Papers by mochammad syamsiro
Indonesia is the third-largest rice producer countries in the world with the total production cap... more Indonesia is the third-largest rice producer countries in the world with the total production capacity of around 70 million tons per year. Rice husk is the main residue from rice milling and is about 20% of the paddy grain weight. Typical utilization of rice husk includes fertilizer, animal feed and as cooking or heating fuel. Rice husk fuel has a lower heating value of about 14 MJ per kg that is about half of coal heating value. Therefore, there has been significant interest in recent years in generating power from the rice husk instead of heat using the gasification technology. The process of gasification converts the rice husk into a synthetic gas that can be used for electricity production. This paper aims to examine the potential of rice husk in electricity generation for on-grid applications using gasification technology. The study was carried out by collecting the rice husk from two provinces of Indonesia such as West and East Java. The data was collected in the paddy plantation area, paddy production, rice milling industry and electrification ratios. It was decided based on the potential analysis of collected data to develop the rice husk gasifier power plants in Indramayu District of West Java and Lamongan District of East Java. The basic engineering design (BED) and detailed engineering design (DED) for these plants were carried out after selecting the plant locations. The plant was designed for 100 kWe electricity capacity using a fixed bed reactor equipped with a gas cleaning system. The design was made as simple as possible so that a local manufacturer can fabricate the reactor. In addition, the economic analysis has been carried out using the primary methods of NPV (Net Present Value), IRR (Internal Rate of Return) and PBP (Pay Back Period) assessment. The results showed that the economic viability of the proposed system is always acceptable with positive PBP and NPV values.
The availability of non-renewable energy used by motorized vehicles will eventually run out. Acco... more The availability of non-renewable energy used by motorized vehicles will eventually run out. According to Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, crude oil reserves in Indonesia are declining. In 2030 or next 11-12 years, oil in Indonesia will be run out. In the other hand, fuel consumption increase significantly for 13.5 million barrels, from 374.7 million barrels to 388.2 million barrels. Electric vehicles for the future of alternative solutions are emerged by this situation. This study aims to design, fabricate and tested the electric car as the future city car in Indonesia. The test results of electric cars are as follows: 1) the average speed of 8 km mileage was 12.52 minutes; 2) the uptake is tested at a distance of 10 meters with a slope of 25 • by 1387,266 watts; 3) the acceleration and deceleration of 100 meters followed by braking and the stop distance after braking was 5.3 takes 8.643 seconds; 4) The acceleration was 2.49 m/s2 and 50 total Energy consumption of Energy used in 8 km was 587,782 Wh.
Journal of physics, Sep 1, 2019
South Java Coast in Indonesia is a potential location for developing wind power due to the abunda... more South Java Coast in Indonesia is a potential location for developing wind power due to the abundant wind resources. One of the prospective areas is Baru beach, Srandakan, Bantul, Yogyakarta. In this area, the wind speed could reach 0-12 m/s with the average speed was 6 m/s. The objective of this research is to design and manufacture of Hawk Wings blades. The blades were hardly stop when spinning resulting quick rotation and high torque which were suitable for the wind characteristics at Baru beach. The windmill installation consists of some main components, i.e. blade, AC generator 3 phases, tower and foundation, wind orientation control, rectifier, battery, and load. The direct method using 2000 watt generator was used to design the wind mill. The blade was disassembled and then installed to the generator axis. The DC electricity was used as a power for charging 12 volt batteries. At Baru beach, the blade with a radius of 95 cm, width 24 cm base, 8 cm wide end a angle of 0-37° produced rotation of 0-2000 rpm, and voltage of 0-48 volts. The tests were carried out for 38 hours resulted in 3224,86 watt hour energy. As a result, the average of 1 hour production process generated electrical energy in the form of DC at 84.86 watt-hour.
日本エネルギー学会大会講演要旨集 第22回日本エネルギー学会大会, Jul 29, 2013
International journal of innovative technology and exploring engineering, Sep 30, 2019
In recent years, there has been growing interest in alternative energy sources to fossil fuels. O... more In recent years, there has been growing interest in alternative energy sources to fossil fuels. One of them is plastic pyrolysis oil (ppo) that converted from plastic waste by the pyrolysis process. The oil could be used as a fuel for combustion process in some industries. The performance of ppo combustion in steam-atomizing burner was investigated to determine the feasibility of diesel oil displacing in pyrolysis process heating. A prototype steam-atomizing burner was installed to burn plastic pyrolysis oil, with variable 3, 6, and 9 bar steam pressure, to pyrolyze 10 kg/batch low density polyethylene (LDPE) waste in a batch reactor. The pyrolysis process was maintained at 350 0 C along 2 hours at atmospheric condition. The flame temperature, the length of flame, fuel consumption, heating rate, and pyrolysis yield was observed along the process. The experiment shows that the increase of steam pressure will increase all parameters. The most optimum condition is plastic pyrolysis oil combustion using steam-atomizing burner at 9 bar steam pressure, which consumes 28 litre of fuel and yields 57% of pyrolysis oil.
日本エネルギー学会大会講演要旨集, Jul 29, 2013
Dengan terus tumbuhnya perekonomian Indonesia yang mencakup berbagai sektor, hal ini berdampak pa... more Dengan terus tumbuhnya perekonomian Indonesia yang mencakup berbagai sektor, hal ini berdampak pada peningkatan kebutuhan energi baik untuk kegiatan industri maupun konsumsi rumah tangga, termasuk penggunaan energi yang lebih modern dan dapat diterapkan di berbagai bidang. masih sedikit di bawah potensi yang ada Dalam Kebijakan Konservasi Energi dan Pengembangan Energi Terbarukan (Energi Hijau) Departemen ESDM, apa yang dimaksud dengan biomassa termasuk limbah kayu, pertanian/perkebunan/hutan, senyawa organik dari industri dan rumah tangga.Biomassa sudah lama dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat sebagai bahan bakar, namun masih secara tradisional sebagai kayu bakar. Energi yang dihasilkan digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan, antara lain kebutuhan rumah tangga (memasak dan industri rumah tangga). Biomassa merupakan salah satu sumber energi terbarukan di Indonesia dengan potensi sumber daya yang melimpah.Biomassa dapat diubah menjadi energi menggunakan sejumlah proses seperti proses termokimia dan biologi. Konversi biomassa menjadi bahan bakar tersedia dalam 3 bentuk dasar materi seperti padat, cair dan gas. Biomassa adalah bahan bakar padat selain batu bara. Biomassa terdiri dari beberapa komponen yaitu moisture, volatile matter, fixed carbon dan abu.Salah satu bentuk energi terbarukan yang potensinya melimpah adalah biomassa yang pemanfaatannya semakin modern dan dapat diterapkan di berbagai bidang, masih cukup rendah dibandingkan dengan potensi yang ada. Kementerian ESDM mengacu pada Energi Biomassa yang meliputi limbah kayu, pertanian/perkebunan/hutan, komponen organik dari industri dan rumah tangga. Di atas total konsumsi energi pada tahun 2013 sebesar 1,1 miliar BOE (Boil Equivalent), penggunaan bahan bakar energi konvensional cukup dominan, seperti minyak bumi dan batu bara. Torrefaction saat ini merupakan metode konversi biomassa yang menarik karena potensinya sebagai pilihan energi terbarukan [20-22]. Bahan bakar biomassa batubara yang mudah terbakar yang telah dikalsinasi dianggap sebagai bahan bakar termurah saat ini dan merupakan metode yang menjanjikan [23]. Bahan bakar jenis ini tidak dapat diperbaharui sehingga suatu saat akan habis [24]. Oleh karena itu, peralihan dari sumber energi fosil ke energi terbarukan sangat mendesak bagi keberlangsungan perekonomian Indonesia di masa mendatang [25]
Jurnal Al Ulum LPPM Universitas Al Washliyah Medan
In this modern era, electrical energy is the most needed energy. Because a lot of equipment is po... more In this modern era, electrical energy is the most needed energy. Because a lot of equipment is powered by electricity. As a result, it must be balanced in relation to the availability of electrical energy. To provide enough electrical energy, a power plant is required. One of the promising technologies in the future is the downdraft gasification technology, where biomass can be used as a very abundant fuel in Indonesia. Rice husk, coconut fiber, coconut shell, palm oil waste, and urban waste are some of the biomass materials used. Based on the results of a literature review regarding the composition and calorific value of the syn-gas produced, the easiest biomass to gasify is a combination of palm fronds/palm fronds (OPF) and palm kernel shells (PKS) with a ratio of 20/80. With this composition ratio, it is possible to produce syn-gas with a composition of 21% CO, 3% CH4, and 17% H2 with a heating value of 5850 kJ/m3. It can be concluded that the type of biomass feedstock greatly in...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
This community service program is Program Kemitraan Wilayah (PKW) scheme from the Ministry of Res... more This community service program is Program Kemitraan Wilayah (PKW) scheme from the Ministry of Research and Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency, Deputy for Research and Development Strengthening. The location of the scheme is in Srimulyo, Piyungan Bantul D.I Yogyakarta. The implementation of PKW is carried out by the Janabadra University (Proposer university) in collaboration with the AMPTA (Partner university) and the government of Bantul, especially BAPPEDA and Dinas pariwiata. Problems that have been identified at the location of PKW in Srimulyo, Piyungan, Bantul includes (1) lack of tourism supporting infrastructures; (2) lacc of development of the creative economy by utilizing local resources; (3) lack of development of renewable energy for environmental sustainability (4) not optimal use of tourism promotion media. The realization of these program include: tourism supporting infrastructure with a program for creating tourist destination (Tinatar and Gunungwangi h...
A simple pyrolysis of HDPE plastic wastes has been carried out in order to obtain alter-native li... more A simple pyrolysis of HDPE plastic wastes has been carried out in order to obtain alter-native liquid fuel. About 900 g of plastic was pyrolyzed at constant temperatures varied from 450 o C, 500 o C, 550 o C, 600 o C and 650 o C, The gases were condensed in two consecutive liquid containers separated by a water-cooled condenser. The liquid yield rates were observed and concluded that higher temperature delivered higher rate, between 1.1 ml/min and 5.05 ml/min. Higher temperature produced more liquid in the first container but less in the second container. Several physical characteristics of the liquid were investigated, such as specific gravity. Distillation and GC-MS tests have been conducted to those oils. All products in the second container contained light fractions of hydrocarbons (between C5 and C15), thus almost similar to gasoline. Meanwhile those in the first container contained heavier fractions (between C15 and C24), except pyrolysis at 450 o C, therefore they were closer...
The decreased world fossil energy reserve, in general, and specifically in Indonesia requires us ... more The decreased world fossil energy reserve, in general, and specifically in Indonesia requires us to find alternative energy resources. Biomass was the primary source of energy for millons people in the wold, but when coal, oil and gas widely available, it use was declined. How ever in recent years interest in biomass utilization increase because of energy crisis and envioment problem. Utiluzation of biomass for substituting fossil fuel and reduce global CO emission problem. The objective of this research is to reduce CO emission from biomass burning. Biomass is one of alternative energies with great potential in Indonesia. One of it is candlenuts shell (CNS) as the waste of candlenuts fruit, with the production of 89,155 tons/year will produce 207,958 tons shell/year. Candlenuts shell are made into pellets with particle size < 1 mm, and then burnt in combustin test instrument with variations of wall tempetature, air velocity, air temperature, raw material composition of biomas...
Energy Procedia, 2017
In spite of the past few decades, gasification of waste is being used in the developed countries.... more In spite of the past few decades, gasification of waste is being used in the developed countries. Reducing the space for landfill sites, producing fuel from waste, as well as avoiding negative impacts of landfilling, are of advantages of gasification. The research was aimed at feasibility study of application of Tehran municipal solid waste (MSW) gasification in addition to understanding the waste gasification as a stable and economic substitute for generating clean energy. On this basis, the researcher analyzed the required information through library research and by examining different types of available gasifiers in the developed countries. Firstly, the profitability of the project was assessed by using the net present value method and then, the cost-benefit analysis of the project was performed. In this study, three scenarios of the MSW landfilling and two gasification scenarios were analyzed. The research findings indicate that the gasification scenario is more economical than the landfill. Finally, the environmental analysis of all of the three scenarios was reviewed and considering the fact that the gasification scenarios are in line with the Fifth Economic Plan of the Islamic Republic of Iran, they can be proposed as the best scenarios. As to comparison of the two gasification scenarios, it was found out that considering the capacity of the waste produced in Tehran and the volume of the input waste of the two gasifiers and reduction of the operational costs of Termiska TPS Gasifier, the model of Termiska TPS Gasifier is a more suitable option for Tehran.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
The main issue in running the pyrolysis plant for waste plastics and waste tire is how to operate... more The main issue in running the pyrolysis plant for waste plastics and waste tire is how to operate the plant efficiently with the minimum energy required for heating the reactor. Therefore, the alternative heating source for the pyrolysis reactor should be applied to reduce the energy cost. Development of a novel biomass burner has been successfully fabricated, tested and applied for pyrolysis system. The experiments have been conducted to study the effect of air supply and fuel on the combustion performance of the burner. The results show that the thermal efficiency of the burner was higher by utilizing nyamplung seed cake as a feedstock compared to wood pellet. However, the maximum flame temperature of nyamplung seed cake was lower than that of wood pellet. This is due to the lower density of nyamplung seed cake compared to wood pellet which was lowering the combustion rate in the burner. The increase of the air supply generates the increase of the maximum flame temperature and the...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
Empty fruit bunch (EFB) is one of the biomass source in Indonesia which has abundant availability... more Empty fruit bunch (EFB) is one of the biomass source in Indonesia which has abundant availability generated from palm oil industry. The aim of the present work is to study the dry and wet torrefaction of EFB in a fixed bed reactor for green energy production in a cooking application. The feedstock used in these experimental works was empty fruit bunch. The collected EFB has a high moisture content which was then dried in the sun for three days in order to remove some the water content. The samples were then crushed into smaller particle size to made it easily put into the reactor. The results showed that the higher the reaction temperature and holding time, the lower the solid yields. The dry torrefaction of EFB can produce around 34-91% of the solid product. The results also showed that increasing the dry torrefaction temperature resulted in the increase of heating value. Wet torrefaction has the similar trend with the dry torrefaction. The solid product from wet torrefied EFB which can be obtained is in the range of 64-83%. Dry torrefied EFB produced higher energy yield than that of wet torrefied EFB. The difference reaction medium, temperature, and pressure resulted in different energy yield.
Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
The main problem related to thermal energy is that the thermal energy must be used directly and i... more The main problem related to thermal energy is that the thermal energy must be used directly and immediately as generated. For example, the thermal energy of solid waste combustion can be directly utilized for power generation. However, studied of thermal energy storage technology is still placed on the second opinion on waste to heat energy. The heat can be stored using a simple or mobilized system which can store thermal energy and can be brought to somewhere it is needed, for example on domestic heating or drying usage. This article studied and evaluated a micro thermal energy storage system from household waste combustion into a warm water that is great for washing clothes, dishes, shower, and other purposes of household needs. System considered was a simple manner and water is used as the heat energy storage medium. In this study, the equations for initial parameter calculation were presented theoretically based on thermodynamic principle. This paper is hopefully beneficial to t...
Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Biomass has been known as a source of energy with a thermochemical process that produces heat and... more Biomass has been known as a source of energy with a thermochemical process that produces heat and can be converted further into electricity. However, thermal energy losses are a huge problem during combustion. To overcome this problem, a system based on organic Rankine cycle (ORCs) was developed to recover and utilize them to generate electricity. The proposed ORCs include an evaporator, a turbine, a condenser, and a pump coupled with a biomass carbonizing system to create a promising technology for small-scale electricity generation. In this work, a thermodynamic modelling equation based on energy and exergy balances was briefly expressed for each subcomponent of the system. A case study with R134a as the working fluid is being investigated to validate the system’s performance. In addition to the effects of R134a on temperature at the turbine exit, the suitable operating pressures has been specially adopted from several valid journals that focused on the effects of a wide range of ...
Applied Mechanics and Materials
A two-phase flow is the simplest form of multi-phase flow. Two-phase flow has basic parameters, i... more A two-phase flow is the simplest form of multi-phase flow. Two-phase flow has basic parameters, including flow behavior, flow pattern, void fraction, pressure gradient, or pressure drop. The development and application of fluid flow in small channels (mini and micro) are in the Micro Electromechanical System (MEMS). In general, the application of two-phase flow can be found in various applications in the industrial world, such as boilers, cores, and steam generators in nuclear reactors, petroleum transportation, electronic cooling, and different other types of chemical reactors. One of the most common challenges is void fractions and flow patterns in horizontal and vertical pipelines. The purpose of this study was to find out the significant difference in the characteristic value of fundamental parameters, primarily void fractions and flow patterns that occur in capillary pipes with a slope of 15o to horizontal. The fraction value and shape of this flow pattern are essential because...
Papers by mochammad syamsiro