Papers by flavia lattanzi
In the Trial Chamber la> ttb1~-;1)y.~t+-case No.
Con questo contributo l'Autrice si propone di chiarire quando la pulizia etnica, che si reali... more Con questo contributo l'Autrice si propone di chiarire quando la pulizia etnica, che si realizza sempre tramite crimini di guerra e crimini contro l'umanità nei confronti dei membri di una comunità per ragioni di "razza", etnia, nazionalità o religione – assassini, stermini, torture, espulsioni, trasferimenti forzati, distruzione di villaggi, saccheggi di proprietà private e di edifici culturali e religiosi -, raggiunga il livello di un genocidio della comunità colpita. L'Autrice esamina alcuni casi emblematici di pulizia etnica del XX secolo, qualificabili come genocidio ai sensi della Convenzione sul genocidio del 1948 e della prassi e giurisprudenza: l'eliminazione degli Armeni nell'Impero ottomano durante la Prima guerra mondiale, la più conosciuta Shoah degli Ebrei in Europa durante la Seconda guerra mondiale, l'eliminazione dei Tutsi nel 1994 in Ruanda e dei Bosniaci-Musulmani nel 1995 nella regione di Srebrenica. Gli elementi del genocidio so...
The rome statute and domestic Vol.II, 2006
The Rome Statute and Domestic Legal Orders, 2000
Rivista di diritto internazionale, 2020
Il presente libro prende spunto dai lavori di un Seminario organizzato presso l'Università Ro... more Il presente libro prende spunto dai lavori di un Seminario organizzato presso l'Università Roma Tre sui tragici eventi occorsi nel secolo scorso, allorché le forze nazi-fasciste organizzarono e realizzarono, prima in Germania e poi in Europa, grazie anche alla debole resistenza (se non indifferenza) degli Stati democratici, la loro politica razzista e genocidiaria. Il fallimento della Conferenza di Evian, la successiva Conferenza di Monaco che ha permesso il trasferimento dei Sudeti alla Germania, la Notte dei cristalli, l'occupazione del resto della Cecoslovacchia, il caso dei rifugiati ebrei del transatlantico Saint Louis sono alcuni di questi terribili eventi che hanno caratterizzato quel periodo aprendo la strada delle forze nazi-fasciste alla pulizia dell'Europa occupata dagli Ebrei, dai Gipsy, dagli omosessuali, dai disabili e dissidenti politici, con il ricorso a crimini contro l'umanità, a crimini di guerra e al genocidio. Partendo da questi eventi, il libro ...
Unfortunately, the death penalty is not generally prohibited in international law, but only in sp... more Unfortunately, the death penalty is not generally prohibited in international law, but only in specific treaties binding States having ratified them. All the same, the trial against Saddam and some collaborators of his regime by Iraqi Higher Court (IHC) was carried out in violation of international rules. It was an almost summary justice. The IHC was created in an antidemocratic way, by the Coalition Provisional Authority as occupying force of Iraq, in contradiction with the International Covenant on civil and political rights and the fourth Geneva Convention of 1949. The subse384 Flavia Lattanzi quent approval by the Iraqi Parliamentarian Assembly could not repair such genetic fault. The trial was characterized by investigations conducted before the creation of the Court itself, according to not clear rules of procedure and proof, taken by Iraqi codes, dating back to a period when the notion of fair trial where not developed as now it is. The crimes on which the IHC has competence ...
Starting from the claim by the Armenian community and the majority of historians that the 1915–19... more Starting from the claim by the Armenian community and the majority of historians that the 1915–1916 Armenian massacres and deportations constitute genocide as well as Turkey’s fierce opposition to such a qualification, this paper investigates the possibility of identifying those massacres and deportations as the destruction of a nation. On the basis of a thorough analysis of the facts and the required mental element, the author shows that a deliberate destruction, in a substantial part, of the Armenian Christian nation as such, took place in those years. To come to this conclusion, this paper borrows the very same determinants as those used in the case-law of the Military Tribunals in occupied Germany, the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda in genocide cases. Based on the principle of tempus regit actum, this essay also discusses the law applicable to such a deliberate destruction, and tries to demonstrate tha...
Dula Leka; (iv) the evidence of some of the witnesses relates to the acts and conduct of the Accu... more Dula Leka; (iv) the evidence of some of the witnesses relates to the acts and conduct of the Accused and to critical issues of the Prosecution's case; and (v) many statements of the witnesses are unreliable because they have never been subject to cross-examination. 5 The Accused further submits that, should the Chamber decide that the evidence generally fulfils the requirements for I In the Motion the Prosecution seeks the admission of testimony from 16 witnesses, but it subsequently withdrew its request in relation to KDZ355, and this decision therefore only addresses the admission of evidence from the remaining IS witnesses. See Prosecution Submission Concerning Witnesses KDZ235 and KDZ355, with Confidential Appendices A and B,
American Journal of International Law, 1999
The United Nations Diplomatic Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Establishment of an Internat... more The United Nations Diplomatic Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court (ICC) took place in Rome at the headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization from June 15 to July 17, 1998. The participants numbered 160 states, thirty-three intergovernmental organizations and a coalition of 236 nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). The conference concluded by adopting the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court by a nonrecorded vote of 120 in favor, 7 against and 21 abstentions. The United States elected to indicate publicly that it had voted against the statute. France, the United Kingdom and the Russian Federation supported the statute.
Papers by flavia lattanzi