Papers by gugeanu mariana
Tyragetia, 2019
The article presents the research of archaeological textiles (sample No. 3) found in burial No. 3... more The article presents the research of archaeological textiles (sample No. 3) found in burial No. 39 (dating back to 1580s) in the narthex of the Assumption Church of the Căpriana Monastery. The paper describes the archaeological textiles, procedures for the preservation and restoration of artifacts, as well as the method of manufacturing textile products based on archaeological analogies in the Romanian medieval principalities and the countries of Northern Europe. Fragments of textiles from the Căpriana Monastery are made of natural silk and narrow strips made using the technique of weaving from silk and metal threads. On the basis of analogies, it was established that fragments of textiles from the Căpriana Monastery represent elements of the ceremonial costume characteristic of the Romanian principalities in the 16th century.
Cercetarea științifică prin mijloace moderne este esențială pentru desfășurarea în bune condiții ... more Cercetarea științifică prin mijloace moderne este esențială pentru desfășurarea în bune condiții a procesului de conservare-restaurare. Scopul investigațiilor științifice este de a cunoaște structura obiectului, starea de conservare, de a identifica natura materialelor componente, produșii de coroziune, degradările de natură biologică. Tehnica de cercetare avansată, cu aplicabilitate inclusiv în domeniul conservării-restaurării obiectelor de patrimoniu, permite, astăzi, investigarea minuțioasă a acestora din punctul de vedere al caracteristicilor fizico-chimice. Rezultatele examinării vizuale, cu ochiul liber sau cu ajutorul instrumentelor optice de mărit și ale analizelor fizico-chimice efectuate prin tehnici moderne non-invazive, sunt extrem de utile restauratorului, în vederea stabilirii diagnozei stării de conservare a obiectului precum și pentru alegerea metodologiei corespunzătoare de conservare-restaurare. Lucrarea prezintă unele investigații non-invazive aplicate textilelor ...
Books by gugeanu mariana
Căpriana Monastery has a special place within Romanian Christian monastic places, being founded b... more Căpriana Monastery has a special place within Romanian Christian monastic places, being founded by the great voivodes Alexander the Good, Stephen the Great, Petru Rareș, Alexandru Lăpușneanu, Vasile Lupu, but also by Metropolitan Gavriil Bănulescu-Bodoni. Located at the spring of Ișnovăț River, deep in the woods of the former Lăpușna region in the central part of the Pruto-Dniester area, Căpriana Monastery has been a true focal point of Christian civilization and culture since its foundation, irradiating, for several centuries, faith and spirituality in the eastern part of the Romanian world.
Moreover, in various historical stages, Căpriana Monastery represented a Christianity symbol in the Pruto-Dniester area, and in the late 20th century it was a symbol for the national liberation movement of the Bessarabian Romanians who were under the domination of the totalitarian Soviet empire.
In this context Căpriana Monastery has received increased attention from researchers, resulting in important studies on the history of the settlement, including the systematic archaeological investigations carried out during the last decades which brought to light important artefacts related to the past of this place.
As is the case for other period sites in the Romanian area, the archaeological vestiges found at Căpriana Monastery are mainly represented by inorganic materials (stone, mortar, ceramics, metal, etc.), the organic ones being relatively rare; within the last category, note should be made on samples of clothing textiles dated 16th-19th centuries.
The samples of archaeological textiles discovered within the funeral complexes of “The Assumption of the Virgin Mary” Church and restored at the Centre for Research and Conservation-Restoration of the Cultural Heritage within "Moldova" National Museum Complex of Iași proved to be particularly valuable from the cultural-scientific point of view, as they provided unprecedented data regarding several types of historical clothing and techniques used in old textile processing and clothing making.
The monograph of Mariana Gugeanu, Ph.D., focuses on the theoretical, methodological and applicative aspects implied by the process of safeguarding the early 19th century Christian- Orthodox liturgical costume, having as case study the liturgical vestment of Metropolitan Gavriil Bănulescu-Bodoni. The present work is elaborated based on the archaeological textiles discovered within the High Hierarch’s crypt located at Căpriana Monastery and is a pioneering experience in the Central and Southeastern European area. At the same time, the monograph is a unique study, situated at the crossroads of archaeology and conservation-restoration.
The present work analyses the research history, the process of identifying the archaeological textiles found at Căpriana Monastery, the archaeological environment of the discovered liturgical textiles, the historical significance of the liturgical vestments, the methodology of research, conservation and restoration of Metropolitan Gavriil Bănulescu- Bodoni’s liturgical vestments, the structure of the early 19th century liturgical costume, a special place being given to the process of conservation-restoration carried out in the case of the
liturgical archaeological textiles, and ends with a project designed for the museum valorisation of the restored liturgical vestments.
The work represents an original research which uses modern scientific principles and methodologies and is based on applied data resulted from the conservation-restoration of Metropolitan Gavriil Bănulescu-Bodoni’s liturgical archaeological textiles, carried out by the author of the monograph - Mariana Gugeanu, Ph.D.
The conservation-restoration of the archaeological textiles proved to be a very difficult and long-lasting process, due to the advanced state of degradation of the discovered artefacts. However, Mariana Gugeanu managed to find and implement the most effective scientific methods and solutions of conservation-restoration, safeguarding for humanity a cultural heritage treasure: an entire set of liturgical clothing dating back to the beginning of the 19th century. The significance of the clothing treasure recovered by means of the conservation- restoration project is all the greater as these cultural heritage assets belong to Metropolitan Gavriil Bănulescu-Bodoni, a remarkable historical personality, canonized among Christian Saints by the Orthodox Church in 2016.
A special part of the monographic work deals with the archaeological textiles originated from the necropolis of “The Assumption of the Virgin Mary” Church, dated 16th-17th centuries, which are of great interest in establishing the techniques used in old textiles processing and clothing making.
The project carried out by Mariana Gugeanu, Ph.D., had a strictly applicative final result: the inauguration of Căpriana Monastery Museum, in which the restored archaeological textiles took centre stage.
Therefore, the work signed by Mariana Gugeanu, Ph.D., may be regarded as a genuine model for the research, conservation-restoration, safeguarding and cultural-scientific valorization of inestimable-value cultural heritage objects, such as the archaeological textiles.
The national heritage comprises a treasure of testimonies specific to a nation’s creativity, prec... more The national heritage comprises a treasure of testimonies specific to a nation’s creativity, precious and necessary today and tomorrow, to preserve national identity.
The volume Textile archaeological heritage. From discovery to museum valorization is intended as a tribute to those who created these cultural goods, to those who discovered them and to those who, by conservation-restoration works, enabled them to transmit their contained message
- historical, technical, artistic - throughout centuries. At the same time, the volume addresses to the specialists in the field, with a view to share impressions related to the voyage made together with the archaeological textile artefacts, from discovery to museum valorization.
It is necessary to mention, from the very beginning, the fruitful collaboration in the field of preserving the cultural heritage, equally on the institutional level, between “Moldova” National Museum Complexof Iașiandreligious/academic assemblies from the Republic of Moldova, and between the museum specialists and specialists in archaeology and the related fields from the Republic of Moldova and Iași.
The archaeological artefacts have a special status within the type of textile artefacts, mostly due to the excessive brittleness, and their conservation-restoration require a synergy of actions coming from specialists in different fields, such as archaeology, history, art history, physics, chemistry, textile technology. The collaboration between the persons responsible for the conservation and restoration of the textile cultural heritage is essential for sustainable conservation and restoration, by means of adopting appropriate methodologies which respect its originality, history and integrity. The close collaboration between restorers and specialists in adjacent fields gives access to diverse information which comes to extend the overall picture of former epochs.
The study of the archaeological textiles reveals a large amount of information. It can specify, refine or verify the context of the discovery and even provide a date. The information brought to light gives clues about the social status of the owner as well as about the manufacture, local or imported from more or less remote areas, about taste, fashion, price, trade, etc. In this respect, the analysis of textiles enables the documentation of the history of techniques and garments; even the smallest fragment of textile material could be a rich source of data for archaeology and history.
Theconservation-restorationprocessofthearchaeological textiles is, for specialists, a true challenge. Dependent on the discovery contexts, the textile fragments have very different states of conservation/alteration: charred, mineralized, impressions, conserved in the regions with an extremely dry, cold or hot environment. The quality of their conservation significantly influences the quality of the collected information.
The volume presents the case studies of the archaeological textiles dated the 16th-19th centuries and discovered in three archaeological sites in the Republic of Moldova (Căpriana Monastery) and Romania (“St. Nicholas” Church of Aroneanu, Iași; “St. John the New” Nicoriță, Iași). Within these case studies, reference is made to the research, respectively, the implementation of several analytical strategies, specific to the composing materials, for providing information related to the morphology, composition, structure, types of degradation, conservation-restoration and museum valorization of these textile artefacts.
We would like to mention the fact that the idea of this publishing project came up during the research and conservation-restoration of the archaeological artefacts originating from the crypt of Metropolitan Gavriil Bănulescu-Bodoni within Căpriana Monastery (2016- 2020).
The museum valorization of this movable religious heritage of exceptional value was carried out through a cross-border project, financed through the Joint Operational Programme Romania - Republic of Moldova 2014-2020. Thus, “Moldova” National Museum Complex of Iași, Romania, as coordinator, and Căpriana Monastery, Republic of Moldova, as partner, implemented the project Revitalizarea Mănăstirii Căpriana pentru promovarea patrimoniului ecleziastic unic prin cooperare transfrontalieră și digitalizare/ Enhancement of Căpriana Monastery for the Promotion of the Unique Ecclesiastic Heritage by Cross-border Cooperation and Digitization, in the period March 2020 - November 2021.
The opening of the museum with archaeological ecclesiastical artefacts “Holy Hierarch St. Gabriel”, the first museum of its kind in the Republic of Moldova, a major objective of the project, took place on the 6th of May 2021.
Another major objective was to present, in digital form, the archaeological heritage originating from the crypt of Metropolitan Gavriil Bănulescu-Bodoni from Căpriana Monastery, Republic of Moldova, by making a permanent exhibition at Moldavia’s History Museum in Iași, using a new technique of immersive and interactive projection and providing the visitors an innovative virtual experience.
Papers by gugeanu mariana
Books by gugeanu mariana
Moreover, in various historical stages, Căpriana Monastery represented a Christianity symbol in the Pruto-Dniester area, and in the late 20th century it was a symbol for the national liberation movement of the Bessarabian Romanians who were under the domination of the totalitarian Soviet empire.
In this context Căpriana Monastery has received increased attention from researchers, resulting in important studies on the history of the settlement, including the systematic archaeological investigations carried out during the last decades which brought to light important artefacts related to the past of this place.
As is the case for other period sites in the Romanian area, the archaeological vestiges found at Căpriana Monastery are mainly represented by inorganic materials (stone, mortar, ceramics, metal, etc.), the organic ones being relatively rare; within the last category, note should be made on samples of clothing textiles dated 16th-19th centuries.
The samples of archaeological textiles discovered within the funeral complexes of “The Assumption of the Virgin Mary” Church and restored at the Centre for Research and Conservation-Restoration of the Cultural Heritage within "Moldova" National Museum Complex of Iași proved to be particularly valuable from the cultural-scientific point of view, as they provided unprecedented data regarding several types of historical clothing and techniques used in old textile processing and clothing making.
The monograph of Mariana Gugeanu, Ph.D., focuses on the theoretical, methodological and applicative aspects implied by the process of safeguarding the early 19th century Christian- Orthodox liturgical costume, having as case study the liturgical vestment of Metropolitan Gavriil Bănulescu-Bodoni. The present work is elaborated based on the archaeological textiles discovered within the High Hierarch’s crypt located at Căpriana Monastery and is a pioneering experience in the Central and Southeastern European area. At the same time, the monograph is a unique study, situated at the crossroads of archaeology and conservation-restoration.
The present work analyses the research history, the process of identifying the archaeological textiles found at Căpriana Monastery, the archaeological environment of the discovered liturgical textiles, the historical significance of the liturgical vestments, the methodology of research, conservation and restoration of Metropolitan Gavriil Bănulescu- Bodoni’s liturgical vestments, the structure of the early 19th century liturgical costume, a special place being given to the process of conservation-restoration carried out in the case of the
liturgical archaeological textiles, and ends with a project designed for the museum valorisation of the restored liturgical vestments.
The work represents an original research which uses modern scientific principles and methodologies and is based on applied data resulted from the conservation-restoration of Metropolitan Gavriil Bănulescu-Bodoni’s liturgical archaeological textiles, carried out by the author of the monograph - Mariana Gugeanu, Ph.D.
The conservation-restoration of the archaeological textiles proved to be a very difficult and long-lasting process, due to the advanced state of degradation of the discovered artefacts. However, Mariana Gugeanu managed to find and implement the most effective scientific methods and solutions of conservation-restoration, safeguarding for humanity a cultural heritage treasure: an entire set of liturgical clothing dating back to the beginning of the 19th century. The significance of the clothing treasure recovered by means of the conservation- restoration project is all the greater as these cultural heritage assets belong to Metropolitan Gavriil Bănulescu-Bodoni, a remarkable historical personality, canonized among Christian Saints by the Orthodox Church in 2016.
A special part of the monographic work deals with the archaeological textiles originated from the necropolis of “The Assumption of the Virgin Mary” Church, dated 16th-17th centuries, which are of great interest in establishing the techniques used in old textiles processing and clothing making.
The project carried out by Mariana Gugeanu, Ph.D., had a strictly applicative final result: the inauguration of Căpriana Monastery Museum, in which the restored archaeological textiles took centre stage.
Therefore, the work signed by Mariana Gugeanu, Ph.D., may be regarded as a genuine model for the research, conservation-restoration, safeguarding and cultural-scientific valorization of inestimable-value cultural heritage objects, such as the archaeological textiles.
The volume Textile archaeological heritage. From discovery to museum valorization is intended as a tribute to those who created these cultural goods, to those who discovered them and to those who, by conservation-restoration works, enabled them to transmit their contained message
- historical, technical, artistic - throughout centuries. At the same time, the volume addresses to the specialists in the field, with a view to share impressions related to the voyage made together with the archaeological textile artefacts, from discovery to museum valorization.
It is necessary to mention, from the very beginning, the fruitful collaboration in the field of preserving the cultural heritage, equally on the institutional level, between “Moldova” National Museum Complexof Iașiandreligious/academic assemblies from the Republic of Moldova, and between the museum specialists and specialists in archaeology and the related fields from the Republic of Moldova and Iași.
The archaeological artefacts have a special status within the type of textile artefacts, mostly due to the excessive brittleness, and their conservation-restoration require a synergy of actions coming from specialists in different fields, such as archaeology, history, art history, physics, chemistry, textile technology. The collaboration between the persons responsible for the conservation and restoration of the textile cultural heritage is essential for sustainable conservation and restoration, by means of adopting appropriate methodologies which respect its originality, history and integrity. The close collaboration between restorers and specialists in adjacent fields gives access to diverse information which comes to extend the overall picture of former epochs.
The study of the archaeological textiles reveals a large amount of information. It can specify, refine or verify the context of the discovery and even provide a date. The information brought to light gives clues about the social status of the owner as well as about the manufacture, local or imported from more or less remote areas, about taste, fashion, price, trade, etc. In this respect, the analysis of textiles enables the documentation of the history of techniques and garments; even the smallest fragment of textile material could be a rich source of data for archaeology and history.
Theconservation-restorationprocessofthearchaeological textiles is, for specialists, a true challenge. Dependent on the discovery contexts, the textile fragments have very different states of conservation/alteration: charred, mineralized, impressions, conserved in the regions with an extremely dry, cold or hot environment. The quality of their conservation significantly influences the quality of the collected information.
The volume presents the case studies of the archaeological textiles dated the 16th-19th centuries and discovered in three archaeological sites in the Republic of Moldova (Căpriana Monastery) and Romania (“St. Nicholas” Church of Aroneanu, Iași; “St. John the New” Nicoriță, Iași). Within these case studies, reference is made to the research, respectively, the implementation of several analytical strategies, specific to the composing materials, for providing information related to the morphology, composition, structure, types of degradation, conservation-restoration and museum valorization of these textile artefacts.
We would like to mention the fact that the idea of this publishing project came up during the research and conservation-restoration of the archaeological artefacts originating from the crypt of Metropolitan Gavriil Bănulescu-Bodoni within Căpriana Monastery (2016- 2020).
The museum valorization of this movable religious heritage of exceptional value was carried out through a cross-border project, financed through the Joint Operational Programme Romania - Republic of Moldova 2014-2020. Thus, “Moldova” National Museum Complex of Iași, Romania, as coordinator, and Căpriana Monastery, Republic of Moldova, as partner, implemented the project Revitalizarea Mănăstirii Căpriana pentru promovarea patrimoniului ecleziastic unic prin cooperare transfrontalieră și digitalizare/ Enhancement of Căpriana Monastery for the Promotion of the Unique Ecclesiastic Heritage by Cross-border Cooperation and Digitization, in the period March 2020 - November 2021.
The opening of the museum with archaeological ecclesiastical artefacts “Holy Hierarch St. Gabriel”, the first museum of its kind in the Republic of Moldova, a major objective of the project, took place on the 6th of May 2021.
Another major objective was to present, in digital form, the archaeological heritage originating from the crypt of Metropolitan Gavriil Bănulescu-Bodoni from Căpriana Monastery, Republic of Moldova, by making a permanent exhibition at Moldavia’s History Museum in Iași, using a new technique of immersive and interactive projection and providing the visitors an innovative virtual experience.
Moreover, in various historical stages, Căpriana Monastery represented a Christianity symbol in the Pruto-Dniester area, and in the late 20th century it was a symbol for the national liberation movement of the Bessarabian Romanians who were under the domination of the totalitarian Soviet empire.
In this context Căpriana Monastery has received increased attention from researchers, resulting in important studies on the history of the settlement, including the systematic archaeological investigations carried out during the last decades which brought to light important artefacts related to the past of this place.
As is the case for other period sites in the Romanian area, the archaeological vestiges found at Căpriana Monastery are mainly represented by inorganic materials (stone, mortar, ceramics, metal, etc.), the organic ones being relatively rare; within the last category, note should be made on samples of clothing textiles dated 16th-19th centuries.
The samples of archaeological textiles discovered within the funeral complexes of “The Assumption of the Virgin Mary” Church and restored at the Centre for Research and Conservation-Restoration of the Cultural Heritage within "Moldova" National Museum Complex of Iași proved to be particularly valuable from the cultural-scientific point of view, as they provided unprecedented data regarding several types of historical clothing and techniques used in old textile processing and clothing making.
The monograph of Mariana Gugeanu, Ph.D., focuses on the theoretical, methodological and applicative aspects implied by the process of safeguarding the early 19th century Christian- Orthodox liturgical costume, having as case study the liturgical vestment of Metropolitan Gavriil Bănulescu-Bodoni. The present work is elaborated based on the archaeological textiles discovered within the High Hierarch’s crypt located at Căpriana Monastery and is a pioneering experience in the Central and Southeastern European area. At the same time, the monograph is a unique study, situated at the crossroads of archaeology and conservation-restoration.
The present work analyses the research history, the process of identifying the archaeological textiles found at Căpriana Monastery, the archaeological environment of the discovered liturgical textiles, the historical significance of the liturgical vestments, the methodology of research, conservation and restoration of Metropolitan Gavriil Bănulescu- Bodoni’s liturgical vestments, the structure of the early 19th century liturgical costume, a special place being given to the process of conservation-restoration carried out in the case of the
liturgical archaeological textiles, and ends with a project designed for the museum valorisation of the restored liturgical vestments.
The work represents an original research which uses modern scientific principles and methodologies and is based on applied data resulted from the conservation-restoration of Metropolitan Gavriil Bănulescu-Bodoni’s liturgical archaeological textiles, carried out by the author of the monograph - Mariana Gugeanu, Ph.D.
The conservation-restoration of the archaeological textiles proved to be a very difficult and long-lasting process, due to the advanced state of degradation of the discovered artefacts. However, Mariana Gugeanu managed to find and implement the most effective scientific methods and solutions of conservation-restoration, safeguarding for humanity a cultural heritage treasure: an entire set of liturgical clothing dating back to the beginning of the 19th century. The significance of the clothing treasure recovered by means of the conservation- restoration project is all the greater as these cultural heritage assets belong to Metropolitan Gavriil Bănulescu-Bodoni, a remarkable historical personality, canonized among Christian Saints by the Orthodox Church in 2016.
A special part of the monographic work deals with the archaeological textiles originated from the necropolis of “The Assumption of the Virgin Mary” Church, dated 16th-17th centuries, which are of great interest in establishing the techniques used in old textiles processing and clothing making.
The project carried out by Mariana Gugeanu, Ph.D., had a strictly applicative final result: the inauguration of Căpriana Monastery Museum, in which the restored archaeological textiles took centre stage.
Therefore, the work signed by Mariana Gugeanu, Ph.D., may be regarded as a genuine model for the research, conservation-restoration, safeguarding and cultural-scientific valorization of inestimable-value cultural heritage objects, such as the archaeological textiles.
The volume Textile archaeological heritage. From discovery to museum valorization is intended as a tribute to those who created these cultural goods, to those who discovered them and to those who, by conservation-restoration works, enabled them to transmit their contained message
- historical, technical, artistic - throughout centuries. At the same time, the volume addresses to the specialists in the field, with a view to share impressions related to the voyage made together with the archaeological textile artefacts, from discovery to museum valorization.
It is necessary to mention, from the very beginning, the fruitful collaboration in the field of preserving the cultural heritage, equally on the institutional level, between “Moldova” National Museum Complexof Iașiandreligious/academic assemblies from the Republic of Moldova, and between the museum specialists and specialists in archaeology and the related fields from the Republic of Moldova and Iași.
The archaeological artefacts have a special status within the type of textile artefacts, mostly due to the excessive brittleness, and their conservation-restoration require a synergy of actions coming from specialists in different fields, such as archaeology, history, art history, physics, chemistry, textile technology. The collaboration between the persons responsible for the conservation and restoration of the textile cultural heritage is essential for sustainable conservation and restoration, by means of adopting appropriate methodologies which respect its originality, history and integrity. The close collaboration between restorers and specialists in adjacent fields gives access to diverse information which comes to extend the overall picture of former epochs.
The study of the archaeological textiles reveals a large amount of information. It can specify, refine or verify the context of the discovery and even provide a date. The information brought to light gives clues about the social status of the owner as well as about the manufacture, local or imported from more or less remote areas, about taste, fashion, price, trade, etc. In this respect, the analysis of textiles enables the documentation of the history of techniques and garments; even the smallest fragment of textile material could be a rich source of data for archaeology and history.
Theconservation-restorationprocessofthearchaeological textiles is, for specialists, a true challenge. Dependent on the discovery contexts, the textile fragments have very different states of conservation/alteration: charred, mineralized, impressions, conserved in the regions with an extremely dry, cold or hot environment. The quality of their conservation significantly influences the quality of the collected information.
The volume presents the case studies of the archaeological textiles dated the 16th-19th centuries and discovered in three archaeological sites in the Republic of Moldova (Căpriana Monastery) and Romania (“St. Nicholas” Church of Aroneanu, Iași; “St. John the New” Nicoriță, Iași). Within these case studies, reference is made to the research, respectively, the implementation of several analytical strategies, specific to the composing materials, for providing information related to the morphology, composition, structure, types of degradation, conservation-restoration and museum valorization of these textile artefacts.
We would like to mention the fact that the idea of this publishing project came up during the research and conservation-restoration of the archaeological artefacts originating from the crypt of Metropolitan Gavriil Bănulescu-Bodoni within Căpriana Monastery (2016- 2020).
The museum valorization of this movable religious heritage of exceptional value was carried out through a cross-border project, financed through the Joint Operational Programme Romania - Republic of Moldova 2014-2020. Thus, “Moldova” National Museum Complex of Iași, Romania, as coordinator, and Căpriana Monastery, Republic of Moldova, as partner, implemented the project Revitalizarea Mănăstirii Căpriana pentru promovarea patrimoniului ecleziastic unic prin cooperare transfrontalieră și digitalizare/ Enhancement of Căpriana Monastery for the Promotion of the Unique Ecclesiastic Heritage by Cross-border Cooperation and Digitization, in the period March 2020 - November 2021.
The opening of the museum with archaeological ecclesiastical artefacts “Holy Hierarch St. Gabriel”, the first museum of its kind in the Republic of Moldova, a major objective of the project, took place on the 6th of May 2021.
Another major objective was to present, in digital form, the archaeological heritage originating from the crypt of Metropolitan Gavriil Bănulescu-Bodoni from Căpriana Monastery, Republic of Moldova, by making a permanent exhibition at Moldavia’s History Museum in Iași, using a new technique of immersive and interactive projection and providing the visitors an innovative virtual experience.