carlo presotto
Theatre and education researcher
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Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)
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Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
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Museo Nazionale Preistorico Etnografico Luigi Pigorini
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Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
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Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
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Università degli Studi di Padova
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Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart)
Papers by carlo presotto
In the last century the progress of technology applied to biology, robotics, neuroscience have flowed into the algorithmic landscape "freeing" spaces of hybridization and contamination. Multimedia arts and new artistic practices have called into question some historical axioms, such as the concept of authorship and uniqueness of the work. An "earlier future" of communication and connection is opening up, increasingly extended and ready to give us a collective imagination capable of interpreting epochal changes. Techno- logical art and its experiments have "activated" in the kaleidoscopic gaze of art a performative connective action where art, life and politics are integrated in a "battle" between democratization processes of the network and information and mediated by "liberated" bodies. This is a story of many possible stories, where care fulfills its function in the connection between media and experience amplified by the artistic practice of a New Living for an ecosystemic culture. The body-device with all its possibilities is disseminat- ed in the network, reinventing the real and the disease and creating "augmented" spaces for criticism, for expression, for action and for a "ubiquitous salvation". The great opportunity of existence is to express oneself "po(i)etically" through data to generate an existential debate in culture.
Il saggio ripercorre gli eventi salienti fino al 2000 della storia dei teatri a Bassano del Grappa (Vicenza)
Drafts by carlo presotto
La Badessa Mondina, sul presidio slow food del riso di Grumolo delle Abbadesse
Ossi e Pignatte sui primi scavi negli insediamenti neolitici del Lago Di Fimon
La spada e la rosa su Domenico Cariolato e Annamaria Piccoli, tra moti risorgimentali e la nascita del primo asilo rurale italiano
In the last century the progress of technology applied to biology, robotics, neuroscience have flowed into the algorithmic landscape "freeing" spaces of hybridization and contamination. Multimedia arts and new artistic practices have called into question some historical axioms, such as the concept of authorship and uniqueness of the work. An "earlier future" of communication and connection is opening up, increasingly extended and ready to give us a collective imagination capable of interpreting epochal changes. Techno- logical art and its experiments have "activated" in the kaleidoscopic gaze of art a performative connective action where art, life and politics are integrated in a "battle" between democratization processes of the network and information and mediated by "liberated" bodies. This is a story of many possible stories, where care fulfills its function in the connection between media and experience amplified by the artistic practice of a New Living for an ecosystemic culture. The body-device with all its possibilities is disseminat- ed in the network, reinventing the real and the disease and creating "augmented" spaces for criticism, for expression, for action and for a "ubiquitous salvation". The great opportunity of existence is to express oneself "po(i)etically" through data to generate an existential debate in culture.
Il saggio ripercorre gli eventi salienti fino al 2000 della storia dei teatri a Bassano del Grappa (Vicenza)
La Badessa Mondina, sul presidio slow food del riso di Grumolo delle Abbadesse
Ossi e Pignatte sui primi scavi negli insediamenti neolitici del Lago Di Fimon
La spada e la rosa su Domenico Cariolato e Annamaria Piccoli, tra moti risorgimentali e la nascita del primo asilo rurale italiano