Papers by mohammad mahmudi
Journal of Ecological Engineering
The East Java coast has biodiversity potential, including microalgae. Microalgae are primary prod... more The East Java coast has biodiversity potential, including microalgae. Microalgae are primary producers for the aquatic ecosystem, whose distribution depends on water quality parameters and sub-habitat characteristics. The purpose of this study was to analyse and identify the microalgae, as well as environmental quality parameters based on sub-habitat characteristics in the northern part of the East Java coast, Indonesia. The research was conducted from March to June 2023. Sample sites were determined using purposive sampling techniques at nine sites located in Gresik, Lamongan, and Tuban coasts. Water samples were collected from various sub-habitats, including the water column, sediments, rocks, mangroves, artificial substrates, macroalgae, and water plants consisting of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) and Coontail (Ceratophyllum demersum). The obtained results depicted microalgae found were from Bacillariophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Coscinodiscophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Dinophyceae, Trebouxiophyceae, and Zygnematophyceae. Bacillariophyceae dominated the community in all sites. The expected outcome of this study is to provide and complete the database of microalgae morphologically based on sub-habitat characteristics, particularly on the north coast of East Java, Indonesia.
Journal of Innovation and Applied Technology, 2018
Jurdimas (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) Royal, May 23, 2022
Malang Regency is an area that has a lot of natural resource potential, especially in the field o... more Malang Regency is an area that has a lot of natural resource potential, especially in the field of fisheries, both capture fisheries and aquaculture. One of the aquaculture activities carried out by the community in Malang Regency, especially in Bantur Village is catfish aquaculture. This aquaculture activity is experiencing obstacles, namely the large proportion of operational costs for feed (> 60%) and the incompatibility of semi-intensive aquaculture practices that are applied, in which the absence of water quality monitoring which has an impact on fish growth is not optimal. The purpose of this community service activity is to provide knowledge to catfish cultivators in Bantur Village about semi-intensive aquaculture systems and the manufacture of fish feed independently through training on pellet making machine technology applications. The socialization and training activities carried out have proven to be able to increase the knowledge of cultivators, so that they can become their provisions to improve the quality and quantity of aquaculture products.
Beach is one of the attractions for tourists because of its varied forms and atmosphere, based on... more Beach is one of the attractions for tourists because of its varied forms and atmosphere, based on the aspects of exploration, conservation, and integrated management. One aspect of development in the field of ecotourism is expected to be able to realize sustainable ecosystem management is through the development of ecotourism sustainable economy and distributed equitably to all stakeholders. To realize this sustainable condition, all stakeholders need scientific information about natural resources biotic and abiotic, which can provide information and then assist decisions in managed a sustainable ecotourism area. With this database of biotic and abiotic resources, we hoped it will provide a solution to all problems regarding the wise management of ecotourism. One of the activities can increased stakeholder awarenss in carrying out sustainable management in the coastal ecotourism area of Blekok is to begin by conducted research on the resources contained in coastal ecotourism area of Blekok. This scientific data will be able to support sustainable management. After the existence of this database, the solution offered by this community service activity to convey the results of scientific research on the natural resources that exist in the Blekok beach through socialization to all relevant stakeholders and authorities in managed this area.
Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian & Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (SNP2M), Nov 30, 2020
Indonesia is an archipelagic country characterized by an archipelago with its boundaries and righ... more Indonesia is an archipelagic country characterized by an archipelago with its boundaries and rights as stated in the 1945 Constitution. Natuna Regency is listed as the outermost and frontier border area of the Republic of Indonesia. At the end of 2019, the border area became the country's attention regarding maneuvers carried out by Chinese state ships in the Indonesian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) in Natuna. President Joko Widodo's gesture that is also of mutual concern is the need for a "presence" of all stakeholders in regional development in the border area. Since 2018, Brawijaya University through its Doctor of Service (DM) activities under the management of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) has sent a team of lecturers and students of KKN (Real Work Lecture) to carry out a series of community empowerment activities in Pengadah Village, Bunguran Timur Laut District , Natuna Regency. Pengadah Village was chosen because the village was included in the 'Very Disadvantaged Village' category by the Ministry of Villages and PDTT, RI in 2017. Development of superior products for Pengadah Village was carried out by the DM UB team in 2019 in the form of Natuna motif batik initiation, fish crackers, banana chips and chips sweet potato. In 2020, the DM UB team proposed community empowerment activities in Pengadah Village in the form of strengthening superior products and initiating the Pengadah Batik Tourism Village in order to improve the economy of the Border region. Community service activities that have been carried out in 2020 include stamped batik training, batik cloth craft training, soap making training, making village regulations on tourism village management and making the grand design of the Pengadah village tourism area. Until the third year of UB service activities in Natuna, Pengadah Village was enthusiastic in participating in every program carried out by the DM and KKN teams. In October 2020, the Pengadah Natuna Village team will visit the Malang puppeteer to deepen batik, cloth crafts, to develop tourism and village potential.
Aacl Bioflux, 2019
The utilization of Ranu Grati for aquaculture in the form of floating net cages loads more phosph... more The utilization of Ranu Grati for aquaculture in the form of floating net cages loads more phosphorus to the water as the result of fish feed waste. The rising of phosphorus concentration in water may lead to eutrophication which indicates bad water quality. This study aim to estimate the amount of phosphorus that can be carried by Ranu Grati and to identify its water quality status based on Trophic State Index (TSI) measurement. The estimation of Lake carrying capacity was according to Indonesia Minister of Environment Act No. 28, 2009. The results show that Ranu Grati is capable to carry the phosphorus load due to floating net cages at 12.674,11 kg year-1 which is lower than the current number of phosphorus waste that discharged from floating net cages that reaches 16.360,176 kg year-1. Meanwhile, the TSI scores from all sampling sites indicate that Ranu Grati is light eutrophic until medium eutrophic.
ECSOFIM (Economic and Social of Fisheries and Marine), Aug 7, 2019
The prevalence of disease spread caused by improper cultivation systems causes a decrease in the ... more The prevalence of disease spread caused by improper cultivation systems causes a decrease in the productivity level of vannamei shrimp ponds. A low salinity cultivation system is one of the cultivation innovations that can be developed to reduce the spread of disease. The purpose of this study was to describe water quality status on aquatic shrimp culture and business financial feasibility in the intensive vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) culture with low salinity levels. The research method used was quantitative descriptive with a purposive sampling technique of data collection. The result of the research is the Water Quality Index analysis value of 110 which means it is very suitable to be used as a cultivation medium. Profitability analysis produces a profit value of Rp.
Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian & Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (SNP2M), Jul 15, 2019
The State of Indonesia is located between a cluster of islands and a blue ocean that holds amazin... more The State of Indonesia is located between a cluster of islands and a blue ocean that holds amazing potential and diversity. Exploration and development of regional potential are expected to provide welfare for the wider community. Natuna Regency is one of Indonesia's outer islands in the Riau Islands Province. The outermost and frontier regions have their own problems which make it a 'lagging region'. The uncompromised and directed management of natural products has an impact on the local economy, social and culture. This community service aims (1) to initiate POKLAHSAR institutions (Household Scale Processing Groups) and POKDARWIS (Tourism Awareness Groups) as fisheries processing units and management of Pengadah Village beach tourism objects, (2) introduce processed processing of fishery products and identification of skills/souvenirs regional characteristics as a superior product of the Pengadah Village, (3) Forming an information system as a marketing medium and promoting the potential of superior products in the Pengadah Village. In the implementation of 2018 UB's Dedicated Doctoral (Doktor Mengabdi/DM) in the Pengadah Village, Bunguran Timur Laut District, Natuna Regency, there are several programs, including socialization and formation of POKLAHSAR, POKDARWIS, processing of fishing results in the form of fish crackers, and cendol ice from seaweed, souvenirs, as well as making a website for the Pengadah Village. It is intended that the Pengadah Village community has a broader understanding of fisheries processing as well as the development and awareness of the local community about the tourism potential in the 'lagging area' village.
Indonesian Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, Sep 1, 2014
Kecamatan Gandusari merupakan salah satu kawasan yang diarahkan untuk dikembangkan sebagai kawasa... more Kecamatan Gandusari merupakan salah satu kawasan yang diarahkan untuk dikembangkan sebagai kawasan minapolitan budidaya di Kabupaten Blitar. Program minapolitan di kecamatan ini akan memberikan manfaat kepada masyarakat dan pemerintah jika dikelola dengan baik dan terencana. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan rekomendasi rencana strategis pengembangan wilayah kawasan minapolitan di wilayah tersebut. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi analisis deskriptif yang dibantu dengan metode analisis Sistem Informasi dan kombinasi metode analisis Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) dan Analytical Hierarchy Prcess (AHP) atau A'WOT untuk menentukan rencana strategi pengembangannya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa urutan pertama rencana strategi pengembangan kawasan minapolitan di wilayah ini adalah meningkatkan perhatian dan komitmen pemerintah, mendayagunakan pemuda desa dan masyarakat dalam kegiatan pengembangan usaha bidang perikanan.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jun 1, 2020
Pakan yang mahal dan teknologi yang masih tradisional menjadi masalah yang serius bagi pembudiday... more Pakan yang mahal dan teknologi yang masih tradisional menjadi masalah yang serius bagi pembudidaya udang vanamei di Desa Temaji. Salah satu alternatif yang ditawarkan yaitu melakukan pembuatan pellet secara mandiri dalam sistem budidaya semi intensif. Tujuan utama pelaksanaan Doktor Mengabdi (DM) yaitu mengembangkan keterampilan pembudidaya dalam memproduksi pakan mandiri skala kecil dengan menggunakan mesin pellet sederhana guna mengurangi biaya operasional dari cost pakan. Selain itu, tujuannya adalah untuk meningkatkan keterampilan mitra dalam pengukuran kualitas air sehingga produksi hasil budidaya dapat meningkat dan secara tidak langsung dapat meningkatkan pendapatan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat pembudidaya. Hasil kegiatan ini yaitu diperolehnya produk pellet MINIPRO yang dikemas sendiri dan berdasarkan kalkulasi ternyata hasil pellet yang diproduksi jauh lebih murah dibandingkan dengan pellet yang dibeli. Kegiatan ini juga diakhiri dengan pemberian kuesioner sebagai feedback...
Aacl Bioflux, 2017
This study was conducted to determine a model of dissolved oxygen and its relationship with water... more This study was conducted to determine a model of dissolved oxygen and its relationship with water quality in intensive aquaculture ponds of whiteleg shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei in East Java. This study used a causal design with an ex-post-facto or natural phenomenon-based descriptive method in order to pursue the processes in the shrimp ponds and their existing conditions through observations of the intensive farming activities for about 100 days. Pond management followed a standard operating procedure under Best Aquaculture Practices Certification. Materials and facilities used in the study were eight intensive-patterned ponds of 3,292.50±347.02 m 2 , with a stocking density of 119.84±18.52 individuals m-2 , production facilities and infrastructures, and water quality measuring equipment. The main water quality measured was dissolved oxygen at 22.00 hrs from the beginning of shrimp farming to the harvest time and daily dissolved oxygen measured every 2 hours to obtain a model of daily dissolved oxygen. Other supporting water quality parameters measured were daily pH, temperature, salinity, and transparency. Ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, organic matter, carbonate, bicarbonate, total alkalinity, phytoplankton, and total bacteria were measured weekly. Data were collected and analyzed to assess the diversity of conditions in each pond and model the relationship of daily dissolved oxygen in one culture cycle. Correlation tests were also done between dissolved oxygen and other water quality measures. To determine the relationship between variables, data analysis used version 16 of SPSS. Results showed that mean dissolved oxygen in whiteleg shrimp farms was 4.84±0.41 ppm, and daily relationship model was Y =-0029 0732 T 2 + T + 2.120 (R = 0.83; α = 0.01) with the highest dissolved oxygen recorded at 12:35 hours, whereas the relationship model of dissolved oxygen in one culture cycle was y =-0011 t + 5.7164 (R² = 0.71; α = 0.00). Dissolved oxygen was positively correlated with pH, temperature, transparency, and negatively correlated with salinity, phosphate, total organic matter, Shannon-Wiener index, dominance index and total bacteria.
Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian & Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (SNP2M), Jan 6, 2020
Pengadah Village is one of the backward village in the 'outermost' region of Natuna Regency, Riau... more Pengadah Village is one of the backward village in the 'outermost' region of Natuna Regency, Riau Islands Province, Indonesia. The populations of Pengadah Village are 556 people with 171 families. The majority of local peoples work as fishermen and farmers, depend on the season. Housewives dont have side jobs as a source of additional income for their families. Pengadah Village have the potential tourism that cannot be underestimated, there are Semitan rivers with mangrove forests on the right and left sides of the river, Semitan beach, Tanjung Datuk beach, Lubang Kamak beach and waterfalls. In economical sector, some local community have been independent to process agricultural products into various chips. The village superior products from chips include banana chips, sweet potato chips, fish crackers and major seafood processed products such as bilis. Based on the Subserve Doctor Programs (DM) of Brawijaya University that was conducted in 2018, the community of Pegadah Village were requested to be given training of batik with Natuna motive in 2019. with the large potential of Pengadah Village, the team of Subserve Doctor Programs in 2019 carry out a series of superior programs including: (i) initiation of batik with Natuna motive, (ii) diversification of beverage products from coconuts, (iii) introduction of organic and inorganic waste processing, (iv) initiation of packaging technology and marketing of banana chips and fish crackers, and (iv) conductivity of online promotions in an effort to develops superior products in Pengadah Village. The scope of this community empowerment programs focused on three sectors, namely: agriculture, fisheries, and tourism in Pengadah Village.
Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, Feb 15, 2020
Seagrass has important ecological functions, namely as a nursery-grown, spawning and protection a... more Seagrass has important ecological functions, namely as a nursery-grown, spawning and protection areas for marine biota. In the world, there are 60 species of seagrasses, and in Indonesia, there are 14 species from 7 genera. The waters of North Sulawesi store a high potential of seagrass ecosystems. This study aimed to observe the distribution of seagrass from the Bahoi, Manembo-Nembo, and Tandurusa coast, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Sampling carried out at the lowest ebb at the lunar or full moon phase. The method used for sampling is random, both for transect and squared lines. The results showed that from the Bahoi, Menembo-Nembo and Tandurusa coast, ten seagrass species from 7 genera and two families were found, namely Enhallus acoroides, Cymodocea rotundata, Cymodocea serrulata, Halodule uninervis, Halodule pinifolia, Halophila minor, Halophla ovalis, Syringodium isoetifolium, Thalassia hemprichii, dan Thalassodendron ciliatum. Information on seagrass distribution in an area can be taken into consideration for the government and related agencies in drafting a regulation in the management of seagrass ecosystem resources.
Samakia, Apr 28, 2018
Tambak udang intensif sangat membutuhkan mangrove untuk meningkatkan daya dukung perairannya. Set... more Tambak udang intensif sangat membutuhkan mangrove untuk meningkatkan daya dukung perairannya. Setiap 1 Ha tambak udang intensif membutuhkan masing-masing 7,2 Ha mangrove untuk menyerap nitrogen (N) dan 21,7 Ha untuk menyerap phospor (P) dari hasil buangan limbah tambak. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengestimasi luasan lmangrove yang dibutuhkan untuk menyerap limbah nitrogen (N) dan posfor (P) yang dikeluarkan dari kegaitan tambak udang intensif di Kecamatan Banyuputih Kabupaten Situbondo. Dari hasil survey lapang didapatkan data luas lahan tambak intensif produktif di Kecamatan Banyuputih adalah 39 Ha. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa dibutuhkan 280,3 Ha mangrove untuk mendukung penyerapan nitrogen (N) dan 846,3 Ha mangrove untuk menyerap posfor (P) buangan limbah tambak intesiv produktif di wilayah studi. Mangrove yang ada di Kecamatan Banyuputih saati ini (540,18 Ha) masih mendukung dalam penyerapan limbah nitrogen (N), namun untuk penyerapan limbah posfor (P) tambak intensif masih diperlukan reboisasi minimal 304,12 Ha dari luas mangrove yang ada saat ini. Jika Pemerintah daerah akan melakukan pengembangan tambak udang intensif sesuai daya dukung atau kapasitas maksimal perairan pesisir Banyuputih dalam menguraikan limbah organik tambak yaitu seluas 58 Ha, kondisi mangrove saat ini (540,18 Ha) masih mendukung dalam penyerapan buangan limban nitrogen (N) dari tambak intensif seluas 58 Ha, namun untuk menyerap lmbah posfor (P) masih diperlukan penambahan (reboisasi) seluas 718,42 Ha.
Oseanologi di Indonesia, Dec 31, 2019
Ranu Grati’s Morphometry Study Using GPSMAP 585 and GIS. In the study of pollution load capacity ... more Ranu Grati’s Morphometry Study Using GPSMAP 585 and GIS. In the study of pollution load capacity of a reservoir or lake, its required information such as innudation area, average of depths and innudation volume, but those data at sometimes unavailable and out of date. The aims of this research are to find out depth distribution in Ranu Grati and represent it on a map. Depth map or bathymetry map that resulted is show morphological condition that can be used for further study e.g calculation of Ranu Grati capacity for aquaculture. Area of inundation, inundation volume and average depth of Ranu Grati can be figured out by using Garmin GPSMAP 585, Sentinel 2a imagery, BingMap and GIS analysis with ArcGIS according to those mapping data. Visualization of the mapping result through 3D view is used to increase understanding Ranu Grati morphometric conditions such as for Ranu Grati carriying capacity for aquaculture etc.. The result shows maximum depth that recorded during mapping is 121, 9 m. Meanwhile, area of inundation and volume are 1.734.223,07 m2 and 124.491.952,55 m3 respectively.
Journal of Innovation and Applied Technology, Dec 16, 2016
The purpose of the activities is the transfer of technology IbM seaweed cultivation in Farmers' W... more The purpose of the activities is the transfer of technology IbM seaweed cultivation in Farmers' Water Partners Mas "Buduan Rural District of Suboh and Seaweed Farmers Group" Cape of Good Hope "Bight Village District Panarukan Situbondo, East Java. Seaweed cultivation technology is expected to help increase the income of farmers seaweed. The method used in this activity is the PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) is the public involved in. Implementation IbM activities include dissemination (extension), training, pilot project (pilot project), monitoring and evaluation of program success. IbM activity results are expected no change in mindset in the way of seaweed farming. Demplot activity begins by making the cultivation container (rack) seaweed using the model floating rafts of bamboo. The second stage is how to choose a good seed, how the binding of seeds and seaweed cultivation using floating raft. Furthermore, the seaweed treatments, harvest and postharvest. Based on the demonstration plot (plots) of seaweed cultivation shelf models generate daily growth rate seaweed K. alvarezii in Gelung Situbondo waters reached 23% per day or specific growth reached 3.92% with productivity reached 4.76 kg / m2 or 47.6 tons / ha. Farameter water quality is very decent for seaweed cultivation. Based on the results of economic analysis BEP, ROI, B / C ratio that the cultivation of seaweed K. alvarezii very feasible in waters Gelung Situbondo, East Java.
Seagrass study needs to be continuously developed in order to know its potentiality of storing ca... more Seagrass study needs to be continuously developed in order to know its potentiality of storing carbon. One of the studies uses carbondioxide (CO2) as growth rate indicator of the seagrass, Thalassia hemprichii, in a controlled laboratory scale. The seagrass used in this study was collected from Tongkaina waters, Sulawesi Utara. The study used Complete Randomized Design with treatments as follows: P1 - CO2 addition once per 3 days (5x100 ml/min for 25 minutes), P2 - CO2 addition once per 2 days (5x100 ml/min for 25 minutes), P3 - CO2 addition once a day (5x100 ml/min for 25 minutes), and control treatment (no carbondioxide). Results showed that daily growth rate was influenced by carbondioxide application and alkalinity. The highest wet weight occurred in P3 media in day30, 36.67 gr, while the lowest wet weight was recorded in P1 in day-6, 27.60 gr. The highest growth rate was found in P3 in day-6, 1.310%, while the lowest was recorded in P1 in day-6, -1.772%. Carbondioxide application significantly affected the growth rate of the seagrass. Tukey test indicated that seagrass growth rate in P3 was significantly different from those of other treatments with P3>L: 0.747>0.65, while P1 and P2 did not have significant difference in growth rate with P1<L: 0.093<0.65 and P2<L: 0.068<0.65, respectively. Alkalinity measurement showed that the highest was recorded in P3, 80 mg/l and the lowest in P1, 40 mg/l.
Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, Oct 20, 2019
Deterioration in the quality of seaweed cultivation in coastal Situbondo District of Banyuputih c... more Deterioration in the quality of seaweed cultivation in coastal Situbondo District of Banyuputih caused by several factors. One of these factors, such as suitability and environmental quality of coastal waters, become a major factor in cultivation. The study of aim to determine the relationship between environmental carrying capacity and the development of Eucheuma cottonii seaweed. The research method was carried out with the main supporting data collection, parameter growth analysis, spatial analysis using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), analysis of environmental carrying capacity, and strategies for developing seaweed cultivation. Evaluation of the parameters of the waters in the Banyuputih Subdistrict region can categorize as fulfilling the requirements for the development of seaweed cultivation using the floating raft method. The results of the analysis of land suitability for the development of seaweed cultivation divided into several categories, including very appropriate: 340.80 ha, as appropriate: 440.35 ha and incompatible: 720.97 ha. Effective land area for the development of seaweed cultivation 230.48 (60% of the area is very suitable) with the number of rafts that can operate is 50,223 units. The strategy for developing seaweed cultivation in Banyuputih sub-district that needs to be applied is to refer to the management of the ecological-based aquatic environment, technological aspects in seaweed cultivation and regional arrangement by the carrying capacity of the environment.
Seagrass study needs to be continuously developed to know its potential ability of storing carbon... more Seagrass study needs to be continuously developed to know its potential ability of storing carbon and absorbing CO2 (carbon sink) or called blue carbon used for photosynthesis. One of the studies uses carbondioxide (CO2) as growth rate indicator of the seagrass, Thalassia hemprichii, in a controlled laboratory scale. The seagrass used in this study was collected from Tongkaina waters, Sulawesi Utara. The study used Complete Randomized Design with treatments as follows: P1-CO2 addition once per 3 days (5x100 ml/min for 25 minutes), P2-CO2 addition once per 2 days (5x100 ml/min for 25 minutes), P3-CO2 addition once a day (5x100 ml/min for 25 minutes), and control treatment (no carbondioxide). Results showed that daily growth rate was influenced by carbondioxide application and alkalinity. The highest wet weight occurred in P3 media in day-30, 36.67 gr, while the lowest wet weight was recorded in P1 in day-6, 27.60 gr. The highest growth rate was found in P3 in day-6, 1.310%, while the lowest was recorded in P1 in day-6,-1.772%. Carbondioxide application significantly affected the growth rate of the seagrass. Tukey test indicated that seagrass growth rate in P3 was significantly different from those of other treatments with P3>L: 0.747>0.65, while P1 and P2 did not have significant difference in growth rate with P1<L: 0.093<0.65 and P2<L: 0.068<0.65, respectively. Alkalinity measurement showed that the highest was recorded in P3, 80 mg/l and the lowest in P1, 40 mg/l.
Papers by mohammad mahmudi