Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kesuburan perairan yang dilaksanakan di kolong ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kesuburan perairan yang dilaksanakan di kolong Kecamatan Cempaka Kotamadya Banjarbaru Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan dan di Laboratorium Kualitas Air Fakultas Perikanan dan Kelautan. Kesuburan perairan berdasarkan pada kelimpahan plankton serta indeks keanekaragaman, keseragaman dan dominasi. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan terhadap 3 stasiun berdasarkan lama pascatambang yaitu selama 2 tahun (stasiun 1), 7 tahun (stasiun 2) dan 10 tahun (stasiun 3). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan kriteria kelimpahan plankton, perairan kolong pascatambang 2, 7 dan 10 tahun tergolong sebagai perairan dengan tingkat kesuburan sedang. Berdasarkan indeks keanekaragaman, stabilitas struktur komunitas plankton setiap stasiun tergolong sedang dan dengan kesuburan sedang. Indeks keseragaman, penyebaran struktur komunitas plankton pada stasiun 1 dan 2 adalah sangat merata dengan katagori sangat baik, sedangkan pada stasiun 3 tergolong lebih merata dengan kategori baik. Indeks dominasi plankton pada ketiga stasiun pengamatan adalah rendah.
bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik kualitas air yang terdapat di sekitar In-pit Pond Paring... more bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik kualitas air yang terdapat di sekitar In-pit Pond Paringin PT. Adaro Indonesia untuk kegiatan perikanan dan menentukan status perairan untuk kegiatan perikanan yang sesuai di sekitar In-pit Pond Paringin PT. Adaro Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan yakni purposive sampling, dilakukan di tiga lokasi dengan tiga titik yang berbeda. Hasil pengukuran di sekitar In-pit Pond Paringin PT. Adaro Indonesia untuk parameter suhu sebesar 28,6-30,3°C dan parameter kecerahan sebesar 0-128,5 cm. Hasil pengukuran parameter kimia berupa pH sebesar 6,88-7,6, parameter DO sebesar 4,38-5,48 mg/L, sedangkan hasil analisis di laboratorium untuk parameter Amoniak 0,01-0,07 mg/L, parameter Nitrat sebesar 0,03-0,10 mg/L, parameter Nitrit sebesar 0,004-0,75 mg/L, parameter Sulfida <0,001 mg/L. Hasil perhitungan dengan metode STORET didapatkan bahwa status kualitas air di sekitar In-pit Pond Paringin PT. Adaro Indonesia tercemar ringan.
Penelitian ‘Keanekaragaman Jenis Ikan di Sungai Negara Kecamatan Daha Utara Kabupaten Hulu Sungai... more Penelitian ‘Keanekaragaman Jenis Ikan di Sungai Negara Kecamatan Daha Utara Kabupaten Hulu Sungai SelatanProvinsi Kalimantan Selatan’ bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis ikan yang tergolong ekonomis dan non ekonomis melalui keragaman jenis biota sungai, habitat dan kualitas air yang mencerminkan perairan sungai Negara. Metode pengambilan data yang digunakan yaitu Purposive Sampling dengan menentukan titik-titik stasiun yang mewakili sungai Negara. Alat yang digunakan dalam pengambilan sampel adalah jala (Cast Net), jaring ingsang (Gill Net) dan pancing (Hand Line). Hasil pengamatan di perairan sungai Negara menggambarkan kondisi kualitas air masih cukup baik, namun Nilai pH dan amoniak (NH3) dibawah ambang batas. Habitat pada lokasi penelitian masih optimal dan masih sesuai untuk peruntukan biota aquatik. Hasil tangkapan ikan selama pengamatan dari 3 stasiun selama 3 hari berjumlah 367 ekor, dengan jumlah famili 15 dan jenis ikan dengan jumlah 26 jenis. Nilai kelimpahan relatif (KR) be...
Perifiton whose life is attached to the substrate, acts as a provider of nutrients and indicators... more Perifiton whose life is attached to the substrate, acts as a provider of nutrients and indicators of fishery water quality. The purpose of this study was to analyze the structure, abundance and diversity of epiphytic and epidendric periphyton in floating net cages and water quality. This research was conducted by purposive sampling in upstream, middle and downstream. The method used is exploratory quantitative, from May and June 2021 with sampling time at the beginning of each month. The main phytoplankton periphyton composition consists of Chlorophyceae and Bacillariophyceae. Chlorophyceae increased from 19 genera at the beginning of the observation to 24 genera, while Bacillariophyceae decreased from 22 to 21 genera. Phytoplankton periphytons that were always present in each observation both at STA
Periphyton group are biota communities that be able adapt and grow well in lentic waters. Their h... more Periphyton group are biota communities that be able adapt and grow well in lentic waters. Their habits are adhere to a permanent location. Aquatic vegetation in Bangkau can influenced the periphyton abundance and diversity as natural food in the food chain. The purpose of this study was to analyzed abundance and diversity of Periphyton from different aquatic vegetation. The research was conducted in three stations by purposive sampling. The method used was quantitative explored. The data that has been taken were epiphythic periphyton samples. Periphyton sampling procedures, preservation, and analysis were carried out based on Indonesian National Standard methods. Bangkau’s peatland had the highest abundance of phytoplankton-periphyton (9982 sel/liter) in inlet, but low at middle station (778 sel/liter). Zooplankton-periphyton (553 sel/liter) in middle station was the highest abundance whereas in outlet station (153 sel/liter) was the lowest. Bacillariophyceae had predominant and alw...
This research was aimed analyze the ability of perupuk (Phragmites karka Trin) in reducing of rub... more This research was aimed analyze the ability of perupuk (Phragmites karka Trin) in reducing of rubber industrial liquid waste polluters on the scale of the laboratory. The method used was the method of survey. The data laboratory test were tabulated and analyzed descriptively and the level of efficiency was calculated. Referring to South Kalimantan Governor Regulation Number 36/2008, the results showed that, TSS parameters started to be effectively reduced on day 10 with close to 84,33 mg/l (32.53%), BOD 5 started to be effectively reduced on day 20 with close to 24.00 mg/l (99,29%), and COD started to be effectively reduced on day 20 with close to 44,65 mg/l (98,90%). Referring to the decision of the Minister of Environment No. KEP-78/MENLH/10/1995, the parameters of the Sulfide started to be effectively reduced on day 10 with close to 0.001 mg/l (93,75%) and Manganese start to be effectively reduced on day 20 with close to 0,70 mg/l (-134,00 %). Ph levels and temperature still norm...
Penelitian ini bertujuan menyadap informasi terumbu karang dan kondisinya dengan menggunakan data... more Penelitian ini bertujuan menyadap informasi terumbu karang dan kondisinya dengan menggunakan data citra satelit ASTER. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Principal Component Analysis (PCA) dengan menggunakan data Citra Satelit ASTER. Data Citra Satelit dikoreksi Radiometrik dan Geometrik kemudian dilakukan klasifikasi terselia Supervised dengan menggunakan klasifikasi Maximum Likelihood. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode PCA dan Sistim Informasi Geografis, untuk memperoleh luasan dan data terumbu karang. Data estimasi dari Citra Satelit ASTER kemudian diuji akurasi dengan mengambil sampel terumbu karang di lapangan dengan menggunakan metode Transek (LIT). Prosedur analisis mengacu pada kategori kesehatan terumbu karang menurut (Gomez and Yap, 1988). Kondisi terumbu karang yang dapat disadap dengan menggunakan Citra ASTER metode PCA untuk karang Batu Anjir Secara keseluruhan mempunyai luasan sekitar 7,53 Ha dengan rincian kondisi tutupan karang seluas 1...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari penurunan yang akan terjadi terhadap gugus fungsional ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari penurunan yang akan terjadi terhadap gugus fungsional organik melalui proses pembakaran gambut. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga mempelajari hubungan antara kadar air dengan penurunan gugus fungsional organik setelah terjadinya pembakaran. Pengeringan tanah gambut dilakukan dalam oven pada suhu 75 o C dengan interval waktu yang berbeda-beda, yaitu 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 dan 6 jam. Tiap-tiap interval waktu terdiri dari tiga ulangan dan terdiri dari dua set percobaan, setelah itu didekomposit berdasarkan interval waktu yang berbeda-beda sehingga jumlah sampel percobaan menjadi 14 sampel percobaan. Kegiatan ini diulang sebanyak tiga kali sehingga sampel percobaan menjadi 42 sampel. Peubah yang diamati adalah kadar air, kemasaman total, gugus COOH dan OH-phenolat. Hubungan antara kadar air gambut dengan kemasaman total, gugus COOH, dan OH-phenolat ditentukan dengan persamaan Y = a + bx. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola hubungan antara kadar air...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui indeks ekologis, distribusi dan zonasi kepiting untuk d... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui indeks ekologis, distribusi dan zonasi kepiting untuk digunakan sebagai salah satu dasar dalam penetapan kebijakan pengelolaan hutan bakau. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan pada kawasan hutan bakau Kecamatan Kelumpang Selatan ditemukan 15 jenis kepiting dengan kepadatan rata-rata 48 ind m2. Struktur konunitas kepiting di lokasi pengamatan tergolong sangat stabil dengan distribusi seragam. Pada kawasan hutan bakau Kecamatan Kelumpang Selatan sekurang-kurangnya terdapat 2 tipe zona populasi kepiting yaitu, Scylla Uca dan Sesarma untuk kawasan Langadai dan Serongga serta Scylla, Myctiris, Uca dan Sesarma untuk kawasan Tarjun
Terumbu karang merupakan salah satu ekosistem perairan laut yang memiliki produktivitas primer ya... more Terumbu karang merupakan salah satu ekosistem perairan laut yang memiliki produktivitas primer yang sangat tinggi dan merupakan habitat berbagai biota laut. Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bentuk pertumbuhan dan kondisi terumbu karang. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode transek garis (Life Form Transect) Dalam metode ini tidak mengharuskan, tetapi hanya disarankan untuk menghafal 27 kriteria pertumbuhan karang yang dinyatakan sebagai koloni di bawah garis transek, yang diamati dan dicatat, diukur dalam skala sentimeter (cm). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terumbu karang yang ditemukan pada garis transek I bentuk pertumbuhannya yaitu Acropora Branching 2,20 % , Acropora Tabulate 29,44 %, Massive 15,88 %, dan Abiotik 7,74 %. Pada garis transek II ditemukan bentuk pertumbuhannya yaitu Non Acropora Branching 4,68 %., Massive 49,26 %, dan Abiotik 18,34 %. Pada garis transek III ditemukan bentuk pertumbuhannya yaitu Acropora Digitate 1,80 %, Non Acropora Branching 2,10 %, Mass...
This research aims to 1) know the public perception of the development area minapolitan Buntok Se... more This research aims to 1) know the public perception of the development area minapolitan Buntok Seberang, 2) explore the factors that influence people's perception of regional development minapolitan Buntok Seberang such as education, employment, income, length of residence, counseling, and the death of goldfish; 3) explore the community's aspirations for regional development activities minapolitan Buntok Seberang. This research uses survey methods, focused on the heads of households (families) who has cages (karamba) in Barito River, where the carp are maintained by experienced mass death, are 4 (four) villages/rural, that is Hilir Sper, Buntok Kota, Baru and Teluk Telaga which is part of the plan minapolitan. Proportionate number of respondents who were sampled as many as 65 the heads of households with 37 families in the data distribution of Hilir Sper, 19 households in the Buntok Kota, 6 families in Baru and 3 households in Teluk Telaga. The results showed that the publi...
Journal of Wetlands Environmental Management, Feb 25, 2020
Bleaching is a major threat to coral reef ecosystems around the world. This study aimed to determ... more Bleaching is a major threat to coral reef ecosystems around the world. This study aimed to determine the effect of turbidity on the severity of coral bleaching and mortality in Kalimantan due to thermal stress and high solar irradiation caused by the 2015 El Niño. Coral colonies in eighteen permanent bleaching belt transects (50 m x 1 m) in six sites were observed from June to November 2015, coinciding with the 2015 El Niño. Water depth, sea surface temperature (SST), salinity, turbidity, sedimentation and total suspended solid (TSS) were measured on the same transect. Three permanent bleaching belt transects were applied randomly on each reef. Species and bleaching status of each coral colony (diameter > 5 cm) in belt transects were identified. The bleaching status was measured Coral species were identified in the field. Results showed that the 2015 El Niño was a major disaster for reefs on the southeast coast of the Kalimantan. Of total colonies (N = 12,954), 45.4% of colonies were bleached and 14.7% of colonies were died during the period of July to November 2015. Turbidity, TSS, and sedimentation were negatively correlated with the bleaching mortality index (BMI). Coral bleaching in clear and deep waters occurred earlier and increased rapidly compared to that in turbid waters. However, the severity of coral bleaching in turbid zone increased dramatically when the turbidity dropped to <3 NTU. Turbidity >5 NTU could provide shade, in which the proportion of dead corals was only 3.5%. The severity of coral bleaching in turbid zone is not solely due to thermal stress and solar irradiation; it may also be influenced by a history of exposure to high turbidity and low salinity.
This research aimed to determine waters condition based on several water indicators of physical-c... more This research aimed to determine waters condition based on several water indicators of physical-chemical parameters (TSS, pH, DO, temperature, turbidity, Hg and Fe), mercury’s content of sediment (Hg), and biological parameters of water that is mercury’s content (Hg) of gondang ( Pila scutata ) the level of water pollution and and analyze in the diamond and gold traditional mining activities at district of Cempaka. The results showed that the water conditions at the station I which is close to the mine site are still fulfill standard of water quality that are temperature, DO and COD according to the results of calculations using the Storet method and included in the category of heavily contaminated. Based of the Pollution Index method categorized low polluted. At the second station which is a mining area, the temperature still fulfill water quality standards, while for the other parameters based on calculations using the Storet method included in the category of heavily polluted. Ba...
Periphyton group are biota communities that be able adapt and grow well in lentic waters. Their h... more Periphyton group are biota communities that be able adapt and grow well in lentic waters. Their habits are adhere to a permanent location. Aquatic vegetation in Bangkau can influenced the periphyton abundance and diversity as natural food in the food chain. The purpose of this study was to analyzed abundance and diversity of Periphyton from different aquatic vegetation. The research was conducted in three stations by purposive sampling. The method used was quantitative explored. The data that has been taken were epiphythic periphyton samples. Periphyton sampling procedures, preservation, and analysis were carried out based on Indonesian National Standard methods. Bangkau’s peatland had the highest abundance of phytoplankton-periphyton (9982 sel/liter) in inlet, but low at middle station (778 sel/liter). Zooplankton-periphyton (553 sel/liter) in middle station was the highest abundance whereas in outlet station (153 sel/liter) was the lowest. Bacillariophyceae had predominant and alw...
The aim of this research was to study the decline of organic functional group through the process... more The aim of this research was to study the decline of organic functional group through the process of burning in peat. In addition, this study was also to examine the relationship between water content in peat and organic functional group after combustion (burning). Peat drying was conducted in an oven at a temperature of 75°C with the interval of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 hours. Each time interval had three replicates within two sets of experiments so that the total number of samples were 42 (experimental units). Variables measured were moisture content, total acidity, COOH groups, and OH-phenolate. The relationship between the water content with total acidity, COOH groups and OH-phenolate were determined by the equation y = bx + a. The results showed that the relationship between the water content with organic functional group was linear. While the relationship between peat water content with organic functional group after burning was irregular, although water levels through the...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kesuburan perairan yang dilaksanakan di kolong ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kesuburan perairan yang dilaksanakan di kolong Kecamatan Cempaka Kotamadya Banjarbaru Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan dan di Laboratorium Kualitas Air Fakultas Perikanan dan Kelautan. Kesuburan perairan berdasarkan pada kelimpahan plankton serta indeks keanekaragaman, keseragaman dan dominasi. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan terhadap 3 stasiun berdasarkan lama pascatambang yaitu selama 2 tahun (stasiun 1), 7 tahun (stasiun 2) dan 10 tahun (stasiun 3). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan kriteria kelimpahan plankton, perairan kolong pascatambang 2, 7 dan 10 tahun tergolong sebagai perairan dengan tingkat kesuburan sedang. Berdasarkan indeks keanekaragaman, stabilitas struktur komunitas plankton setiap stasiun tergolong sedang dan dengan kesuburan sedang. Indeks keseragaman, penyebaran struktur komunitas plankton pada stasiun 1 dan 2 adalah sangat merata dengan katagori sangat baik, sedangkan pada stasiun 3 tergolong lebih merata dengan kategori baik. Indeks dominasi plankton pada ketiga stasiun pengamatan adalah rendah.
bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik kualitas air yang terdapat di sekitar In-pit Pond Paring... more bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik kualitas air yang terdapat di sekitar In-pit Pond Paringin PT. Adaro Indonesia untuk kegiatan perikanan dan menentukan status perairan untuk kegiatan perikanan yang sesuai di sekitar In-pit Pond Paringin PT. Adaro Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan yakni purposive sampling, dilakukan di tiga lokasi dengan tiga titik yang berbeda. Hasil pengukuran di sekitar In-pit Pond Paringin PT. Adaro Indonesia untuk parameter suhu sebesar 28,6-30,3°C dan parameter kecerahan sebesar 0-128,5 cm. Hasil pengukuran parameter kimia berupa pH sebesar 6,88-7,6, parameter DO sebesar 4,38-5,48 mg/L, sedangkan hasil analisis di laboratorium untuk parameter Amoniak 0,01-0,07 mg/L, parameter Nitrat sebesar 0,03-0,10 mg/L, parameter Nitrit sebesar 0,004-0,75 mg/L, parameter Sulfida <0,001 mg/L. Hasil perhitungan dengan metode STORET didapatkan bahwa status kualitas air di sekitar In-pit Pond Paringin PT. Adaro Indonesia tercemar ringan.
Penelitian ‘Keanekaragaman Jenis Ikan di Sungai Negara Kecamatan Daha Utara Kabupaten Hulu Sungai... more Penelitian ‘Keanekaragaman Jenis Ikan di Sungai Negara Kecamatan Daha Utara Kabupaten Hulu Sungai SelatanProvinsi Kalimantan Selatan’ bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis ikan yang tergolong ekonomis dan non ekonomis melalui keragaman jenis biota sungai, habitat dan kualitas air yang mencerminkan perairan sungai Negara. Metode pengambilan data yang digunakan yaitu Purposive Sampling dengan menentukan titik-titik stasiun yang mewakili sungai Negara. Alat yang digunakan dalam pengambilan sampel adalah jala (Cast Net), jaring ingsang (Gill Net) dan pancing (Hand Line). Hasil pengamatan di perairan sungai Negara menggambarkan kondisi kualitas air masih cukup baik, namun Nilai pH dan amoniak (NH3) dibawah ambang batas. Habitat pada lokasi penelitian masih optimal dan masih sesuai untuk peruntukan biota aquatik. Hasil tangkapan ikan selama pengamatan dari 3 stasiun selama 3 hari berjumlah 367 ekor, dengan jumlah famili 15 dan jenis ikan dengan jumlah 26 jenis. Nilai kelimpahan relatif (KR) be...
Perifiton whose life is attached to the substrate, acts as a provider of nutrients and indicators... more Perifiton whose life is attached to the substrate, acts as a provider of nutrients and indicators of fishery water quality. The purpose of this study was to analyze the structure, abundance and diversity of epiphytic and epidendric periphyton in floating net cages and water quality. This research was conducted by purposive sampling in upstream, middle and downstream. The method used is exploratory quantitative, from May and June 2021 with sampling time at the beginning of each month. The main phytoplankton periphyton composition consists of Chlorophyceae and Bacillariophyceae. Chlorophyceae increased from 19 genera at the beginning of the observation to 24 genera, while Bacillariophyceae decreased from 22 to 21 genera. Phytoplankton periphytons that were always present in each observation both at STA
Periphyton group are biota communities that be able adapt and grow well in lentic waters. Their h... more Periphyton group are biota communities that be able adapt and grow well in lentic waters. Their habits are adhere to a permanent location. Aquatic vegetation in Bangkau can influenced the periphyton abundance and diversity as natural food in the food chain. The purpose of this study was to analyzed abundance and diversity of Periphyton from different aquatic vegetation. The research was conducted in three stations by purposive sampling. The method used was quantitative explored. The data that has been taken were epiphythic periphyton samples. Periphyton sampling procedures, preservation, and analysis were carried out based on Indonesian National Standard methods. Bangkau’s peatland had the highest abundance of phytoplankton-periphyton (9982 sel/liter) in inlet, but low at middle station (778 sel/liter). Zooplankton-periphyton (553 sel/liter) in middle station was the highest abundance whereas in outlet station (153 sel/liter) was the lowest. Bacillariophyceae had predominant and alw...
This research was aimed analyze the ability of perupuk (Phragmites karka Trin) in reducing of rub... more This research was aimed analyze the ability of perupuk (Phragmites karka Trin) in reducing of rubber industrial liquid waste polluters on the scale of the laboratory. The method used was the method of survey. The data laboratory test were tabulated and analyzed descriptively and the level of efficiency was calculated. Referring to South Kalimantan Governor Regulation Number 36/2008, the results showed that, TSS parameters started to be effectively reduced on day 10 with close to 84,33 mg/l (32.53%), BOD 5 started to be effectively reduced on day 20 with close to 24.00 mg/l (99,29%), and COD started to be effectively reduced on day 20 with close to 44,65 mg/l (98,90%). Referring to the decision of the Minister of Environment No. KEP-78/MENLH/10/1995, the parameters of the Sulfide started to be effectively reduced on day 10 with close to 0.001 mg/l (93,75%) and Manganese start to be effectively reduced on day 20 with close to 0,70 mg/l (-134,00 %). Ph levels and temperature still norm...
Penelitian ini bertujuan menyadap informasi terumbu karang dan kondisinya dengan menggunakan data... more Penelitian ini bertujuan menyadap informasi terumbu karang dan kondisinya dengan menggunakan data citra satelit ASTER. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Principal Component Analysis (PCA) dengan menggunakan data Citra Satelit ASTER. Data Citra Satelit dikoreksi Radiometrik dan Geometrik kemudian dilakukan klasifikasi terselia Supervised dengan menggunakan klasifikasi Maximum Likelihood. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode PCA dan Sistim Informasi Geografis, untuk memperoleh luasan dan data terumbu karang. Data estimasi dari Citra Satelit ASTER kemudian diuji akurasi dengan mengambil sampel terumbu karang di lapangan dengan menggunakan metode Transek (LIT). Prosedur analisis mengacu pada kategori kesehatan terumbu karang menurut (Gomez and Yap, 1988). Kondisi terumbu karang yang dapat disadap dengan menggunakan Citra ASTER metode PCA untuk karang Batu Anjir Secara keseluruhan mempunyai luasan sekitar 7,53 Ha dengan rincian kondisi tutupan karang seluas 1...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari penurunan yang akan terjadi terhadap gugus fungsional ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari penurunan yang akan terjadi terhadap gugus fungsional organik melalui proses pembakaran gambut. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga mempelajari hubungan antara kadar air dengan penurunan gugus fungsional organik setelah terjadinya pembakaran. Pengeringan tanah gambut dilakukan dalam oven pada suhu 75 o C dengan interval waktu yang berbeda-beda, yaitu 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 dan 6 jam. Tiap-tiap interval waktu terdiri dari tiga ulangan dan terdiri dari dua set percobaan, setelah itu didekomposit berdasarkan interval waktu yang berbeda-beda sehingga jumlah sampel percobaan menjadi 14 sampel percobaan. Kegiatan ini diulang sebanyak tiga kali sehingga sampel percobaan menjadi 42 sampel. Peubah yang diamati adalah kadar air, kemasaman total, gugus COOH dan OH-phenolat. Hubungan antara kadar air gambut dengan kemasaman total, gugus COOH, dan OH-phenolat ditentukan dengan persamaan Y = a + bx. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola hubungan antara kadar air...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui indeks ekologis, distribusi dan zonasi kepiting untuk d... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui indeks ekologis, distribusi dan zonasi kepiting untuk digunakan sebagai salah satu dasar dalam penetapan kebijakan pengelolaan hutan bakau. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan pada kawasan hutan bakau Kecamatan Kelumpang Selatan ditemukan 15 jenis kepiting dengan kepadatan rata-rata 48 ind m2. Struktur konunitas kepiting di lokasi pengamatan tergolong sangat stabil dengan distribusi seragam. Pada kawasan hutan bakau Kecamatan Kelumpang Selatan sekurang-kurangnya terdapat 2 tipe zona populasi kepiting yaitu, Scylla Uca dan Sesarma untuk kawasan Langadai dan Serongga serta Scylla, Myctiris, Uca dan Sesarma untuk kawasan Tarjun
Terumbu karang merupakan salah satu ekosistem perairan laut yang memiliki produktivitas primer ya... more Terumbu karang merupakan salah satu ekosistem perairan laut yang memiliki produktivitas primer yang sangat tinggi dan merupakan habitat berbagai biota laut. Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bentuk pertumbuhan dan kondisi terumbu karang. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode transek garis (Life Form Transect) Dalam metode ini tidak mengharuskan, tetapi hanya disarankan untuk menghafal 27 kriteria pertumbuhan karang yang dinyatakan sebagai koloni di bawah garis transek, yang diamati dan dicatat, diukur dalam skala sentimeter (cm). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terumbu karang yang ditemukan pada garis transek I bentuk pertumbuhannya yaitu Acropora Branching 2,20 % , Acropora Tabulate 29,44 %, Massive 15,88 %, dan Abiotik 7,74 %. Pada garis transek II ditemukan bentuk pertumbuhannya yaitu Non Acropora Branching 4,68 %., Massive 49,26 %, dan Abiotik 18,34 %. Pada garis transek III ditemukan bentuk pertumbuhannya yaitu Acropora Digitate 1,80 %, Non Acropora Branching 2,10 %, Mass...
This research aims to 1) know the public perception of the development area minapolitan Buntok Se... more This research aims to 1) know the public perception of the development area minapolitan Buntok Seberang, 2) explore the factors that influence people's perception of regional development minapolitan Buntok Seberang such as education, employment, income, length of residence, counseling, and the death of goldfish; 3) explore the community's aspirations for regional development activities minapolitan Buntok Seberang. This research uses survey methods, focused on the heads of households (families) who has cages (karamba) in Barito River, where the carp are maintained by experienced mass death, are 4 (four) villages/rural, that is Hilir Sper, Buntok Kota, Baru and Teluk Telaga which is part of the plan minapolitan. Proportionate number of respondents who were sampled as many as 65 the heads of households with 37 families in the data distribution of Hilir Sper, 19 households in the Buntok Kota, 6 families in Baru and 3 households in Teluk Telaga. The results showed that the publi...
Journal of Wetlands Environmental Management, Feb 25, 2020
Bleaching is a major threat to coral reef ecosystems around the world. This study aimed to determ... more Bleaching is a major threat to coral reef ecosystems around the world. This study aimed to determine the effect of turbidity on the severity of coral bleaching and mortality in Kalimantan due to thermal stress and high solar irradiation caused by the 2015 El Niño. Coral colonies in eighteen permanent bleaching belt transects (50 m x 1 m) in six sites were observed from June to November 2015, coinciding with the 2015 El Niño. Water depth, sea surface temperature (SST), salinity, turbidity, sedimentation and total suspended solid (TSS) were measured on the same transect. Three permanent bleaching belt transects were applied randomly on each reef. Species and bleaching status of each coral colony (diameter > 5 cm) in belt transects were identified. The bleaching status was measured Coral species were identified in the field. Results showed that the 2015 El Niño was a major disaster for reefs on the southeast coast of the Kalimantan. Of total colonies (N = 12,954), 45.4% of colonies were bleached and 14.7% of colonies were died during the period of July to November 2015. Turbidity, TSS, and sedimentation were negatively correlated with the bleaching mortality index (BMI). Coral bleaching in clear and deep waters occurred earlier and increased rapidly compared to that in turbid waters. However, the severity of coral bleaching in turbid zone increased dramatically when the turbidity dropped to <3 NTU. Turbidity >5 NTU could provide shade, in which the proportion of dead corals was only 3.5%. The severity of coral bleaching in turbid zone is not solely due to thermal stress and solar irradiation; it may also be influenced by a history of exposure to high turbidity and low salinity.
This research aimed to determine waters condition based on several water indicators of physical-c... more This research aimed to determine waters condition based on several water indicators of physical-chemical parameters (TSS, pH, DO, temperature, turbidity, Hg and Fe), mercury’s content of sediment (Hg), and biological parameters of water that is mercury’s content (Hg) of gondang ( Pila scutata ) the level of water pollution and and analyze in the diamond and gold traditional mining activities at district of Cempaka. The results showed that the water conditions at the station I which is close to the mine site are still fulfill standard of water quality that are temperature, DO and COD according to the results of calculations using the Storet method and included in the category of heavily contaminated. Based of the Pollution Index method categorized low polluted. At the second station which is a mining area, the temperature still fulfill water quality standards, while for the other parameters based on calculations using the Storet method included in the category of heavily polluted. Ba...
Periphyton group are biota communities that be able adapt and grow well in lentic waters. Their h... more Periphyton group are biota communities that be able adapt and grow well in lentic waters. Their habits are adhere to a permanent location. Aquatic vegetation in Bangkau can influenced the periphyton abundance and diversity as natural food in the food chain. The purpose of this study was to analyzed abundance and diversity of Periphyton from different aquatic vegetation. The research was conducted in three stations by purposive sampling. The method used was quantitative explored. The data that has been taken were epiphythic periphyton samples. Periphyton sampling procedures, preservation, and analysis were carried out based on Indonesian National Standard methods. Bangkau’s peatland had the highest abundance of phytoplankton-periphyton (9982 sel/liter) in inlet, but low at middle station (778 sel/liter). Zooplankton-periphyton (553 sel/liter) in middle station was the highest abundance whereas in outlet station (153 sel/liter) was the lowest. Bacillariophyceae had predominant and alw...
The aim of this research was to study the decline of organic functional group through the process... more The aim of this research was to study the decline of organic functional group through the process of burning in peat. In addition, this study was also to examine the relationship between water content in peat and organic functional group after combustion (burning). Peat drying was conducted in an oven at a temperature of 75°C with the interval of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 hours. Each time interval had three replicates within two sets of experiments so that the total number of samples were 42 (experimental units). Variables measured were moisture content, total acidity, COOH groups, and OH-phenolate. The relationship between the water content with total acidity, COOH groups and OH-phenolate were determined by the equation y = bx + a. The results showed that the relationship between the water content with organic functional group was linear. While the relationship between peat water content with organic functional group after burning was irregular, although water levels through the...
Papers by suhaili asmawi