Papers by yakub hendrawan perangin angin
Sabda: Jurnal Teologi Kristen
Pemuridan pernikahan dalam hal ini melalui Kelompok Tumbuh Bersama Pasangan suami istri merupakan... more Pemuridan pernikahan dalam hal ini melalui Kelompok Tumbuh Bersama Pasangan suami istri merupakan ide dan gagasan yang sebenarnya sudah lama ada, karena merupakan bentuk dan metode lainnya dari sekian banyak pelayanan pemuridan. Pelayanan bagi pasangan suami istri adalah sangat penting dan diperlukan terlebih dalam kehidupan pernikahan dan gereja dewasa ini yang begitu banyak mengalami tantangan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode riset pustaka. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan ada empat implikasi dari pasutri yang dimuridkan bagi pendidikan keluarga Kristen guna ketahanan pernikahan, yaitu: Pertama, Pernikahan Yang Menyaksikan Yesus Sang Juru Selamat. Kedua, Pasutri Yang Konsisten Menjalankan Amanat Agung. Ketiga, Pasutri yang Saling Belajar Terus Menerus. Keempat, Pasutri yang Semakin Memperkaya, Memperindah, dan Memberdayakan Pasangan.
Jurnal Teologi Praktika
Many problems occur in Christian marriages and families. One of the main causes of the many probl... more Many problems occur in Christian marriages and families. One of the main causes of the many problems that plague Christian marriages and some divorces is the lack of understanding of the meaning of the vision and mission of marriage as God's design. Christian marriage vocation should reflect a holistic unity. Christian families must be alert to the challenges they face. The method in this research is a qualitative methodology with a literature study approach. As for the results of this study, there are five implications of understanding the meaning of the vision and mission of the family designed by God in Christian family education, namely: First, the means for parents to help children's perspective. Second, build a strong and healthy and successful marriage vision. Third, make wise marriage choices. Fourth, take root, grow, and bear fruit with a partner. Fifth, serve the couple.Abstrak:Banyak permasalahan terjadi dalam pernikahan dan keluarga Kristen. Salah satu penyebab u...
Veritas Lux Mea (Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen)
It is undeniable the importance of understanding team management for everyone, including believer... more It is undeniable the importance of understanding team management for everyone, including believers in Christ and the Church as a group of Christians as well as various organizations, both profit and non-profit, and even religious service organizations, including Christian service organizations, are closely related to the team in all aspects of their lives. A person is never separated from the needs and life of the organization, this starts from the smallest organizational unit, namely the family which continues to expand to the church community, community, work, social and state environment. So that someone's success in his environment wherever he is in a community or organization must understand the meaning of being part of a team and how to build his life as a good team player. The method used in this research is library research which aims to describe the meaning and understanding of the concept of team management which includes types, structure, characteristics and principle...
DIDAKTIKOS: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Kristen, Dec 27, 2019
Jurnal Salvation, Aug 30, 2021
MANTHANO: Jurnal Pendidikan Kristen
Understanding the concept of strategic management for a Christian leader is very important and ca... more Understanding the concept of strategic management for a Christian leader is very important and can even be said to be one of the main competencies that a leader must possess regarding leadership knowledge because it will affect his personal life as well as his organizational life. The method in this study was carried out by means of a literature study. The results of this study show how understanding the concept of strategic management correctly can have an impact not only on the leaders themselves but also on the people and organizations where the leaders lead. At least the implications of this research are: First, Willingness to train oneself to think strategically. Second, practicing strategic leadership in leading the organization. Third, sharing understanding of strategic management concepts.
CARAKA: Jurnal Teologi Biblika dan Praktika
Kepemimpinan Kristen belum berjalan sebagaimana seharusnya panggilan sebagai pemimpin Kristen yan... more Kepemimpinan Kristen belum berjalan sebagaimana seharusnya panggilan sebagai pemimpin Kristen yang benar menurut Alkitab, hal ini terjadi bukan saja di dalam kehidupan keluarga Kristen tetapi juga di gereja dan organisasi-organisasi keagamaan Kristen, bahkan di masyarakat dan pemerintahan yang diperankan posisi dan tanggungjawabnya oleh orang yang mengaku Kristen. Beberapa fakta dikemukakan dalam penelitian ini sebagai buktinya. Sementara praktik yang dijalankan sudah lama sekali oleh para tokoh Alkitab yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan praktik kepemimpinan yang baik dan dapat diteladani oleh para pemimpin Kristen saat ini dan masa depan karena para tokoh ini pun mengalami tantangan kepemimpinan yang tidak sedikit bahkan mengancam nyawa dan integritas serta iman kepada Allahnya. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan riset pustaka. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan teladan dari para tokoh Alkitab yang kepemimpinannya baik dan berkenan kepada Allah, dengan kata lain me...
THEOLOGIA INSANI (Jurnal Theologia, Pendidikan, dan Misiologia Integratif)
Penelitian ini dimaksudkan guna memberikan pemahaman dan implikasi yang benar terkait makna peker... more Penelitian ini dimaksudkan guna memberikan pemahaman dan implikasi yang benar terkait makna pekerjaan sebagai misi bagi orang Kristen. Metode yang digunakan adalah riset literatur. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pekerjaan sebagai misi sangat penting bahkan juga bagi para pemimpin Kristen sebagai sarana mewartakan syalom Allah pada dunia. Dengan demikian Missio Dei yang dimandatkan kepada gereja oleh Allah menjadi nyata dan efektif untuk dilakukan dalam berbagai aspek bidang kehidupan terutama dalam bidang pekerjaan yang dilakukan oleh orang Kristen. Paling tidak ada lima implikasi bagi orang Kristen. Pertama, memahami strategisnya panggilan setiap orang percaya yang dipanggil sebagai pemimpin gereja. Kedua, memahami makna Allah bekerja bagi dan melalui umat-Nya sebagai orang percaya. Ketiga, memahami makna vokasi setiap orang Kristen yang percaya kepada Krisus Yesus. Keempat, menjadi orang Kristen yang kerja dengan beretika. Kelima, memahami prinsip pekerjaan sebagai panggilan ber...
Jurnal Lentera Nusantara
Living under God's guidance is a necessity for everyone who has believed and given himself to... more Living under God's guidance is a necessity for everyone who has believed and given himself to be led by God. The choice that has been made by a person who believes in Christ Jesus to be led at all times by God is the right decision and must be taken as early as possible when someone hears and receives the good news that is witnessed. The life that God continues to lead will surely be felt and seen by everyone if it is lived with sincerity, loyalty and discipline every time in intimate fellowship with God. This research uses literature study method. The results of the study stated that the life of a believer must be: First, choose to follow Jesus all the time. Second, live a life in fellowship and lead by the Holy Spirit. Third, following the correct life curriculum. Fourth, meditate and practice God's word every time. Fifth, take part in the required competitions.AbstrakHidup dalam tuntunan Tuhan merupakan kebutuhan bagi setiap orang yang sudah percaya dan memberikan diri un...
Veritas Lux Mea (Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen)
The term Church Social Responsibility in this study was borrowed from the term Corporate Social R... more The term Church Social Responsibility in this study was borrowed from the term Corporate Social Responsibility, because the principles of CSR are in line with the principles contained in CSR based on the ISO 26000 standard, namely the Social Responsibility Guidelines. The practice of good church social responsibility has become not only an obligation but a necessity and even a necessity for the church now and in the future to implement good church social responsibility management. The ISO 26000 standard is recommended to be applied as a model in church governance in implementing good social responsibility because the criteria contained in it can lead the church to achieve good, healthy and effective governance of church social responsibility implementation by complying with the rules and Bible truth. This research was conducted by library research method. The results of this study show how very important and strategic it is for church leaders to be actively involved in the movement ...
DIDAKTIKOS: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Kristen, Dec 22, 2021
Discipleship can be said to have been known for a very long time in the Christian community, but ... more Discipleship can be said to have been known for a very long time in the Christian community, but in practice today not many people have professed to believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and His Lord is involved in the discipleship process even to have the desire to make disciples of other believers. This is the problem facing the church as a believer in Christ today. The writing of this journal is intended to direct the perspective of believers who are called Christians because they believe in what has been taught and imitated by Jesus Christ by reviewing the Great Commission which was bequeathed by the Lord Jesus to His disciples. The method in writing this journal is a qualitative method with a library approach. The conclusion of this writing is the importance of remembering the legacy of the Great Commission that Christ has taught and modeled and how all Christians are called to pass it down continuously to the next generations of believers.
EPIGNOSIS: Jurnal Pendidikan Kristiani dan Teologi
The demand for quality education is a must for all educational institutions in Indonesia, includi... more The demand for quality education is a must for all educational institutions in Indonesia, including Christian education. Understanding and implementing quality management is very important for all organizations and educational institutions from basic education to tertiary institutions, therefore a deliberate and serious effort is needed to implement a quality management culture. TQM, which is rich in various quality management models, can be one of the references in realizing the superior quality of Christian education, because it not only involves all stakeholders for a commitment to the quality of education but also invites obedience to the applicable laws and regulations in the world of education. This research was conducted using library research from quality management leaders, both from general organization quality management figures and from quality management experts in the field of education. The results of this study have at least four implications, namely: First, each person must develop themselves and interpersonal relationships. Second, more effective management. Third, change mindset. Fourth, the TQM model for Christian education.
Veritas Lux Mea (Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen)
Leadership with integrity is increasingly difficult to have and find in today's world. The sa... more Leadership with integrity is increasingly difficult to have and find in today's world. The same thing was also experienced by several Christian organizations and churches. Even some leaders of Christian organizations show behavior and character that does not reflect the integrity as a church leader as stated in the Bible. The research method used in this research is literature study. The results of this study in realizing Christian leader education as a regeneration process that must be carried out intentionally and seriously, namely: First, Successful Leadership is Strongly Influenced by Integrity. Second, Leadership with Integrity Can Produce Christian Leaders with Integrity. Third, the Call to Form and Develop Integrity Leadership.AbstrakKepemimpinan yang berintegritas semakin sulit dimiliki dan ditemukan dalam dunia saat ini. Hal serupa juga dialami juga oleh beberapa organisasi Kristen dan gereja. Bahkan beberapa pemimpin organisasi Kristen menunjukkan perilaku dan karakter...
Discreet: Journal Didache of Christian Education
In building a house, a strong foundation is needed so that the house that is built is not easily ... more In building a house, a strong foundation is needed so that the house that is built is not easily collapsed, even sturdy and earthquake resistant. Likewise in building a family, if the foundation is not strong and healthy, then the family to be built will quickly be destroyed. A healthy and strong family has several characteristics that must be worked on from time to time in order to take root and grow healthier and stronger over time. Using the descriptive qualitative method with a literary approach, it can be concluded that a healthy and strong family is a family that is in accordance with God's original design, where initially the family is God's initiative as the first institution formed by God since the beginning of the creation period. As a result of sin, God's design is broken, the family is broken. The beautiful designs that Allah makes for the family are neglected, each one lives for self-centered interests so that family life becomes unhealthy and insecure and s...
Discreet: Journal Didache of Christian Education
Many Christian education school organizations and Christian religious colleges act in a less Chri... more Many Christian education school organizations and Christian religious colleges act in a less Christian way than some public education schools and public colleges, this is because most Christian education organizations lack clear benchmarks of success and Christian organizations usually emphasize on mutual allegiance to a higher purpose. Along with these problems, especially in the governance of the organization of Christian religious education schools and colleges, the ISO 21001:2018 standard has been present for the first time in the world which provides guidance to assist education service providers in providing better services. implementing ISO 21001:2018 is an educational organization that has implemented its education governance with TQM. This study uses a literature study that specifically looks at the eleven quality management principles that are the foundation of the management system of educational organizations in the world and the benefits that can be obtained by schools ...
Manna Rafflesia
The small group method is very effective as a means of growing faith that leads to maturity of be... more The small group method is very effective as a means of growing faith that leads to maturity of believers in Christ to become more like Christ. Many parachurch ministries and major churches have done it and have proven to be very effective. However, recently, many churches in urban areas have not given sufficient attention and have not considered small group discipleship as an effective strategy in cultivating church members. Even though Jesus has passed down discipleship through small groups which is very effective for Christianity to this day so that the church has a coaching pattern for every believer to grow his faith towards maturity, namely towards becoming more like Christ. For this reason, this research was carried out using library research methods from various book texts and research journals on small group discipleship. The results of this study indicate that believers and churches must make small group discipleship a strategy in faith education because it has been proven ...
Jurnal Teologi (JUTEOLOG)
Christian Faith Resilience Amidst the Era of Disruption. The current era of disruption which is m... more Christian Faith Resilience Amidst the Era of Disruption. The current era of disruption which is marked by the birth of various innovations and new technologies cannot be avoided by all people, organizations and churches. The era of disruption will affect the Christian faith, so that the attitudes, policies and culture adopted by believers who are Christian to the influence caused by this era of disruption will greatly determine the continuity of their Christian faith, whether it will continue to grow or will die completely. With a descriptive qualitative method with a literature study approach, the author proposes a conceptual frame of the role of the challenge of Christian faith in the era of disruption. The main source of analysis includes research results contained in journals and books, which are analyzed by looking at the relationship and compatibility with the title of the writing. The results of this study on the era of disruption and dimensions of Christian faith are then us...
DIEGESIS: Jurnal Teologi Kharismatika
The Good Corporate Governance in this study was borrowed as Good Church Governance because the pr... more The Good Corporate Governance in this study was borrowed as Good Church Governance because the principles of GCG are in line with the principles contained in Total Quality Management based on the ISO 9000 series of quality management standards. Good church governance practices have become not only an obligation but a necessity for current and future churches to implement good quality management. The ISO standard is recommended to be applied as a model of good church governance because the criteria contained in it can lead the church to achieve good, healthy, and effective church governance by complying with the rules and Bible truth. This research was conducted under the library research method. The results of this study indicate the implications for the church leaders, namely: First, Be actively involved in empowering yourself in the church. Second, understand the concept of good organizational governance. Third, is the commitment to implement the ISO 9000 series of quality managem...
EDULEAD: Journal of Christian Education and Leadership
Thisresearch finds on aspects that shape Jonathan Parapak's leadership as well as within his fami... more Thisresearch finds on aspects that shape Jonathan Parapak's leadership as well as within his family, church, community, and government. The methods in this study are: Research using qualitative methods with a case study approach with data collection in the form of interviews and literature studies, the process begins with selecting an important figure because his leadership is successful and conducting an investigation with data sources derived from direct interviews with the figures and several people who are very familiar with the leadership of the character, as well as secondary data in the form of archives and books that tell the story of the leadership of the character. The results of the study show that: First, Jonathan Parapak's Christian leadership journey is really only because of God's grace that allows God to work because Jonathan Parapak since a student has responded to God's call by choosing a holistic lifestyle. Second, there are almost no obstacles, even though there are some personal obstacles and weaknesses. Third, the relevance, role and contribution of Jonathan Parapak's leadership is very evident and has a positive impact in various fields of personal life, family, church, community and government with a trail of springs that can continue to inspire. Fourth, the factors that influence Jonathan Parapak's success are being able to manage a holistic life throughout his life so that he is able to demonstrate servant leadership, integrity leadership, and effective leadership according to the values of the truth of the word. Fifth, the Finishing Well Leadership Model.
Papers by yakub hendrawan perangin angin