Since environmental requirements have penetrated the power system, its operation needs to conside... more Since environmental requirements have penetrated the power system, its operation needs to consider the fossil burning together with reducing running charges of the fuel consumption.Technically, atmospheric emissions should be controlled economically at thermal power plants for 24 hours associated with a dynamic economic dispatch (DED). Thunderstorm algorithm (TA) is used to solve the DED problem considered an over rate emission coefficient applied to IEEE-62 bus system as a tested model. Moreover, this work also uses technical and environmental requirements of the operation. Simulation results show that TA can be used to obtain the optimal solution. The computational speed is performed in a smooth characteristic while searching the solution of the DED, which is carried out in hourly results. Keyword-Dynamic Dispatch, Emission Coefficient, Power System, Thunderstorm Algorithm I. INTRODUCTION In general, power system operations are imposed in generation sections; transmission sections; distribution sections; and load sections, for conveying energy from generating sites to usage areas under a certain condition. Technically, these systems are operated using various strategies to exist generating units and to control power delivery processes. In addition, these processes are also operated to produce energy within a suitable power sharing for each power plant. In detail, the operation is conducted to technical and environmental constraints while distributing power outputs to load centres. Focused on these limitations, the environmental requirement is included in the operation especially at thermal power plants for reducing pollutants [1]-[4]. Moreover, pollutants are measured in an emission standard for decreasing and controlling various gaseous materials in air, such as CO; CO 2 ; SO x ; and NO x [4]-[9]. In particular, technical limitations are also used to put desired power outputs in a scheduled permitted portion at generating units and power transfers at the lines in order to control and monitor the operation. In fact, the existed power system spends a certain budget for the energy production and infrastructure maintenance associated with generation sections; transmission sections; distribution sections. Financially, power plants take a role for this contribution spent in the fuel procurement at the all period time operation. Recently, it becomes one of the most important problems in the power system operation to reduce the technical cost through unit commitments. By considering this condition, the cost optimization is a significant case to obtain the best schedule and to meet the load demand under operational limitations belonged to equality and inequality constraints for the 24 hours operation [1]-[5], [8], [10]-[15]. To treat the whole operation for 24 hours, the power system operation becomes complex problems managed using economical cost strategies to provide electric energy and to match operational limitations. These strategies are used to select a better decision considered the minimum total operating cost as an economic load dispatch (ELD). Many studies have been reported concerned in the optimal operating cost based on the ELD[1], [7]-[8], [11]-[12], [14], [16]-[19]. Nowadays, the economic operation becomes more dynamic and interested issues to assess hourly performances related to demand changes under various themes; constraints; and requirements. In particular, it needs to plan economically based on complexity problems considered numerous limitations with the environmental penetration [5]-[7], [13], [20]-[23]. Practically, the load demand is growth from present hour to next hour during the operation. It will give an impact to power plants for producing energy at the whole operation. Regarding this behaviour, it becomes a crucial case to decide generation sites based on the balance of users and producers. By considering the power balance, the ELD is expanded to dynamic problems for 24 hours as a dynamic economic dispatch (DED) which is oriented to decrease the operating cost and pollutant production at the same time [20]-[23]. Many previous works have been focused on the DED solved using intelligent computation methods. These methods are frequently used to bring out the problems. It has shifted the classical method implementations, for instance, robust heuristic method; artificial immune system; neural network; particle swarm optimization; and harvest season artificial bee colony algorithm [20], [22]-[26].
Keseimbangan beban yang besar diakibatkan penggunaan beban listrik 1 phasa pada sistem 3 phasa da... more Keseimbangan beban yang besar diakibatkan penggunaan beban listrik 1 phasa pada sistem 3 phasa dan Harmonisa yang jelek disebabkan oleh beban beban yang tidak sinusoida yang akan menyebabkan rugi rugi pada jaringan yang menyebabkan kualitas distribusi tenaga listrik yang jelek.Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan monitoring dan menganalisis keseimbangan beban dan harmonisa di Gedung Graha Polinema Politeknik Negeri Malang. Penelitian adalah penelitian survey dan studi kasus dengan data primer didapat dengan metode pengukuran langsung dengan melakukan Monitoring dengan Web – Based Power Quality Meter (PM 5110) untuk mengambil data pada setiap Panel SDP, data sekunder melalui observasi . Dari penelitian ini didapat Nilai dari ketidakseimbangan arus tertinggi 133,50% pada Panel SDP Lantai 4 Utara Gedung Grapol melebihi standar, berdasarkan standar IEEE 1159-2009 bahwa batas ketidakseimbangan beban adalah 30%. Terjadi IHD Arus di 8 Panel SDP kecuali di Panel Pompa Air Utara dan Selatan. ...
Nowadays energy has a very important role in the life of human civilization. One of the energy th... more Nowadays energy has a very important role in the life of human civilization. One of the energy that is still widely used and almost cannot be reduced from the community is electrical energy. Energy audit is one of the processes in managing energy use to become more efficient. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential for energy savings that can be carried out optimally and accurately in Cold Storage, Malang Regency. This study uses data collection methods with Web-based Power Quality Meter PM5110 and account data from energy use during the period June 2020 to May 2021. Data retrieval using a Web-based Power Quality Meter PM5110 which is carried out for 24 hours on weekdays, then the total consumption of kWh in one day reached 119,538 kWh, while the total usage of kWh in one month is 3586.14 kWh for the month of June and for the total usage for the period of one year is 43631.37 kWh. Regarding the value of energy consumption kWh in a period of one year, it can be gener...
Electrical energy is a very important part of human activity at this time. At present a very popu... more Electrical energy is a very important part of human activity at this time. At present a very popular source of renewable electricity is energy (solar) through the use of solar power generation system. "Design Passive Photovoltaic 50 Wp in Renewable Energy Laboratory State Polytechnic of Malang" aims to plan and analyze the solar power generation system (PLTS), namely a capacity of 50 wp,so that it can be used as a guideline when going to design or implement PLTS on a larger scale. Based on the analysis and testing carried out, namely testing of 50 Wp passive solar panels under normal (clean) angles of 0º, 15º, 30º and shading angles of 0º, as well as the fouling angle of 0º produces the highest energy of 210.7 Wh when the condition of the solar panels is at an angle of normal 30º.
Dalam Pembuatan simulasi ini penulis bertujuan untuk merancang sebuah sistem dalam memudahkan pek... more Dalam Pembuatan simulasi ini penulis bertujuan untuk merancang sebuah sistem dalam memudahkan pekerjaan dalam mengoprasikan palang pintu perlintasan dan lampu lorong pada rel kereta api yang terkadang masih memerlukan tenaga pegawai sehingga sering terjadi karena kelalaian dalam mengoprasikannya yang menyebabkan kecelakaan di jalur perlintasan kereta api. Untuk itu peneliti melakukan perancangan terhadap sistem kendali otomatis pada perlintasan kereta api menggunakan sistem sensor berat yang diharapkan bisa membantu mengefisienkan dalam mengoprasikan palang pintu perlintasan kereta api. Cara kerja alat ini yaitu dengan memanfaatkan mikrokontroler arduino, sensor Infrared dan sensor Ultrasonic sebagai pemberi inputan data. Cara kerja prototipe ini yaitu sensor Load Cell yang fungsinya mengaktifkan sensor Infra Red 1 untuk memberi inputan saat kereta api melintas dan palang pintu perlintasan akan membuka, dan sensor Infra Red2 akan menutup palang pintu perlintasan saat kereta api suda...
Abstract: The use of equipment with a high non-linear load causes a decrease in the quality of po... more Abstract: The use of equipment with a high non-linear load causes a decrease in the quality of power (Power Quality) at Malang City Point Apartment. Power quality analysis is an important requirement in the electrical system and needs special attention to save energy and costs. Savings can be achieved by reducing or even eliminating losses resulting from the use of non-linear loads. This thesis aims to present the results of an analysis of power quality conditions at Malang City Point Apartments. This analysis includes voltage, current, voltage and current imbalance, power factor, current THD and measured voltage. The system is designed using Web - Based Power Quality Meter (PM 5110) as a measurement tool, then the results are analyzed and compared with existing standards to evaluate power quality in Malang City Point Apartments. Among the various power quality problems measured, it was found that the main problems of power quality in Malang City Point Apartments were the occurrence...
Transformer 1’s load in Blimbing Substation has increased significantly each year. In 2016 until ... more Transformer 1’s load in Blimbing Substation has increased significantly each year. In 2016 until 2018 the load on Transformer 1 was 33.81%, 43.53%, and 71.75%. The amount of this transformer’s load will affect the hot spot temparature. Hot spot temperature is also affected by environmental temperature. In this study, load curve method was used then followed by calculate the loss life of transformer. From the calculation, known that the higher of hot spot temperature, the higher impact to loss life of transformer too. In 2018, the highest loading data was on November and it was obtained loss life of transformers by 0.649% per month, so it is estimated that this Transformer 1 at Blimbing Substation has a lifespan of 30 years 9 months. According to IEC 60076-7 normal life of transformers with loading under nominal is 20.55 years or 180000 hours. To minimize loss life of transformer or in other words extend the life time of transformer can be done by scheduling maintenance. Scheduling m...
This study aims to analyze the average consumption of electrical energy and the Intensity of Ener... more This study aims to analyze the average consumption of electrical energy and the Intensity of Energy Consumption (IKE) and the effect of temperature of electrical equipment in the main panel of the AB and AC buildings on the applicable electrical standards in the AB and AC buildings of Politeknik Negeri Malang. From the research, the results of the average consumption of electrical energy in each building are 2591.96 kWh and 1799.74 kWh per month, the value of Energy Consumption Intensity (IKE) is 34.55 kWh / m2 and 34.11 kWh / m2, both results fall into the category of energy use. very efficient, all the equipment in the panels of the two buildings is in good condition according to the PLN SK DIR 520 2014 book, the highest temperature value of the safety equipment is 32.8 ᵒC at NH Fuse T. this is due to the current flowing of 34.29A, the value of the equipment with the lowest temperature of 27.8 C on MCB C16 with a maximum standard of 45 C, the current conductive capacity is still i...
Malang City is a city that has an increasing need for electrical energy in the technological era,... more Malang City is a city that has an increasing need for electrical energy in the technological era, which today is very much needed in fulfilling daily life, both for household, social and industrial needs. One of them is the supply of electrical energy for Public Street Lighting (PJU). If you only rely on the supply of electrical energy from grid, this is a heavy burden that must be borne by the Malang City Regional Budget to pay the electric energy consumption bill for the PJU. This study aims to determine the comparison of the use of conventional PJU with solar powered PJU (PJUTS) in the area of Gading Kasri Village, Klojen District, Malang City both in terms of technical installations which include solar panels, batteries, and charger controllers as well as from an economic point of view. That shines for 5 hours every day, the solar panel power specifications are 240 Wp with 37 points of light. Budget calculations using the ACS (Annual cost system) which is obtained in the 16th ...
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2021
The increased production of electrical energy will lead to an increase on the use of fossil fuels... more The increased production of electrical energy will lead to an increase on the use of fossil fuels which ultimately raise the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. The use of fossil fuels (non-renewable fuels) for large-scaled generation of electrical energy will certainly cause problems considering oil and coal reserves as the main source for PLTU will shrink and run out over time. In addition, several environmental problems need to be considered and studied regarding this condition. Thus, it is very important to efficiently use electrical energy according to Presidential Instruction No. 6 of 2014 concerning energy development which focused on sub-sectors electricity development and minimization of fossil energy use as well as development of new, renewable, and converted energies. Based on this, a system which can support energy saving is needed. A system used for regulating energy needs is called the Energy Management System (EMS). The study was conducted in the Malang State Polytechnic ...
Since environmental requirements have penetrated the power system, its operation needs to conside... more Since environmental requirements have penetrated the power system, its operation needs to consider the fossil burning together with reducing running charges of the fuel consumption.Technically, atmospheric emissions should be controlled economically at thermal power plants for 24 hours associated with a dynamic economic dispatch (DED). Thunderstorm algorithm (TA) is used to solve the DED problem considered an over rate emission coefficient applied to IEEE-62 bus system as a tested model. Moreover, this work also uses technical and environmental requirements of the operation. Simulation results show that TA can be used to obtain the optimal solution. The computational speed is performed in a smooth characteristic while searching the solution of the DED, which is carried out in hourly results. Keyword-Dynamic Dispatch, Emission Coefficient, Power System, Thunderstorm Algorithm I. INTRODUCTION In general, power system operations are imposed in generation sections; transmission sections; distribution sections; and load sections, for conveying energy from generating sites to usage areas under a certain condition. Technically, these systems are operated using various strategies to exist generating units and to control power delivery processes. In addition, these processes are also operated to produce energy within a suitable power sharing for each power plant. In detail, the operation is conducted to technical and environmental constraints while distributing power outputs to load centres. Focused on these limitations, the environmental requirement is included in the operation especially at thermal power plants for reducing pollutants [1]-[4]. Moreover, pollutants are measured in an emission standard for decreasing and controlling various gaseous materials in air, such as CO; CO 2 ; SO x ; and NO x [4]-[9]. In particular, technical limitations are also used to put desired power outputs in a scheduled permitted portion at generating units and power transfers at the lines in order to control and monitor the operation. In fact, the existed power system spends a certain budget for the energy production and infrastructure maintenance associated with generation sections; transmission sections; distribution sections. Financially, power plants take a role for this contribution spent in the fuel procurement at the all period time operation. Recently, it becomes one of the most important problems in the power system operation to reduce the technical cost through unit commitments. By considering this condition, the cost optimization is a significant case to obtain the best schedule and to meet the load demand under operational limitations belonged to equality and inequality constraints for the 24 hours operation [1]-[5], [8], [10]-[15]. To treat the whole operation for 24 hours, the power system operation becomes complex problems managed using economical cost strategies to provide electric energy and to match operational limitations. These strategies are used to select a better decision considered the minimum total operating cost as an economic load dispatch (ELD). Many studies have been reported concerned in the optimal operating cost based on the ELD[1], [7]-[8], [11]-[12], [14], [16]-[19]. Nowadays, the economic operation becomes more dynamic and interested issues to assess hourly performances related to demand changes under various themes; constraints; and requirements. In particular, it needs to plan economically based on complexity problems considered numerous limitations with the environmental penetration [5]-[7], [13], [20]-[23]. Practically, the load demand is growth from present hour to next hour during the operation. It will give an impact to power plants for producing energy at the whole operation. Regarding this behaviour, it becomes a crucial case to decide generation sites based on the balance of users and producers. By considering the power balance, the ELD is expanded to dynamic problems for 24 hours as a dynamic economic dispatch (DED) which is oriented to decrease the operating cost and pollutant production at the same time [20]-[23]. Many previous works have been focused on the DED solved using intelligent computation methods. These methods are frequently used to bring out the problems. It has shifted the classical method implementations, for instance, robust heuristic method; artificial immune system; neural network; particle swarm optimization; and harvest season artificial bee colony algorithm [20], [22]-[26].
Keseimbangan beban yang besar diakibatkan penggunaan beban listrik 1 phasa pada sistem 3 phasa da... more Keseimbangan beban yang besar diakibatkan penggunaan beban listrik 1 phasa pada sistem 3 phasa dan Harmonisa yang jelek disebabkan oleh beban beban yang tidak sinusoida yang akan menyebabkan rugi rugi pada jaringan yang menyebabkan kualitas distribusi tenaga listrik yang jelek.Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan monitoring dan menganalisis keseimbangan beban dan harmonisa di Gedung Graha Polinema Politeknik Negeri Malang. Penelitian adalah penelitian survey dan studi kasus dengan data primer didapat dengan metode pengukuran langsung dengan melakukan Monitoring dengan Web – Based Power Quality Meter (PM 5110) untuk mengambil data pada setiap Panel SDP, data sekunder melalui observasi . Dari penelitian ini didapat Nilai dari ketidakseimbangan arus tertinggi 133,50% pada Panel SDP Lantai 4 Utara Gedung Grapol melebihi standar, berdasarkan standar IEEE 1159-2009 bahwa batas ketidakseimbangan beban adalah 30%. Terjadi IHD Arus di 8 Panel SDP kecuali di Panel Pompa Air Utara dan Selatan. ...
Nowadays energy has a very important role in the life of human civilization. One of the energy th... more Nowadays energy has a very important role in the life of human civilization. One of the energy that is still widely used and almost cannot be reduced from the community is electrical energy. Energy audit is one of the processes in managing energy use to become more efficient. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential for energy savings that can be carried out optimally and accurately in Cold Storage, Malang Regency. This study uses data collection methods with Web-based Power Quality Meter PM5110 and account data from energy use during the period June 2020 to May 2021. Data retrieval using a Web-based Power Quality Meter PM5110 which is carried out for 24 hours on weekdays, then the total consumption of kWh in one day reached 119,538 kWh, while the total usage of kWh in one month is 3586.14 kWh for the month of June and for the total usage for the period of one year is 43631.37 kWh. Regarding the value of energy consumption kWh in a period of one year, it can be gener...
Electrical energy is a very important part of human activity at this time. At present a very popu... more Electrical energy is a very important part of human activity at this time. At present a very popular source of renewable electricity is energy (solar) through the use of solar power generation system. "Design Passive Photovoltaic 50 Wp in Renewable Energy Laboratory State Polytechnic of Malang" aims to plan and analyze the solar power generation system (PLTS), namely a capacity of 50 wp,so that it can be used as a guideline when going to design or implement PLTS on a larger scale. Based on the analysis and testing carried out, namely testing of 50 Wp passive solar panels under normal (clean) angles of 0º, 15º, 30º and shading angles of 0º, as well as the fouling angle of 0º produces the highest energy of 210.7 Wh when the condition of the solar panels is at an angle of normal 30º.
Dalam Pembuatan simulasi ini penulis bertujuan untuk merancang sebuah sistem dalam memudahkan pek... more Dalam Pembuatan simulasi ini penulis bertujuan untuk merancang sebuah sistem dalam memudahkan pekerjaan dalam mengoprasikan palang pintu perlintasan dan lampu lorong pada rel kereta api yang terkadang masih memerlukan tenaga pegawai sehingga sering terjadi karena kelalaian dalam mengoprasikannya yang menyebabkan kecelakaan di jalur perlintasan kereta api. Untuk itu peneliti melakukan perancangan terhadap sistem kendali otomatis pada perlintasan kereta api menggunakan sistem sensor berat yang diharapkan bisa membantu mengefisienkan dalam mengoprasikan palang pintu perlintasan kereta api. Cara kerja alat ini yaitu dengan memanfaatkan mikrokontroler arduino, sensor Infrared dan sensor Ultrasonic sebagai pemberi inputan data. Cara kerja prototipe ini yaitu sensor Load Cell yang fungsinya mengaktifkan sensor Infra Red 1 untuk memberi inputan saat kereta api melintas dan palang pintu perlintasan akan membuka, dan sensor Infra Red2 akan menutup palang pintu perlintasan saat kereta api suda...
Abstract: The use of equipment with a high non-linear load causes a decrease in the quality of po... more Abstract: The use of equipment with a high non-linear load causes a decrease in the quality of power (Power Quality) at Malang City Point Apartment. Power quality analysis is an important requirement in the electrical system and needs special attention to save energy and costs. Savings can be achieved by reducing or even eliminating losses resulting from the use of non-linear loads. This thesis aims to present the results of an analysis of power quality conditions at Malang City Point Apartments. This analysis includes voltage, current, voltage and current imbalance, power factor, current THD and measured voltage. The system is designed using Web - Based Power Quality Meter (PM 5110) as a measurement tool, then the results are analyzed and compared with existing standards to evaluate power quality in Malang City Point Apartments. Among the various power quality problems measured, it was found that the main problems of power quality in Malang City Point Apartments were the occurrence...
Transformer 1’s load in Blimbing Substation has increased significantly each year. In 2016 until ... more Transformer 1’s load in Blimbing Substation has increased significantly each year. In 2016 until 2018 the load on Transformer 1 was 33.81%, 43.53%, and 71.75%. The amount of this transformer’s load will affect the hot spot temparature. Hot spot temperature is also affected by environmental temperature. In this study, load curve method was used then followed by calculate the loss life of transformer. From the calculation, known that the higher of hot spot temperature, the higher impact to loss life of transformer too. In 2018, the highest loading data was on November and it was obtained loss life of transformers by 0.649% per month, so it is estimated that this Transformer 1 at Blimbing Substation has a lifespan of 30 years 9 months. According to IEC 60076-7 normal life of transformers with loading under nominal is 20.55 years or 180000 hours. To minimize loss life of transformer or in other words extend the life time of transformer can be done by scheduling maintenance. Scheduling m...
This study aims to analyze the average consumption of electrical energy and the Intensity of Ener... more This study aims to analyze the average consumption of electrical energy and the Intensity of Energy Consumption (IKE) and the effect of temperature of electrical equipment in the main panel of the AB and AC buildings on the applicable electrical standards in the AB and AC buildings of Politeknik Negeri Malang. From the research, the results of the average consumption of electrical energy in each building are 2591.96 kWh and 1799.74 kWh per month, the value of Energy Consumption Intensity (IKE) is 34.55 kWh / m2 and 34.11 kWh / m2, both results fall into the category of energy use. very efficient, all the equipment in the panels of the two buildings is in good condition according to the PLN SK DIR 520 2014 book, the highest temperature value of the safety equipment is 32.8 ᵒC at NH Fuse T. this is due to the current flowing of 34.29A, the value of the equipment with the lowest temperature of 27.8 C on MCB C16 with a maximum standard of 45 C, the current conductive capacity is still i...
Malang City is a city that has an increasing need for electrical energy in the technological era,... more Malang City is a city that has an increasing need for electrical energy in the technological era, which today is very much needed in fulfilling daily life, both for household, social and industrial needs. One of them is the supply of electrical energy for Public Street Lighting (PJU). If you only rely on the supply of electrical energy from grid, this is a heavy burden that must be borne by the Malang City Regional Budget to pay the electric energy consumption bill for the PJU. This study aims to determine the comparison of the use of conventional PJU with solar powered PJU (PJUTS) in the area of Gading Kasri Village, Klojen District, Malang City both in terms of technical installations which include solar panels, batteries, and charger controllers as well as from an economic point of view. That shines for 5 hours every day, the solar panel power specifications are 240 Wp with 37 points of light. Budget calculations using the ACS (Annual cost system) which is obtained in the 16th ...
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2021
The increased production of electrical energy will lead to an increase on the use of fossil fuels... more The increased production of electrical energy will lead to an increase on the use of fossil fuels which ultimately raise the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. The use of fossil fuels (non-renewable fuels) for large-scaled generation of electrical energy will certainly cause problems considering oil and coal reserves as the main source for PLTU will shrink and run out over time. In addition, several environmental problems need to be considered and studied regarding this condition. Thus, it is very important to efficiently use electrical energy according to Presidential Instruction No. 6 of 2014 concerning energy development which focused on sub-sectors electricity development and minimization of fossil energy use as well as development of new, renewable, and converted energies. Based on this, a system which can support energy saving is needed. A system used for regulating energy needs is called the Energy Management System (EMS). The study was conducted in the Malang State Polytechnic ...
Papers by ahmad hermawan