A data acquisition system for measuring and storing dissolved oxygen levels has been implemented ... more A data acquisition system for measuring and storing dissolved oxygen levels has been implemented to monitor water quality levels in shrimp culture media using an internet-based potential redox sensor (ORP). The purpose of this study is to apply ARMS, an instrument for monitoring internet-based potential redox data (dissolved oxygen levels) in shrimp culture media in real-time to determine the condition of water quality. This system is designed using an ORP sensor that uses WIFI communication. In principle, when the ORP sensor is placed in the water in the shrimp culture media, the potential redox data will be detected by the sensor connected to the ESP8266 which processes and transmits data which is then displayed and analyzed on the smartphone interface. In this study, 9 units of shrimp culture media prototype ponds were used for observational tests. The object of observation in the pond is water quality data in the form of sediment potential redox values. At this stage of research...
Billi Rifa Kusumah, Asep Kostajaya, Dedi Supriadi, Eulis Henda Nugraha, and Ridwan Siskandar. 202... more Billi Rifa Kusumah, Asep Kostajaya, Dedi Supriadi, Eulis Henda Nugraha, and Ridwan Siskandar. 2020. Engineering of Automatically Controlled Energy Aeration Systems for Fisheries Cultivation Pools. Aquacultura Indonesiana, 21 (2): 74-81. Fish need oxygen for metabolic processes, especially cultured fish. The high amount of dissolved oxygen (DO) in the water greatly affects the quality of life of the fish. A good aquaculture pond is a pond that uses an aerator machine, because the dissolved oxygen content will fulfill the life of all fish. The purpose of this research is to design an automatic controlled aeration device system and utilize solar panel technology as an energy source. This system uses a monitor feature for controlled oxygen levels using a DO sensor, the results of the monitoring are then displayed on the LCD. The data will be processed to make a decision, whether the aerator engine is on or off. The aerator engine activity is continuously controlled by a device connected to a sensor. The sensor will measure real-time dissolved oxygen levels and display it on the LCD. The test steps carried out on this tool are the automation response system test and power resistance test based on the load of the electronic circuit. In the automatic system setting, when the DO value exceeds 6.86 mg / L, the aerator engine will shut down, then restart when the DO level is below 5.20 mg / L. Solar Panel electrical devices with a capacity of 10 WP, 10 A controllers and a 12 V, 7 Ah battery, are sufficient for the energy needs of electronic circuit loads. System testing shows that the system is functioning properly as intended.
Billi Rifa Kusumah, Asep Kosta Jaya, Ridwan Siskandar, Fauzan Fathur Rahim. 2022. E-Ox Level: Sus... more Billi Rifa Kusumah, Asep Kosta Jaya, Ridwan Siskandar, Fauzan Fathur Rahim. 2022. E-Ox Level: Sustainability Test of Data Storage System and Performance Test on Closed System Fish Pond. Fish farming using a closed system is very susceptible to death in a chain because it does not change the water so that the water quality decreases relatively quickly. To solve this problem, they generally use a circulation pump machine and an aerator machine to add oxygen levels, so that water quality remains stable. E-Ox Level is a research technology that has been tested and is able to work continuously. Its function is to monitor water quality and control the aerator machine's on and off activity based on timing and dissolved oxygen levels. The power source used by E-Ox Level is solar energy. So that this technology can save energy and is environmentally friendly, because it does not use PLN electricity. This research is an advanced stage process from the previous E-Ox Level technology design engineering. The purpose of this research is to observe the ability of E-Ox Level technology to display measurement data on the LCD screen and store water quality data continuously on the SD Card, as well as observe the effect of the activity of the aerator control system to produce a more optimum fish harvest. The method used in this research is the process of observing the performance of the E-Ox Level and comparing the results of the growth pattern in a pond with an E-Ox Level, a pond with a Standard Aerator, and a control pond. The working principle is to carry out design activities, then install the E-Ox Level in the Budidkdamber pond. The types of data observed were the suitability of the data displayed on the LCD screen with those stored in memory, the amount of data and the stability of the data stored on the SD Card, as well as data comparisons from catfish growth patterns in budikdamber ponds installed with E-Ox Level, Aerator Standard, and control pool (without aerator). From the results of observations, the data shown on the LCD screen with the complete stored on the SD Card from January 25 to April 8, 2021 is appropriate. The number of deaths and growth patterns of fish using E-Ox Level and AC Aerator is better and faster than control ponds. The advantage of the E-Ox Level over standard aerators is that it uses solar energy as a power source..
In order to implement IoT in agriculture, a tool was designed that aims to facilitate the picking... more In order to implement IoT in agriculture, a tool was designed that aims to facilitate the picking process of melons on hydroponic plantations using Blynk Software and ESP8266 components. Melon fruit picker tool is designed in the form of a robot that can be controlled via Smartphone. There is a DC motor which functions to move the position of the robot and cut melon fruit stalks. Sorting feature is also added to separate the fruit has been picked into the storage container based on the weight of the fruit. To make it easier for users to control this robot, an ESP32CAM component is added as a camera that can be accessed via Smartphones in real time.
Public interest in climbing activities is increasing over time. This activity is a dangerous acti... more Public interest in climbing activities is increasing over time. This activity is a dangerous activity if it is not equipped with good climbing knowledge. There are many cases of climbers who are dissapear or lost on the mountain, one reason is the lack of information about the path and terrain of the climb that will be traversed. This can be avoided if the climbers have good communication and coordination. So that climbers who have lost their way can get back on the right track thanks to good communication and coordination. This research proposes to build a communication tool that uses radio signals to communicate and has a GPS (Global Positioning System). Later climbers can communicate and see other climbers who have this tool through a browser that is owned by their smartphone.
A greenhouse is an agricultural management system that has shown the efficiency of food productio... more A greenhouse is an agricultural management system that has shown the efficiency of food production. This system is an effective alternative to ensure maximum production results. Agriculture with greenhouse technology can create the desired environmental/climatic conditions. The rapid development of technology and science has led to the birth of communication between devices using IoT and AI. This technology can be applied to greenhouses in agriculture and fisheries. Research on greenhouse and microcontroller-based automation systems has been carried out, and it is interesting to be developed. Researchers make a more efficient system and can increase the quality and quantity of production. The measurement data of both modes are monitored using the web. The greenhouse prototype is supported by DHT22, DS18B20, a fan to control the greenhouse cooler, RFID as the key access to the greenhouse. DHT22 & DS18B20 sensor readings in the prototype greenhouse use an AI system with the fuzzy meth...
Underwater Positioning System (UPS) is a system to track the existence of the position of an obje... more Underwater Positioning System (UPS) is a system to track the existence of the position of an object by utilizing the arrival time of the signal measurement. On land, the system uses an electromagnetic signal called GPS. However, because it cannot penetrate water effectively, an acoustic signal is used as an alternative. The purpose of this research is to engineer the control system of data acquisition and underwater acoustic device to measure arrival time (TOA) and apply equation model for underwater sound source positioning system. the effective frequency resonance of the transducer and the hydrophone is at a frequency of 6 kHz. The acquisition control device is able to measure the TOA signal with an error on a digital channel smaller than an analog channel. The difference between the TOA values measured by oscilloscope and acquisition control system is caused by inaccuracy of threshold estimates at the receiver's peak detector circuit. The position of the sound source coordina...
Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung (Journal of Agricultural Engineering), 2020
Internet of Things (IoT) is a system that connects devices directly or indirectly to the internet... more Internet of Things (IoT) is a system that connects devices directly or indirectly to the internet. The device can work with remote control. One application of the IoT system on the watering system is able to provide an approach to the ease in the process of growth and development of plants. The research carried out was applied to an IoT-based smart plant watering device. The tool is supported with a soil moisture measuring sensor that acts as a benchmark to determine the condition of soil moisture and automatic control of the process of watering plants. The process of watering plants is scheduled in the morning and evening. Information, as long as the device is run will be displayed on the LCD and screen of an Android-based smartphone application. The data can be a comparison value to determine the suitability of soil moisture data in plants. The volume of water supplied in the watering process also affects the level of soil moisture. IoT-based smart plant sprinklers can automate wa...
Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung (Journal of Agricultural Engineering), 2020
The embedded systems in the industrial, especially image processing, is increasingly leading to t... more The embedded systems in the industrial, especially image processing, is increasingly leading to the study of production automation systems such as fruit sorting. Post-harvest sorting system implemented by the industry is manual, so it’s not effective. The solution was to conduct research aimed at modifying post-harvest sorting tools by engineering tomato and orange sorting machines based on their color. The method uses image processing. It’s the most efficient alternative in terms of cost and complexity of hardware design, does not require many sensors, but produces an accurate output. The camera is placed on the mechanical sorting machine system, taking images to determine the sorting execution after the fruit color type are recognized. The results of the research were carried out through several tests, namely: light intensity, color image data, and organoleptics. Light intensity test showed that the position of the tool had a value of 0.78% of the outside light disturbance. Color ...
Sejak tahun 2016 telah dikembangkan teknologi deteksi sumber daya secara akustik yang relatif sed... more Sejak tahun 2016 telah dikembangkan teknologi deteksi sumber daya secara akustik yang relatif sederhana dan mutakhir, yaitu teknologi Penginderaan Jauh Pandu Gelombang Akustik Kelautan (Ocean Acoustic Waveguide Remote Sensing). Teknologi akustik dapat mendeteksi sumberdaya kelautan secara berkesinambungan tanpa merusak lingkungan. Teknologi akustik berguna untuk monitoring dan kuantifikasi target bawah air seperti sumber daya laut dan lingkungan yang dapat dilakukan secara terus menerus, berkelanjutan, in-situ, real time, berbiaya yang murah, dan tidak memerlukan jumlah tenaga kerja yang banyak. Penelitian ini merekayasa teknologi Penginderaan Jauh Akustik Kelautan untuk mendeteksi jarak propagasi sinyal. Langkah yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah merekayasa sistem perangkat akustik seperti transmitter dan receiver berdasarkan sensor tranduser pengirim TR-103 dan tranduser penerima Benthos Aq-1. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, rancangan transmitter dan receiver telah sesuai dengan spesifikasi besaran piezoelektrik yang terukur. Hasil pengujian pada laut terbuka di Kepulauan Seribu menunjukkan jarak deteksi propagasi sinyal transmitter sampai ke receiver mencapai 100 m.
Ridwan Siskandar, and Billi Rifa Kusumah. 2019. Design and Construction of Control Devices for Aq... more Ridwan Siskandar, and Billi Rifa Kusumah. 2019. Design and Construction of Control Devices for Aquaponic Monitoring Management. Aquacultura Indonesiana, 20(2) : 72-79. The management concept of aquaponic cultivation requires good care and management. Aquaponics that are not managed properly have great potential to cause failure. Simplification of management steps, we need a system that can simplify and must minimize the risk of failure. This research creates an integrated system between hardware and software that can help manage aquaponic cultivation more simply and safely. The purpose of this research is to device construct physical data gauges for pool water quality and planting media quality, and design software for easy of monitoring systems of instrument device work and monitoring systems for users. The system has a built-in aquaponic condition monitoring feature via an installed sensor. The conditions monitored by this system are conditions of air temperature, humidity, water temperature, light intensity, level of turbidity of water, and height of fish feed at the feedlot. The system has two automation features. The first automation feature is the automation of fish feeding with a certain time lag. The second automation feature is the automation of the water heater engine. Water heater engine will be turned on or off at a certain temperature. The system also features an engine control feature in aquaponics that includes a water pump engine, an aerator engine, and a water heater engine. System monitoring, automation and control features can be accessed by users via the web. Testing of the system has indicated that the system is functioning properly in accordance with the objectives. The algorithm is correct, so the system output matches the expected output.
Underwater Positioning System (UPS) is a system to track the existence of the position of an obje... more Underwater Positioning System (UPS) is a system to track the existence of the position of an object by utilizing the arrival time of the signal measurement. On land, the system uses an electromagnetic signal called GPS. However, because it cannot penetrate water effectively, an acoustic signal is used as an alternative. The purpose of this research is to engineer the control system of data acquisition and underwater acoustic device to measure arrival time (TOA) and apply equation model for underwater sound source positioning system. the effective frequency resonance of the transducer and the hydrophone is at a frequency of 6 kHz. The acquisition control device is able to measure the TOA signal with an error on a digital channel smaller than an analog channel. The difference between the TOA values measured by oscilloscope and acquisition control system is caused by inaccuracy of threshold estimates at the receiver's peak detector circuit. The position of the sound source coordina...
Partners realize that the production of cultivated fish can still be increased, one of which is b... more Partners realize that the production of cultivated fish can still be increased, one of which is by monitoring water quality by providing aeration to maintain water health. Partners need a technological assistance that can improve the quality of results and production levels in a shorter time, and of course not incur large electricity costs from using this technology. This community service program activity is designed to solve partner problems. The proposal team provided a technology product called E-Ox Level, a proven technology to monitor pond water quality and control the aerator engine to keep it at optimum water quality standards. This technology is energy efficient, because it utilizes solar energy. This product can reduce operating costs and increase production yields. This program shows positive results. The results of its installation in the Budikdamber pond showed that the growth rate of fish length and weight was faster than the pond without the help of technology, and th...
A data acquisition system for measuring and storing dissolved oxygen levels has been implemented ... more A data acquisition system for measuring and storing dissolved oxygen levels has been implemented to monitor water quality levels in shrimp culture media using an internet-based potential redox sensor (ORP). The purpose of this study is to apply ARMS, an instrument for monitoring internet-based potential redox data (dissolved oxygen levels) in shrimp culture media in real-time to determine the condition of water quality. This system is designed using an ORP sensor that uses WIFI communication. In principle, when the ORP sensor is placed in the water in the shrimp culture media, the potential redox data will be detected by the sensor connected to the ESP8266 which processes and transmits data which is then displayed and analyzed on the smartphone interface. In this study, 9 units of shrimp culture media prototype ponds were used for observational tests. The object of observation in the pond is water quality data in the form of sediment potential redox values. At this stage of research...
Billi Rifa Kusumah, Asep Kostajaya, Dedi Supriadi, Eulis Henda Nugraha, and Ridwan Siskandar. 202... more Billi Rifa Kusumah, Asep Kostajaya, Dedi Supriadi, Eulis Henda Nugraha, and Ridwan Siskandar. 2020. Engineering of Automatically Controlled Energy Aeration Systems for Fisheries Cultivation Pools. Aquacultura Indonesiana, 21 (2): 74-81. Fish need oxygen for metabolic processes, especially cultured fish. The high amount of dissolved oxygen (DO) in the water greatly affects the quality of life of the fish. A good aquaculture pond is a pond that uses an aerator machine, because the dissolved oxygen content will fulfill the life of all fish. The purpose of this research is to design an automatic controlled aeration device system and utilize solar panel technology as an energy source. This system uses a monitor feature for controlled oxygen levels using a DO sensor, the results of the monitoring are then displayed on the LCD. The data will be processed to make a decision, whether the aerator engine is on or off. The aerator engine activity is continuously controlled by a device connected to a sensor. The sensor will measure real-time dissolved oxygen levels and display it on the LCD. The test steps carried out on this tool are the automation response system test and power resistance test based on the load of the electronic circuit. In the automatic system setting, when the DO value exceeds 6.86 mg / L, the aerator engine will shut down, then restart when the DO level is below 5.20 mg / L. Solar Panel electrical devices with a capacity of 10 WP, 10 A controllers and a 12 V, 7 Ah battery, are sufficient for the energy needs of electronic circuit loads. System testing shows that the system is functioning properly as intended.
Billi Rifa Kusumah, Asep Kosta Jaya, Ridwan Siskandar, Fauzan Fathur Rahim. 2022. E-Ox Level: Sus... more Billi Rifa Kusumah, Asep Kosta Jaya, Ridwan Siskandar, Fauzan Fathur Rahim. 2022. E-Ox Level: Sustainability Test of Data Storage System and Performance Test on Closed System Fish Pond. Fish farming using a closed system is very susceptible to death in a chain because it does not change the water so that the water quality decreases relatively quickly. To solve this problem, they generally use a circulation pump machine and an aerator machine to add oxygen levels, so that water quality remains stable. E-Ox Level is a research technology that has been tested and is able to work continuously. Its function is to monitor water quality and control the aerator machine's on and off activity based on timing and dissolved oxygen levels. The power source used by E-Ox Level is solar energy. So that this technology can save energy and is environmentally friendly, because it does not use PLN electricity. This research is an advanced stage process from the previous E-Ox Level technology design engineering. The purpose of this research is to observe the ability of E-Ox Level technology to display measurement data on the LCD screen and store water quality data continuously on the SD Card, as well as observe the effect of the activity of the aerator control system to produce a more optimum fish harvest. The method used in this research is the process of observing the performance of the E-Ox Level and comparing the results of the growth pattern in a pond with an E-Ox Level, a pond with a Standard Aerator, and a control pond. The working principle is to carry out design activities, then install the E-Ox Level in the Budidkdamber pond. The types of data observed were the suitability of the data displayed on the LCD screen with those stored in memory, the amount of data and the stability of the data stored on the SD Card, as well as data comparisons from catfish growth patterns in budikdamber ponds installed with E-Ox Level, Aerator Standard, and control pool (without aerator). From the results of observations, the data shown on the LCD screen with the complete stored on the SD Card from January 25 to April 8, 2021 is appropriate. The number of deaths and growth patterns of fish using E-Ox Level and AC Aerator is better and faster than control ponds. The advantage of the E-Ox Level over standard aerators is that it uses solar energy as a power source..
In order to implement IoT in agriculture, a tool was designed that aims to facilitate the picking... more In order to implement IoT in agriculture, a tool was designed that aims to facilitate the picking process of melons on hydroponic plantations using Blynk Software and ESP8266 components. Melon fruit picker tool is designed in the form of a robot that can be controlled via Smartphone. There is a DC motor which functions to move the position of the robot and cut melon fruit stalks. Sorting feature is also added to separate the fruit has been picked into the storage container based on the weight of the fruit. To make it easier for users to control this robot, an ESP32CAM component is added as a camera that can be accessed via Smartphones in real time.
Public interest in climbing activities is increasing over time. This activity is a dangerous acti... more Public interest in climbing activities is increasing over time. This activity is a dangerous activity if it is not equipped with good climbing knowledge. There are many cases of climbers who are dissapear or lost on the mountain, one reason is the lack of information about the path and terrain of the climb that will be traversed. This can be avoided if the climbers have good communication and coordination. So that climbers who have lost their way can get back on the right track thanks to good communication and coordination. This research proposes to build a communication tool that uses radio signals to communicate and has a GPS (Global Positioning System). Later climbers can communicate and see other climbers who have this tool through a browser that is owned by their smartphone.
A greenhouse is an agricultural management system that has shown the efficiency of food productio... more A greenhouse is an agricultural management system that has shown the efficiency of food production. This system is an effective alternative to ensure maximum production results. Agriculture with greenhouse technology can create the desired environmental/climatic conditions. The rapid development of technology and science has led to the birth of communication between devices using IoT and AI. This technology can be applied to greenhouses in agriculture and fisheries. Research on greenhouse and microcontroller-based automation systems has been carried out, and it is interesting to be developed. Researchers make a more efficient system and can increase the quality and quantity of production. The measurement data of both modes are monitored using the web. The greenhouse prototype is supported by DHT22, DS18B20, a fan to control the greenhouse cooler, RFID as the key access to the greenhouse. DHT22 & DS18B20 sensor readings in the prototype greenhouse use an AI system with the fuzzy meth...
Underwater Positioning System (UPS) is a system to track the existence of the position of an obje... more Underwater Positioning System (UPS) is a system to track the existence of the position of an object by utilizing the arrival time of the signal measurement. On land, the system uses an electromagnetic signal called GPS. However, because it cannot penetrate water effectively, an acoustic signal is used as an alternative. The purpose of this research is to engineer the control system of data acquisition and underwater acoustic device to measure arrival time (TOA) and apply equation model for underwater sound source positioning system. the effective frequency resonance of the transducer and the hydrophone is at a frequency of 6 kHz. The acquisition control device is able to measure the TOA signal with an error on a digital channel smaller than an analog channel. The difference between the TOA values measured by oscilloscope and acquisition control system is caused by inaccuracy of threshold estimates at the receiver's peak detector circuit. The position of the sound source coordina...
Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung (Journal of Agricultural Engineering), 2020
Internet of Things (IoT) is a system that connects devices directly or indirectly to the internet... more Internet of Things (IoT) is a system that connects devices directly or indirectly to the internet. The device can work with remote control. One application of the IoT system on the watering system is able to provide an approach to the ease in the process of growth and development of plants. The research carried out was applied to an IoT-based smart plant watering device. The tool is supported with a soil moisture measuring sensor that acts as a benchmark to determine the condition of soil moisture and automatic control of the process of watering plants. The process of watering plants is scheduled in the morning and evening. Information, as long as the device is run will be displayed on the LCD and screen of an Android-based smartphone application. The data can be a comparison value to determine the suitability of soil moisture data in plants. The volume of water supplied in the watering process also affects the level of soil moisture. IoT-based smart plant sprinklers can automate wa...
Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung (Journal of Agricultural Engineering), 2020
The embedded systems in the industrial, especially image processing, is increasingly leading to t... more The embedded systems in the industrial, especially image processing, is increasingly leading to the study of production automation systems such as fruit sorting. Post-harvest sorting system implemented by the industry is manual, so it’s not effective. The solution was to conduct research aimed at modifying post-harvest sorting tools by engineering tomato and orange sorting machines based on their color. The method uses image processing. It’s the most efficient alternative in terms of cost and complexity of hardware design, does not require many sensors, but produces an accurate output. The camera is placed on the mechanical sorting machine system, taking images to determine the sorting execution after the fruit color type are recognized. The results of the research were carried out through several tests, namely: light intensity, color image data, and organoleptics. Light intensity test showed that the position of the tool had a value of 0.78% of the outside light disturbance. Color ...
Sejak tahun 2016 telah dikembangkan teknologi deteksi sumber daya secara akustik yang relatif sed... more Sejak tahun 2016 telah dikembangkan teknologi deteksi sumber daya secara akustik yang relatif sederhana dan mutakhir, yaitu teknologi Penginderaan Jauh Pandu Gelombang Akustik Kelautan (Ocean Acoustic Waveguide Remote Sensing). Teknologi akustik dapat mendeteksi sumberdaya kelautan secara berkesinambungan tanpa merusak lingkungan. Teknologi akustik berguna untuk monitoring dan kuantifikasi target bawah air seperti sumber daya laut dan lingkungan yang dapat dilakukan secara terus menerus, berkelanjutan, in-situ, real time, berbiaya yang murah, dan tidak memerlukan jumlah tenaga kerja yang banyak. Penelitian ini merekayasa teknologi Penginderaan Jauh Akustik Kelautan untuk mendeteksi jarak propagasi sinyal. Langkah yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah merekayasa sistem perangkat akustik seperti transmitter dan receiver berdasarkan sensor tranduser pengirim TR-103 dan tranduser penerima Benthos Aq-1. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, rancangan transmitter dan receiver telah sesuai dengan spesifikasi besaran piezoelektrik yang terukur. Hasil pengujian pada laut terbuka di Kepulauan Seribu menunjukkan jarak deteksi propagasi sinyal transmitter sampai ke receiver mencapai 100 m.
Ridwan Siskandar, and Billi Rifa Kusumah. 2019. Design and Construction of Control Devices for Aq... more Ridwan Siskandar, and Billi Rifa Kusumah. 2019. Design and Construction of Control Devices for Aquaponic Monitoring Management. Aquacultura Indonesiana, 20(2) : 72-79. The management concept of aquaponic cultivation requires good care and management. Aquaponics that are not managed properly have great potential to cause failure. Simplification of management steps, we need a system that can simplify and must minimize the risk of failure. This research creates an integrated system between hardware and software that can help manage aquaponic cultivation more simply and safely. The purpose of this research is to device construct physical data gauges for pool water quality and planting media quality, and design software for easy of monitoring systems of instrument device work and monitoring systems for users. The system has a built-in aquaponic condition monitoring feature via an installed sensor. The conditions monitored by this system are conditions of air temperature, humidity, water temperature, light intensity, level of turbidity of water, and height of fish feed at the feedlot. The system has two automation features. The first automation feature is the automation of fish feeding with a certain time lag. The second automation feature is the automation of the water heater engine. Water heater engine will be turned on or off at a certain temperature. The system also features an engine control feature in aquaponics that includes a water pump engine, an aerator engine, and a water heater engine. System monitoring, automation and control features can be accessed by users via the web. Testing of the system has indicated that the system is functioning properly in accordance with the objectives. The algorithm is correct, so the system output matches the expected output.
Underwater Positioning System (UPS) is a system to track the existence of the position of an obje... more Underwater Positioning System (UPS) is a system to track the existence of the position of an object by utilizing the arrival time of the signal measurement. On land, the system uses an electromagnetic signal called GPS. However, because it cannot penetrate water effectively, an acoustic signal is used as an alternative. The purpose of this research is to engineer the control system of data acquisition and underwater acoustic device to measure arrival time (TOA) and apply equation model for underwater sound source positioning system. the effective frequency resonance of the transducer and the hydrophone is at a frequency of 6 kHz. The acquisition control device is able to measure the TOA signal with an error on a digital channel smaller than an analog channel. The difference between the TOA values measured by oscilloscope and acquisition control system is caused by inaccuracy of threshold estimates at the receiver's peak detector circuit. The position of the sound source coordina...
Partners realize that the production of cultivated fish can still be increased, one of which is b... more Partners realize that the production of cultivated fish can still be increased, one of which is by monitoring water quality by providing aeration to maintain water health. Partners need a technological assistance that can improve the quality of results and production levels in a shorter time, and of course not incur large electricity costs from using this technology. This community service program activity is designed to solve partner problems. The proposal team provided a technology product called E-Ox Level, a proven technology to monitor pond water quality and control the aerator engine to keep it at optimum water quality standards. This technology is energy efficient, because it utilizes solar energy. This product can reduce operating costs and increase production yields. This program shows positive results. The results of its installation in the Budikdamber pond showed that the growth rate of fish length and weight was faster than the pond without the help of technology, and th...
Papers by billi kusumah