... more Bukan hanya bernegara dan berbangsa yang membutuhkan keadaban demokrasi, tapi pendidikan juga sangat membutuhkan prinsip-prinsip demokrasi yang asali. Demokrasi berprinsipkan transparansi, partisipatif, toleransi, keterbukaan pemikiran, dan keragaman ide serta gagasan. Pun demikian halnya dengan pendidikan, meretas kultur dan alaminya dengan hal itu. Terwujudnya pendidikan demokratis menjadikan proses pematangan akademik. Ujungnya, berdampak pada terbentuknya manusia toleran, dan humanis. Muara akhirnya, mewujudkan generasi Indonesia yang handal dan siap berkompetisi dalam percaturan dunia global. Keyword: demokrasi, pendidikan, dan manusia.
Artikel ini merupakan kajian kepustakaan (library research). Bersifat deskriptif-analiti... more Abstrak: Artikel ini merupakan kajian kepustakaan (library research). Bersifat deskriptif-analitik, yakni berusaha menggambarkan secara jelas dan sistematis obyek kajian, lalu menganalisis bahasan riset. Data yang terkumpul atau tersusun dianalisis, kemudian ditarik sebuah kesimpulan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membedah historisitas aliran filsafat rekonstruksionisme; pokok-pokok pemikiran filsafat rekonstruksionisme; tujuan, metode dan kurikulum pendidikan rekonstruksionisme. Hasil kajian ini menemukan bahwa; 1) kaum rekonstruksionism melakukan rekonstruksi sosial melalui pendidikan dengan membentuk aliran filsafat rekonstruksionisme; 2) metode pengajaran ala rekonstruksionism didasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip demokratis; 3) kurikulum pendidikan rekonstruksionism menekankan pada penumbuhan kesadaran kritis dan membangun kesadaran polyculture dengan mengapresiasi keragaman budaya, adat istiadat suku tertentu untuk menanamkan nilai-nilai pluralisme kultural peserta didik. Kata Kunci: rekonstruksi sosial, pendidikan dan aliran rekonstruksionisme.
Dewasa ini, issu terseksi di pelbagai media cetak, maupun elektronik setelah pemberitaan politik ... more Dewasa ini, issu terseksi di pelbagai media cetak, maupun elektronik setelah pemberitaan politik adalah pendidikan. Bahkan, terkadang issu pendidikan acap kali menjadi trending topik. Keseksian pemberitaannya, lebih dikarenakan semua orang merasa berkepentingan atas persoalan pendidikan. Pendidikan yang dimaksud di sini tentunya lebih tersimplifikasi pada ranah persekolahan (scholling). Walau harus diakui, persekolahan (schooling), pengajaran (teaching), dan pendidikan (education) adalah terma yang berbeda, tetapi ketiganya saling kait mengait, serta berkelindan.
Islamic boarding school is one of the institutions which always having a commitment to maintain t... more Islamic boarding school is one of the institutions which always having a commitment to maintain the principles of at-tasammuh (tolerance), at-tawashut (non-block), at-taadul (equitable), and at-tawazun (having a balance) in achieving a prestige as an education institution which has credibility as rahmatan lil’alamin. On its characteristic as “religious oriented”, an Islamic boarding school has ability to create strong basic of religious education. And also, Islamic boarding schools have become the centers of changing related to education, politic, culture, and social sectors. The main characteristics of Islamic boarding schools make them to be called as the institutions which their religious personals. Islamic boarding schools are called as religious humanism based on five characteristics, they are; a) the philosophical and historical basics of the appearance of the Islamic boarding schools; b) the visions and missions; c) the Islamic boarding schools always create the transformation of societies usefulness; d) the tolerance values and a family atmosphere of the Islamic boarding schools; e) in cultural perspective, the existence of the institutions are owned by the society around it. The education styles of the institutions can be called as religious humanism caused by three factors, they are; the atmosphere of the institutions, the methods of teaching which are based on the religious humanism, and the Islamic boarding schools are able to be equilibrium at the surrounding societies. Key words: Islamic boarding school, religious humanism, and education characteristics.
Rampant corruption occurred recently is essentially a portrait of the accumulated acti... more Abstract: Rampant corruption occurred recently is essentially a portrait of the accumulated actions of society in carrying out the activities of daily life. It must be recognized that educational institutions , especially the world of schooling also donates seeds of the corruptive behaviour, manipulative and nepotism in a certain level, primarily in the transfer of knowledge and the transfer of value to the learning process in the classroom cubicles, and schools. The process of awareness against the corruption must be inculcated and struggled for its existence in order that Indonesia will be free from the bondage of the corruption crime soon. Anti- corruption education in high school Pacitan is an alternative solution- to unravel the "culture" of the corruption prevailing in all life lines of the Indonesian people. The research reveals that students ' and teachers' understanding of the corruption is high. It is proved from the 339 respondents, 90.6 % claim to understand and very aware that corruption is a despicable act and against the law. Only 9.4 % do not understand that the corruption includes a criminal behaviour. Meanwhile, a motivation of society to learn the eradication of the corruption is very high, namely 85.3 % of the 252 available respondents, only 14.7 % of them who are not motivated. The awareness of learning the crime and the negative effect of the corruption is quite high. It is proved that 65.8 % of respondent answers are aware and the remaining 44.2 % are not aware of the negative effects of the corruption. Besides, the school society also recognizes that the factor supporting the implementation of anti-corruption education in the school is very high, namely 93.4 %, the rest is only 6.6 % that does not support it. The implementation of anti –corruption curriculum in the high school Pacitan has been generally integrated in the daily life at school. However, the level as well as the intention is still quite low. It is proved from the texts of Islamic Education, Civics and other subjects, there is no specific subject discussing the corruption. Keyword: anti-corruption education, school, and learning society.
Various problems arise and sunk in traditional boarding school, as if those adapted spa... more Abstrac: Various problems arise and sunk in traditional boarding school, as if those adapted space and time. Study object of boarding school is always exciting to be revealed, because it always lives to grow and to metamorphose with the spirit of the time. The focus of this study is boarding school traditionalism, especially in the practice of traditional boarding school life among the current change. This study aims to unravel the current traditionalism landscape of boarding school education, as well as answer the various problems highlighting traditional boarding school cubicles. Students’ receiving systems, learning systems, and management systems that are "completely traditional” to be the identity of traditional boarding school itself (salafiyah). There are four alternative solutions in order that the boarding school traditionalism even survives in the global era, namely to: 1) focus on specific skills, 2) develop entrepreneur; 3) graft schooling institution; 4) institutionalize its boarding school. Keyword: boarding school (pesantren) traditionalism, traditional (salafiyah), and old-fashioned (jumud).
There are two points in this research. First, there are lot of violence phenomena and t... more Abstract: There are two points in this research. First, there are lot of violence phenomena and the strained situation between the members of religious community in the society recently. Second, it has not found the way to solve the conflicts which is relevant to the Indonesians character. Related to the problems, the results of this study show that; 1) through multicultural teaching and learning method, the unique of human beings, such as the differences of religion or belief, race, culture, sex, physical aspects and peoples’ economic status can be placed on the same level.2) the multicultural educational concept of education in three centers of education by Ki Hajar Dewantara as one of the alternative application methods. Trough familial education, the parents teach their children for understanding the importance of having equal right among the ones who have different ethnic group, race, religion, belief, culture, social strata, and humanism values. At school, the teachers and academic staffs can teach the multicultural values of education which are systematic, academic, and controlled. In the society, the citizen or the members of the society can implement the feeling of awareness in the real life, related to the importance of seeing the differences of people without differencing the religion, belief, culture, sex, physical aspects and peoples’ social status. Key words: Multicultural education, three centers of education, Ki Hadjar Dewantoro and James Banks.
Abstrak: Jenis penelitian ini merupakan kajian kepustakaan (library research) artinya data peneli... more Abstrak: Jenis penelitian ini merupakan kajian kepustakaan (library research) artinya data penelitian berasal dari sumber-sumber kepustakaan berupa buku-buku, makalah, jurnal, majalah dan sumber lain yang koheren dengan obyek bahasan. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif-analitik, yakni berusaha menggambarkan secara jelas dan sistematis obyek kajian, lalu menganalisis bahasan penelitian. Data yang terkumpul atau tersusun dianalisis, kemudian ditarik sebuah kesimpulan. Setidaknya, ada empat temuan penelitian, yaitu: 1) pendidikan di Taman Siswa menerapkan prinsip kemerdekaan dan kebebasan; 2) pendidikan anak yang diterapkan adalah gabungan dan pengembangan dari teori Frobel dan Montessori; 3) Ki Hadjar Dewantara memberi kebebasan kepada anak dengan berbagai permainan untuk mengembangkan secara psikologi, pedagogi dan biologi dengan tidak melupakan alam kodratnya masing-masing; 4) penerapan pendidikan yang terintegrasi antara ketiga alam, yaitu alam keluarga, alam pendidikan, dan alam pemuda akan mewujudkan manusia Indonesia yang utuh. Key word: pendidikan kanak-kanak, pendidikan keluarga, Ki Hadjar Dewantara, Frobel dan Montessori.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, termasuk dalam kategori penelitian kepu... more Abstract
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, termasuk dalam kategori penelitian kepustakaan (library research). Pengumpulan data didasarkan pada data primer dan data skunder yang dilakukan dengan cara membaca, menelaah, meneliti dan mengumpulkan buku-buku yang berisi teori, pendapat atau pandangan para pakar yang terkait. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik deskriptif-analitik, metode penalaran dan metode komparatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) kekerasan (dehumanisasi) dalam pendidikan muncul akibat adanya pelanggaran yang disertai dengan hukuman, terutama fisik; 2) kekerasan dalam pendidikan bisa diakibatkan oleh buruknya sistem dan kebijakan pendidikan yang berlaku; 3) kekerasan dalam pendidikan dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan masyarakat dan tayangan media; 4) kekerasan dibidang pendidikan juga merupakan refleksi dari perkembangan kehidupan masyarakat yang mengalami pergeseran cepat, sehingga meniscayakan timbulnya sikap instant solution, maupun jalan pintas; 5) tingginya jurang perbedaan latar belakang sosial-ekonomi, juga menjadi penentu dalam praktik kekerasan dibidang pendidikan.
Kata Kunci: humanisme pendidikan, pendidikan Islam dan kemanusiaan.
Abstract: this study aims to investigate the effectiveness of the management of International Sta... more Abstract: this study aims to investigate the effectiveness of the management of International Standard State Senior High Schools in Yogyakarta City in terms of the Context, Input, Process, and Product components. This study was an evaluation research study employing the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) evaluation model. This study employed the quantitative descriptive approach. The research subjects comprised 2 principals, 27 teachers, and 250 students of SMA Negeri 1 dan 3 Yogyakarta. The students were selected by means of the purposive sampling technique. The data were collected through observations, documents, interviews, and questionnaires. The data were analyzed using the SPSS Program Version 16.0. The results of the study are as follows. 1) The effectiveness in terms of the Context component is in the moderate category (73.51%), 2) The effectiveness in terms of the Input component is in the high category (76.33%), 3) The effectiveness in terms of the Process components is in the moderate category (74.68%), 4) The effectiveness in terms of the Product component is in the high category (88.13%).
Key words: management of International Standard State Senior High Schools, Context, Input, Process, Product and SMA-BI.
Perkembangan masyarakat global dewasa ini telah menciptakan berbagai perubahan, peluang ... more Abstrak
Perkembangan masyarakat global dewasa ini telah menciptakan berbagai perubahan, peluang dan tantangan yang kompleks. Dunia pendidikan merupakan satu, diantara sekian varian yang senantiasa mengalami perubahan dan perkembangan itu. Baik dalam hal regulasi kebijakan, manajemen pendidikan, kurikulum, model pembelajaran, maupun materi pembelajaran.
Model pembelajaran kelas imersi adalah salah satu model terkini (up-to-date) di dunia pendidikan. Walau eksistensi dan efektifitasnya masih dipertanyakan oleh banyak pihak. Namun, stigma-stigma negatif tersebut, justru tidak selalu benar adanya. Hal ini dibuktikan MA. Hasyim Asy’ari Jepara yang berhasil mengelola kelas imersi sebagai model pembelajaran unggulan yang transformatif dan kontekstual.
Kata kunci: kelas imersi, manajemen pendidikan, model pembelajaran, efektivitas dan pemahaman peserta didik.
Dewasa ini, issu terseksi di pelbagai media cetak, maupun elektronik setelah pemberitaan politik ... more Dewasa ini, issu terseksi di pelbagai media cetak, maupun elektronik setelah pemberitaan politik adalah pendidikan. Bahkan, terkadang issu pendidikan acap kali menjadi trending topik. Keseksian pemberitaannya, lebih dikarenakan semua orang merasa berkepentingan atas persoalan pendidikan. Pendidikan yang dimaksud di sini tentunya lebih tersimplifikasi pada ranah persekolahan (scholling). Walau harus diakui, persekolahan (schooling), pengajaran (teaching), dan pendidikan (education) adalah terma yang berbeda, tetapi ketiganya saling kait mengait, serta berkelindan.
Bukan hanya bernegara dan berbangsa yang membutuhkan keadaban demokrasi, tapi pendidikan juga san... more Bukan hanya bernegara dan berbangsa yang membutuhkan keadaban demokrasi, tapi pendidikan juga sangat membutuhkan prinsip-prinsip demokrasi yang asali. Demokrasi berprinsipkan transparansi, partisipatif, toleransi, keterbukaan pemikiran, dan keragaman ide serta gagasan. Pun demikian halnya dengan pendidikan, meretas kultur dan alaminya dengan hal itu. Terwujudnya pendidikan demokratis menjadikan proses pematangan akademik. Ujungnya, berdampak pada terbentuknya manusia toleran, dan humanis. Muara akhirnya, mewujudkan generasi Indonesia yang handal dan siap berkompetisi dalam percaturan dunia global. Keyword: demokrasi, pendidikan, dan manusia.
Papers by mukodi Dr
Deradikalisasi agama Islam di Pondok Tremas dari generasi ke generasi senantiasa menemukan momentum. Melalui praktik budaya Pondok Tremas yang meliputi: budaya keilmuan, budaya keagamaan, budaya sosial, dan budaya politik benih-benih deradikalisasi agama Islam disemaikan. Namun demikian, pasang surut paham ekstrimisme yang berkembang di transnasional, dan internasional menjadi tantangan tersendiri. Apalagi masifnya perkembangan media teknologi dan informatika berekses secara signifikan pada pola pikir warga Pondok Tremas. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dan metode fenomenologi, artikel ini menjelaskan bagaimana deradikalisasi agama di Pondok Tremas dirajut, dan dibingkai dalam praktik-praktik budaya keseharian. Hal itu, dilakukan agar generasi Islam dapat bijak dalam bersikap dan bertindak. Lebih dari itu, agar agama Islam dapat menempati area yang semestinya, yakni agama rahmatan lil’alamin, tanpa kekerasan, cinta perdamaian, dan mengedepankan cinta kasih.
Key word: radikalisme agama, Pondok Tremas, dan prakti budaya.
This study aims at: (1) revealing and analyzing the adaptations made by Tremas boarding school to demand of life change, ranging from values shift, political, economic, even social and culture in globalization era, and (2) revealing and analyzing the response established by Tremas , so it remaines to exist in the middle crush of current social changes in globalization era. It is a kind of qualitative research, using a phenomenological approach. The model of the research is symbolic interaction. Interaction symbolic persues meaning behind the sensuality, searches for more essential phenomenon than just the symptoms. The focus of this research is Tremas Boarding School, in Arjosari District Pacitan. Key of informants and scholars (kiayi) observed in the boarding school was KH Fuad Habib, and KH. Luqman Harith Dimyathi. Data collection method consists of three stages, namely: (i) the pre field; (ii) in the field; and (iii) the data analysis phase. Analysis of the data through intentionality; intersubjectivity; reflection or intuition; and transcendental logic. The study is designed for a year starting from proposal development, implementation, and to research reports. The results of this study reveals two basic things. First, that the adaptation of Tremas boarding school in coloring modernization is carried out by the opening of formal education ranging from kindergarten, MTs (Islamic Junior High School), MA Salafiyah (Islamic High School) to community college, and Ma'had Aly. The existence of formal education in Tremas which began in 1952 as if reinforced the bias of kiai towards modernization, as well as responsive to the needs of the surrounding community on formal education. Second, the respons of Tremas boarding school in globalization era is carried out with the division of roles and responsibilities, namely KH.Fuad Habib Dimyathi as the safeguard inside Tremas boarding school, especially domestic affairs, related to education and teaching issues, while KH. Lukman Hakim is responsible for driving anchor of various capital outside the boarding (pesantren) (networking and social relationship). Meanwhile, the big family of the boarding served as the guard of civilization, namely the values of kindness, morals, traditions, and culture which have been established and inherited.
Key Word: Adaptation, Tremas boarding school, and globalization.
Keyword: demokrasi, pendidikan, dan manusia.
Artikel ini merupakan kajian kepustakaan (library research). Bersifat deskriptif-analitik, yakni berusaha menggambarkan secara jelas dan sistematis obyek kajian, lalu menganalisis bahasan riset. Data yang terkumpul atau tersusun dianalisis, kemudian ditarik sebuah kesimpulan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membedah historisitas aliran filsafat rekonstruksionisme; pokok-pokok pemikiran filsafat rekonstruksionisme; tujuan, metode dan kurikulum pendidikan rekonstruksionisme.
Hasil kajian ini menemukan bahwa; 1) kaum rekonstruksionism melakukan rekonstruksi sosial melalui pendidikan dengan membentuk aliran filsafat rekonstruksionisme; 2) metode pengajaran ala rekonstruksionism didasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip demokratis; 3) kurikulum pendidikan rekonstruksionism menekankan pada penumbuhan kesadaran kritis dan membangun kesadaran polyculture dengan mengapresiasi keragaman budaya, adat istiadat suku tertentu untuk menanamkan nilai-nilai pluralisme kultural peserta didik.
Kata Kunci: rekonstruksi sosial, pendidikan dan aliran rekonstruksionisme.
Key words: Islamic boarding school, religious humanism, and education characteristics.
Rampant corruption occurred recently is essentially a portrait of the accumulated actions of society in carrying out the activities of daily life. It must be recognized that educational institutions , especially the world of schooling also donates seeds of the corruptive behaviour, manipulative and nepotism in a certain level, primarily in the transfer of knowledge and the transfer of value to the learning process in the classroom cubicles, and schools. The process of awareness against the corruption must be inculcated and struggled for its existence in order that Indonesia will be free from the bondage of the corruption crime soon. Anti- corruption education in high school Pacitan is an alternative solution- to unravel the "culture" of the corruption prevailing in all life lines of the Indonesian people.
The research reveals that students ' and teachers' understanding of the corruption is high. It is proved from the 339 respondents, 90.6 % claim to understand and very aware that corruption is a despicable act and against the law. Only 9.4 % do not understand that the corruption includes a criminal behaviour. Meanwhile, a motivation of society to learn the eradication of the corruption is very high, namely 85.3 % of the 252 available respondents, only 14.7 % of them who are not motivated. The awareness of learning the crime and the negative effect of the corruption is quite high.
It is proved that 65.8 % of respondent answers are aware and the remaining 44.2 % are not aware of the negative effects of the corruption. Besides, the school society also recognizes that the factor supporting the implementation of anti-corruption education in the school is very high, namely 93.4 %, the rest is only 6.6 % that does not support it. The implementation of anti –corruption curriculum in the high school Pacitan has been generally integrated in the daily life at school. However, the level as well as the intention is still quite low. It is proved from the texts of Islamic Education, Civics and other subjects, there is no specific subject discussing the corruption.
Keyword: anti-corruption education, school, and learning society.
Various problems arise and sunk in traditional boarding school, as if those adapted space and time. Study object of boarding school is always exciting to be revealed, because it always lives to grow and to metamorphose with the spirit of the time. The focus of this study is boarding school traditionalism, especially in the practice of traditional boarding school life among the current change. This study aims to unravel the current traditionalism landscape of boarding school education, as well as answer the various problems highlighting traditional boarding school cubicles. Students’ receiving systems, learning systems, and management systems that are "completely traditional” to be the identity of traditional boarding school itself (salafiyah). There are four alternative solutions in order that the boarding school traditionalism even survives in the global era, namely to: 1) focus on specific skills, 2) develop entrepreneur; 3) graft schooling institution; 4) institutionalize its boarding school.
Keyword: boarding school (pesantren) traditionalism, traditional (salafiyah), and old-fashioned (jumud).
There are two points in this research. First, there are lot of violence phenomena and the strained situation between the members of religious community in the society recently. Second, it has not found the way to solve the conflicts which is relevant to the Indonesians character. Related to the problems, the results of this study show that; 1) through multicultural teaching and learning method, the unique of human beings, such as the differences of religion or belief, race, culture, sex, physical aspects and peoples’ economic status can be placed on the same level.2) the multicultural educational concept of education in three centers of education by Ki Hajar Dewantara as one of the alternative application methods. Trough familial education, the parents teach their children for understanding the importance of having equal right among the ones who have different ethnic group, race, religion, belief, culture, social strata, and humanism values. At school, the teachers and academic staffs can teach the multicultural values of education which are systematic, academic, and controlled. In the society, the citizen or the members of the society can implement the feeling of awareness in the real life, related to the importance of seeing the differences of people without differencing the religion, belief, culture, sex, physical aspects and peoples’ social status.
Key words:
Multicultural education, three centers of education, Ki Hadjar Dewantoro and James Banks.
Key word: pendidikan kanak-kanak, pendidikan keluarga, Ki Hadjar Dewantara, Frobel dan Montessori.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, termasuk dalam kategori penelitian kepustakaan (library research). Pengumpulan data didasarkan pada data primer dan data skunder yang dilakukan dengan cara membaca, menelaah, meneliti dan mengumpulkan buku-buku yang berisi teori, pendapat atau pandangan para pakar yang terkait. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik deskriptif-analitik, metode penalaran dan metode komparatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) kekerasan (dehumanisasi) dalam pendidikan muncul akibat adanya pelanggaran yang disertai dengan hukuman, terutama fisik; 2) kekerasan dalam pendidikan bisa diakibatkan oleh buruknya sistem dan kebijakan pendidikan yang berlaku; 3) kekerasan dalam pendidikan dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan masyarakat dan tayangan media; 4) kekerasan dibidang pendidikan juga merupakan refleksi dari perkembangan kehidupan masyarakat yang mengalami pergeseran cepat, sehingga meniscayakan timbulnya sikap instant solution, maupun jalan pintas; 5) tingginya jurang perbedaan latar belakang sosial-ekonomi, juga menjadi penentu dalam praktik kekerasan dibidang pendidikan.
Kata Kunci: humanisme pendidikan, pendidikan Islam dan kemanusiaan.
Key words: management of International Standard State Senior High Schools, Context, Input, Process, Product and SMA-BI.
Perkembangan masyarakat global dewasa ini telah menciptakan berbagai perubahan, peluang dan tantangan yang kompleks. Dunia pendidikan merupakan satu, diantara sekian varian yang senantiasa mengalami perubahan dan perkembangan itu. Baik dalam hal regulasi kebijakan, manajemen pendidikan, kurikulum, model pembelajaran, maupun materi pembelajaran.
Model pembelajaran kelas imersi adalah salah satu model terkini (up-to-date) di dunia pendidikan. Walau eksistensi dan efektifitasnya masih dipertanyakan oleh banyak pihak. Namun, stigma-stigma negatif tersebut, justru tidak selalu benar adanya. Hal ini dibuktikan MA. Hasyim Asy’ari Jepara yang berhasil mengelola kelas imersi sebagai model pembelajaran unggulan yang transformatif dan kontekstual.
Kata kunci: kelas imersi, manajemen pendidikan, model pembelajaran, efektivitas dan pemahaman peserta didik.
Books by mukodi Dr
Deradikalisasi agama Islam di Pondok Tremas dari generasi ke generasi senantiasa menemukan momentum. Melalui praktik budaya Pondok Tremas yang meliputi: budaya keilmuan, budaya keagamaan, budaya sosial, dan budaya politik benih-benih deradikalisasi agama Islam disemaikan. Namun demikian, pasang surut paham ekstrimisme yang berkembang di transnasional, dan internasional menjadi tantangan tersendiri. Apalagi masifnya perkembangan media teknologi dan informatika berekses secara signifikan pada pola pikir warga Pondok Tremas. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dan metode fenomenologi, artikel ini menjelaskan bagaimana deradikalisasi agama di Pondok Tremas dirajut, dan dibingkai dalam praktik-praktik budaya keseharian. Hal itu, dilakukan agar generasi Islam dapat bijak dalam bersikap dan bertindak. Lebih dari itu, agar agama Islam dapat menempati area yang semestinya, yakni agama rahmatan lil’alamin, tanpa kekerasan, cinta perdamaian, dan mengedepankan cinta kasih.
Key word: radikalisme agama, Pondok Tremas, dan prakti budaya.
This study aims at: (1) revealing and analyzing the adaptations made by Tremas boarding school to demand of life change, ranging from values shift, political, economic, even social and culture in globalization era, and (2) revealing and analyzing the response established by Tremas , so it remaines to exist in the middle crush of current social changes in globalization era. It is a kind of qualitative research, using a phenomenological approach. The model of the research is symbolic interaction. Interaction symbolic persues meaning behind the sensuality, searches for more essential phenomenon than just the symptoms. The focus of this research is Tremas Boarding School, in Arjosari District Pacitan. Key of informants and scholars (kiayi) observed in the boarding school was KH Fuad Habib, and KH. Luqman Harith Dimyathi. Data collection method consists of three stages, namely: (i) the pre field; (ii) in the field; and (iii) the data analysis phase. Analysis of the data through intentionality; intersubjectivity; reflection or intuition; and transcendental logic. The study is designed for a year starting from proposal development, implementation, and to research reports. The results of this study reveals two basic things. First, that the adaptation of Tremas boarding school in coloring modernization is carried out by the opening of formal education ranging from kindergarten, MTs (Islamic Junior High School), MA Salafiyah (Islamic High School) to community college, and Ma'had Aly. The existence of formal education in Tremas which began in 1952 as if reinforced the bias of kiai towards modernization, as well as responsive to the needs of the surrounding community on formal education. Second, the respons of Tremas boarding school in globalization era is carried out with the division of roles and responsibilities, namely KH.Fuad Habib Dimyathi as the safeguard inside Tremas boarding school, especially domestic affairs, related to education and teaching issues, while KH. Lukman Hakim is responsible for driving anchor of various capital outside the boarding (pesantren) (networking and social relationship). Meanwhile, the big family of the boarding served as the guard of civilization, namely the values of kindness, morals, traditions, and culture which have been established and inherited.
Key Word: Adaptation, Tremas boarding school, and globalization.
Keyword: demokrasi, pendidikan, dan manusia.
Artikel ini merupakan kajian kepustakaan (library research). Bersifat deskriptif-analitik, yakni berusaha menggambarkan secara jelas dan sistematis obyek kajian, lalu menganalisis bahasan riset. Data yang terkumpul atau tersusun dianalisis, kemudian ditarik sebuah kesimpulan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membedah historisitas aliran filsafat rekonstruksionisme; pokok-pokok pemikiran filsafat rekonstruksionisme; tujuan, metode dan kurikulum pendidikan rekonstruksionisme.
Hasil kajian ini menemukan bahwa; 1) kaum rekonstruksionism melakukan rekonstruksi sosial melalui pendidikan dengan membentuk aliran filsafat rekonstruksionisme; 2) metode pengajaran ala rekonstruksionism didasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip demokratis; 3) kurikulum pendidikan rekonstruksionism menekankan pada penumbuhan kesadaran kritis dan membangun kesadaran polyculture dengan mengapresiasi keragaman budaya, adat istiadat suku tertentu untuk menanamkan nilai-nilai pluralisme kultural peserta didik.
Kata Kunci: rekonstruksi sosial, pendidikan dan aliran rekonstruksionisme.
Key words: Islamic boarding school, religious humanism, and education characteristics.
Rampant corruption occurred recently is essentially a portrait of the accumulated actions of society in carrying out the activities of daily life. It must be recognized that educational institutions , especially the world of schooling also donates seeds of the corruptive behaviour, manipulative and nepotism in a certain level, primarily in the transfer of knowledge and the transfer of value to the learning process in the classroom cubicles, and schools. The process of awareness against the corruption must be inculcated and struggled for its existence in order that Indonesia will be free from the bondage of the corruption crime soon. Anti- corruption education in high school Pacitan is an alternative solution- to unravel the "culture" of the corruption prevailing in all life lines of the Indonesian people.
The research reveals that students ' and teachers' understanding of the corruption is high. It is proved from the 339 respondents, 90.6 % claim to understand and very aware that corruption is a despicable act and against the law. Only 9.4 % do not understand that the corruption includes a criminal behaviour. Meanwhile, a motivation of society to learn the eradication of the corruption is very high, namely 85.3 % of the 252 available respondents, only 14.7 % of them who are not motivated. The awareness of learning the crime and the negative effect of the corruption is quite high.
It is proved that 65.8 % of respondent answers are aware and the remaining 44.2 % are not aware of the negative effects of the corruption. Besides, the school society also recognizes that the factor supporting the implementation of anti-corruption education in the school is very high, namely 93.4 %, the rest is only 6.6 % that does not support it. The implementation of anti –corruption curriculum in the high school Pacitan has been generally integrated in the daily life at school. However, the level as well as the intention is still quite low. It is proved from the texts of Islamic Education, Civics and other subjects, there is no specific subject discussing the corruption.
Keyword: anti-corruption education, school, and learning society.
Various problems arise and sunk in traditional boarding school, as if those adapted space and time. Study object of boarding school is always exciting to be revealed, because it always lives to grow and to metamorphose with the spirit of the time. The focus of this study is boarding school traditionalism, especially in the practice of traditional boarding school life among the current change. This study aims to unravel the current traditionalism landscape of boarding school education, as well as answer the various problems highlighting traditional boarding school cubicles. Students’ receiving systems, learning systems, and management systems that are "completely traditional” to be the identity of traditional boarding school itself (salafiyah). There are four alternative solutions in order that the boarding school traditionalism even survives in the global era, namely to: 1) focus on specific skills, 2) develop entrepreneur; 3) graft schooling institution; 4) institutionalize its boarding school.
Keyword: boarding school (pesantren) traditionalism, traditional (salafiyah), and old-fashioned (jumud).
There are two points in this research. First, there are lot of violence phenomena and the strained situation between the members of religious community in the society recently. Second, it has not found the way to solve the conflicts which is relevant to the Indonesians character. Related to the problems, the results of this study show that; 1) through multicultural teaching and learning method, the unique of human beings, such as the differences of religion or belief, race, culture, sex, physical aspects and peoples’ economic status can be placed on the same level.2) the multicultural educational concept of education in three centers of education by Ki Hajar Dewantara as one of the alternative application methods. Trough familial education, the parents teach their children for understanding the importance of having equal right among the ones who have different ethnic group, race, religion, belief, culture, social strata, and humanism values. At school, the teachers and academic staffs can teach the multicultural values of education which are systematic, academic, and controlled. In the society, the citizen or the members of the society can implement the feeling of awareness in the real life, related to the importance of seeing the differences of people without differencing the religion, belief, culture, sex, physical aspects and peoples’ social status.
Key words:
Multicultural education, three centers of education, Ki Hadjar Dewantoro and James Banks.
Key word: pendidikan kanak-kanak, pendidikan keluarga, Ki Hadjar Dewantara, Frobel dan Montessori.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, termasuk dalam kategori penelitian kepustakaan (library research). Pengumpulan data didasarkan pada data primer dan data skunder yang dilakukan dengan cara membaca, menelaah, meneliti dan mengumpulkan buku-buku yang berisi teori, pendapat atau pandangan para pakar yang terkait. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik deskriptif-analitik, metode penalaran dan metode komparatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) kekerasan (dehumanisasi) dalam pendidikan muncul akibat adanya pelanggaran yang disertai dengan hukuman, terutama fisik; 2) kekerasan dalam pendidikan bisa diakibatkan oleh buruknya sistem dan kebijakan pendidikan yang berlaku; 3) kekerasan dalam pendidikan dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan masyarakat dan tayangan media; 4) kekerasan dibidang pendidikan juga merupakan refleksi dari perkembangan kehidupan masyarakat yang mengalami pergeseran cepat, sehingga meniscayakan timbulnya sikap instant solution, maupun jalan pintas; 5) tingginya jurang perbedaan latar belakang sosial-ekonomi, juga menjadi penentu dalam praktik kekerasan dibidang pendidikan.
Kata Kunci: humanisme pendidikan, pendidikan Islam dan kemanusiaan.
Key words: management of International Standard State Senior High Schools, Context, Input, Process, Product and SMA-BI.
Perkembangan masyarakat global dewasa ini telah menciptakan berbagai perubahan, peluang dan tantangan yang kompleks. Dunia pendidikan merupakan satu, diantara sekian varian yang senantiasa mengalami perubahan dan perkembangan itu. Baik dalam hal regulasi kebijakan, manajemen pendidikan, kurikulum, model pembelajaran, maupun materi pembelajaran.
Model pembelajaran kelas imersi adalah salah satu model terkini (up-to-date) di dunia pendidikan. Walau eksistensi dan efektifitasnya masih dipertanyakan oleh banyak pihak. Namun, stigma-stigma negatif tersebut, justru tidak selalu benar adanya. Hal ini dibuktikan MA. Hasyim Asy’ari Jepara yang berhasil mengelola kelas imersi sebagai model pembelajaran unggulan yang transformatif dan kontekstual.
Kata kunci: kelas imersi, manajemen pendidikan, model pembelajaran, efektivitas dan pemahaman peserta didik.