International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism
This study examines the contestation of the worship space by looking at how three religions: Budd... more This study examines the contestation of the worship space by looking at how three religions: Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism, occupy space in the tri-dharma worship building. This paper discusses the conceptual, theoretical, historical, and contemporary political aspects of the three religions in Indonesia and how the Indonesian government has historically encouraged Buddhists, Confucians, and Taoists to worship in the same space. This study surveys secondary data on the architecture of the Tri-Dharma houses of worship in Indonesia and looks at how the elements of each religion are placed in the buildings and how this reflects the contestation of the three religions in Indonesia. The result of this research shows that architectural contestation occurs in the altar room, ornamental, and overall building style. This contestation reflects which sects are dominant and which are peripheral to the three religions. This finding has implications for the importance of efforts to foster har...
Indonesian's society has character as collective society because of the stronger group interest t... more Indonesian's society has character as collective society because of the stronger group interest than personal interests. It is reflected on the architecture of traditional stilt house particularly on its space order. However, the modern life brings the concept of individualism in the society and some changes in space order of stilt house. This paper aims to understand how the stilt house adapts to the space demand in responding the collective culture in current context. Study hypothesize that there is a change in applying the collective culture that influence the adaptation of the stilt house. In order to achieve that, this study observed the space used of nine old stilt houses in Palembang which were built in the period of 1928 to 1964. This study used the theory of collectivism and individualism to examine the origin and current space usage. Paper founds most of stilt houses use the space under the stilt structure as a part of its inner space. Furthermore, that there is a shift in the zoning of the space under the stilt house. For first use, the space change from collective function to individual as it bordered the space as inner side the house. Then the bordered space was arranged as public zone, shifted again to the collective function. Paper concludes that the shift reflect the life orientation changes in the society.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
Indonesian’s society has character as collective society because of the stronger group interest t... more Indonesian’s society has character as collective society because of the stronger group interest than personal interests. It is reflected on the architecture of traditional stilt house particularly on its space order. However, the modern life brings the concept of individualism in the society and some changes in space order of stilt house. This paper aims to understand how the stilt house adapts to the space demand in responding the collective culture in current context. Study hypothesize that there is a change in applying the collective culture that influence the adaptation of the stilt house. In order to achieve that, this study observed the space used of nine old stilt houses in Palembang which were built in the period of 1928 to 1964. This study used the theory of collectivism and individualism to examine the origin and current space usage. Paper founds most of stilt houses use the space under the stilt structure as a part of its inner space. Furthermore, that there is a shift in...
International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism
This study examines the contestation of the worship space by looking at how three religions: Budd... more This study examines the contestation of the worship space by looking at how three religions: Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism, occupy space in the tri-dharma worship building. This paper discusses the conceptual, theoretical, historical, and contemporary political aspects of the three religions in Indonesia and how the Indonesian government has historically encouraged Buddhists, Confucians, and Taoists to worship in the same space. This study surveys secondary data on the architecture of the Tri-Dharma houses of worship in Indonesia and looks at how the elements of each religion are placed in the buildings and how this reflects the contestation of the three religions in Indonesia. The result of this research shows that architectural contestation occurs in the altar room, ornamental, and overall building style. This contestation reflects which sects are dominant and which are peripheral to the three religions. This finding has implications for the importance of efforts to foster har...
Penelitian ini meninjau aspek-aspek arsitektur tradisional yang menjadi landmark di kota-kota bes... more Penelitian ini meninjau aspek-aspek arsitektur tradisional yang menjadi landmark di kota-kota besar di Indonesia beserta popularitasnya. Perbandingan berdasarkan jenis, aspek, kategori, dan daya tarik landmark di ibukota provinsi di Indonesia. Analisis deskriptif dan one-way ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) digunakan untuk mengklasifikasikan landmark dan memeriksa secara kuantitatif relasi antara landmark dengan daya tariknya bagi masyarakat kota. Hasil mengungkapkan bahwa 39 dari 121 landmark yang disurvei memiliki aspek arsitektur tradisional. Arsitektur tradisional dapat dilihat dalam aspek atap, bangunan, dan ornamen. Kategori landmark yang mengandung aspek arsitektur tradisional adalah masjid, museum, taman, jalan, kompleks bangunan, kuil/wihara/kelenteng, pura, benteng, keraton, monumen, dan pasar. Hasil analisis ANOVA menunjukkan bahwa landmark yang mengandung aspek arsitektur dan menonjol secara visual memiliki daya tarik lebih tinggi dari landmark yang hanya mengandung salah satu karakteristik tersebut. Hasil ini meningkatkan pemahaman mengenai pentingnya aspek arsitektur tradisional untuk diterapkan dalam desain landmark dan menyarankan penambahan aspek-aspek arsitektur tradisional pada landmark yang telah ada maupun pada desain landmark yang akan datang.
Penelitian ini meninjau aspek-aspek arsitektur tradisional yang menjadi landmark di kota-kota bes... more Penelitian ini meninjau aspek-aspek arsitektur tradisional yang menjadi landmark di kota-kota besar di Indonesia beserta popularitasnya. Perbandingan berdasarkan jenis, aspek, kategori, dan daya tarik landmark di ibukota provinsi di Indonesia. Analisis deskriptif dan one-way ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) digunakan untuk mengklasifikasikan landmark dan memeriksa secara kuantitatif relasi antara landmark dengan daya tariknya bagi masyarakat kota. Hasil mengungkapkan bahwa 39 dari 121 landmark yang disurvei memiliki aspek arsitektur tradisional. Arsitektur tradisional dapat dilihat dalam aspek atap, bangunan, dan ornamen. Kategori landmark yang mengandung aspek arsitektur tradisional adalah masjid, museum, taman, jalan, kompleks bangunan, kuil/wihara/kelenteng, pura, benteng, keraton, monumen, dan pasar. Hasil analisis ANOVA menunjukkan bahwa landmark yang mengandung aspek arsitektur dan menonjol secara visual memiliki daya tarik lebih tinggi dari landmark yang hanya mengandung salah satu karakteristik tersebut. Hasil ini meningkatkan pemahaman mengenai pentingnya aspek arsitektur tradisional untuk diterapkan dalam desain landmark dan menyarankan penambahan aspek-aspek arsitektur tradisional pada landmark yang telah ada maupun pada desain landmark yang akan datang.
Dengan berkembangnya wacana pembangunan berkelanjutan, teknik pendinginan aktif perlahan digantik... more Dengan berkembangnya wacana pembangunan berkelanjutan, teknik pendinginan aktif perlahan digantikan dengan teknik pendinginan pasif yang lebih sedikit mengkonsumsi energi dalam beroperasi. Di sisi lain, penelitian terdahulu juga telah mengidentifikasi adanya fenomena urban heat island (UHI) yang terjadi di kota-kota besar dunia sebagai dampak dari perubahan iklim. Berbagai upaya dilakukan untuk mengurangi fenomena ini dan teknik pendinginan pasif adalah upaya yang sesuai. Walau begitu, sejauh belum ada tinjauan literatur yang menyeluruh mengenai teknik pendinginan pasif sebagai solusi untuk mengatasi UHI. Karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi pemakaian teknik pendingin pasif dalam konteks mitigasi UHI dengan melaksanakan tinjauan sistematis temuan penelitian yang telah ada. Hasil penelitian ini mengindikasikan kelebihan dan kekurangan dari berbagai teknik pendingian pasif, dengan mempertimbangkan sejumlah faktor yang telah diidentifikasi sebelumnya. Temuan yang diperoleh akan membantu pemerintah dan masyarakat untuk menurunkan UHI menggunakan teknik-teknik pendinginan pasif.
Arsitektur modern semakin berorientasi okular sehingga menimbulkan distraksi visual bagi masyarak... more Arsitektur modern semakin berorientasi okular sehingga menimbulkan distraksi visual bagi masyarakat pengguna jalan di kawasan urban. Tidak mengherankan jika zaman ini disebut sebagai zaman distraksi. Walau begitu, penelitian mengenai distraksi eksternal dari arsitektur pada pengendara kendaraan bermotor masih sangat jarang dilakukan. Hal ini mempersulit para pengambil keputusan untuk membuat pengaturan yang ditopang bukti untuk menghilangkan atau mengurangi distraksi visual yang disebabkan oleh arsitektur pada tata kelola lalu lintas. Makalah ini meninjau literatur yang ada mengenai peran arsitektur dalam distraksi visual dan kemudian menggunakan tinjauan terhadap bangunan-bangunan ikonik dunia untuk mengkarakterisasi pola-pola penanganan distraksi visual. Penelitian ini menemukan tiga metode eliminasi distraksi visual yaitu pengambilan jarak yang jauh sehingga tidak terlihat dari jalan raya, pemakaian topeng visual seperti tembok dan pepohonan, dan desain lantai bawah yang tidak me...
Urbanization has opened urban thermal comfort zones thereby creating an urban island environment ... more Urbanization has opened urban thermal comfort zones thereby creating an urban island environment worldwide. Knowledge necessary to mitigate this phenomenon extend beyond knowledge on the city itself. This study sought to determine the role of environments in creating an urban heat island. A literature review was applied, to collect current knowledge on social, built, modified, and natural environment, in POETIC framework. The aim was to ascertain environmental components of urban heat island in Palembang city. The results indicated some environmental dimensions of urban heat island in Palembang. Social dimension consists of education level, people density in a house, and income level. Built dimension consists of distance between building, material albedo, material impermeability, building height, ventilations number, and ventilations area. Modified environment dimension consists of area of burning spot in open space, water pollution level, air pollution level, garden area, and green...
Rumah panggung merupakan salah satu fitur arsitektur vernakular utama di Indonesia. Walau begitu,... more Rumah panggung merupakan salah satu fitur arsitektur vernakular utama di Indonesia. Walau begitu, perspektif umum yang ada saat ini adalah bahwa rumah panggung sebagai rumah yang perlu dikonservasi karena keterbatasan sumber daya kayu, proses konstruksi yang sulit, dan masalah privasi. Artikel ini menjelaskan bahwa perspektif pengembangan harus diutamakan dengan membawa arsitektur rumah panggung ke dalam kehidupan masyarakat urban di Indonesia. Artikel ini menjabarkan elemen-elemen arsitektur rumah panggung dan fungsi yang dapat diberikan bagi kawasan perkotaan dengan lahan sempit. Fungsi yang dapat diberikan rumah panggung di kawasan perkotaan adalah perlindungan terhadap banjir, memaksimalkan pandangan, perluasan ventilasi, estetika, penerapan prinsip pembangunan berkelanjutan, dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan fisik dan emosional bagi penghuni rumah lewat penyediaan ruang bermain, parkir, dan ruang terbuka hijau Stilt house is one of the main vernacular architectural features in Ind...
The development of new urbanism paradigm in the world today, has been reminded of the importance ... more The development of new urbanism paradigm in the world today, has been reminded of the importance of vernacular architecture in urban planning.. It would be advantageous for areas with high ethnic diversity as South Sumatra. This study aims to inventory the vernacular house typology in South Sumatra. Methods of study is to examine the vernacular houses of all ethnicities in South Sumatra (29 ethnicity) plus two ethnic from neighboring provinces (Kubu and Lambak). The study found 18 different types of houses, and also found that the typology of the roof consists of a limas roof, pelana roof, and a perisai roof. The variety of roof reflects the high ethnic mobilization in South Sumatra. Even so, as a result of acculturation that occurs in these dynamics, the variety is found only on the shape of the roof, while the other part of the building does not have a clear marker of difference. Implications of the New Urbanism presented in the design of contemporary urban planning in South Sumat...
Water sports center is the center of the ongoing activities and diversification of water sports i... more Water sports center is the center of the ongoing activities and diversification of water sports in general carried out in the open. Planning Water sports center as a magnet and acceleration stimulus to the development of the realization of a facility that can provide added value to the region and the city of Palembang in particular Jakabaring and South Sumatra Province in general. Jakabaring retention lake has the potential to support activities that overlooks the water and the edge of the lake. The concept of planning in the region Jakabaring Water Sports Center: First In climatological, landscape serves as a regulator of climate, as well as the dirty air filter media soil conservation and aesthetics of the area, the landscape is directed to maintain and preserve the environment, the third arrangement of the landscape adds value to the environment aesthetic, visual psychologically, socially and ecologically, the four landscape provides a good visual impression, comfortable, quiet a...
International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism
This study examines the contestation of the worship space by looking at how three religions: Budd... more This study examines the contestation of the worship space by looking at how three religions: Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism, occupy space in the tri-dharma worship building. This paper discusses the conceptual, theoretical, historical, and contemporary political aspects of the three religions in Indonesia and how the Indonesian government has historically encouraged Buddhists, Confucians, and Taoists to worship in the same space. This study surveys secondary data on the architecture of the Tri-Dharma houses of worship in Indonesia and looks at how the elements of each religion are placed in the buildings and how this reflects the contestation of the three religions in Indonesia. The result of this research shows that architectural contestation occurs in the altar room, ornamental, and overall building style. This contestation reflects which sects are dominant and which are peripheral to the three religions. This finding has implications for the importance of efforts to foster har...
Indonesian's society has character as collective society because of the stronger group interest t... more Indonesian's society has character as collective society because of the stronger group interest than personal interests. It is reflected on the architecture of traditional stilt house particularly on its space order. However, the modern life brings the concept of individualism in the society and some changes in space order of stilt house. This paper aims to understand how the stilt house adapts to the space demand in responding the collective culture in current context. Study hypothesize that there is a change in applying the collective culture that influence the adaptation of the stilt house. In order to achieve that, this study observed the space used of nine old stilt houses in Palembang which were built in the period of 1928 to 1964. This study used the theory of collectivism and individualism to examine the origin and current space usage. Paper founds most of stilt houses use the space under the stilt structure as a part of its inner space. Furthermore, that there is a shift in the zoning of the space under the stilt house. For first use, the space change from collective function to individual as it bordered the space as inner side the house. Then the bordered space was arranged as public zone, shifted again to the collective function. Paper concludes that the shift reflect the life orientation changes in the society.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
Indonesian’s society has character as collective society because of the stronger group interest t... more Indonesian’s society has character as collective society because of the stronger group interest than personal interests. It is reflected on the architecture of traditional stilt house particularly on its space order. However, the modern life brings the concept of individualism in the society and some changes in space order of stilt house. This paper aims to understand how the stilt house adapts to the space demand in responding the collective culture in current context. Study hypothesize that there is a change in applying the collective culture that influence the adaptation of the stilt house. In order to achieve that, this study observed the space used of nine old stilt houses in Palembang which were built in the period of 1928 to 1964. This study used the theory of collectivism and individualism to examine the origin and current space usage. Paper founds most of stilt houses use the space under the stilt structure as a part of its inner space. Furthermore, that there is a shift in...
International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism
This study examines the contestation of the worship space by looking at how three religions: Budd... more This study examines the contestation of the worship space by looking at how three religions: Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism, occupy space in the tri-dharma worship building. This paper discusses the conceptual, theoretical, historical, and contemporary political aspects of the three religions in Indonesia and how the Indonesian government has historically encouraged Buddhists, Confucians, and Taoists to worship in the same space. This study surveys secondary data on the architecture of the Tri-Dharma houses of worship in Indonesia and looks at how the elements of each religion are placed in the buildings and how this reflects the contestation of the three religions in Indonesia. The result of this research shows that architectural contestation occurs in the altar room, ornamental, and overall building style. This contestation reflects which sects are dominant and which are peripheral to the three religions. This finding has implications for the importance of efforts to foster har...
Penelitian ini meninjau aspek-aspek arsitektur tradisional yang menjadi landmark di kota-kota bes... more Penelitian ini meninjau aspek-aspek arsitektur tradisional yang menjadi landmark di kota-kota besar di Indonesia beserta popularitasnya. Perbandingan berdasarkan jenis, aspek, kategori, dan daya tarik landmark di ibukota provinsi di Indonesia. Analisis deskriptif dan one-way ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) digunakan untuk mengklasifikasikan landmark dan memeriksa secara kuantitatif relasi antara landmark dengan daya tariknya bagi masyarakat kota. Hasil mengungkapkan bahwa 39 dari 121 landmark yang disurvei memiliki aspek arsitektur tradisional. Arsitektur tradisional dapat dilihat dalam aspek atap, bangunan, dan ornamen. Kategori landmark yang mengandung aspek arsitektur tradisional adalah masjid, museum, taman, jalan, kompleks bangunan, kuil/wihara/kelenteng, pura, benteng, keraton, monumen, dan pasar. Hasil analisis ANOVA menunjukkan bahwa landmark yang mengandung aspek arsitektur dan menonjol secara visual memiliki daya tarik lebih tinggi dari landmark yang hanya mengandung salah satu karakteristik tersebut. Hasil ini meningkatkan pemahaman mengenai pentingnya aspek arsitektur tradisional untuk diterapkan dalam desain landmark dan menyarankan penambahan aspek-aspek arsitektur tradisional pada landmark yang telah ada maupun pada desain landmark yang akan datang.
Penelitian ini meninjau aspek-aspek arsitektur tradisional yang menjadi landmark di kota-kota bes... more Penelitian ini meninjau aspek-aspek arsitektur tradisional yang menjadi landmark di kota-kota besar di Indonesia beserta popularitasnya. Perbandingan berdasarkan jenis, aspek, kategori, dan daya tarik landmark di ibukota provinsi di Indonesia. Analisis deskriptif dan one-way ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) digunakan untuk mengklasifikasikan landmark dan memeriksa secara kuantitatif relasi antara landmark dengan daya tariknya bagi masyarakat kota. Hasil mengungkapkan bahwa 39 dari 121 landmark yang disurvei memiliki aspek arsitektur tradisional. Arsitektur tradisional dapat dilihat dalam aspek atap, bangunan, dan ornamen. Kategori landmark yang mengandung aspek arsitektur tradisional adalah masjid, museum, taman, jalan, kompleks bangunan, kuil/wihara/kelenteng, pura, benteng, keraton, monumen, dan pasar. Hasil analisis ANOVA menunjukkan bahwa landmark yang mengandung aspek arsitektur dan menonjol secara visual memiliki daya tarik lebih tinggi dari landmark yang hanya mengandung salah satu karakteristik tersebut. Hasil ini meningkatkan pemahaman mengenai pentingnya aspek arsitektur tradisional untuk diterapkan dalam desain landmark dan menyarankan penambahan aspek-aspek arsitektur tradisional pada landmark yang telah ada maupun pada desain landmark yang akan datang.
Dengan berkembangnya wacana pembangunan berkelanjutan, teknik pendinginan aktif perlahan digantik... more Dengan berkembangnya wacana pembangunan berkelanjutan, teknik pendinginan aktif perlahan digantikan dengan teknik pendinginan pasif yang lebih sedikit mengkonsumsi energi dalam beroperasi. Di sisi lain, penelitian terdahulu juga telah mengidentifikasi adanya fenomena urban heat island (UHI) yang terjadi di kota-kota besar dunia sebagai dampak dari perubahan iklim. Berbagai upaya dilakukan untuk mengurangi fenomena ini dan teknik pendinginan pasif adalah upaya yang sesuai. Walau begitu, sejauh belum ada tinjauan literatur yang menyeluruh mengenai teknik pendinginan pasif sebagai solusi untuk mengatasi UHI. Karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi pemakaian teknik pendingin pasif dalam konteks mitigasi UHI dengan melaksanakan tinjauan sistematis temuan penelitian yang telah ada. Hasil penelitian ini mengindikasikan kelebihan dan kekurangan dari berbagai teknik pendingian pasif, dengan mempertimbangkan sejumlah faktor yang telah diidentifikasi sebelumnya. Temuan yang diperoleh akan membantu pemerintah dan masyarakat untuk menurunkan UHI menggunakan teknik-teknik pendinginan pasif.
Arsitektur modern semakin berorientasi okular sehingga menimbulkan distraksi visual bagi masyarak... more Arsitektur modern semakin berorientasi okular sehingga menimbulkan distraksi visual bagi masyarakat pengguna jalan di kawasan urban. Tidak mengherankan jika zaman ini disebut sebagai zaman distraksi. Walau begitu, penelitian mengenai distraksi eksternal dari arsitektur pada pengendara kendaraan bermotor masih sangat jarang dilakukan. Hal ini mempersulit para pengambil keputusan untuk membuat pengaturan yang ditopang bukti untuk menghilangkan atau mengurangi distraksi visual yang disebabkan oleh arsitektur pada tata kelola lalu lintas. Makalah ini meninjau literatur yang ada mengenai peran arsitektur dalam distraksi visual dan kemudian menggunakan tinjauan terhadap bangunan-bangunan ikonik dunia untuk mengkarakterisasi pola-pola penanganan distraksi visual. Penelitian ini menemukan tiga metode eliminasi distraksi visual yaitu pengambilan jarak yang jauh sehingga tidak terlihat dari jalan raya, pemakaian topeng visual seperti tembok dan pepohonan, dan desain lantai bawah yang tidak me...
Urbanization has opened urban thermal comfort zones thereby creating an urban island environment ... more Urbanization has opened urban thermal comfort zones thereby creating an urban island environment worldwide. Knowledge necessary to mitigate this phenomenon extend beyond knowledge on the city itself. This study sought to determine the role of environments in creating an urban heat island. A literature review was applied, to collect current knowledge on social, built, modified, and natural environment, in POETIC framework. The aim was to ascertain environmental components of urban heat island in Palembang city. The results indicated some environmental dimensions of urban heat island in Palembang. Social dimension consists of education level, people density in a house, and income level. Built dimension consists of distance between building, material albedo, material impermeability, building height, ventilations number, and ventilations area. Modified environment dimension consists of area of burning spot in open space, water pollution level, air pollution level, garden area, and green...
Rumah panggung merupakan salah satu fitur arsitektur vernakular utama di Indonesia. Walau begitu,... more Rumah panggung merupakan salah satu fitur arsitektur vernakular utama di Indonesia. Walau begitu, perspektif umum yang ada saat ini adalah bahwa rumah panggung sebagai rumah yang perlu dikonservasi karena keterbatasan sumber daya kayu, proses konstruksi yang sulit, dan masalah privasi. Artikel ini menjelaskan bahwa perspektif pengembangan harus diutamakan dengan membawa arsitektur rumah panggung ke dalam kehidupan masyarakat urban di Indonesia. Artikel ini menjabarkan elemen-elemen arsitektur rumah panggung dan fungsi yang dapat diberikan bagi kawasan perkotaan dengan lahan sempit. Fungsi yang dapat diberikan rumah panggung di kawasan perkotaan adalah perlindungan terhadap banjir, memaksimalkan pandangan, perluasan ventilasi, estetika, penerapan prinsip pembangunan berkelanjutan, dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan fisik dan emosional bagi penghuni rumah lewat penyediaan ruang bermain, parkir, dan ruang terbuka hijau Stilt house is one of the main vernacular architectural features in Ind...
The development of new urbanism paradigm in the world today, has been reminded of the importance ... more The development of new urbanism paradigm in the world today, has been reminded of the importance of vernacular architecture in urban planning.. It would be advantageous for areas with high ethnic diversity as South Sumatra. This study aims to inventory the vernacular house typology in South Sumatra. Methods of study is to examine the vernacular houses of all ethnicities in South Sumatra (29 ethnicity) plus two ethnic from neighboring provinces (Kubu and Lambak). The study found 18 different types of houses, and also found that the typology of the roof consists of a limas roof, pelana roof, and a perisai roof. The variety of roof reflects the high ethnic mobilization in South Sumatra. Even so, as a result of acculturation that occurs in these dynamics, the variety is found only on the shape of the roof, while the other part of the building does not have a clear marker of difference. Implications of the New Urbanism presented in the design of contemporary urban planning in South Sumat...
Water sports center is the center of the ongoing activities and diversification of water sports i... more Water sports center is the center of the ongoing activities and diversification of water sports in general carried out in the open. Planning Water sports center as a magnet and acceleration stimulus to the development of the realization of a facility that can provide added value to the region and the city of Palembang in particular Jakabaring and South Sumatra Province in general. Jakabaring retention lake has the potential to support activities that overlooks the water and the edge of the lake. The concept of planning in the region Jakabaring Water Sports Center: First In climatological, landscape serves as a regulator of climate, as well as the dirty air filter media soil conservation and aesthetics of the area, the landscape is directed to maintain and preserve the environment, the third arrangement of the landscape adds value to the environment aesthetic, visual psychologically, socially and ecologically, the four landscape provides a good visual impression, comfortable, quiet a...