Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences, 2012
ibroadenom, doğurganlık çağındaki kadınlarda sık rastlanan benign bir meme lezyonudur. Çoğunlukla... more ibroadenom, doğurganlık çağındaki kadınlarda sık rastlanan benign bir meme lezyonudur. Çoğunlukla iyi sınırlı, ağrısız, soliter nodül olarak izlenir; sık olmamakla birlikte, eş zamanlı olan veya olmayan birden çok nodül şeklinde de bulunabilir. 1,2 Fibroadenomda total infarkt nadir olarak bildirilmiştir. Bunların önemli bir kısmı, ince iğne aspirasyonundan sonra gelişen infarktlardır; literatürde bildirilmiş spontan infarkt azdır. 3-17 Bu sunumda, postlaktasyonel dönemdeki 19 yaşında bir kadında saptadığımız fibroadenomda spontan infarkta ait bulgular aktarılmıştır. Olgu, postlaktasyonel dönemde birden çok fibroadenomda spontan infarkt izlenmiş olması nedeniyle özellik taşımaktadır.
The intestinal protozoan parasite E. histolytica is the causative organism responsible for human ... more The intestinal protozoan parasite E. histolytica is the causative organism responsible for human amebiasis and amebic dysentery. Although it is primarily an infection of the colon, it may also be spread by hematogenous path to other organs, especially the liver. In general, the clinical spectrum of colorectal amebiasis ranges from the state of asymptomatic carrier to severe fulminant necrotizing colitis with bleeding and perforation. Here we present an extremely rare case of necrotizing amebiasis of small bowel with a fatal outcome (Fig. 1, Ref. 4). Full Text (Free, PDF) www.bmj.sk.
Introduction: The use of snake skin, both transdermal and orally comes from ancient Chinese medic... more Introduction: The use of snake skin, both transdermal and orally comes from ancient Chinese medicine. People eat snake skin for skin disorders, convulsions, gallbladder disorders and hypertension. People also apply snake skin by transdermal way for skin disorders such as sores,boils, itching, psoriasis, scabies, hemorrhoids, eye infections, cloudy spots in the eye..etc. There isn't enough reliable information available about snake skin to know if it is safe or what the side effects might be. Case: The patient described in the case report has given his informed consent for publication. We present a case of anaphylaxis developed after 10 days of snake skin eating and dicharged after 4 days treatment with full recovery. Conclusion: It must be kept in mind that natural products are not always necessarily safe and also dosages can be important. Availability of exotic foods for different uses is steadily increasing. No matter how developed we are, those who try traditional medicine methods instead of chemical drugs will always be. So we must be careful and always be awake for different food consumptions.
Thoracoabdominal penetrating traumas have diaphragm injuries between 10% and 15%. [1,2] Left-side... more Thoracoabdominal penetrating traumas have diaphragm injuries between 10% and 15%. [1,2] Left-sided thoracoabdominal penetrating traumas have different management strategies, laparoscopy and thoracoscopy are now part of surgeon's diagnostic tool. Diagnosing even with the sophisticated devices is hard. Common complications of tube thoracostomy are nonfunctioning or malpositioned chest tube, recurrent pneumothorax, and insertion site infection. Serious complications related to chest tube insertion are thoracoabdominal or thoracic injury, fistula formation, and vascular trauma. [3] At thoracoabdominal traumas, it is not recommended to insert the tube below the level of seventh intercostal space at left and sixth intercostal space at right in the thorax. In this case, we discussed inserting tube from the wound, where the penetrating trauma occurred. Thoracoabdominal penetrating trauma management is challenging when diaphragm injuries are involved. Thorax tube is golden standard for penetrating thoracoabdominal injuries. It has some complications. A 27-year-old male had stabbed thoracoabdominal penetrating trauma thorax tube inserted at another hospital. We decided to explore abdomen laparoscopy when he has symptoms at abdomen. We saw thorax tube ruptured diaphragm. We saturated diaphragm intracorporeally with laparoscopic protege. The clinician should not insert tube from penetrating trauma area. Tube must be inserted from its usual anatomical intercostal space.
Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) has so many complications, such as haemorrhage and gast... more Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) has so many complications, such as haemorrhage and gastrocutaneous fistula, and can be treated with several common procedures. When the common procedures are not successful, we must perform new procedures, such as eFe technique. We use this technique for gastrostomy tube removal at the same session to prevent fistula formation in our clinical practice. Sometimes, leakage beside the gastrostomy tube can be seen during feeding from PEG; we also treat this problem with the same eFe technique in our clinic. We used this technique for the treatment of hemorrhage due to PEG for the first time when could not control with routine procedures and became successful.
Öz. Künt batın travmalarında en sık dalak ve böbrekler, penetran yaralanmalarda ise gastrointesti... more Öz. Künt batın travmalarında en sık dalak ve böbrekler, penetran yaralanmalarda ise gastrointestinal sistem etkilenmektedir. Künt batın travmaları sonrası pankreas yaralanması oldukça nadirdir, ayırıcı tanıda genellikle atlanır veya geç tanı konur. Nekrozitanpankreatit akut pankreatitin en ciddi formudur. Enfekte nekrozitan pankreatit akut pankreatite bağlı ölümlerin %80'inden sorumlu tutulmaktadır. Pankreatik parankimal yapının nekrozu ve özellikle bu nekrozun enfekte olmasıyla çevre dokulara yayılınca cerrahi tedaviyi gerektirir. Bu tür hastaların tedavisi mortalite oranları yüksekliğinden dolayı multidisipliner olmalıdır. Bu nedenle bir olgu üzerinden sık görülmeyen, komplikasyon oranı yüksek bu klinik problemi güncel tanı ve tedavi yöntemleri ışığında inceledik. Abstract The most common spleen and kidneys in blunt abdominal trauma, penetrating injuries in gastrointestinal tractits affected. Pancreatic injuries after blunt abdominal trauma are extremely rare, skipped or late ...
Kunt batin travmalarinda en sik dalak ve bobrekler, penetran yaralanmalarda ise gastrointestinal ... more Kunt batin travmalarinda en sik dalak ve bobrekler, penetran yaralanmalarda ise gastrointestinal sistem etkilenmektedir. Kunt batin travmalari sonrasi pankreas yaralanmasi oldukca nadirdir, ayirici tanida genellikle atlanir veya gec tani konur. Nekrozitanpankreatit akut pankreatitin en ciddi formudur. Enfekte nekrozitan pankreatit akut pankreatite bagli olumlerin %80'inden sorumlu tutulmaktadir. Pankreatik parankimal yapinin nekrozu ve ozellikle bu nekrozun enfekte olmasiyla cevre dokulara yayilinca cerrahi tedaviyi gerektirir. Bu tur hastalarin tedavisi mortalite oranlari yuksekliginden dolayi multidisipliner olmalidir. Bu nedenle bir olgu uzerinden sik gorulmeyen, komplikasyon orani yuksek bu klinik problemi guncel tani ve tedavi yontemleri isiginda inceledik.
The spleen is the most vulnerable organ in blunt abdominal trauma. Spleen-preserving treatments a... more The spleen is the most vulnerable organ in blunt abdominal trauma. Spleen-preserving treatments are non-operative management with or without splenic angioembolization, partial splenectomy, and splenorrhaphy. The aim of the present study was to determine the rate of SPTs and to evaluate the usefulness of Injury Severity Score after traumatic splenic injury. We searched our institution's database between May 2012 and December 2015. Patients' clinicopathological features, surgeon's title, type of treatment, admission and discharge dates, duration of surgery, intensive care unit requirement, and Glasgow Coma Scale were recorded. The mean age of patients was 33.36±11.58 years. Of the 33 patients, 26 (78.8%) were males, and 7 (21.2%) were females. Thirty (90.9%) had total splenectomy (TS), and 3 (9.1%) had spleen preserving treatment (2 Nonoperative management and 1 partial splenectomy). No fatal hemorrhage developed after nonoperative management. Exitus rates were 5/30 (15.1%...
SuleymanDemirel Universitesi TIP FAKULTESI DERGISI: 2007 Haziran; 14(2) Subkortikal bant heteroto... more SuleymanDemirel Universitesi TIP FAKULTESI DERGISI: 2007 Haziran; 14(2) Subkortikal bant heterotopisi - olgu sunumu Betul Zantur*, M. Cem Donmez**, Serpil Demirci** *Nigde Devlet Hastanesi, **Suleyman Demirel Universitesi, Tip Fakultesi, Noroloji AD Ozet Heterotopi sinirli veya yaygin bir noronal migrasyon bozuklugudur. Klinikte hafif mental retardasyon, epileptik nobetler, psikiyatrik belirtiler veya sistemik bozukluklarla seyredebilir. Epileptik nobetler olgularin yaklasik %90'inda gozlenir ve genellikle tedaviye direnclidir. Heterotopinin klinik belirti ve bulgulari eriskin yasa kadar herhangi bir donemde gorulebilir. Bu yazida epileptik nobet ve hemiparezi ile seyreden ve monoterapi ile nobetlerin oldukca iyi bir sekilde kontrol edildigi bir heterotopi olgusu sunulmaktadir. Anahtar kelimeler: noronal migrasyon, heterotopi, epilepsi, hemiparezi Abstract Subcortical band heterotopia- case report Heterotopia is a localized or diffuse neuronal migration disorder. Clinically it m...
Öz Isolated gallbladder injury after trauma occurs rarely and when unrecognized mortality is too ... more Öz Isolated gallbladder injury after trauma occurs rarely and when unrecognized mortality is too high. In some hemodynamically suitable cases, conservative treatment may be the best choise for the patient. We presented a case with conservatively treated abdominal trauma after stucking in the elevator and had isolated gallbladder injury. Travma sonrası izole safra kesesi yaralanması nadir görülmekle birlikte tanı konulmadığında mortalitesi oldukça yüksektir. Hemodinamik olarak uygun vakalarda konservatif tedavi yaklaşımı hasta için en iyi seçenek olabilir. Bu yazımızda asansörde sıkışma sonucunda künt batın travmasına sekonder izole safra kesesi hematomu gelişen hastanın cerrahiye gerek kalmadan konservatif tedavi ile iyileşebileceğini vurguladık.
Obesity is one of the most significant public health concerns of the 21 st century. The number of... more Obesity is one of the most significant public health concerns of the 21 st century. The number of surgeries performed due to obesity continues to increase. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is the most commonly performed laparoscopic bariatric surgery and nutritional deficiencies after bariatric surgery are common. In weight-loss surgery patients with a nutritional deficiency, it should be kept in mind that the patient may have multiple vitamin deficiencies. Lifetime nutritional status follow-up is necessary. An appropriately detailed preoperative evaluation and postoperative care, as well as patient education, are essential to follow-up. There are guidelines available that recommend routine nutritional supplementation for the treatment and prevention of deficiencies. The aim of this manuscript was to describe the clinical impact of the current evidence.
Background/Aims: SIRT1 gene overexpression is reportedly associated with cancer development, via ... more Background/Aims: SIRT1 gene overexpression is reportedly associated with cancer development, via the triggering of DNA repair impairment, and cell proliferation. The study aimed to investigate SIRT1 expression in patients with gastric cancer and its correlations with the clinical and pathological characteristics of the disease. Materials and Methods: All patients (64 patients) who underwent gastric biopsy and were diagnosed with gastric adenocarcinoma and signet ring cell carcinoma between January 2011 and December 2013 were enrolled in the study, and patients with benign gastric biopsy were enrolled in the control group (34 patients). The previously prepared gastric tissues were collected from the pathology department, and SIRT1 gene expressions were evaluated in the gastric tissues of all study patients. Patients were subclassified according to their demographic, clinical, and pathologic features, and the patient and control groups were compared. Results: Sixty-four patients were included in the study (25 females and 39 males). The mean age of the patients was 66±1 (range: 33-88) years. The SIRT1 gene 2' Average delta cycle threshold (CT) value was 0.102 in the control group, whereas it was 0.292 in the patients with gastric cancer (relative risk: 2.86; p=0.014). The SIRT1 gene was upregulated in all tumor stage subgroups except stage I, female patients, young patients (≤45 years), and corpus and cardia tumor subgroups compared to the control group. Conclusion: SIRT1 gene overexpression is associated with gastric adenocarcinoma, and it can be argued that SIRT1 gene upregulation is associated with unfavorable gastric adenocarcinoma prognosis.
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2012
This study reports on topology of the top 40 UK companies that have been analysed for predictive ... more This study reports on topology of the top 40 UK companies that have been analysed for predictive verification of markets for the period 2006-2010, applying the concept of minimal spanning tree and hierarchical tree (HT) analysis. Construction of the minimal spanning tree (MST) and the hierarchical tree (HT) is confined to a brief description of the methodology and a definition of the correlation function between a pair of companies based on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) index in order to quantify synchronization between the companies. A derivation of hierarchical organization and the construction of minimal-spanning and hierarchical trees for the 2006-2008 and 2008-2010 periods have been used and the results validate the predictive verification of applied semantics. The trees are known as useful tools to perceive and detect the global structure, taxonomy and hierarchy in financial data. From these trees, two different clusters of companies in 2006 were detected. They also show three clusters in 2008 and two between 2008 and 2010, according to their proximity. The clusters match each other as regards their common production activities or their strong interrelationship. The key companies are generally given by major economic activities as expected. This work gives a comparative approach between MST and HT methods from statistical physics and information theory with analysis of financial markets that may give new valuable and useful information of the financial market dynamics.
BACKGROUND: The occurrence of a serious infection called overwhelming post-splenectomy infection ... more BACKGROUND: The occurrence of a serious infection called overwhelming post-splenectomy infection (OPSI) increases more than 50 times in patients who have hyposplenia. The aim of this study was to investigate the adherence to vaccination recommendations after traumatic splenic injury. METHODS: We identified patients who underwent total splenectomy due to abdominal trauma between May 2012 and March 2016. We recorded the clinical, laboratory, and pathological features of the patients. We calculated the vaccination proportions before discharge, after discharge, and final. RESULTS: Twenty-seven patients underwent total splenectomy. For the vaccination status before discharge, after discharge, and final, the number of patients who received all the three vaccinations were 0 (0%), 0 (0%), and 8 (18.5%) and those who received none were 13 (48.2%), 11 (40.8%), and 9 (33.4%), respectively. The data of 17 patients were available for developing OPSI. The median follow-up time was 17.8 (4.4-41.2) months, and no OPSI cases were observed. CONCLUSION: Adherence to vaccination recommendations remains still low. Establishing a vaccination tracking system and following vaccination recommendations will be helpful to prevent serious infections, such as OPSI, after traumatic splenectomy.
Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences, 2012
ibroadenom, doğurganlık çağındaki kadınlarda sık rastlanan benign bir meme lezyonudur. Çoğunlukla... more ibroadenom, doğurganlık çağındaki kadınlarda sık rastlanan benign bir meme lezyonudur. Çoğunlukla iyi sınırlı, ağrısız, soliter nodül olarak izlenir; sık olmamakla birlikte, eş zamanlı olan veya olmayan birden çok nodül şeklinde de bulunabilir. 1,2 Fibroadenomda total infarkt nadir olarak bildirilmiştir. Bunların önemli bir kısmı, ince iğne aspirasyonundan sonra gelişen infarktlardır; literatürde bildirilmiş spontan infarkt azdır. 3-17 Bu sunumda, postlaktasyonel dönemdeki 19 yaşında bir kadında saptadığımız fibroadenomda spontan infarkta ait bulgular aktarılmıştır. Olgu, postlaktasyonel dönemde birden çok fibroadenomda spontan infarkt izlenmiş olması nedeniyle özellik taşımaktadır.
The intestinal protozoan parasite E. histolytica is the causative organism responsible for human ... more The intestinal protozoan parasite E. histolytica is the causative organism responsible for human amebiasis and amebic dysentery. Although it is primarily an infection of the colon, it may also be spread by hematogenous path to other organs, especially the liver. In general, the clinical spectrum of colorectal amebiasis ranges from the state of asymptomatic carrier to severe fulminant necrotizing colitis with bleeding and perforation. Here we present an extremely rare case of necrotizing amebiasis of small bowel with a fatal outcome (Fig. 1, Ref. 4). Full Text (Free, PDF) www.bmj.sk.
Introduction: The use of snake skin, both transdermal and orally comes from ancient Chinese medic... more Introduction: The use of snake skin, both transdermal and orally comes from ancient Chinese medicine. People eat snake skin for skin disorders, convulsions, gallbladder disorders and hypertension. People also apply snake skin by transdermal way for skin disorders such as sores,boils, itching, psoriasis, scabies, hemorrhoids, eye infections, cloudy spots in the eye..etc. There isn't enough reliable information available about snake skin to know if it is safe or what the side effects might be. Case: The patient described in the case report has given his informed consent for publication. We present a case of anaphylaxis developed after 10 days of snake skin eating and dicharged after 4 days treatment with full recovery. Conclusion: It must be kept in mind that natural products are not always necessarily safe and also dosages can be important. Availability of exotic foods for different uses is steadily increasing. No matter how developed we are, those who try traditional medicine methods instead of chemical drugs will always be. So we must be careful and always be awake for different food consumptions.
Thoracoabdominal penetrating traumas have diaphragm injuries between 10% and 15%. [1,2] Left-side... more Thoracoabdominal penetrating traumas have diaphragm injuries between 10% and 15%. [1,2] Left-sided thoracoabdominal penetrating traumas have different management strategies, laparoscopy and thoracoscopy are now part of surgeon's diagnostic tool. Diagnosing even with the sophisticated devices is hard. Common complications of tube thoracostomy are nonfunctioning or malpositioned chest tube, recurrent pneumothorax, and insertion site infection. Serious complications related to chest tube insertion are thoracoabdominal or thoracic injury, fistula formation, and vascular trauma. [3] At thoracoabdominal traumas, it is not recommended to insert the tube below the level of seventh intercostal space at left and sixth intercostal space at right in the thorax. In this case, we discussed inserting tube from the wound, where the penetrating trauma occurred. Thoracoabdominal penetrating trauma management is challenging when diaphragm injuries are involved. Thorax tube is golden standard for penetrating thoracoabdominal injuries. It has some complications. A 27-year-old male had stabbed thoracoabdominal penetrating trauma thorax tube inserted at another hospital. We decided to explore abdomen laparoscopy when he has symptoms at abdomen. We saw thorax tube ruptured diaphragm. We saturated diaphragm intracorporeally with laparoscopic protege. The clinician should not insert tube from penetrating trauma area. Tube must be inserted from its usual anatomical intercostal space.
Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) has so many complications, such as haemorrhage and gast... more Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) has so many complications, such as haemorrhage and gastrocutaneous fistula, and can be treated with several common procedures. When the common procedures are not successful, we must perform new procedures, such as eFe technique. We use this technique for gastrostomy tube removal at the same session to prevent fistula formation in our clinical practice. Sometimes, leakage beside the gastrostomy tube can be seen during feeding from PEG; we also treat this problem with the same eFe technique in our clinic. We used this technique for the treatment of hemorrhage due to PEG for the first time when could not control with routine procedures and became successful.
Öz. Künt batın travmalarında en sık dalak ve böbrekler, penetran yaralanmalarda ise gastrointesti... more Öz. Künt batın travmalarında en sık dalak ve böbrekler, penetran yaralanmalarda ise gastrointestinal sistem etkilenmektedir. Künt batın travmaları sonrası pankreas yaralanması oldukça nadirdir, ayırıcı tanıda genellikle atlanır veya geç tanı konur. Nekrozitanpankreatit akut pankreatitin en ciddi formudur. Enfekte nekrozitan pankreatit akut pankreatite bağlı ölümlerin %80'inden sorumlu tutulmaktadır. Pankreatik parankimal yapının nekrozu ve özellikle bu nekrozun enfekte olmasıyla çevre dokulara yayılınca cerrahi tedaviyi gerektirir. Bu tür hastaların tedavisi mortalite oranları yüksekliğinden dolayı multidisipliner olmalıdır. Bu nedenle bir olgu üzerinden sık görülmeyen, komplikasyon oranı yüksek bu klinik problemi güncel tanı ve tedavi yöntemleri ışığında inceledik. Abstract The most common spleen and kidneys in blunt abdominal trauma, penetrating injuries in gastrointestinal tractits affected. Pancreatic injuries after blunt abdominal trauma are extremely rare, skipped or late ...
Kunt batin travmalarinda en sik dalak ve bobrekler, penetran yaralanmalarda ise gastrointestinal ... more Kunt batin travmalarinda en sik dalak ve bobrekler, penetran yaralanmalarda ise gastrointestinal sistem etkilenmektedir. Kunt batin travmalari sonrasi pankreas yaralanmasi oldukca nadirdir, ayirici tanida genellikle atlanir veya gec tani konur. Nekrozitanpankreatit akut pankreatitin en ciddi formudur. Enfekte nekrozitan pankreatit akut pankreatite bagli olumlerin %80'inden sorumlu tutulmaktadir. Pankreatik parankimal yapinin nekrozu ve ozellikle bu nekrozun enfekte olmasiyla cevre dokulara yayilinca cerrahi tedaviyi gerektirir. Bu tur hastalarin tedavisi mortalite oranlari yuksekliginden dolayi multidisipliner olmalidir. Bu nedenle bir olgu uzerinden sik gorulmeyen, komplikasyon orani yuksek bu klinik problemi guncel tani ve tedavi yontemleri isiginda inceledik.
The spleen is the most vulnerable organ in blunt abdominal trauma. Spleen-preserving treatments a... more The spleen is the most vulnerable organ in blunt abdominal trauma. Spleen-preserving treatments are non-operative management with or without splenic angioembolization, partial splenectomy, and splenorrhaphy. The aim of the present study was to determine the rate of SPTs and to evaluate the usefulness of Injury Severity Score after traumatic splenic injury. We searched our institution's database between May 2012 and December 2015. Patients' clinicopathological features, surgeon's title, type of treatment, admission and discharge dates, duration of surgery, intensive care unit requirement, and Glasgow Coma Scale were recorded. The mean age of patients was 33.36±11.58 years. Of the 33 patients, 26 (78.8%) were males, and 7 (21.2%) were females. Thirty (90.9%) had total splenectomy (TS), and 3 (9.1%) had spleen preserving treatment (2 Nonoperative management and 1 partial splenectomy). No fatal hemorrhage developed after nonoperative management. Exitus rates were 5/30 (15.1%...
SuleymanDemirel Universitesi TIP FAKULTESI DERGISI: 2007 Haziran; 14(2) Subkortikal bant heteroto... more SuleymanDemirel Universitesi TIP FAKULTESI DERGISI: 2007 Haziran; 14(2) Subkortikal bant heterotopisi - olgu sunumu Betul Zantur*, M. Cem Donmez**, Serpil Demirci** *Nigde Devlet Hastanesi, **Suleyman Demirel Universitesi, Tip Fakultesi, Noroloji AD Ozet Heterotopi sinirli veya yaygin bir noronal migrasyon bozuklugudur. Klinikte hafif mental retardasyon, epileptik nobetler, psikiyatrik belirtiler veya sistemik bozukluklarla seyredebilir. Epileptik nobetler olgularin yaklasik %90'inda gozlenir ve genellikle tedaviye direnclidir. Heterotopinin klinik belirti ve bulgulari eriskin yasa kadar herhangi bir donemde gorulebilir. Bu yazida epileptik nobet ve hemiparezi ile seyreden ve monoterapi ile nobetlerin oldukca iyi bir sekilde kontrol edildigi bir heterotopi olgusu sunulmaktadir. Anahtar kelimeler: noronal migrasyon, heterotopi, epilepsi, hemiparezi Abstract Subcortical band heterotopia- case report Heterotopia is a localized or diffuse neuronal migration disorder. Clinically it m...
Öz Isolated gallbladder injury after trauma occurs rarely and when unrecognized mortality is too ... more Öz Isolated gallbladder injury after trauma occurs rarely and when unrecognized mortality is too high. In some hemodynamically suitable cases, conservative treatment may be the best choise for the patient. We presented a case with conservatively treated abdominal trauma after stucking in the elevator and had isolated gallbladder injury. Travma sonrası izole safra kesesi yaralanması nadir görülmekle birlikte tanı konulmadığında mortalitesi oldukça yüksektir. Hemodinamik olarak uygun vakalarda konservatif tedavi yaklaşımı hasta için en iyi seçenek olabilir. Bu yazımızda asansörde sıkışma sonucunda künt batın travmasına sekonder izole safra kesesi hematomu gelişen hastanın cerrahiye gerek kalmadan konservatif tedavi ile iyileşebileceğini vurguladık.
Obesity is one of the most significant public health concerns of the 21 st century. The number of... more Obesity is one of the most significant public health concerns of the 21 st century. The number of surgeries performed due to obesity continues to increase. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is the most commonly performed laparoscopic bariatric surgery and nutritional deficiencies after bariatric surgery are common. In weight-loss surgery patients with a nutritional deficiency, it should be kept in mind that the patient may have multiple vitamin deficiencies. Lifetime nutritional status follow-up is necessary. An appropriately detailed preoperative evaluation and postoperative care, as well as patient education, are essential to follow-up. There are guidelines available that recommend routine nutritional supplementation for the treatment and prevention of deficiencies. The aim of this manuscript was to describe the clinical impact of the current evidence.
Background/Aims: SIRT1 gene overexpression is reportedly associated with cancer development, via ... more Background/Aims: SIRT1 gene overexpression is reportedly associated with cancer development, via the triggering of DNA repair impairment, and cell proliferation. The study aimed to investigate SIRT1 expression in patients with gastric cancer and its correlations with the clinical and pathological characteristics of the disease. Materials and Methods: All patients (64 patients) who underwent gastric biopsy and were diagnosed with gastric adenocarcinoma and signet ring cell carcinoma between January 2011 and December 2013 were enrolled in the study, and patients with benign gastric biopsy were enrolled in the control group (34 patients). The previously prepared gastric tissues were collected from the pathology department, and SIRT1 gene expressions were evaluated in the gastric tissues of all study patients. Patients were subclassified according to their demographic, clinical, and pathologic features, and the patient and control groups were compared. Results: Sixty-four patients were included in the study (25 females and 39 males). The mean age of the patients was 66±1 (range: 33-88) years. The SIRT1 gene 2' Average delta cycle threshold (CT) value was 0.102 in the control group, whereas it was 0.292 in the patients with gastric cancer (relative risk: 2.86; p=0.014). The SIRT1 gene was upregulated in all tumor stage subgroups except stage I, female patients, young patients (≤45 years), and corpus and cardia tumor subgroups compared to the control group. Conclusion: SIRT1 gene overexpression is associated with gastric adenocarcinoma, and it can be argued that SIRT1 gene upregulation is associated with unfavorable gastric adenocarcinoma prognosis.
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2012
This study reports on topology of the top 40 UK companies that have been analysed for predictive ... more This study reports on topology of the top 40 UK companies that have been analysed for predictive verification of markets for the period 2006-2010, applying the concept of minimal spanning tree and hierarchical tree (HT) analysis. Construction of the minimal spanning tree (MST) and the hierarchical tree (HT) is confined to a brief description of the methodology and a definition of the correlation function between a pair of companies based on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) index in order to quantify synchronization between the companies. A derivation of hierarchical organization and the construction of minimal-spanning and hierarchical trees for the 2006-2008 and 2008-2010 periods have been used and the results validate the predictive verification of applied semantics. The trees are known as useful tools to perceive and detect the global structure, taxonomy and hierarchy in financial data. From these trees, two different clusters of companies in 2006 were detected. They also show three clusters in 2008 and two between 2008 and 2010, according to their proximity. The clusters match each other as regards their common production activities or their strong interrelationship. The key companies are generally given by major economic activities as expected. This work gives a comparative approach between MST and HT methods from statistical physics and information theory with analysis of financial markets that may give new valuable and useful information of the financial market dynamics.
BACKGROUND: The occurrence of a serious infection called overwhelming post-splenectomy infection ... more BACKGROUND: The occurrence of a serious infection called overwhelming post-splenectomy infection (OPSI) increases more than 50 times in patients who have hyposplenia. The aim of this study was to investigate the adherence to vaccination recommendations after traumatic splenic injury. METHODS: We identified patients who underwent total splenectomy due to abdominal trauma between May 2012 and March 2016. We recorded the clinical, laboratory, and pathological features of the patients. We calculated the vaccination proportions before discharge, after discharge, and final. RESULTS: Twenty-seven patients underwent total splenectomy. For the vaccination status before discharge, after discharge, and final, the number of patients who received all the three vaccinations were 0 (0%), 0 (0%), and 8 (18.5%) and those who received none were 13 (48.2%), 11 (40.8%), and 9 (33.4%), respectively. The data of 17 patients were available for developing OPSI. The median follow-up time was 17.8 (4.4-41.2) months, and no OPSI cases were observed. CONCLUSION: Adherence to vaccination recommendations remains still low. Establishing a vaccination tracking system and following vaccination recommendations will be helpful to prevent serious infections, such as OPSI, after traumatic splenectomy.
Papers by cem dönmez