3.International 21.National Public Health Congress, Sep 30, 2019
Giris ve Amac: Bir toplum sosyal ve ekonomik yonden hedeflenen gelismislik duzeyine bedenen ve ru... more Giris ve Amac: Bir toplum sosyal ve ekonomik yonden hedeflenen gelismislik duzeyine bedenen ve ruhen saglikli bireylerin varligiyla ulasabilir. Insanin fiziksel ve ruhsal yonlerden tam anlamiyla verimli olabilmesi ise yeterli ve dengeli beslenmesiyle mumkundur. Bu calismanin amaci Erzurum Palandoken merkez ilcesinde 0-2 yas grubu cocuklarda beslenme durumunu antropometrik olcumlerle tespit ederek, malnutrisyon sikligi ve etkileyen faktorleri belirlemektir. Gerec ve Yontem: Etik izni alinan calisma kesitsel nitelikte planlandi. Calismanin evrenini Erzurum Palandoken merkez ilcesinde yasayan 0-2 yas grubu toplam 7.242 cocuk olusturmaktaydi. Orneklem buyuklugu, Epi Info programi ile 0-2 yas grubu icin malnutrisyon prevalansi %8.5 ve orneklem hatasi 0.01 alinarak, %95 guven duzeyi icin 2115 cocuk olarak hesaplandi. Calismamizda evrenin %81.2’sine ulasildi. Cocuklarin dogum tarihi, anketin uygulandigi tarih, agirlik ve boy olcumleri kullanilarak; WHO Antro Programi ile yasa gore boy (YGB), yasa gore agirlik (YGA) ve boya gore agirlik (BGA) z-skorlari hesaplandi. WHO standartlarina gore YGB, YGA ve BGA z-skorlari -2 SD ve altinda olan cocuklar sirasiyla bodur, dusuk kilolu ve zayif; -2 SD ve +2 SD arasinda olanlar normal, BGA z-skorlari +2 SD ve ustunde olan cocuklar fazla kilolu/obez olarak kabul edildi. Anketler katilimcilara yuz yuze gorusme teknigi kullanilarak uygulandi. Calismanin bagimli degiskeni malnutrisyon durumu olup, bagimsiz degiskenleri ebeveynlerin sosyodemografik ozelliklerinden, cocuga ait ozelliklerden ve anneye ait gebelik bilgilerinden olusuyordu. Tanimlayici istatistikler sayi, yuzde, ortalama ve standart sapma olarak sunuldu. Analizlerde Kruskall Wallis, Mann Whitney ve ki-kare testi kullanildi. Veriler SPSS v22 programi ile degerlendirildi. Analiz sonuclari p<0.05 oldugunda anlamli kabul edildi. Bulgular: Calismaya katilan cocuklarin %50.6’si kiz, yas ortalamalari 9.55±7.76 ay, dogum agirligi ortalamalari 2992.48±584.45 gr, olcum agirligi ortalamalari 7867.55±2854.49 gr, olcum boyu ortalamalari 69.48±11.47 cm idi. Dusuk kiloluluk, bodurluk, zayiflik ve fazla kiloluluk/obezite sikligi sirasiyla %5.8 (%95 CI: 4.6-6.9 ), %7.2 (%95 CI: 6.0-8.4), %10.0 (%95 CI: 8.6-11.4) ve %3.4 (%95 CI: 2.5-4.2) idi . Cocuklarin yas gruplari arasinda YGA, YGB, BGA dagilimlari anlamli olarak farkliydi (p<0.05). Cocuklarin dogum zamani gruplari arasinda YGA, YGB, BGA dagilimlari anlamli olarak farkli bulundu (p<0.001). Dogum sonrasi anne sutunu ilk besin olarak alan cocuklarda, ek gida alan cocuklara gore dusuk kiloluluk ve bodurluk sikligi daha dusuktu. Dogum sonrasi ilk besin olarak anne sutu alan cocuklarla ek gida alan cocuklar arasinda YGA, YGB dagilimlari anlamli olarak farkliydi (p<0.05). Yine son bir yilda hastaneye yatma hikayesi olan ve olmayan cocuklar arasinda YGA, YGB dagilimlari acisindan anlamli fark vardi (p<0.001). Sonuc ve Oneriler: Dusuk kiloluluk, bodurluk, zayiflik ve fazla kiloluk/obezite sikliginin ilimizde yuksek oldugu gorulmektedir. Malnutrisyon acisindan riskli olan 0-2 yas cocuklarin yakin takibi onemlidir. Ayrica, aileler gebelikten itibaren bebek ve cocuk beslenmesi konusunda bilgilendirilmeli, ozellikle emzirmenin onemi konusunda egitimler verilmelidir. Anahtar Kelimeler: antropometrik olcum, malnutrisyon, prevalans
Objective: The study aimed to determine the willingness to receive the Influenza A(H1N1) vaccine ... more Objective: The study aimed to determine the willingness to receive the Influenza A(H1N1) vaccine and its determinants in a large group of university students. Materials and Methods: This is a self-administered questionnairre based cross-sectional study. Students being educated at health and non-health faculties were invited to participate in this attitude survey. Results: A total of 974 students were included in the study, of whom 51.3% (n=500) were in health related faculties. The rate of willingness to receive the Influenza A(H1N1) vaccine was 11.9 and 7.5% for health and non-health groups, respectively (p<0.05). For the health group, having been vaccined with seasonal influenza was a significant determinant of being willingness to receive the Influenza A(H1N1) vaccine (O.R [95% C.I.]), (O.R: 2.9 [1.5-5.6]) and to believe that the Influenza A(H1N1) vaccine prevents swine flu (O.R: 1.7 [1.09-2.8]). For the non-health group, the only determinant was to believe that Influenza A(H1N1) vaccine prevents from swine flu (O.R: 19.1 [5.7-64.1]) which found to be affected by confusing news in media. Conclusion: The public health professionals who will organize the efforts to improve the acceptability of Influenza A vaccines during influenza outbreaks should try to increase the vaccination rates of seasonal influenza. Information provided by the media should be organized in order not to cause fear and confusion, which was shown to decrease willingness and belief in the Influenza A(H1N1) vaccine.
3.International 21.National Public Health Congress, Sep 23, 2019
Giris ve Amac: Saglik okuryazarligi genel okuryazarlik ile iliskili olup insanlarin yasamlari boy... more Giris ve Amac: Saglik okuryazarligi genel okuryazarlik ile iliskili olup insanlarin yasamlari boyunca saglik hizmetleri ile ilgili konularda kanaat gelistirmek ve karar verebilmek, sagliklarini korumak, surdurmek ve gelistirmek, yasam kalitesini yukseltmek icin saglik ile ilgili bilgi kaynaklarina ulasabilme, saglik ile ilgili bilgileri ve mesajlari dogru olarak algilama ve anlama konularindaki istekleri ve kapasiteleridir. Bu calismada, Erzurum il merkezinde yasayan yetiskinlerin saglik okuryazarligi duzeyininin belirlenmesi ve etkili faktorlerin incelenmesi amaclandi. Gerec ve Yontem: Calisma kesitsel tipte olup, calismanin evrenini Erzurum il merkezinde yasayan 15 yas ustu nufus olusturmaktaydi. Orneklem, %95 guven araligi %5 hata payi ile 420 kisi olarak hesaplandi. Orneklem sayisinin dagilimi icin ilce nufuslari esas alinarak agirliklandirma yapildi. Arastirmada veri toplama araci olarak Turkiye Saglik Okuryazarligi Olcegi-32 (TSOY-32) kullanildi. Arastirmanin verileri Haziran-Temmuz 2017 tarihleri arasinda toplandi. Calismaya katilim gonulluluk esasina dayali olup, calisma oncesi Ataturk Universitesi etik kurul izni ve katilimcilarin onamlari alindi. Anketler katilimcilara gozlem altinda uygulandi. Calismanin bagimli degiskeni saglik okuryazarligi duzeyi olup bagimsiz degiskenleri kisisel bilgi formunda yer verilen sosyodemografik ozelliklerdir. Tanimlayici istatistikler sayi, yuzde, ortalama ve standart sapma olarak sunuldu. Veri analizinde ki-kare, korelasyon ve lojistik regresyon yontemleri kullanildi. Veriler SPSS v20 programi ile degerlendirildi. Istatistiksel anlamlilik duzeyi p 0.05). Sonuc ve oneriler: Saglik okuryazarligi bireylerin egitim duzeyleri ve yaslariyla iliskilidir. Saglik okuryazarligini gelistirmek icin yapilacak calismalarin, ileri yasta olan ve egitim duzeyi dusuk olan bireylere oncelik verilecek sekilde planlanmasi onerilmektedir. Anahtar Sozcukler: saglik okuryazarligi, sagligin gelistirilmesi, TSOY-32
Eskişehir türk dünyası uygulama ve araştırma merkezi halk sağlığı dergisi, Jan 31, 2022
The purpose of this study was to determine the attitudes of medical students towards gender roles... more The purpose of this study was to determine the attitudes of medical students towards gender roles. A cross-sectional study was conducted. The study enrolled voluntary medical students from the 1st and 6th grades of school in University. Out of the 764 students in the study population, results for 518 could be analyzed. Beyond socio-demographic characteristics, students' awareness of gender roles was measured using the 38-item Gender Roles Attitude Scale (GRAS). The mean age of the students was 21.68±3.04 years. The mean GRAS score of the students were 113.45±7.36. The highest mean score in the GRAS subscales belonged to the "egalitarian gender roles" (33.74±5.78), and the lowest score to the "male gender roles" (12.26±4.51). Females had significantly higher mean total GRAS scores than males. On the other hand, the mean GRAS scores of first-grade students were statistically higher than those of the grade six students The GRAS score was significantly correlated with age (r-0.23, p<0.001). Multiple linear regression was done to investigate the effects of age, female sex, and being first grade on the GRAS scores, where age (t=-1.895; p=0.059) and female sex (t=6.170; p<0.001) revealed significant. Gender role perceptions and attitudes of the society can be changed in a positive way with parent education. Among the subjects of undergraduate medical education, the concept of gender needs to be emphasized more. Raising conscious graduates in terms of gender perceptions can contribute to reducing health inequalities caused by gender.
Background: Widespread irrational medical prescription adversely affects the outcomes of patient ... more Background: Widespread irrational medical prescription adversely affects the outcomes of patient health and medical services. Aim: This study aims to investigate the determinants of medical prescription behavior of family physicians in Erzurum Province. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted during August–December 2016 on a voluntary sample of 191 out of 234 physicians (81.6%) working at family health centers in the districts of Erzurum. Physicians were visited at their workplaces, and data were collected using a self-administered and structured, 45-item questionnaire. Results: The mean age of the physicians was 34.7 ± 7.9 years, and 70.7% (n = 135) of the participants were males. About 83.8% (n = 160) of physicians responded “yes” or “sometimes” to the question “Do you prescribe medicine on demand of the patients?” The two most important factors that affected the prescribing behavior of the participants were the pharmacology lectures attended during medical education (50.8%) and the prescribing experience acquired during clinical internship (46.0%). Presentations given by the representatives of drug companies, in-service training programs after graduation, and Internet/mobile phone applications had the lowest rate of contribution as behavioral determinants. The participants perceived having sufficient information in the areas of indication for use (77.5%) and daily dose (72.8%). Only 4.2% of participants deemed their knowledge of medication costs sufficient. Pharmacology lessons were found to be more effective in the prescribing behaviors of the physicians who had less than 10 years of professional experience (Chi-square = 12.131; P = 0.002). Conclusion: Rational medical prescription continues to be a trouble among family physicians. The study findings suggest a substantial knowledge gap in participating physicians occurring after graduation and clinical internship training, in the areas of costs of medicine and rational medical prescribing.
Aim: The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of burnout syndrome and associat... more Aim: The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of burnout syndrome and associated factors among family physicians before and after family medicine system (FMS). Materials and Method: The first part of the study was conducted in 2008 (pre-FMS) and the second part in 2012 (post-FMS). Physician's burnout was investigated by using the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). In total, 139 physicians had been participating pre-FMS and 246 physician's post-FMS. Results: The mean pre-FMS emotional exhaustion score was 15.7 ± 5.8, increasing significantly to 17.14 ± 7.5 post-FMS (P = 0.045). Mean pre-FMS and post-FMS depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment scores were similar (P > 0.05). Age was negatively correlated with depersonalization in this study (P = 0.012) and positively correlated with personal accomplishment (P = 0.001). The primary care physicians in the post-FMS period were older, female physicians had a greater preference for primary care, and the levels of married doctors were higher. In addition, a higher level of physicians also owned their own home and cars compared to the pre-FMS period. A negative correlation has been reported between physicians' burnout levels and home or car ownership in the present study. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that physicians working under the family medicine system, a new primary care model, are at greater risk of emotional exhaustion, but that no change has occurred in terms of personal accomplishment or depersonalization, despite this new system.
The purpose of this study was to determine the attitudes of medical students towards gender roles... more The purpose of this study was to determine the attitudes of medical students towards gender roles. A cross-sectional study was conducted. The study enrolled voluntary medical students from the 1st and 6th grades of school in University. Out of the 764 students in the study population, results for 518 could be analyzed. Beyond socio-demographic characteristics, students’ awareness of gender roles was measured using the 38-item Gender Roles Attitude Scale (GRAS). The mean age of the students was 21.68±3.04 years. The mean GRAS score of the students were 113.45±7.36. The highest mean score in the GRAS subscales belonged to the “egalitarian gender roles” (33.74±5.78), and the lowest score to the “male gender roles” (12.26±4.51). Females had significantly higher mean total GRAS scores than males. On the other hand, the mean GRAS scores of first-grade students were statistically higher than those of the grade six students The GRAS score was significantly correlated with age (r –0.23, p<...
Eskişehir Türk Dünyası Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi Halk Sağlığı Dergisi, 2021
The purpose of this study was to determine the attitudes of medical students towards gender roles... more The purpose of this study was to determine the attitudes of medical students towards gender roles. A cross-sectional study was conducted. The study enrolled voluntary medical students from the 1st and 6th grades of school in University. Out of the 764 students in the study population, results for 518 could be analyzed. Beyond socio-demographic characteristics, students' awareness of gender roles was measured using the 38-item Gender Roles Attitude Scale (GRAS). The mean age of the students was 21.68±3.04 years. The mean GRAS score of the students were 113.45±7.36. The highest mean score in the GRAS subscales belonged to the "egalitarian gender roles" (33.74±5.78), and the lowest score to the "male gender roles" (12.26±4.51). Females had significantly higher mean total GRAS scores than males. On the other hand, the mean GRAS scores of first-grade students were statistically higher than those of the grade six students The GRAS score was significantly correlated with age (r-0.23, p<0.001). Multiple linear regression was done to investigate the effects of age, female sex, and being first grade on the GRAS scores, where age (t=-1.895; p=0.059) and female sex (t=6.170; p<0.001) revealed significant. Gender role perceptions and attitudes of the society can be changed in a positive way with parent education. Among the subjects of undergraduate medical education, the concept of gender needs to be emphasized more. Raising conscious graduates in terms of gender perceptions can contribute to reducing health inequalities caused by gender.
Giris ve Amac : Calismamizda Erzurum il merkezinde yasayan 15- 49 yas grubu evli kadinlarin; aile... more Giris ve Amac : Calismamizda Erzurum il merkezinde yasayan 15- 49 yas grubu evli kadinlarin; aile planlamasi yontemlerini kullanma sikligi, sosyo- demografik ozellikleri ve gebelik oykuleriyle tercih ettikleri aile planlamasi yontemleri arasindaki iliskinin gosterilmesi, ve onceki yillarda yapilan calismalarla sonuclarin karsilastirilmasi amaclanmistir. Gerec ve Yontem : Calismanin evrenini Erzurum Il Halk Sagligi Mudurlugu 2013 yili Erzurum il merkezi 15- 49 yas kadin nufusu olusmaktadir. 2008 TNSA Dogu Bolgesi icin gebeligi onleyici yontem kullanma sikligi (modern ve geleneksel yontem) %61.4‘tu. Optimum ornek sayisi %5 standart sapma ve guven duzeyi %99 alinarak hesaplanmis olup, Ornege alinan 637 kisiden 627’sine ulasilmistir. Kadinlara sosyo – demografik ozellikleri, gebelik ve dogum oykuleri ve aile planlamasi kullanma durumlarina ait sorulardan olusan toplam 53 soruluk anket formu yuz yuze gorusme teknigi ile uygulandi. Arastirma ile ilgili etik ve idari izinler alindi v...
International Journal of Research in Counseling and Education, 2021
The purpose of this study was to determine levels of smartphone addiction among final-year medica... more The purpose of this study was to determine levels of smartphone addiction among final-year medical faculty students. One hundred eighty students participated in this cross-sectional study. The Smartphone Addiction Scale was used to evaluate smartphone addiction levels and participants’ sociodemographic characteristics. Descriptive statistics and the chi-square Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests were applied. The mean addiction score was significantly higher in women than in men (p≤0.05). The students in the study mainly (71.1%) used smartphones to access the internet. Total addiction levels were significantly higher among participants who checked their phones immediately upon waking (p<0.05). Studies of smartphone addiction are insufficient, and different results may be yielded by studies on the subject from different universities.
The study aimed to determine the willingness to receive the Influenza A(H1N1) vaccine and its det... more The study aimed to determine the willingness to receive the Influenza A(H1N1) vaccine and its determinants in a large group of university students. This is a self-administered questionnairre based cross-sectional study. Students being educated at health and non-health faculties were invited to participate in this attitude survey. A total of 974 students were included in the study, of whom 51.3% (n=500) were in health related faculties. The rate of willingness to receive the Influenza A(H1N1) vaccine was 11.9 and 7.5% for health and non-health groups, respectively (p<0.05). For the health group, having been vaccined with seasonal influenza was a significant determinant of being willingness to receive the Influenza A(H1N1) vaccine (O.R [95% C.I.]), (O.R: 2.9 [1.5-5.6]) and to believe that the Influenza A(H1N1) vaccine prevents swine flu (O.R: 1.7 [1.09-2.8]). For the non-health group, the only determinant was to believe that Influenza A(H1N1) vaccine prevents from swine flu (O.R: 1...
Giris ve Amac: Bir toplum sosyal ve ekonomik yonden hedeflenen gelismislik duzeyine bedenen ve ru... more Giris ve Amac: Bir toplum sosyal ve ekonomik yonden hedeflenen gelismislik duzeyine bedenen ve ruhen saglikli bireylerin varligiyla ulasabilir. Insanin fiziksel ve ruhsal yonlerden tam anlamiyla verimli olabilmesi ise yeterli ve dengeli beslenmesiyle mumkundur. Bu calismanin amaci Erzurum Palandoken merkez ilcesinde 0-2 yas grubu cocuklarda beslenme durumunu antropometrik olcumlerle tespit ederek, malnutrisyon sikligi ve etkileyen faktorleri belirlemektir. Gerec ve Yontem: Etik izni alinan calisma kesitsel nitelikte planlandi. Calismanin evrenini Erzurum Palandoken merkez ilcesinde yasayan 0-2 yas grubu toplam 7.242 cocuk olusturmaktaydi. Orneklem buyuklugu, Epi Info programi ile 0-2 yas grubu icin malnutrisyon prevalansi %8.5 ve orneklem hatasi 0.01 alinarak, %95 guven duzeyi icin 2115 cocuk olarak hesaplandi. Calismamizda evrenin %81.2’sine ulasildi. Cocuklarin dogum tarihi, anketin uygulandigi tarih, agirlik ve boy olcumleri kullanilarak; WHO Antro Programi ile yasa gore boy (YGB...
Giris ve Amac: Acil ambulans hizmetleri, bireyin yasamini tehdit eden, acil saglik bakimini gerek... more Giris ve Amac: Acil ambulans hizmetleri, bireyin yasamini tehdit eden, acil saglik bakimini gerektiren durumlarda, nakil suresince bireyin yasamsal fonksiyonlarini surdurmesine yardimci olan ve mumkun olan en kisa surede acil servislere ulasimini saglayan onemli bir saglik hizmetidir. Acil saglik hizmetleri kapsaminda ambulans hizmetlerinde etkin ve erisilebilir hizmet verebilmesi gerekmektedir. TUIK verilerine gore nufusu 762.021 olan Erzurum ‘da da bu hizmetlerin etkin sekilde yurutulebilmesi icin il genelinde 71 karasal ambulans ile acil saglik hizmetleri verilmektedir. Erzurum’un merkez ilceleri haricindeki 17 ilcesinde 18 tane 112 Komuta Kontrol Merkezi (KKM) ve bu ilcelerde hizmet veren 27 adet karasal ambulans bulunmaktadir. Turkiye genelinde bulunan 17 hava ambulansindan 1 tanesi de Erzurum ilinde 2009 yilindan itibaren hizmet vermekte olup suana kadar 1900 vaka tasimistir. Acil saglik hizmetlerinin kullanim amaclari, uygunlugu ve etkileyen faktorlerini inceleyen cesitli cal...
Giris ve Amac : Cinsel yolla bulasan hastaliklar (CYBH), yuksek gorulme sikligi ve bundan kaynakl... more Giris ve Amac : Cinsel yolla bulasan hastaliklar (CYBH), yuksek gorulme sikligi ve bundan kaynaklanan komplikasyonlar ve sekellerin neden oldugu is goremezliklere bagli hastalik yuku ile tum dunyada onemli bir halk sagligi sorunudur .Bu calismada cinsel yolla bulasan hastaliklar (CYBH) icin yuksek risk grubu olan genelev kadinlarinin CYBH hakkindaki bilgi duzeylerinin belirlenmesi ve farkindaligin artirilmasi amaclanmistir. Gerec ve Yontem : Arastirma tanimlayici nitelikte olup Erzurum Genelevi’nde 2013 yilinin Eylul –Ekim aylarinda calismakta olan 19 kayitli kadinin tamami calisma kapsamina alinmistir. Kadinlarin CYBH ile ilgili bilgi duzeyini olcmek amaciyla iki bolumden olusan anket formu uygulandi. Birinci bolumde sosyo demografik ozelliklerin olusturdugu sorular, ikinci bolumde cinsel yolla bulasan hastaliklara ait bilgi duzeyini olcen sorular yer almistir. CYBH bilgi puanlari hesaplanirken her dogru cevaba 1 puan verilmis ve toplam 81 puan uzerinden degerlendirme yapilmistir. ...
Giris ve Amac: Yasam kalitesi kavrami saglik hizmetleri uygulamalari ve arastirmalarinda giderek ... more Giris ve Amac: Yasam kalitesi kavrami saglik hizmetleri uygulamalari ve arastirmalarinda giderek artan bir onem kazanmaktadir. ‘Her bireyin saglikli, toplumsal, ekonomik ve ruhsal anlamda uretken olmasi ve daha iyi bir yasam kalitesine sahip olmasi’ geregi DSO’nun 21.yy hedefleri icinde yer almaktadir. Isten ve is disindaki beklentilerin altindan kalkma konusundaki fiziksel veya psikolojik yetmezlik stres seviyesini yukseltmektedir. Dolayisiyla yasanan stres nedeniyle bireylerin yasam kalitesinde de azalma yasanmaktadir. Saglik calisanlarinin gelisimi ve performansi, saglik sisteminin etkili calismasi acisindan buyuk onem tasimaktadir. Pozitif saglik yasam kalitesinin saglikli bir fiziksel, toplumsal ortamda saglikli yasam bicimleriyle artirilmasi anlamina gelir. Bu calismada amacimiz; 1.basamak saglik kuruluslarinda gorev yapan hekimlerin yasam kalitesi duzeyleri ile algiladiklari stres duzeylerini tespit etmek, etkileyen faktorleri belirlemek ve buna yonelik oneriler gelistirmekti...
Giris ve Amac: Ise bagli gerginligin daha cok insanlarla yogun ve devamli iliskide bulunan meslek... more Giris ve Amac: Ise bagli gerginligin daha cok insanlarla yogun ve devamli iliskide bulunan mesleklerde goruldugu bilinmektedir. Isle ilgili gerginliklerin devam etmesi, mesleki olarak tatminsizlige, tukenmislige yol acabilir. Bu durumda; iste verimi ve uretimi dusurme, is doyumunun azalmasina yol acabilir. Hem tukenmislik hem de is doyumu kavramlari insanlarla yuz yuze iletisimin yogun oldugu bir meslek olan hekimlik mesleginde onem arz etmektedir. Erzurum ‘da aile hekimligi sisteminde birinci basamakta calisan hekimlerin is doyumu ve tukenmislik duzeyini olcmek amaclanmistir. Gerec ve Yontem: Arastirma kesitsel niteliktedir. Calismamizin kapsamina 2012 yilinda Erzurum ili birinci basamak saglik kurumlarinda gorevli 253 hekimden 246 hekim alinmistir. Veriler Kisisel Bilgi Formu, Maslach Tukenmislik Olcegi (duygusal tukenme, duyarsizlasma ve kisisel basari olarak 3 alt boyutu olcen ) ve Minnesota Is Doyumu Olcegi (icsel, dissal ve genel is doyum faktorlerini olcen) kullanilarak topla...
According to studies from Turkey, 70-80% of the health professionals have some training activitie... more According to studies from Turkey, 70-80% of the health professionals have some training activities about medical waste [10, 11]. Akbolat et al. [11] have studied the issue in state hospitals in Western Turkey and stated that 19.4% of the medical staff was not aware that color codes were used to separate medical waste from other types of waste. More
Tel. +90 530 885 02 60 Air pollution is a major cause of respiratory tract diseases. The purpose ... more Tel. +90 530 885 02 60 Air pollution is a major cause of respiratory tract diseases. The purpose of this study was to assess the relation between air quality levels and numbers of admissions to chest diseases clinics in Erzurum between July 2016 and July 2017. In this cross-sectional descriptive study, the mean 24 hour PM10, PM2.5 and SO2 data were obtained from T.R. Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning, Air Quality Monitoring Stations Website for 1 July 2016-30 June 2017. The numbers of patients hospitalized at chest diseases clinics at Aziziye and Palandöken were obtained from the Provincial Health Directorate. The descriptive statistics of the data are presented as median, minimum (min)-maximum (max) values and percentage. The Kruskal Wallis and Spearman Correlation tests were used for the analyses and statistical significance was considered at p<0.05. Median measurement values were PM10 54.1 (min: 28.9; max: 100.4), and SO2 11.2 (min: 5.2; max: 21.1). PM2.5 measurement ...
Amac: Toplumda asi ve bagisiklama hizmetlerinin oneminin anlasilabilmesi icin saglik calisanlarin... more Amac: Toplumda asi ve bagisiklama hizmetlerinin oneminin anlasilabilmesi icin saglik calisanlarinin ortak cabasina ihtiyac duyulmaktadir. Son yillarda asi reddi oranlarinin arttigi bilinmektedir. Şuphesiz ki, asiyla onlenebilecek hastaliklarin ve bu nedenle meydana gelebilecek salginlarin onlenmesi bagisiklama hizmetlerinin kalitesi ile beraber toplumda ulasilan yuksek bagisiklama oranlarina baglidir. Toplumda red sayilarinin artmasiyla asi reddi ile mucadele konusu onemli bir noktaya gelmistir. Bu calismani amaci; Erzurum il merkezinde gorevli aile hekimlerinin asi reddiyle ilgili bilgi ve tutumlarini degerlendirmektir. Gerec ve Yontem : Etik izni alinan ve tanimlayici tipte planlanan arastirmanin evrenini Erzurum il merkezinde gorev yapan 144 aile hekimi olusturmaktaydi. Orneklem hesabi yapilmadan il merkezinde gorev yapan aile hekimlerinin tumune ulasilmasi hedeflendi. Calisma, cesitli nedenlerle katilmayi kabul etmeyen ya da ulasilamayanlar nedeniyle 120 (%83) aile hekimi ile ...
3.International 21.National Public Health Congress, Sep 30, 2019
Giris ve Amac: Bir toplum sosyal ve ekonomik yonden hedeflenen gelismislik duzeyine bedenen ve ru... more Giris ve Amac: Bir toplum sosyal ve ekonomik yonden hedeflenen gelismislik duzeyine bedenen ve ruhen saglikli bireylerin varligiyla ulasabilir. Insanin fiziksel ve ruhsal yonlerden tam anlamiyla verimli olabilmesi ise yeterli ve dengeli beslenmesiyle mumkundur. Bu calismanin amaci Erzurum Palandoken merkez ilcesinde 0-2 yas grubu cocuklarda beslenme durumunu antropometrik olcumlerle tespit ederek, malnutrisyon sikligi ve etkileyen faktorleri belirlemektir. Gerec ve Yontem: Etik izni alinan calisma kesitsel nitelikte planlandi. Calismanin evrenini Erzurum Palandoken merkez ilcesinde yasayan 0-2 yas grubu toplam 7.242 cocuk olusturmaktaydi. Orneklem buyuklugu, Epi Info programi ile 0-2 yas grubu icin malnutrisyon prevalansi %8.5 ve orneklem hatasi 0.01 alinarak, %95 guven duzeyi icin 2115 cocuk olarak hesaplandi. Calismamizda evrenin %81.2’sine ulasildi. Cocuklarin dogum tarihi, anketin uygulandigi tarih, agirlik ve boy olcumleri kullanilarak; WHO Antro Programi ile yasa gore boy (YGB), yasa gore agirlik (YGA) ve boya gore agirlik (BGA) z-skorlari hesaplandi. WHO standartlarina gore YGB, YGA ve BGA z-skorlari -2 SD ve altinda olan cocuklar sirasiyla bodur, dusuk kilolu ve zayif; -2 SD ve +2 SD arasinda olanlar normal, BGA z-skorlari +2 SD ve ustunde olan cocuklar fazla kilolu/obez olarak kabul edildi. Anketler katilimcilara yuz yuze gorusme teknigi kullanilarak uygulandi. Calismanin bagimli degiskeni malnutrisyon durumu olup, bagimsiz degiskenleri ebeveynlerin sosyodemografik ozelliklerinden, cocuga ait ozelliklerden ve anneye ait gebelik bilgilerinden olusuyordu. Tanimlayici istatistikler sayi, yuzde, ortalama ve standart sapma olarak sunuldu. Analizlerde Kruskall Wallis, Mann Whitney ve ki-kare testi kullanildi. Veriler SPSS v22 programi ile degerlendirildi. Analiz sonuclari p<0.05 oldugunda anlamli kabul edildi. Bulgular: Calismaya katilan cocuklarin %50.6’si kiz, yas ortalamalari 9.55±7.76 ay, dogum agirligi ortalamalari 2992.48±584.45 gr, olcum agirligi ortalamalari 7867.55±2854.49 gr, olcum boyu ortalamalari 69.48±11.47 cm idi. Dusuk kiloluluk, bodurluk, zayiflik ve fazla kiloluluk/obezite sikligi sirasiyla %5.8 (%95 CI: 4.6-6.9 ), %7.2 (%95 CI: 6.0-8.4), %10.0 (%95 CI: 8.6-11.4) ve %3.4 (%95 CI: 2.5-4.2) idi . Cocuklarin yas gruplari arasinda YGA, YGB, BGA dagilimlari anlamli olarak farkliydi (p<0.05). Cocuklarin dogum zamani gruplari arasinda YGA, YGB, BGA dagilimlari anlamli olarak farkli bulundu (p<0.001). Dogum sonrasi anne sutunu ilk besin olarak alan cocuklarda, ek gida alan cocuklara gore dusuk kiloluluk ve bodurluk sikligi daha dusuktu. Dogum sonrasi ilk besin olarak anne sutu alan cocuklarla ek gida alan cocuklar arasinda YGA, YGB dagilimlari anlamli olarak farkliydi (p<0.05). Yine son bir yilda hastaneye yatma hikayesi olan ve olmayan cocuklar arasinda YGA, YGB dagilimlari acisindan anlamli fark vardi (p<0.001). Sonuc ve Oneriler: Dusuk kiloluluk, bodurluk, zayiflik ve fazla kiloluk/obezite sikliginin ilimizde yuksek oldugu gorulmektedir. Malnutrisyon acisindan riskli olan 0-2 yas cocuklarin yakin takibi onemlidir. Ayrica, aileler gebelikten itibaren bebek ve cocuk beslenmesi konusunda bilgilendirilmeli, ozellikle emzirmenin onemi konusunda egitimler verilmelidir. Anahtar Kelimeler: antropometrik olcum, malnutrisyon, prevalans
Objective: The study aimed to determine the willingness to receive the Influenza A(H1N1) vaccine ... more Objective: The study aimed to determine the willingness to receive the Influenza A(H1N1) vaccine and its determinants in a large group of university students. Materials and Methods: This is a self-administered questionnairre based cross-sectional study. Students being educated at health and non-health faculties were invited to participate in this attitude survey. Results: A total of 974 students were included in the study, of whom 51.3% (n=500) were in health related faculties. The rate of willingness to receive the Influenza A(H1N1) vaccine was 11.9 and 7.5% for health and non-health groups, respectively (p<0.05). For the health group, having been vaccined with seasonal influenza was a significant determinant of being willingness to receive the Influenza A(H1N1) vaccine (O.R [95% C.I.]), (O.R: 2.9 [1.5-5.6]) and to believe that the Influenza A(H1N1) vaccine prevents swine flu (O.R: 1.7 [1.09-2.8]). For the non-health group, the only determinant was to believe that Influenza A(H1N1) vaccine prevents from swine flu (O.R: 19.1 [5.7-64.1]) which found to be affected by confusing news in media. Conclusion: The public health professionals who will organize the efforts to improve the acceptability of Influenza A vaccines during influenza outbreaks should try to increase the vaccination rates of seasonal influenza. Information provided by the media should be organized in order not to cause fear and confusion, which was shown to decrease willingness and belief in the Influenza A(H1N1) vaccine.
3.International 21.National Public Health Congress, Sep 23, 2019
Giris ve Amac: Saglik okuryazarligi genel okuryazarlik ile iliskili olup insanlarin yasamlari boy... more Giris ve Amac: Saglik okuryazarligi genel okuryazarlik ile iliskili olup insanlarin yasamlari boyunca saglik hizmetleri ile ilgili konularda kanaat gelistirmek ve karar verebilmek, sagliklarini korumak, surdurmek ve gelistirmek, yasam kalitesini yukseltmek icin saglik ile ilgili bilgi kaynaklarina ulasabilme, saglik ile ilgili bilgileri ve mesajlari dogru olarak algilama ve anlama konularindaki istekleri ve kapasiteleridir. Bu calismada, Erzurum il merkezinde yasayan yetiskinlerin saglik okuryazarligi duzeyininin belirlenmesi ve etkili faktorlerin incelenmesi amaclandi. Gerec ve Yontem: Calisma kesitsel tipte olup, calismanin evrenini Erzurum il merkezinde yasayan 15 yas ustu nufus olusturmaktaydi. Orneklem, %95 guven araligi %5 hata payi ile 420 kisi olarak hesaplandi. Orneklem sayisinin dagilimi icin ilce nufuslari esas alinarak agirliklandirma yapildi. Arastirmada veri toplama araci olarak Turkiye Saglik Okuryazarligi Olcegi-32 (TSOY-32) kullanildi. Arastirmanin verileri Haziran-Temmuz 2017 tarihleri arasinda toplandi. Calismaya katilim gonulluluk esasina dayali olup, calisma oncesi Ataturk Universitesi etik kurul izni ve katilimcilarin onamlari alindi. Anketler katilimcilara gozlem altinda uygulandi. Calismanin bagimli degiskeni saglik okuryazarligi duzeyi olup bagimsiz degiskenleri kisisel bilgi formunda yer verilen sosyodemografik ozelliklerdir. Tanimlayici istatistikler sayi, yuzde, ortalama ve standart sapma olarak sunuldu. Veri analizinde ki-kare, korelasyon ve lojistik regresyon yontemleri kullanildi. Veriler SPSS v20 programi ile degerlendirildi. Istatistiksel anlamlilik duzeyi p 0.05). Sonuc ve oneriler: Saglik okuryazarligi bireylerin egitim duzeyleri ve yaslariyla iliskilidir. Saglik okuryazarligini gelistirmek icin yapilacak calismalarin, ileri yasta olan ve egitim duzeyi dusuk olan bireylere oncelik verilecek sekilde planlanmasi onerilmektedir. Anahtar Sozcukler: saglik okuryazarligi, sagligin gelistirilmesi, TSOY-32
Eskişehir türk dünyası uygulama ve araştırma merkezi halk sağlığı dergisi, Jan 31, 2022
The purpose of this study was to determine the attitudes of medical students towards gender roles... more The purpose of this study was to determine the attitudes of medical students towards gender roles. A cross-sectional study was conducted. The study enrolled voluntary medical students from the 1st and 6th grades of school in University. Out of the 764 students in the study population, results for 518 could be analyzed. Beyond socio-demographic characteristics, students' awareness of gender roles was measured using the 38-item Gender Roles Attitude Scale (GRAS). The mean age of the students was 21.68±3.04 years. The mean GRAS score of the students were 113.45±7.36. The highest mean score in the GRAS subscales belonged to the "egalitarian gender roles" (33.74±5.78), and the lowest score to the "male gender roles" (12.26±4.51). Females had significantly higher mean total GRAS scores than males. On the other hand, the mean GRAS scores of first-grade students were statistically higher than those of the grade six students The GRAS score was significantly correlated with age (r-0.23, p<0.001). Multiple linear regression was done to investigate the effects of age, female sex, and being first grade on the GRAS scores, where age (t=-1.895; p=0.059) and female sex (t=6.170; p<0.001) revealed significant. Gender role perceptions and attitudes of the society can be changed in a positive way with parent education. Among the subjects of undergraduate medical education, the concept of gender needs to be emphasized more. Raising conscious graduates in terms of gender perceptions can contribute to reducing health inequalities caused by gender.
Background: Widespread irrational medical prescription adversely affects the outcomes of patient ... more Background: Widespread irrational medical prescription adversely affects the outcomes of patient health and medical services. Aim: This study aims to investigate the determinants of medical prescription behavior of family physicians in Erzurum Province. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted during August–December 2016 on a voluntary sample of 191 out of 234 physicians (81.6%) working at family health centers in the districts of Erzurum. Physicians were visited at their workplaces, and data were collected using a self-administered and structured, 45-item questionnaire. Results: The mean age of the physicians was 34.7 ± 7.9 years, and 70.7% (n = 135) of the participants were males. About 83.8% (n = 160) of physicians responded “yes” or “sometimes” to the question “Do you prescribe medicine on demand of the patients?” The two most important factors that affected the prescribing behavior of the participants were the pharmacology lectures attended during medical education (50.8%) and the prescribing experience acquired during clinical internship (46.0%). Presentations given by the representatives of drug companies, in-service training programs after graduation, and Internet/mobile phone applications had the lowest rate of contribution as behavioral determinants. The participants perceived having sufficient information in the areas of indication for use (77.5%) and daily dose (72.8%). Only 4.2% of participants deemed their knowledge of medication costs sufficient. Pharmacology lessons were found to be more effective in the prescribing behaviors of the physicians who had less than 10 years of professional experience (Chi-square = 12.131; P = 0.002). Conclusion: Rational medical prescription continues to be a trouble among family physicians. The study findings suggest a substantial knowledge gap in participating physicians occurring after graduation and clinical internship training, in the areas of costs of medicine and rational medical prescribing.
Aim: The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of burnout syndrome and associat... more Aim: The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of burnout syndrome and associated factors among family physicians before and after family medicine system (FMS). Materials and Method: The first part of the study was conducted in 2008 (pre-FMS) and the second part in 2012 (post-FMS). Physician's burnout was investigated by using the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). In total, 139 physicians had been participating pre-FMS and 246 physician's post-FMS. Results: The mean pre-FMS emotional exhaustion score was 15.7 ± 5.8, increasing significantly to 17.14 ± 7.5 post-FMS (P = 0.045). Mean pre-FMS and post-FMS depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment scores were similar (P > 0.05). Age was negatively correlated with depersonalization in this study (P = 0.012) and positively correlated with personal accomplishment (P = 0.001). The primary care physicians in the post-FMS period were older, female physicians had a greater preference for primary care, and the levels of married doctors were higher. In addition, a higher level of physicians also owned their own home and cars compared to the pre-FMS period. A negative correlation has been reported between physicians' burnout levels and home or car ownership in the present study. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that physicians working under the family medicine system, a new primary care model, are at greater risk of emotional exhaustion, but that no change has occurred in terms of personal accomplishment or depersonalization, despite this new system.
The purpose of this study was to determine the attitudes of medical students towards gender roles... more The purpose of this study was to determine the attitudes of medical students towards gender roles. A cross-sectional study was conducted. The study enrolled voluntary medical students from the 1st and 6th grades of school in University. Out of the 764 students in the study population, results for 518 could be analyzed. Beyond socio-demographic characteristics, students’ awareness of gender roles was measured using the 38-item Gender Roles Attitude Scale (GRAS). The mean age of the students was 21.68±3.04 years. The mean GRAS score of the students were 113.45±7.36. The highest mean score in the GRAS subscales belonged to the “egalitarian gender roles” (33.74±5.78), and the lowest score to the “male gender roles” (12.26±4.51). Females had significantly higher mean total GRAS scores than males. On the other hand, the mean GRAS scores of first-grade students were statistically higher than those of the grade six students The GRAS score was significantly correlated with age (r –0.23, p<...
Eskişehir Türk Dünyası Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi Halk Sağlığı Dergisi, 2021
The purpose of this study was to determine the attitudes of medical students towards gender roles... more The purpose of this study was to determine the attitudes of medical students towards gender roles. A cross-sectional study was conducted. The study enrolled voluntary medical students from the 1st and 6th grades of school in University. Out of the 764 students in the study population, results for 518 could be analyzed. Beyond socio-demographic characteristics, students' awareness of gender roles was measured using the 38-item Gender Roles Attitude Scale (GRAS). The mean age of the students was 21.68±3.04 years. The mean GRAS score of the students were 113.45±7.36. The highest mean score in the GRAS subscales belonged to the "egalitarian gender roles" (33.74±5.78), and the lowest score to the "male gender roles" (12.26±4.51). Females had significantly higher mean total GRAS scores than males. On the other hand, the mean GRAS scores of first-grade students were statistically higher than those of the grade six students The GRAS score was significantly correlated with age (r-0.23, p<0.001). Multiple linear regression was done to investigate the effects of age, female sex, and being first grade on the GRAS scores, where age (t=-1.895; p=0.059) and female sex (t=6.170; p<0.001) revealed significant. Gender role perceptions and attitudes of the society can be changed in a positive way with parent education. Among the subjects of undergraduate medical education, the concept of gender needs to be emphasized more. Raising conscious graduates in terms of gender perceptions can contribute to reducing health inequalities caused by gender.
Giris ve Amac : Calismamizda Erzurum il merkezinde yasayan 15- 49 yas grubu evli kadinlarin; aile... more Giris ve Amac : Calismamizda Erzurum il merkezinde yasayan 15- 49 yas grubu evli kadinlarin; aile planlamasi yontemlerini kullanma sikligi, sosyo- demografik ozellikleri ve gebelik oykuleriyle tercih ettikleri aile planlamasi yontemleri arasindaki iliskinin gosterilmesi, ve onceki yillarda yapilan calismalarla sonuclarin karsilastirilmasi amaclanmistir. Gerec ve Yontem : Calismanin evrenini Erzurum Il Halk Sagligi Mudurlugu 2013 yili Erzurum il merkezi 15- 49 yas kadin nufusu olusmaktadir. 2008 TNSA Dogu Bolgesi icin gebeligi onleyici yontem kullanma sikligi (modern ve geleneksel yontem) %61.4‘tu. Optimum ornek sayisi %5 standart sapma ve guven duzeyi %99 alinarak hesaplanmis olup, Ornege alinan 637 kisiden 627’sine ulasilmistir. Kadinlara sosyo – demografik ozellikleri, gebelik ve dogum oykuleri ve aile planlamasi kullanma durumlarina ait sorulardan olusan toplam 53 soruluk anket formu yuz yuze gorusme teknigi ile uygulandi. Arastirma ile ilgili etik ve idari izinler alindi v...
International Journal of Research in Counseling and Education, 2021
The purpose of this study was to determine levels of smartphone addiction among final-year medica... more The purpose of this study was to determine levels of smartphone addiction among final-year medical faculty students. One hundred eighty students participated in this cross-sectional study. The Smartphone Addiction Scale was used to evaluate smartphone addiction levels and participants’ sociodemographic characteristics. Descriptive statistics and the chi-square Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests were applied. The mean addiction score was significantly higher in women than in men (p≤0.05). The students in the study mainly (71.1%) used smartphones to access the internet. Total addiction levels were significantly higher among participants who checked their phones immediately upon waking (p<0.05). Studies of smartphone addiction are insufficient, and different results may be yielded by studies on the subject from different universities.
The study aimed to determine the willingness to receive the Influenza A(H1N1) vaccine and its det... more The study aimed to determine the willingness to receive the Influenza A(H1N1) vaccine and its determinants in a large group of university students. This is a self-administered questionnairre based cross-sectional study. Students being educated at health and non-health faculties were invited to participate in this attitude survey. A total of 974 students were included in the study, of whom 51.3% (n=500) were in health related faculties. The rate of willingness to receive the Influenza A(H1N1) vaccine was 11.9 and 7.5% for health and non-health groups, respectively (p<0.05). For the health group, having been vaccined with seasonal influenza was a significant determinant of being willingness to receive the Influenza A(H1N1) vaccine (O.R [95% C.I.]), (O.R: 2.9 [1.5-5.6]) and to believe that the Influenza A(H1N1) vaccine prevents swine flu (O.R: 1.7 [1.09-2.8]). For the non-health group, the only determinant was to believe that Influenza A(H1N1) vaccine prevents from swine flu (O.R: 1...
Giris ve Amac: Bir toplum sosyal ve ekonomik yonden hedeflenen gelismislik duzeyine bedenen ve ru... more Giris ve Amac: Bir toplum sosyal ve ekonomik yonden hedeflenen gelismislik duzeyine bedenen ve ruhen saglikli bireylerin varligiyla ulasabilir. Insanin fiziksel ve ruhsal yonlerden tam anlamiyla verimli olabilmesi ise yeterli ve dengeli beslenmesiyle mumkundur. Bu calismanin amaci Erzurum Palandoken merkez ilcesinde 0-2 yas grubu cocuklarda beslenme durumunu antropometrik olcumlerle tespit ederek, malnutrisyon sikligi ve etkileyen faktorleri belirlemektir. Gerec ve Yontem: Etik izni alinan calisma kesitsel nitelikte planlandi. Calismanin evrenini Erzurum Palandoken merkez ilcesinde yasayan 0-2 yas grubu toplam 7.242 cocuk olusturmaktaydi. Orneklem buyuklugu, Epi Info programi ile 0-2 yas grubu icin malnutrisyon prevalansi %8.5 ve orneklem hatasi 0.01 alinarak, %95 guven duzeyi icin 2115 cocuk olarak hesaplandi. Calismamizda evrenin %81.2’sine ulasildi. Cocuklarin dogum tarihi, anketin uygulandigi tarih, agirlik ve boy olcumleri kullanilarak; WHO Antro Programi ile yasa gore boy (YGB...
Giris ve Amac: Acil ambulans hizmetleri, bireyin yasamini tehdit eden, acil saglik bakimini gerek... more Giris ve Amac: Acil ambulans hizmetleri, bireyin yasamini tehdit eden, acil saglik bakimini gerektiren durumlarda, nakil suresince bireyin yasamsal fonksiyonlarini surdurmesine yardimci olan ve mumkun olan en kisa surede acil servislere ulasimini saglayan onemli bir saglik hizmetidir. Acil saglik hizmetleri kapsaminda ambulans hizmetlerinde etkin ve erisilebilir hizmet verebilmesi gerekmektedir. TUIK verilerine gore nufusu 762.021 olan Erzurum ‘da da bu hizmetlerin etkin sekilde yurutulebilmesi icin il genelinde 71 karasal ambulans ile acil saglik hizmetleri verilmektedir. Erzurum’un merkez ilceleri haricindeki 17 ilcesinde 18 tane 112 Komuta Kontrol Merkezi (KKM) ve bu ilcelerde hizmet veren 27 adet karasal ambulans bulunmaktadir. Turkiye genelinde bulunan 17 hava ambulansindan 1 tanesi de Erzurum ilinde 2009 yilindan itibaren hizmet vermekte olup suana kadar 1900 vaka tasimistir. Acil saglik hizmetlerinin kullanim amaclari, uygunlugu ve etkileyen faktorlerini inceleyen cesitli cal...
Giris ve Amac : Cinsel yolla bulasan hastaliklar (CYBH), yuksek gorulme sikligi ve bundan kaynakl... more Giris ve Amac : Cinsel yolla bulasan hastaliklar (CYBH), yuksek gorulme sikligi ve bundan kaynaklanan komplikasyonlar ve sekellerin neden oldugu is goremezliklere bagli hastalik yuku ile tum dunyada onemli bir halk sagligi sorunudur .Bu calismada cinsel yolla bulasan hastaliklar (CYBH) icin yuksek risk grubu olan genelev kadinlarinin CYBH hakkindaki bilgi duzeylerinin belirlenmesi ve farkindaligin artirilmasi amaclanmistir. Gerec ve Yontem : Arastirma tanimlayici nitelikte olup Erzurum Genelevi’nde 2013 yilinin Eylul –Ekim aylarinda calismakta olan 19 kayitli kadinin tamami calisma kapsamina alinmistir. Kadinlarin CYBH ile ilgili bilgi duzeyini olcmek amaciyla iki bolumden olusan anket formu uygulandi. Birinci bolumde sosyo demografik ozelliklerin olusturdugu sorular, ikinci bolumde cinsel yolla bulasan hastaliklara ait bilgi duzeyini olcen sorular yer almistir. CYBH bilgi puanlari hesaplanirken her dogru cevaba 1 puan verilmis ve toplam 81 puan uzerinden degerlendirme yapilmistir. ...
Giris ve Amac: Yasam kalitesi kavrami saglik hizmetleri uygulamalari ve arastirmalarinda giderek ... more Giris ve Amac: Yasam kalitesi kavrami saglik hizmetleri uygulamalari ve arastirmalarinda giderek artan bir onem kazanmaktadir. ‘Her bireyin saglikli, toplumsal, ekonomik ve ruhsal anlamda uretken olmasi ve daha iyi bir yasam kalitesine sahip olmasi’ geregi DSO’nun 21.yy hedefleri icinde yer almaktadir. Isten ve is disindaki beklentilerin altindan kalkma konusundaki fiziksel veya psikolojik yetmezlik stres seviyesini yukseltmektedir. Dolayisiyla yasanan stres nedeniyle bireylerin yasam kalitesinde de azalma yasanmaktadir. Saglik calisanlarinin gelisimi ve performansi, saglik sisteminin etkili calismasi acisindan buyuk onem tasimaktadir. Pozitif saglik yasam kalitesinin saglikli bir fiziksel, toplumsal ortamda saglikli yasam bicimleriyle artirilmasi anlamina gelir. Bu calismada amacimiz; 1.basamak saglik kuruluslarinda gorev yapan hekimlerin yasam kalitesi duzeyleri ile algiladiklari stres duzeylerini tespit etmek, etkileyen faktorleri belirlemek ve buna yonelik oneriler gelistirmekti...
Giris ve Amac: Ise bagli gerginligin daha cok insanlarla yogun ve devamli iliskide bulunan meslek... more Giris ve Amac: Ise bagli gerginligin daha cok insanlarla yogun ve devamli iliskide bulunan mesleklerde goruldugu bilinmektedir. Isle ilgili gerginliklerin devam etmesi, mesleki olarak tatminsizlige, tukenmislige yol acabilir. Bu durumda; iste verimi ve uretimi dusurme, is doyumunun azalmasina yol acabilir. Hem tukenmislik hem de is doyumu kavramlari insanlarla yuz yuze iletisimin yogun oldugu bir meslek olan hekimlik mesleginde onem arz etmektedir. Erzurum ‘da aile hekimligi sisteminde birinci basamakta calisan hekimlerin is doyumu ve tukenmislik duzeyini olcmek amaclanmistir. Gerec ve Yontem: Arastirma kesitsel niteliktedir. Calismamizin kapsamina 2012 yilinda Erzurum ili birinci basamak saglik kurumlarinda gorevli 253 hekimden 246 hekim alinmistir. Veriler Kisisel Bilgi Formu, Maslach Tukenmislik Olcegi (duygusal tukenme, duyarsizlasma ve kisisel basari olarak 3 alt boyutu olcen ) ve Minnesota Is Doyumu Olcegi (icsel, dissal ve genel is doyum faktorlerini olcen) kullanilarak topla...
According to studies from Turkey, 70-80% of the health professionals have some training activitie... more According to studies from Turkey, 70-80% of the health professionals have some training activities about medical waste [10, 11]. Akbolat et al. [11] have studied the issue in state hospitals in Western Turkey and stated that 19.4% of the medical staff was not aware that color codes were used to separate medical waste from other types of waste. More
Tel. +90 530 885 02 60 Air pollution is a major cause of respiratory tract diseases. The purpose ... more Tel. +90 530 885 02 60 Air pollution is a major cause of respiratory tract diseases. The purpose of this study was to assess the relation between air quality levels and numbers of admissions to chest diseases clinics in Erzurum between July 2016 and July 2017. In this cross-sectional descriptive study, the mean 24 hour PM10, PM2.5 and SO2 data were obtained from T.R. Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning, Air Quality Monitoring Stations Website for 1 July 2016-30 June 2017. The numbers of patients hospitalized at chest diseases clinics at Aziziye and Palandöken were obtained from the Provincial Health Directorate. The descriptive statistics of the data are presented as median, minimum (min)-maximum (max) values and percentage. The Kruskal Wallis and Spearman Correlation tests were used for the analyses and statistical significance was considered at p<0.05. Median measurement values were PM10 54.1 (min: 28.9; max: 100.4), and SO2 11.2 (min: 5.2; max: 21.1). PM2.5 measurement ...
Amac: Toplumda asi ve bagisiklama hizmetlerinin oneminin anlasilabilmesi icin saglik calisanlarin... more Amac: Toplumda asi ve bagisiklama hizmetlerinin oneminin anlasilabilmesi icin saglik calisanlarinin ortak cabasina ihtiyac duyulmaktadir. Son yillarda asi reddi oranlarinin arttigi bilinmektedir. Şuphesiz ki, asiyla onlenebilecek hastaliklarin ve bu nedenle meydana gelebilecek salginlarin onlenmesi bagisiklama hizmetlerinin kalitesi ile beraber toplumda ulasilan yuksek bagisiklama oranlarina baglidir. Toplumda red sayilarinin artmasiyla asi reddi ile mucadele konusu onemli bir noktaya gelmistir. Bu calismani amaci; Erzurum il merkezinde gorevli aile hekimlerinin asi reddiyle ilgili bilgi ve tutumlarini degerlendirmektir. Gerec ve Yontem : Etik izni alinan ve tanimlayici tipte planlanan arastirmanin evrenini Erzurum il merkezinde gorev yapan 144 aile hekimi olusturmaktaydi. Orneklem hesabi yapilmadan il merkezinde gorev yapan aile hekimlerinin tumune ulasilmasi hedeflendi. Calisma, cesitli nedenlerle katilmayi kabul etmeyen ya da ulasilamayanlar nedeniyle 120 (%83) aile hekimi ile ...
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