Papers by ferry simanjuntak
Menghidupkan Pertumbuhan Rohani: Inovasi Strategi Keterlibatan Masyarakat Gereja Christ Culture Bandung, 2023
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi implementasi metode induktif dalam pemuridan genera... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi implementasi metode induktif dalam pemuridan generasi muda di Gereja Christ Culture Bandung. Melalui tiga tahap, yaitu pengajaran, pemaparan metode induktif, dan penyusunan strategi, penelitian ini berhasil membuktikan bahwa metode induktif efektif dalam meningkatkan partisipasi dan pemahaman pemuda terhadap ajaran Alkitab. Hasil utama mencakup pengembangan kurikulum pemuridan yang mengintegrasikan metode induktif, memungkinkan dialog yang mendalam, dan mendorong perkembangan komunitas sel pemuda. Dalam konteks gereja modern, di mana generasi muda seringkali mengalami tantangan dalam memahami dan menerapkan ajaran Alkitab, metode ini membuktikan dirinya sebagai alat yang efektif untuk menciptakan strategi pemuridan yang responsif dan inklusif. Simpulan penelitian ini menegaskan bahwa metode induktif merupakan solusi yang relevan bagi gereja dalam merespons perkembangan zaman dan mengatasi kendala pemuridan terhadap generasi muda. Dalam esensinya, metode ini membuka pintu untuk pemahaman yang lebih dalam, aplikasi praktis, dan pertumbuhan rohani bagi pemuda, sejalan dengan visi gereja dan amanat Kristus dalam Matius 28: 18-20.
Christian Ethical Review of Royalty Collection for the Use of ReligiousSongs in Online Worship, 2023
Online worship has rapidly emerged as a prevalent ministry approach in recent years. Many churche... more Online worship has rapidly emerged as a prevalent ministry approach in recent years. Many churches opt for broadcasting services via YouTube for virtual worship. However, challenges arise as songwriters request royalties for their songs featured in these online worship broadcasts. This can curtail song selection, consequently impacting service quality for congregants. This study explores the Christian ethical dimensions of royalty collection for religious songs in online worship, utilizing a literature review methodology. Its goal is to offer theological guidance to both songwriters and churches. The research scrutinizes influential academic journals, conducts a comprehensive analysis of biblical principles, and assesses Indonesia's relevant regulations. The primary aim of this study is to establish an ethical Christian perspective for composers and the church when addressing the intricate matter of royalty imposition when using religious songs in online worship. Although labor is a divine command for meeting human needs, Christians perceive work as an avenue to glorify God. Hence, seeking royalties for religious songs used in online worship might not align with this principle. This notion resonates with the non-commercial essence of worship. Moreover, it is imperative for churches to ensure that worship videos disseminated through platforms like YouTube and other social media retain their sanctity by avoiding monetization and commercialization.
Penguatan Perlindungan Anak Melalui Inovatif Program Pendidikan Kekerasan Seksual di Kota Soe, Nusa Tenggara Timur, 2023
This research discusses community service efforts in Kota Soe, East Nusa Tenggara, focusing on se... more This research discusses community service efforts in Kota Soe, East Nusa Tenggara, focusing on sexual violence education and self-protection for children. The introduction reflects the cityʹs blessings, miraculous history, and the urgency of child protection in the context of sexual violence. Child protection laws serve as the legal foundation, while factors contributing to sexual violence include power relations, the influence of alcohol, and threats to children. KPAI data reveals alarming rates of sexual violence in 2022. With the increasing incidence of sexual crimes against children, this research emphasizes the importance of early education as a form of protection. The Community Service Program at SMP Kristen III Soe aims to provide understanding to children, build awareness, and equip them with protective knowledge. The conclusion emphasizes that early awareness of sexual violence provides a solid foundation for children to protect themselves from negative threats. Abstrak: Penelitian ini membahas upaya pengabdian kepada masyarakat di Kota Soe, Nusa Tenggara Timur, dengan fokus pada penyuluhan kekerasan seksual dan perlindungan diri bagi anak-anak. Pendahuluan mencerminkan keberkahan kota, sejarah mujizat, dan urgensi perlindungan anak dalam konteks kekerasan seksual. Undang-undang perlindungan anak menjadi dasar hukum, sedangkan faktor penyebab kekerasan seksual termasuk relasi kuasa, pengaruh minuman keras, dan ancaman terhadap anak. Data KPAI menunjukkan angka kekerasan seksual yang mengkhawatirkan pada
Pembinaan Iman Kristen Pada Pedagang Kaki Lima Yang Berlokasi di Pasar Segar Taman Kopo Indah II Bandung, 2023
Pedagang kaki lima seringkali menghadapi berbagai tantangan, termasuk terbatasnya akses terhadap ... more Pedagang kaki lima seringkali menghadapi berbagai tantangan, termasuk terbatasnya akses terhadap sumber daya, kurangnya pengakuan hukum, dan stigma sosial. Tantangan-tantangan ini dapat mempersulit pedagang kaki lima dalam mencari nafkah dan menafkahi keluarganya. Pembinaan iman Kristen dapat membantu mengatasi tantangan rohani ini dengan menyediakan alat dan sumber daya yang dibutuhkan para pedagang kaki lima untuk memperdalam iman dan bertumbuh dalam hubungan mereka dengan Tuhan. Pasar Segar Taman Kopo Indah merupakan lokasi penelitian yang dipilih. Ini adalah pasar ramai yang berfungsi sebagai pusat pedagang kaki lima. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif untuk mengumpulkan data melalui wawancara semi terstruktur, diskusi kelompok terfokus, dan observasi, serta analisis data menggunakan analisis tematik untuk mengidentifikasi pola dan tema dalam data. Melalui pembinaan iman Kristen bagi pedagang kaki lima di Pasar Segar Taman Kopo Indah Bandung sebagai bentuk pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan civitas akademis program Pasca Sarjana Teologi STT Kharisma Bandung telah berhasil membentuk komunitas 'Care Group' dengan kegiatan pendalaman Alkitab dan doa, pendampingan, dan penatalayanan.
Pembinaan Iman Kristen Pada Pedagang Kaki Lima Yang Berlokasi di Pasar Segar Taman Kopo Indah II Bandung, 2023
GBI Human Church Community Kebon Sayur Branch is located on Jalan Peternakan West Jakarta. This c... more GBI Human Church Community Kebon Sayur Branch is located on Jalan Peternakan West Jakarta. This church stands in the middle of a slum, surrounded by garbage dumps. The problem experienced by this Church is that many Sunday school students cannot read and cannot write. Therefore, we do reading learning activities before Sunday school activities are held. The method of implementing service will be carried out by making plans, then the implementation stage and reporting results. From the results of PKM activities in this place is very useful for the future of surrounding children, so it is recommended that reading and writing learning activities can continue.
Jurnal Ledalero, Dec 21, 2021
The Covid-19 pandemic that began in early 2020 has had serious impacts on various aspects of life... more The Covid-19 pandemic that began in early 2020 has had serious impacts on various aspects of life globally, nationally and locally, including family planning program services in Indonesia. BKKBN, for example, carries out various policies to increase participation in family planning programs to maintain community welfare by anticipating the baby boom during the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on the results of the survey conducted, the interest of men to participate in becoming MOP contraceptive acceptors began to increase. This is certainly a progress where the awareness of men to participate in family planning programs is increasing. The increase in participants occurred because of 'correct' knowledge about family planning programs. Before the Covid-19 pandemic, many men and their families did not have adequate knowledge about vasectomy as a method of contraception. Consequently, this caused limited accessibility to contraceptive services and acceptance among men. The main objective of this paper is therefore to provide complete and clear information to men regarding the benefits, impacts and perspectives of applied ethical theology on the use of the vasectomy method of contraception. Methodologically, this study uses a qualitative method by collecting several journals and books related to the formulation of the problem and looking for possible equations to answer this research problem. The expected results are therefore a wider recognition of the important role of health workers, culture, and experienced family planning cadres, as well as a provision of knowledge and direction in socializing the vasectomy method, including understanding the theologically ethical perspectives of vasectomy as a method of contraception.
Jurnal Teologi Berita Hidup, Mar 31, 2023
Today the church is starting to develop in terms of worship and in terms of teaching because a wi... more Today the church is starting to develop in terms of worship and in terms of teaching because a wider world can be reached through technological advances. Whatever form, model, and system developed in the management of the Church, it must adhere to the basic and essential ideas of the Church according to the Bible. The research used in this paper is a literature study method, which is a study used to collect information and data with the help of various materials such as books and journal articles. In the current Covid-19 pandemic, churches are very dependent on digital media for plant survival and church growth.This research provides a new contribution and perspective for the church about ministry in the pandemic era. This research provides new information about ministry development, evangelism and discipleship in the church
Perubahan zaman yang begitu cepat telah membawa budaya baru dalam masyarakat yaitu budaya konsume... more Perubahan zaman yang begitu cepat telah membawa budaya baru dalam masyarakat yaitu budaya konsumerisme. Suatu budaya yang menjadikan masyarakat berperilaku konsumtif yang tidak berdasar kepada kegunaan tetapi kepada gaya hidup. Pasar yang cenderung ekstrim dalam mempromosikan produknya, menjadi masalah bagi masyarakat, termasuk orang percaya yang merupakan bagian dari gereja bisa terjerat dalam pusaran konsumerisme. apakah konsumerisme telah masuk dalam gereja sehingga gereja lalai terhadap penginjilan, misi, penanaman gereja baru. Dalam studi ini penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi pustaka, melalui buku-buku referensi dan jurnal-jurnal, serta ayat-ayat Alkitab yang berkaitan dengan rumusan masalah, kemudian mencari kesamaan yang memungkinkan bisa menjawab masalah penelitian ini. Dari penelitian ini didapati bahwa konsumerisme telah masuk dalam gereja, untuk itu gereja diingatkan agar waspada, kritis, bersikap tegas terhadap konsumerisme dan melakukan evaluasi yang objektif, sehingga gereja kembali menjalankan Amanat Agung tanpa terjebak budaya konsumerisme.
Diegesis : jurnal teologi, Feb 28, 2021
Persoalan mengenai homoseksualitas terus menjadi perdebatan di berbagai kalangan, baik dalam psik... more Persoalan mengenai homoseksualitas terus menjadi perdebatan di berbagai kalangan, baik dalam psikologi, biologi, maupun teologi. Berbagai argumen saling dilontarkan untuk mempertahankan pandangan masing-masing pihak pro dan kontra homoseksualitas. Terlebih lagi persoalan mengenai identitas homoseksual. Gay gene adalah senjata paling utama yang dilontarkan oleh pihak pro homoseksual untuk menjadi tembok pelindung bagi para kaum homoseksual. Pembenaran diri mengenai homoseksualitas pun turut didukung dengan cara menggunakan Alkitab sebagai pendukungnya. Dalam kesempatan kali ini, penulis mengangkat topik "Pandangan Etika Kristen Terhadap Identitas Homoseksual" untuk mencoba menolong setiap kaum homoseksual untuk menyadari bahwa mereka tidak pernah diciptakan dalam keadaan seperti itu. Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian berupa studi pustaka dengan cara mengangkat argumen-argumen serta sanggahansanggahan yang penulis ambil dari berbagai literatur yang ada. Dan Alkitab jelas mengatakan bahwa menjadi homoseksual adalah dosa (Roma 1:24-27). Allah tidak pernah menciptakan seseorang dengan orientasi seksual berupa homoseksual, terbukti dengan Allah menciptakan Adam dan Hawa sejak mulanya, yang berarti orientasi seksual yang dikehendaki Allah adalah berupa heteroseksual. Para kaum homoseksual kemudian harus mengakui dosanya di hadapan Allah, bertobat, dan meminta kasih karunia Allah untuk memampukan mereka keluar dari dosa homoseksualitas. Karena pengampunan dan kasih karunia Allah selalu tersedia bagi mereka yang mau merendahkan hatinya untuk datang kepada-Nya.
Montessori Jurnal Pendidikan Kristen Anak Usia Dini, Jun 30, 2021
Fenomena yang dapat dijumpai dalam pengasuhan anak di dalam keluarga adalah adanya "mata rantai" ... more Fenomena yang dapat dijumpai dalam pengasuhan anak di dalam keluarga adalah adanya "mata rantai" pengasuhan yang buruk dari generasi ke generasi, yang disebabkan karena orang tua gagal dalam mengasuh dan mendidik anak. Penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah metode kualitatif studi pustaka menemukan adanya "mata rantai" tujuh kesenjangan yang terjadi pada pengasuhan anak yang menyebabkan kegagalan orang tua dalam mengasuh dan mendidik anak. Kemudian melalui studi eksposisi berdasarkan Ulangan 6:4-9 yang mengandung prinsip pengasuhan alkitabiah, ditemukan bahwa "mata rantai" tujuh kesenjangan pengasuhan orang tua itu disebabkan karena orang tua tidak hidup dengan komitmen rohani. Kata kunci : Pola asuh, orang tua, anak, komitmen rohani. PENDAHULUAN Warren Stanley Heath (2016:33) mengatakan bahwa masyarakat menghadapi bermacam-macam masalah, seperti: kenakalan anak-anak, kerenggangan hubungan suami isteri, perselisihan kakak adik, depresi, ancaman bunuh diri, kehamilan anak gadis, penyalahgunaan narkotika. Hampir masalah-masalah itu berkaitan dengan kegagalan proses pendidikan anak (Heath, 2016:33). Dengan kata lain, orang tua gagal dalam mengasuh / mendidik anak. Pengasuhan buruk itu sendiri, tentunya tidak terjadi dengan serta merta, tetapi ada hal yang melatarbelakanginya. Penulis mengindikasi ada tujuh kesenjangan pada pola pengasuhan keluarga yang menjadi seperti suatu "mata rantai" yang kemudian menyebabkan terjadinya pola pengasuhan yang buruk dalam keluarga yang cenderung diteruskan dari generasi ke generasi. Tujuh kesenjangan pola pengasuhan itu dapat digambarkan sebagai berikut: Orang tua tidak hadir/tidak berperan di tengah keluarganya sehingga terjadi pembiaran dan pengabaian oleh orang tua dalam pengasuhan anak. Survei nasional yang dilakukan oleh Komisi Perlindungan Anak Indonesia (KPAI) tentang "Kualitas Pengasuhan Anak Indonesia 2015." Hasilnya adalah peran ayah yang semakin pudar, sementara itu peran ibu masih sangat dominan dalam semua indikator yang diukur. Dalam survei itu dikatakan juga bahwa hal yang menjadi faktor penyebab anak-anak semakin kurang kasih sayang dan perhatian dari ayahnya adalah tuntutan ekonomi, kurangnya kesiapan menjadi ayah, kuatnya budaya penyerahan pengasuhan anak kepada
Jurnal PkM Setiadharma, Dec 26, 2022
Cell community planting is urgently needed, especially in areas where the gospel has not yet been... more Cell community planting is urgently needed, especially in areas where the gospel has not yet been reached. The data shows that the Rancaekek and Soreang areas are two areas the gospel has not reached. Therefore, the author makes pioneering efforts with the hope that one day there will be churches in Rancaekek and Soreang, starting with cell communities in these two areas. The method used in this research is study cases. The author conducts community worship services as the forerunner of the birth of a church of God. So far, the cell community services that have been held have received a positive response from the Christian families served. Those who still need a community to grow in faith in the area where they live show enthusiasm when their house is used as a place to carry out cell community worship. Cell community is carried out not only on-site but also online. This is an alternative response to the ongoing conditions (pandemic). If conditions improve in the future, an online cell community will likely be carried out on-site.
Jurnal PkM Setiadharma, Dec 31, 2021
During the Covid-19 pandemic, the church was limited by government regulations not to hold on-sit... more During the Covid-19 pandemic, the church was limited by government regulations not to hold on-site service but was replaced with online service via YouTube, Zoom Meetings or other media. Not everyone can use this technology, especially those who have limitations as experienced by the blind. As believers they still have to grow in faith. The problem in the research is how blind people continue to grow in faith in Christ even during the Covid-19 pandemic? This study uses a qualitative method with a literature study approach together with interviews with blind people about the need for their growth in faith. The growth in faith can be obtained through worship, Bible reading. By stopping the weekly service as usual, it is through reading the Bible that they gain faith growth. But they are constrained by funding problems to have a special Bible for them. The result of this research is that the blind need Braille Bible. The author lists the needs of the Braille Bible and distributes it for free as a form of community service. The author hopes that this research can raise the concern of Christians for the needs of the blind and those who need help.
Evangelikal: jurnal teologi Injili dan pembinaan warga jemaat, Jan 31, 2022
Cryptocurrency is a digital currency that utilizes blockchain technology to do investments. This ... more Cryptocurrency is a digital currency that utilizes blockchain technology to do investments. This study aims to provide answers for Christians on how to respond to Cryptocurrency investments from the perspective of Christian ethics. The research method used is through the library research approach. This study indicates that cryptocurrency itself as a new technology is an agnostic technology; rather, it is the attitude and motivation of a person that determines the suitability of cryptocurrency in a particular situation. Thus, pastors and believers can invest in cryptocurrency, depending on their motivations.
Diegesis, Jan 6, 2022
There has been so much discussion about Divorce among Christians with various theological backgro... more There has been so much discussion about Divorce among Christians with various theological backgrounds, but for the lay congregation, there is still confusion about the attitude of the Church in general. Of course, this has a less than the optimal effect on the spiritual formation of the church. This may happen because of the lack of understanding Christians about how Christian ethical values can be applied in divorce cases. Moreover, it was added with the uncertainty of some church parties in taking their stand. This paper tries to explain in a simple way about Divorce with all its details, causes, and consequences. This paper also discusses why the church needs to take a stand and show it clearly to the congregation to avoid congregational confusion. This research was made using descriptive qualitative research methods through literature studies. Conclusions are generally drawn based on the inductive method.
Jurnal Comunità Servizio, Apr 17, 2023
Setiap orang perlu memiliki pemahaman yang jelas mengenai iman yang dianutnya. Demikian juga seor... more Setiap orang perlu memiliki pemahaman yang jelas mengenai iman yang dianutnya. Demikian juga seorang Kristen perlu memiliki pemahaman iman yang benar. Itu sebabnya, kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan guna meningkatkan pemahaman iman Kristen melalui program pemuridan di kalangan siswa SMA dan SMK Yadika Soreang, di mana selama 7 (tujuh) hari, dipaparkan materi mengenai Jaminan Keselamatan,
Jurnal Comunità Servizio, Apr 18, 2022
Perintisan gereja tidak dapat dipisahkan dari misi, karena sebuah gereja dikatakan berkembang dan... more Perintisan gereja tidak dapat dipisahkan dari misi, karena sebuah gereja dikatakan berkembang dan bertumbuh apabila gereja tersebut melakukan misi. Kegiatan gereja yang terhambat oleh karena pandemi yang terjadi tidak menghambat semangat gereja Tuhan sebagai "yang dipanggil keluar" untuk melakukan persekutuan orang-orang percaya. Dalam kesempatam ini komsel dibentuk dengan sasaran anak-anak muda usia sekolah yang diperlengkapi untuk menjangkau lingkungannya. Melalui zoom meeting diadakan beberapa kegiatan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman peserta komsel akan firman Tuhan, pertumbuhan dan pendewasaan anggota juga merupakan sasaran daripada perintisan komsel ini.
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences, Dec 1, 2021
Sex education for children and adolescents is often obtained from parenting seminars held by scho... more Sex education for children and adolescents is often obtained from parenting seminars held by schools. But sex education for husband and wife that is right according to the Bible is challenging to find. Even if there are, they are usually in the form of seminars, and to attend them; a fee is not cheap. The Church should answer this need by providing sex education for married couples in discipleship classes, seminars, or retreats explicitly held for married couples (Halawa, 2020). In addition, teachers from the Church have more value than general teachers because they must have understood the truth of God's word. There is objective evidence of exemplary in the harmony of their families. Proper sexual relations, according to the Bible for married couples, significantly affect family harmony. Often divorce cases occur because of problems in the sexual relationship of married couples. One of the causes of conflict that often occurs is due to poor communication. To get a quality sex relationship, it's necessary to have good communication between husband and wife. So harmony in the family is closely related to the quality of sexual relations between husband and wife (Avianti and Hendrati, 2011). This research paper was written to answer the needs of married couples in the Church. How can they have proper sex according to the Bible? Have there been irregularities in having sex? Do both parties have sex out of love? How can they have good communication, especially when it comes to sex? How can they have a harmonious family? Abstract Currently, many family problems occur due to poor communication. If this is allowed to drag on, it can lead to divorce in the family. And if examined more deeply, married couples who want to divorce have serious problems in sexual relations between husband and wife. This research paper provides a solution for married couples to have good sex relations and have good communication to create a harmonious family. And the most appropriate solution is to provide sex education for married couples. Sex education provided must be accurate according to the Bible, described in detail, according to the needs of married couples, and answer all existing problems. The Church can facilitate sex education for married couples by opening discipleship classes. The Church as the body of Christ must solve married couples who are having problems becoming married couples who are harmonious in God.
Jurnal Ledalero, Dec 22, 2022
Plastic surgery to change the shape of the nose (rhynoplasty) is a controversy that is present to... more Plastic surgery to change the shape of the nose (rhynoplasty) is a controversy that is present today as knowledge increases in the field of medical technology, increasing aesthetic influence which presents new trends in influencing a person's shape and appearance. On the other hand, nose reconstruction (septoplasty) is also needed because of an accident, disease or certain conditions in the nose. This paper analyzes the issue of plastic surgery on the nose as an effort to provide an understanding of biblical ethics to place this phenomenon in accordance with Christian ethical principles. The goal is for God's people to consider biblical and ethical principles in making ethical decisions before undergoing plastic surgery. In this study, researchers used descriptive analysis methods and literature studies. The type of data used is in the form of various books and articles according to the theme of the discussion. Based on existing research, researchers found that nose specialist plastic surgery procedures must be carried out according to the conditions that occur and are supported by clear goals and motivation. Such as plastic surgery of the cetoplasty type which is mandatory for the method of healing the respiratory tract in the nose and plastic surgery of the rhinoplasty type which actually does not have to be done because it is contrary to God's will, and does not agree with the perspective of bioethics and Christian ethics. It is possible to do this surgical procedure, but it must be based on clear reasons and objectives, and supported by the unavailability of other options apart from how necessary this operation must be carried out.
EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan
This study explains the urgency and neutrality of Christology teaching in fostering the congregat... more This study explains the urgency and neutrality of Christology teaching in fostering the congregation's faith during the Covid-19 pandemic by developing teaching materials in supporting modules. This study used the qualitative method. The results of this study: 1) 69.8% of the congregation needed Christology teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic; 2) The Christology teaching module is acceptable in terms of content validity and readability and shows that all sub-modules have an average percentage of 86.9% in the easy category; 3) The response of the congregation after the teaching of Christology obtained an average percentage of 93.3% in the very strong category. As an implication, in carrying out the task of coaching in the Church during the Covid-19 pandemic, so that coaching is carried out effectively and answers the congregation's needs, the Church should start with a review of the introduction of God introduced through Christology in the Bible. Abstrak Kajian ini menjelas...
Papers by ferry simanjuntak